View Full Version : Jedi Academy Class and other issues

Sage Hazzard
Apr 8th, 2003, 02:20:06 AM
I was thinking about the overflow of Padawans we're getting. The list of padawans without Masters has got to be close to 15. And usually, in the past, when it's gotten bogged up there were some Force classes for all Padawans without Masters and even those who did have Masters. So I was wondering if maybe we should get that together. I volunteer for whatever people think I'd be good for.

I personally think there should be 3-5 classes, all done at the same time. One for the dueling and martial arts of the Jedi, one for the Force, and one for moral and ethical teachings. Maybe a fourth could be started about a month after these have gone on, as an advanced class that the Padawans could post in as well, working on the skills they've already learned in the ongoing classes. I also think it'd be really neat to have a 5th class as a kind of survival training. Teaching how to live off the land and how to stay alive in the harsh wilderness of many planets. Let me break down what I'd like the classes to be, and how many teachers per class I think would fit nicely, and what rank I think the teachers should be. Only suggestions mind you.

Combat - 1-2 - Knight-Master - How to duel with all sabres and Jedi weapons, as well as blasters possibly. How to fight hand-to-hand. I'd think this class would be a strictly technical class, about the physical movements. No bogging down with Force enhanced fighting. It's the building blocks to be applied with those of the Force class.

Basic Force - 1-3 - Knight-Master - Well, the basics like Force speed, strength, jumping, landing, pull, push, grip, etc., then some other basic telekinisis if that doesn't already cover it. Maybe some sensory enhancement for sensing life forms, etc. The class would, of course, need to start with a lesson on how to dip into the Force and use it, for those totally new Padawans.

Practical Application - 1-3 - Knight-Master -Ethics and morals basically. I have a great idea of presenting many scenarios, one after another, and have the Padawans speak on how they'd solve each problem. I actually did this one before in a Force class and the things the Padawans came up with was very interesting. It wouldn't be a "you should do this only", but rather a way for the Padawans to examine IC how they want to approach things, and have some IC idea exchange. Also, if I was going to teach this class, I'd present my opinion on the scenarios I present, only after the padawans have individually decided their solutions. Which is why I think it'd be great to have two teachers for this class, so their can be more than one point of views from an authority figure. Preferably they'd be contrasting views. Like my views would be greatly complimented by a pacifist Jedi.

Survival - 1-2 - Knight-Master - This, I think, we could do without. However, it would be a great way for the Padawans to take IC knowledge and use it for the future. Like lessons learned here about first aid could be applied IC months down the line. It'd have to be tought by someone who actually knows this stuff, or can fake it after reading some online stuff. Stuff like how to start a fire(without the force, and with maybe), how to gather firewood(making sure it's dry, etc), how to set up shelter, how to administer first-aid, where to set up camp(near water, etc), how to keep food and essensials out of a natural predator's way, and so on. Like I said, it'd be neat, but I don't we need it, though it'd be cool.

Advanced Force - 1-3 - Master - Force Walls/Shields/Barriers, Weather Control, Energy Absorbtion, Pre-Cognition, Telepathy, Illusions, and all the other advanced stuff. Pretty simple to understand what this class is about.

Now I think we should have these classes, ideally all of them. The only problem I see is getting the teachers. But many could be teachers in multiple classes. Personally, I'd love to be a teacher in each class. I'm not really involved in a big RP with Sage and this would be a good way to carry my own weight around here. Plus, I could have my padawans post in those class, so I wouldn't have to take up more time by training them individually. Oh, and I love this stuff. I love talking about the Force and coming up with theories of how to use it, when to use it, and what it is. Plus I just think this stuff is neat. :)

So, what does everyone think? I think many could agree that we need some kind of class to accomadate the many Padawans without Masters. And I think we should allow Padawans with Masters to join in, especially since many Padawan's Masters can't post often, and maybe even we could allow Knights to join in if they want. :)

Actually, and this might scare some people because of the scope of it, but I think it'd be cool to have this ongoing. Like, when one ends, another starts, so new people can always join in and take part in it. I'd be fine with doing this permanantly. Like I said, I'm ready to start giving something back to this community. :)

Well, talk amonst yourselves. I'm going to go rest after typing this all way too fast for my own good... :x :lol

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 8th, 2003, 02:41:26 AM
Well I'd be happy to chip in, providing the classes aren't too large. It seems they end up de-railing when you have too many people in them, so maybe having like ... a carousel system in play would work?

You know, where group A is in class A, group B in B, etc and so on. When A is finished they moved onto B, B to C, etc the final group would move into A and go around in the pattern until they've reached the start again.

Apr 8th, 2003, 02:50:36 AM
Your ideas are very good Sage and I think its certainly worth looking at. There are a number of issues though...

How do you determine which class you should be in? Or is it just that they are all on all the time and you can be in all of them?

Somehow I think we need to manage the class sizes. We've had threads before where people simply get lost because they post, go to bed then the next day they have 20 or more posts to read and catch up on. That can be a real pain in the backside. If the class sizes can be limited to five or six then it'll be much much better.

You could have it so, 5 go in one class and another 5 go in another. Then when the classes finish they could swap students. Teachers are going to have their work cut out trying to organise that though. Another solution is you get multiple classes that teach everything. Two per class. When the class is over, they pick five new padawans to teach and the previous five go on to get a master. Knights/Masters can come to the teachers to ask advice on what each padawan is like and what their needs are.

The other main issue is the teachers. They are key to this working. You cant have anyone who is going to get bored after a few posts and just stop posting and you cant have anyone thats simply going to disapear for a month here and there. They have to make it work and have to be the driving force behind it. We've tried before to have force classes and to a degree they work but they all fall short I think. There really needs to be some structure and plan to work to.

Saying that, id love to help and be a part of this. Something needs to be done for those people who are just hanging about waiting for someone to help them. I think Force class is the way to go but it needs to be done properly.

Sage, you on AIM or Messenger?

Sage Hazzard
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:12:38 AM
Nope, sorry, I can't chat. :(

Seems like you were writing while Dasq was posting. :p You had the same swapping idea. I think that could work nicely. Though the organization would be hard. I think if everyone was posting in everything though, without subgroups, it could work as well. Like I'd think that morals and ethics class could be perhaps seperate, outside of the carousel. Since people could just post their thoughts on the matter through descriptions and such and there'd be lots of time alloted for each scenario. Which, speaking of scenarios... I have some great brain busters. :D

I agree, this idea relies on commitment from the teachers. Like I said, I'm commited. I'd like to be one of the teachers in each class, as I'm okay with having that the main thing Sage does for a long time. A big chunk of his RPing life. But we'd need people commited as well to be the other teachers. People who really, really, really are ready to make this one of their character's focal point.

I like your idea of having classes that teach everything and then pick new padawans as they graduate. But I think that could get messy. Firstly, you wouldn't have equal training. One group might not teach as quickly as another, so the other group gets left behind and the Padawans grow restless as they watch the other group power on. With classes seperated into specific subjects I think there's an even teaching to everyone. What one Padawan learns in that subject, all the padawans learn.

Apr 8th, 2003, 03:20:27 AM
Plus that way they get to meet more of the knights and masters. If your new here, its good to get to know someone who's been here for some time and knows the do's and dont's. They'd probably feel more comfortable about asking more people for help.

I think the swapping classes is the way to go but we all know its going to take a lot of effort to make sure the teachers know where they are at. We all need to finish around the same time. I doubt id have the time (or effort!) to post for all the classes but I would definitely like to help out. The Practical Application would suit Oriadin best I think.

If this does go ahead would it be an idea to see if another sub form can be created within the Jedi Acadamy called Force classes or something like that? That way its easy to find and they can all be kept together.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:20:54 AM
I don't like the idea of having Padawan's graduate into getting a Master, per say. Group training might not be some people's thing, and this could leave some people who've been hanging on for a Master for a while without a Master simply because they don't have the posting time to be involved in a fairly quick paced thread like group training (you know how it is when you have someone on crack posting at every second and then people who are slow and steady and struggle to keep up with the crack fiend :mneh).

As for organization – just go down the list, giving everyone a number from 1 to 4 (or how ever many groups there are) and there you go :p Ok, so maybe that might not work, depending on how many people there are

Sage you (If you don’t mind me dropping the burden on you ;)) should be head Group Class man. Compare the classes to a school, you can be Headmaster :D

Apr 8th, 2003, 03:22:39 AM
I like your idea of having classes that teach everything and then pick new padawans as they graduate. But I think that could get messy. Firstly, you wouldn't have equal training. One group might not teach as quickly as another, so the other group gets left behind and the Padawans grow restless as they watch the other group power on.

Also, would this teach them patience?

Das, how come we keep posting at the same time! :lol

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:29:08 AM
Patience, yes! I would say 'set up a posting order' but that just becomes far too hard to follow.

What we should maybe say is that to not get involved unless you are willing to keep up with a medium paced thread. There's nothing more infuriating than having a thread with more than one person, and one person drops out crippling the plot (I know - I've done it before :x) This way the slower posters don't have to worry about being left in the dust, and the faster posters can still get on with their rounds without feeling as though their training is being left behind.

and I have no idea how we keep posting at the same time :mneh its freaky isnt it ;)

Helenias Evenstar
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:46:04 AM
I would say the first three are good. Four (survival)... not necessary. And five - relook at that. Some items like weather control are well and truly beyond a Padawan - I would even think that some Masters cant do that.

Point five is not a class thing I would further suggest, but needs the one on one instruction a Padawan gets from a Jedi Knight or Master.

Ethics and morals is a discipleship item - certainly they could be taught the basics in class, but you have to live it with an example to feed off to really become drilled in. That is definantly something a Master provides to a Padawan.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 8th, 2003, 02:22:00 PM
I'd have to agree with Helen ... advance force is for things like Knights and Padawans that have been around for awhile.

The thing is, no one can foresee the future... for real :p people are still going to drop out be it master or padawan.... there won't be a real way to take into account for that so ... is it really wise to lay everything on sage being a 'headmaster'? :) With everything that this encompases dont you need a few people to oversee it and place people in a class?

And was the situation of dealing with how padawans are assigned to classes dealt with yet?

Apr 8th, 2003, 03:01:11 PM
No. I can see that being a bit of a problem too. Its not very fair to have a class going for a few weeks and then have another Padawan simply added in the middle and then its not fair for someone to be left out for a few weeks while they wait the classes to finish. This is where the single teacher who teaches all would be better. At least that way you have a cycle of classes starting up every week or whatever. There are still a lot of issues with this that need to be ironed out if this it to work.

We just need everyones input and ideas.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:17:31 PM
Okay, but what if Sage needs to take a break or goes on vacation for a week... not fair for the Padawans to wait around for them :p

Apr 8th, 2003, 03:21:31 PM
A good reason why we have more that one tutor to each class :p

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:28:10 PM
I dunno ... nothing against Sage :), but someone completely running everything about the academy seems weird to me. I mean, if you're gonna have tutors for the classes why not an extra person to help out completely.

Apr 8th, 2003, 03:32:42 PM
Yeah, thats what was suggested. Sage has the time, effort and comitment to put in, so he says and this is his idea therefor he's in charge. The head teacher if you wish. He doesnt completely run it, hes just the person to go to if theres a problem or what ever I guess.

I think it was just Das that sugested that Sage be in charge anyway. It was just an idea and thats how I read it. I tend to think its a good idea too. Someone needs to head something like this I think.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:34:15 PM
Hey Sage, I think this is a great idea. Navaria and I ran a class a while back and it was successful. We ran it until everyone had a Master. :)

As for someone to help with this, I'd be willing to throw myself out there. Things have been pretty slow for me lately and I'm usually on a few times a day. :) So yeah, I am willing to teach or help you with this -- we make a great team. :D

I agree with the point that weather control may be beyond a Padawan -- but then again, right before I was knighted, I learned a bit of how to control minimal amounts of wind and such things. Nothing huge, though -- not like a hurricane. :lol

Anywho -- this is a great idea and I think it will help get the Padawans involved with more people instead of just one or two. :) So it could be beneficial to many in many different ways. :D

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 8th, 2003, 05:09:46 PM
Yeah, thats what was suggested. Sage has the time, effort and comitment to put in, so he says and this is his idea therefor he's in charge. The head teacher if you wish. He doesnt completely run it, hes just the person to go to if theres a problem or what ever I guess.

that makes better sense to me :lol For some reason my brain couldn't comprehend the written word o_O


Chaos Alexander
Apr 8th, 2003, 06:37:28 PM
I would be glad to help. Things have a been a little slow for myself. If you need a teacher (Especialy Combat and Survial). Just let me know if you need Verse's help.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:41:01 AM
Okay, let me try and address all the comments...

Firstly, I'd gladly accept the headmaster role. You see, I feel as if I've gotten a reputation(rightly so) for going MIA and maybe not being very responsible. Just sometimes, I seem to drop the ball. I'm ready to prove that wrong and step up to the plate. Also, I think a person of Master rank over seeing things would be good, as he/she could attend every class and instruct allong with the teachers. Like I said, I'd like to help teach every class. Perhaps there could be co headmasters? Me and another Jedi? If I am indeed acceptable as a head master.

Okay, there's a very simple solution, in my mind, to keeping the threads managible. Firstly, we use the excellent idea Dasq brought forth, with a carousel class program. Then, the teachers can easily keep the posts from not jumping ahead. Example of a combat class, and how it can be managible:

Teacher instructs about a combo where it starts by faking to the face, kicking a knee in, and then bringing the other leg up to hit the opponent in the chest. Then, the teacher pairs off padawans very simply in that same post. Then, that teacher doesn't move on until all padawan groups have gotten 1-2 tries at the combo, and gotten it under their belt. As that goes along, the teacher(s) could instruct the padawans what they're doing wrong, etc. Then, after everyone has the hang of it, the next combo or technuiqe is brought forth and the same thing occurs.

That can be applied to every class I would think. :)

Now, the advanced Force Class, I meant for it to be more of a lesson in theory than actual practice. For example, bringing up the possiblities in the Force to think outside the box. The teachers would instruct how to do an abilities, what goes into it, then leave that for the Padawans knowledge. It wouldn't be practiced persay by the Padawans. It'd be more like an actual class, where they're sitting down and taking notes.

Also, I'm on the fence about "graduating" to a Master. I think, personally, these classes should always be tought. A forum to themselves would be nice, but not nessacary. I just think it should always be going. As teachers drop out and do other things, new teachers can come in and take their place. I think it should be an open class program that always goes on, never stopping. Now that seems a bit daunting, but I think it'd help tremendously. The idea of being locked into a never ending teaching role would seem overburdening, but that's why I propose(as I've already said) we have teachers revolving in and out as they get tired of it. I, personally, would be commited to always heading it up or teaching in it. I think it would be good for not only new Padawans without Masters, but ones with Masters. Because, as even I've been guilty of, sometimes Masters can't give the padawans attention they need. A place where they can enroll to get the basics and have it learned IC would be terrific. I've always had trouble with learning new abilities, as there's always a question of how to do it. How do I know how to run with Force Speed if it wasn't tought to me? Reading a text book from the Jedi Library won't give me the instruction I'd require. And sometimes Masters simply tell their Padawans how to do something and then allow them to learn other things on their own. This gives the Padawans a choice in learning something. If they want to get instruction on something a Master hasn't tought them IC, then they can join in the classes. Because logically, where there's a Master and Padawan from the get go, the Padawan would only know the skills the Master tought them. But sometimes the Master forgets to teach something specific or perhaps was never tought that themselves. Which, incidently, the advanced Force theory class would help in, as they'd get knowledge their Master never learned. I just think it'd be a nice to allow it to all Padawans, and even Knights if they wish to take place in it.

Apr 9th, 2003, 02:32:48 AM
Yeah, I agree with everything youve said there. I think that there can be a huge gap in peoples training depending on who your master was. Some teach things very differently to others and some go into a lot more detail. This would be a good way to make sure everyone has the basics and gets off with roughly the same start. Plus it makes this place more "Star Wars".

All padawans were taught by Master Yoda by the looks of things and then they are assigned to a Jedi Knight to continue on with their training and to take them on missions and what not.

Now on the subject of graduating to a master. I dont mean for this to be unfair in any way but just a different look on how it can be done. I'll see if I can explain more clearly.

If we were to teach say six students, who all started at roughly the same time, a Knight could come to us, say he is free to take on a Padawan and we could make some sort of judgment on which Padawan they might suite the best. Student 1s force powers are along the same lines as that particular Knight, they would be well suited. Or Student 2 still needs work on his attitude I dont think he's quite ready to be assigned to a master yet.

That might sound harsh and the fact that we could be decided who's ready or not may piss a few people off but its worth thinking about. It would help people who are assigned masters and then are left to do their own thing to much I think and it would help us keep a tab on whos got a master and who hasnt. The classes should be a very general thing and then they should be assigned to a master who has got the time they need and who can help develop the particular characters strong points.

Im not saying this is what should happen but I think its something that can be discussed.

What do we do if a class is 2 weeks in and we have a couple of new Padawans who want to join? It wont be that easy to just bring them up to speed so do we make them wait for the next classes to start or what?

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 9th, 2003, 03:35:13 AM
I'm not ont he fence about the suggestion of graduating basics to become a Padawan of a Jedi Knight or Master.

I think it's a fucking brillinat idea. for one, it sorts out who's serious OOC and gives those who are OOC something IC to do with the lack of trainers.

I'd go so far as to suggest that "initiate" becomes the beginning rank - meaning someone goign through basics. Basics, being as stated - the first steps to the knowledge of The Force and combat and shit. A Padawan is one who has a Master and at that point things like life lessons are given, liek ethics, morals and "think outside of box" as sage put it.

Promotion for Initiate is when the bascis are done. Promotion for Padawans remains as is, when they are genuinely ready for Knighthood and not a second before.

Learning majorily difficult techniques should be out until you get to Knight, or even Master - soem thigns are just too hard and should be done differently than a Master / Padawan thing. there are Jedi whom have developed certain abilities that can be consulted (Ie for weather control that could be me if you can find me :p ), but ine the main no way would I let a Padawan get near some of the truly advanced stuff. Knights and above, yeah. and that's where the list of abilities should be used - see who is really good at something and go ask them.

Might be worth a thought or two

Sage Hazzard
Apr 10th, 2003, 01:24:55 AM
I'm off the fence, Marcus has convinced me. The point you made about weeding out those who aren't serious about this is a wonderful point. I never thought about that. I also love the initiate idea. Wonderful. Though, like I said before, I think Padawans with Masters should be allowed to be in the classes as well. So, I'm just saying, it should be a mix of Padawan and Initiates in all classes.

I think your idea about the adacemy promoting Padawans to Masters based on similarities is brilliant Oriadin. I'd be happy with us deciding the bulk of who's matched up. Because honestly, that's more of how it'd be done. Having a pacifist senseroy apt Padawan teamed up with a warrior telekinsis expert would be silly. It could really help to make better bonds between Master and Padawan, and make the Padawan stronger and a better Jedi in the long run.

I don't know about that problem of late joiners. Needs to be thought out of course. I just don't have a solution yet. :D

Okay, I still think a ethics and morals class would help. Yes, I do think it's the Masters job to help that, but that's not exactly what I'm doing with the class. Let me give an example to set everyone in the right mind about it, to get a clearer picture. See, I'm not saying it's a "no, that's bad ethic." or otherwise. It's just a way to expand the Padawans mind to other ideas and get their brains working that way. Because I think a Padawan should have their own morals and ethics, that may differ from their Master's. By having the class, I just thought it could help newbies get an idea of what being a Jedi is and how they could maybe approach things. Actually, this is apparently a thing the NJO academy does. Like a test, they get handed a scenario and then are graded on it. But I wouldn't nessacarily grade someone's, unless the answer was a little... very UnJedi(like, burn the village down :lol ). Example of a teachers post, right out of a book I've read:

"Okay class, here's a scenario. There's a rim world planet named Blah. A group of settlers have made a town on the base of a rock cliff. On top of that cliff is a lake. A storm comes and the lake threatens to overflow, going over the rock cliff and flooding the town. You've been dispatched for aid? What do you do?"

Now, there's many approaches to this. And by bringing it up, a Padawan can be exposed to a problem, a way to solve it, and multiple other ways to solve it. Here's some:

"Well, I'd use the Force to drain the lake."

"I'd use Telekinisis to move all of the buildings away from the cliff."

"I'd did out some of the opposite side of the lake, making the water spread to an even level."

"I'd build a dam through the Force, using nearby rocks."

Now, all of those are good, I suppose. Actually, the book had a brilliant outside of the box way of thinking. Not a quote, just the idea:

"Doing the work for the villagers would only hurt them more. The next time, if the lake overflows further, they'd do nothing and wait for the Jedi to come save them. They'd curse the Jedi for not being there in time to save their hides again. It was, after all, the settlers' own foolishness to build a town so close to a lake that was above them on a rock cliff. They need to take responsibility and fix their own problems, and smarten up. I'd help them build a dam, with my own two hands, working beside them, teaching them. I'd teach them how to build the dam and how to maintain it, making sure they understood. Doing it for them only rewards their stupidity. Before I left, disaster adverted, I'd give them the advice that they should move from under the cliff to stop further disastor. I would perhaps even help them moving."

You see? Not all Jedi would do that, but that's the point. Some people might never think of it that way. Many times a new Padawan can think of problems in black and white. They jump to a herioc "save the people" Jedi role. They don't help people help themselves, they treat them like children their cleaning up after. So this could help open the padawans eyes. A Master could surely do the same, but they may not. And, it's not an ethical question so much as an expansion of the mind. I don't know though, it's open for discussion of course. I'm not married to the idea, and it's not all up to me alone to make the final decisions. :)

So what does everyone think of leaving the classes open all the time, as an ongoing thing? I take it Marcus likes the idea, as he's considering making a level for initiates. But is anyone against it?

Apr 10th, 2003, 02:23:21 AM
Im all for it, as you can probably tell :D

The ethics class Im all for too. I think it trains people to think like Jedi. Perhaps some old stories can be taught in that class to? Bit of history. It could be about Obi Wan and luke or Marcus Q'Dunn and Xazor for example. This would be the class id like to help out in most. Definitely right down Oriadins street.

The more I think about it, the more I like the initiates idea. Amazing what one persons confidence in an idea can do Marcus :) Not only would it help IC but OOC too I think. We could estimate how much time a Padawan has online and try to find a Master with about the same amount of time, or in the same time zone roughly or something. Might stop more people getting fustraited because they dont get any training. I doubt there will ever be a perfect match but its got to be better than pulling a name out of the hat, right?

Xazor Elessar
Apr 10th, 2003, 06:26:17 PM
I think that this is a great idea and of course, I agree with Marcus from the get go. It's fantastic, really, and I applaud everyone here for working together to think up these things. :thumbup

Anywho -- really I don't have anything else to add about this because the program seems pretty much planned/laid out -- it's just the implementation process that needs to begin, I guess. :)

Wherever I can be of use, Sage, I'll be happy to be. I would absolutely love to teach -- I may even be of help to those who choose to be aggressive right away, since my character has a history of that and is now coming out of her angery ways. :)

Wherever, like I said, I'll be there. :D

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:04:42 PM
Hmm, reminds me of an older idea of mine.

And I still like it! :D

Need another Prof? I'd be willing to do a small class, say, the combat. I'd also like to throw back one idea I had... a strictly OOC class for beginning writers and RPers. I could cover basics, like first vs. third person writing, past vs. future tenses, forming a complete character, researching for an RP, as well as expanding the short posts and, if need be, learning how to edit. :)

Kelt Simoson
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:22:03 PM
I'd have kelt do some Hand to Hand/Saber Training if needed to. The good thing about this idea is that it runs along side what is eally done in the Jedi within the movies, so yes i agree. Perhaps we could have a specialist training for eatch type of class, such as.

Kelt is more into Saber Training and Hand to hand
Marcus: Specialist Sword Fighting
Navaria: Healing and Mind Matters.
Dasquian: Keept fit and the like.

You see where im going?..almost like Padawan School.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 11th, 2003, 01:54:14 AM
Maybe Kelt. But I think we should start a bit slowly, working into it. Setting up the basic classes, then making it bigger, as if it was being implemented for the first time. Then specialty courses could open up as the idea got it's legs under it and it had been around for a little.

I like that OOC class idea a lot, anybody else have thoughts on that? Good idea, yes, no?

Okay, I think we need a vote or something? Who decides what's final here, as there's a lot of ideas bouncing around. Me? Am I the headmaster? Shouldn't that be voted apon?

I think I'll put together a class list and a guideline for each one to follow. For the teacher's benifit. Like what order to teach the basic force moves on, so there's no confusion and each class is the same from there on out. I also need to get together a teacher's list. Once some stuff is decided, I think I'll start a new thread asking for volunteers and what they'd like to teach. I've noted the volunteers here but some people might be overlooking this thread. I'm managing this right now because I'm assuming that's my job? Though I really do think a headmaster position should probably be voted on, though I'd love the position. I just think it should be up to a majority vote.

Okay, some topics and need yes or no answers to, just to get things straight. Everyone that replies after this, please include a yes or no to each point please.

Basic Force Class (yes, no)
Basic Combat Class (yes, no)
Applied Philosophy (yes, no)
Survival Basics (yes, no)
Advanced Force Theory (yes, no)
OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes, no)

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure (yes, no)
Padawan Graduation (yes, no)
"Initiate" Entry Level - new rank (yes, no)

Infinite Classes (yes, no)
New Sub Forum (yes, no)
Sage Headmaster (yes, no)
Duel Headmasters (yes, no)

Now this is just to get a mental tally and get some votes. Especially if it's decided to use these votes for the induction of these ideas. Now, some of these ideas that are voted on may not require votes, or they might not be considered up to vote, but I'd like opinions for my own benifit. :)

Apr 11th, 2003, 02:29:27 AM

Basic Force Class (yes)
Basic Combat Class (yes) - This could take working out since some people will be doing this first and some last (after they have learnt other Jedi skills.

Applied Philosophy (yes)
Survival Basics (yes)
Advanced Force Theory (no) - Think this should be a job for Masters
OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes)

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure (Yes)
Padawan Graduation (yes)
"Initiate" Entry Level - new rank (yes)

Infinite Classes (yes)
New Sub Forum (yes)
Sage Headmaster (yes)
Duel Headmasters (no)


I remember Ryla's idea being mentioned before and I think its an excellent idea and one that can only help this comunity I think. That should definitely be included I think.

I also think Sage should be the Head teacher since hes got this idea and ran with it. Force classes have been discussed in the past but they all kinda fizzle out. Sage has said that he has the time and the effort to put in so, he should be in charge IMO.

I dont think there is a need for Duel Headmasters but have a meeting thread between teachers every so often to discuss how things are going, any suggestions about problems they may have had etc etc.

I think we also need to discuss class sizes and we still need to decide what to do about late new comers. If you look at how many classes we have, and say have 6 students to a class maximum then its probably going to be ok to start up a class, have everyone introduce themselves say hello, get to know each other a bit then the class really starts. When it gets going its too late to join. The next class starts up and same again. I think theres a good chance that we will have enough classes to cover the new starters. Say we have 6 to a class, with about 5 classes running thats a total of 30 padawans. Sounds like a pretty good number to me.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 11th, 2003, 02:46:20 AM

Basic Force Class (yes)
Basic Combat Class (yes)
Applied Philosophy (yes)
Survival Basics (no) – I think you could tie that in with the other classes, really
Advanced Force Theory (no)
OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes)

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure (yes)
Padawan Graduation (yes)
"Initiate" Entry Level - new rank (yes)

Infinite Classes (yes)
New Sub Forum (yes)
Sage Headmaster (yes)
Duel Headmasters (no)


Kelt Simoson
Apr 11th, 2003, 04:52:23 AM

Basic Force Class (yes)
Basic Combat Class (yes) - I think we could alsohave advansed also, such to teach certain styles and the like.
Applied Philosophy (yes)
Survival Basics (yes)
Advanced Force Theory (no) - I think this could be tought in other areas
OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes)

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure (Yes)
Padawan Graduation (yes)
"Initiate" Entry Level - new rank (yes)

Infinite Classes (yes)
New Sub Forum (yes)
Sage Headmaster (yes)
Duel Headmasters (no)

Apr 11th, 2003, 05:05:10 AM
Originally posted by Kelt Simoson

Basic Combat Class (yes) - I think we could alsohave advansed also, such to teach certain styles and the like.

I think anything advanced or specialised should be down to the master to teach. The job of the force classes should be to give every padawan a very general understanding and control of the force.

Kelt Simoson
Apr 11th, 2003, 07:46:35 AM
Very good idea, i withdraw my staitment :p

Xazor Elessar
Apr 11th, 2003, 09:12:51 AM

Basic Force Class (yes)
Basic Combat Class (yes)
Applied Philosophy (yes)
Survival Basics (yes)
Advanced Force Theory (no)
OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes)

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure (yes)
Padawan Graduation (yes)
"Initiate" Entry Level - new rank (yes)

Infinite Classes (yes)
New Sub Forum (yes)
Sage Headmaster (yes)
Duel Headmasters (no)


This is definatly a great idea and I think once we get everything figured out, we could decide who teaches what. Perhaps Sage should make that decision or whatever, I'm up for anything, but I also deal with Healing and matters of the mind (mentalism). :) Combat is another very strong point of Xaz's so, wherever I'm needed, I'll go. :D

Anywho -- I think we should do that OOC writing class thing, because so many n00bs probably have questions but are too afraid to ask for fear of sounding dumb, so I think if we help 'em out, they may get their questions answered and may become better writers, etc. :)

Great ideas guys, keep 'em coming! :D

Kelt Simoson
Apr 12th, 2003, 04:31:58 AM
I remeber the way i first typed when i was here.

"Sieken turned around with a growel and stabbed him in the chest with a sword"....

One liner and a crap,godmoding peice of dren...thank the gods im free on crappy,crap sentances....lol

OOC Writing = Very worthwhile.

Lion El' Jonson
Apr 13th, 2003, 12:04:13 PM
Basic Force Class (yes)

Basic Combat Class (yes)

Applied Philosophy (yes)

Survival Basics (no)-Like others have said, I'm pretty sure there'd be a way to incorporate this ito other classes. Also, many of the padawans are former smugglers or bounty hunters, meaning they'd have knowldge already.

Advanced Force Theory (no)

OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes)
Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure (yes)
Padawan Graduation (yes)
"Initiate" Entry Level - new rank (yes)
Infinite Classes (yes)
New Sub Forum (yes)
Sage Headmaster (yes)
Duel Headmasters (no)-Complicates things, I'd think.
__________________________________________________ __

I'm probably one of the oldest active padawans now that Kelt has graduated (note: This is not a plea for promotion! :lol), and I was in that training thread with Xaz and Navaria. Others that participated were Sejah, Tomak, Oriadin, and Maximas. What that thread did, essentially, was it gave us a building block that we could use to advance our training threads when we were finally given a master. It saved some of the monotony of having to learn basic skills when we were supposed to be working on force jumping and such.

For the survival thingy, I'm still not convinced it's that great of an idea. For one, many of the newbs come from rougher backgrounds, so it's assumed that they have IC knowledge already. Secondly, who would teach that class? We'd need a former Smuggler/Gangster/Boyscout or something.

For my training thread with Jen, she had me use the force to light a fire and to clear boulders and set up camp and stuff. I think that was actually useful, because it allowed my character to practice what he'd learned in the big group training, but masters may want their padawans to refine their skills in other ways.

Roleplaying development OOC is probably the best idea I've heard (which isn't to say the others were bad...^_^; ). I think it'll eliminate some of the GMing tendencies newbs get, it'll answer the questions that they probably are asking right now.

If anybody wants a look at the last big training thread, I dug it up:

Xaz and Nav's Previous Training Thingy (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18902)

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 14th, 2003, 09:26:05 AM
Basic Force Class (yes)
Basic Combat Class (yes)
Applied Philosophy (yes)
Survival Basics (yes, if paired with a long mission-thing, kinda like boy scouts. :) hey, it could work!)
Advanced Force Theory (no, too high level, should be addressed by individual masters)
OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes)

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure (yes)
Padawan Graduation (yes)
"Initiate" Entry Level - new rank (yes, very much so! I also think that Initiates should be given some sort of precedence in regards to attaining a master, because it means that they are patient and willing to invest time in their character.)

Infinite Classes (yes, infinite I tell you!)
New Sub Forum (yes)
Sage Headmaster (yes)
Duel Headmasters (no, but accountability to Council. I propose a sub-council be estabilished, with Sage as the head and a few rotating people (not council members, to keep it fair) 4 or so, be advisors, to keep the classes in line with what masters are teaching, so there is no overlap.)

*Throws handfulls of pennies in the air* My .02$

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 14th, 2003, 10:19:24 AM
For my training thread with Jen, she had me use the force to light a fire and to clear boulders and set up camp and stuff.

Just to clear it up before anyone asks, he didn't make fire with the force, we rubbed sticks together, a la boyscouts :mneh

Part of the reason I'm against Survival skils, because they're interesting things to do in Padawan/Master training ^_^

Ka' el Darcverse
Apr 14th, 2003, 10:44:04 AM
This was part of the thing that I was kind going with when I came up with Ka' el and was going to do a back history. My theory was that he was an initiate or member of a clan. Like Jedi of the old order and then at a point in time he would be deemed worthy of a Master. I'm just happening to do it via flashback threads and a lot longer IC time line.

As for the Voting things

Basic Force Class- Yes
Basic Combat Class- Yes (I'm thinking of a martial Arts class were you go through the motions and what not.)
Applied Philosophy-Yes (but only at it's most basic, I think Jedi Philosphy is best taught in a one on one nature.)
Survival Basics - Yes, teach them berries and how to collect water and what not
Advanced Force- No

Carosel - Yes
Padawan Graduation- Yes
Initiate - why not?
OOC - I'm iffy on this. I know some people need it and then others don't. For example, Sage is contemplating a new Padawan character. Would his character have to go through OOC class? If so why? Obviously he knows the ropes if he's been promoted to the rank of Jedi Master. Or in my case, story line development and research would be something I'd be interested in, but I have a degree in advertising/communications that includes well over 20 hours of advanced creative writing and rhetoric classes; I don't need people tutoring me on grammar and 1st vs 3rd person writing, no matter how experienced they are in RP. So I am going to have to vote no on that and say we should have that be something that a person gets one-on-one attention.

As for the rest I vote yes to save dual headmasters, I saw one head master and then 3 or 4 advisors, like Ryla said. This in fact would be something that would have an added benefit. People would have added experience working with others and running things in GJO, a training council of sorts for future Jedi Council members.

Apr 14th, 2003, 10:59:05 AM

Basic Force Class (yes)

Basic Combat Class (yes)

Applied Philosophy (yes)

Survival Basics (yes)

Advanced Force Theory (no)

OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes)

Class Conduction

Carousel Class Structure (yes)

Padawan Graduation (yes)

"Initiate" Entry Level - new rank (yes)


Infinite Classes (yes)

New Sub Forum (yes)

Sage Headmaster (yes)

Duel Headmasters (no)
__________________________________________________ __

Apr 14th, 2003, 11:20:57 AM
Originally posted by Ka' el Darcverse
OOC - I'm iffy on this. I know some people need it and then others don't. For example, Sage is contemplating a new Padawan character. Would his character have to go through OOC class? If so why? Obviously he knows the ropes if he's been promoted to the rank of Jedi Master. Or in my case, story line development and research would be something I'd be interested in, but I have a degree in advertising/communications that includes well over 20 hours of advanced creative writing and rhetoric classes; I don't need people tutoring me on grammar and 1st vs 3rd person writing, no matter how experienced they are in RP. So I am going to have to vote no on that and say we should have that be something that a person gets one-on-one attention.

I think the OOC class would be purely there for you if you felt you wanted help. Perhaps someone might suggest you pop in there and ask for some advice. Its definitely not going to be there for the likes of old RPers like Sage, Navaria, Sejah for example. Or the REALLY old ones like Marcus :p It'll be there for the true newbies and those that think the classes can help them improve.

Lion El' Jonson
Apr 14th, 2003, 01:28:37 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
Just to clear it up before anyone asks, he didn't make fire with the force, we rubbed sticks together, a la boyscouts :mneh

Close enough...Boyscouts SUCKED...:lol

Sage Hazzard
Apr 14th, 2003, 11:03:43 PM
Well, I've been thinking this over before replying. I'm liking this new council-esque thing for the classes. Though we might be a little short on people. Think about it, atleast two teachers per class. Looking at the voting it'll be about 8 teachers. Two per each of the basics, and two for OOC development. Then like 4 council members for this acadamey council? That's twelve people, then me. Though I suppose you could say on a few of those classes I can be one of the two teachers, though I'd rather me be a third in every class. So the number of Knights and Masters that have been around, and are willing to give their time, will be shorter than needed if we have a mini-council. Though I do enjoy the idea and with summer coming up, more people will be posting that have gone MIA...

I'm leaving the voting open until I make any final decisions. I'm working on a little guidemap to the classes, to make it easy for the teachers. What force abilities could be tought 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Suggestions in that area to make things go smoothly and transition to each abiliity. Like having Force Push come before Pull, since pull might be harder to grasp than Push, etc. and Push would help the Padawan know immediantly what Pull is. Stuff like that. Plus I'm thinking up some scenarios to break out in "applied phylosophy".

I'll probably, once I get down to the nitty gritty(in my mind), start a new thread and leave this as a "vote" thread, etc. A new thread would be about the classes that are probably going to be used, what would be tought in there, some suggested guidelines, and then open it up for volunteers for each class. Then I could announce who got what spot, etc. in a new thread and then make that the final draft or "thread', where the final people can way in their thoughts and last minute suggestions. Make sense?

I think I'll be asking people who have volunteered, do the same in the new thread that will come when I post it... Mainly to get it all in one place, and to get official declarations of wanting a specific class, etc. You could also apply for several classes. Because I don't think I'll be offering a specific class to someone who hasn't said they want it. That is of course unless it'd fit perfectly for them and I feel like it. :p And I think perhaps there could be some teachers who teach multiple classes, if I think it's a good idea. Heck, if enough people are up for it, I could make more than two teachers(and me the third) for each class.... or....

Here's an idea for how to solve the problem of new recruits coming in mid-class and being left out in the cold. Only one I've thought of so far so bear with me... Maybe we can have "back-up" teachers, if there's a huge amount of applications for a specific class. Then, if say, five recruits come in mid-class, a new one would be made for say "basic force" and be tought alongside the other one. It'd be great if we could somehow make the back-up class some kind of an accelerated class, without upsetting the padawans who have to go through a longer class. That way they could finish up at the same time, back-up and original class, and merge into one group for the next class that group moves into. Example:

Five Padawans each are assigned to the groups A, B, C. A with Basic Force, B with Basic Combat, C with Applied Philosophy. Five more padawans come in when all classes are mid way through. New group, group D. Group D creates a back-up class for whatever group A is currently doing, to make it simple. If A is on Basic Force, D is Basic Force2. If they're on Combat, D is Combat 2. Get it? Then, that "2" class could somehow be "accelerated", through some way I've yet to come up with. Hopefully it could be accelerated so it can complete when A does. Then, A and D merge into the same group and the Padawans go wherever A was destined on the carousel?

That sound good? Only problem though, like I said, is a creative way to "accelerate" it where both the 2nd class isn't tought less and the 1st class isn't envious for why they could just learn the same thing faster like 2nd.

Well, as you can see, the idea needs work. Any suggestions?

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 14th, 2003, 11:10:33 PM
Switching this thread to MOD status. While it's good the rank n File agree, the staff and the senior GJO members must read this and agree to some of these changes.

Sage -word of advice mate. Try to keep the posts shorter when discussing lideas. It's very hard to wade through them. and glean what your saying.

And a point of order - the staff are the ones who run votes on policy. If the staff of GJO dont agree with an issue, it wont happen. Remember that for next time - cause remeber the staff are benevolent dictactors - least Morgan and I are. Well okay, cancel the benelovent bit.

Now, as for my thoughts on this


Basic Force Class - yes, good idea
Basic Combat Class - yes.
Applied Philosophy - no. Up to a Padawan's Master to teach that.
Survival Basics - hmmmm. You sure that's a Jedi thing to learn? I'm not. Not all Jedi are goign to need that - those that will, yes.
Advanced Force Theory - NO.
OOC - Roleplaying Development - Not sure. There are several ways to RP well, why is one way or say my way better? what should be shown is how to avoid moding and point out fair play and stuff. How, might I ask can you say a way of writing is better or worse? I'm agreed that showing how common sense and fair play need to be used and to smack down megomanics, along with God Moders. But there is no best way to write - except if you put forth the idea of clarity in posts. That's the biggest turn off to reading, when you just cant understand what's on the page. I'd add the longer the post, the worse it can get. There's only a handful of people who can hold a stream of words into a compelling story that rears for pages, yet someone like Sorsha can post what she needs in a line - both are acceptible. Does you post get the point across, or is it a page full of incomphensible dribble? DONT mistake huge posts for good writing or roleplay, think for a second of the trash seen over the years of posts that went for reams. I read a few yesterday that simply disgusted me how the language could be so badly abused. And, I add, I still had no fucking idea what that person was trying to say and do. THAT is bad roleplay / writing. And it was somene who wasnt a newbie!

Having a thread that explains stuff liek that and pointing people at it woudl be a better idea. Maybe a few well chosen examples of good stuff to inspire and shoot for would be good.

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure - WTF? Explain?
Padawan Graduation - Huh? explain as well?
"Initiate" Entry Level - Yes obviously :)

Infinite Classes - You mean they keep rolling? Hmmm, yeah if you can work it.
New Sub Forum - No. I dont see the need. Classes can be lheld in the proper existing forums.

Other two items can be appointments after we work out the basics.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 14th, 2003, 11:58:34 PM
Well the carousel class structure was after Dasq's suggestions, and Oriadin(though they posted at the same time I believe). It means you seperate the Padawans and/or Initiates into groups, say A, B, C, and so on. Then each group goes through a class, like this:

A: Basic Force
B: Basic Combat
C: Applied Philosophy (or whatever)

Then after each group completes the classes, they switch, so it might look like:

B: Basic Force
C: Basic Combat
A: Applied Phylosophy (or whatever)

Easy way to keep numbers of Padawans (and thus post amounts and clogging) to a minimum for each class. This would be apposed to say, every person can be in every class at the same time. Then you'd have 15-20 people all posting in each class. Would ge big time confusing.

The Padawan graduation was going off of the "Intiate" level. It's basically the same vote for that. It means that an intiate starts out in the classes, then is assigned to a Master after completely some classes, thus "graduating." :)

Sorry about the long posts, etc. My mind is working overtime here and I could probably write a novel right now on this subject. :lol I'll get it under control though. :) Oh, and I didn't mean to act like I had ultimate authority or something. Though after reading my post it seems I made it sound like that... Eeps. I initiated the vote for my own knowledge and to kind of get the process moving. I was actually hoping some mods would vote on it and maybe make it official. Heck, I should have requested that, huh? Well, good thing you're around. Sorry that I might have overstepped my boundries. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2003, 12:16:09 AM
Well the carousel class structure was after Dasq's suggestions, and Oriadin(though they posted at the same time I believe). It means you seperate the Padawans and/or Initiates into groups, say A, B, C, and so on. Then each group goes through a class, like this:

A: Basic Force
B: Basic Combat
C: Applied Philosophy (or whatever)

Then after each group completes the classes, they switch, so it might look like:

B: Basic Force
C: Basic Combat
A: Applied Phylosophy (or whatever)

Easy way to keep numbers of Padawans (and thus post amounts and clogging) to a minimum for each class. This would be apposed to say, every person can be in every class at the same time. Then you'd have 15-20 people all posting in each class. Would ge big time confusing.

Translation - start Initiate in several classes, (3 - 4 groups) and rotate them between classes and topics. They get assigned a Master after the basics are done.


Syrius Cline
Apr 15th, 2003, 12:26:28 AM
Well aren't you a bastard? :lol Yeah, what you said. :lol Tough I must add I think allowing Padawans(meaning people already with Masters) into the classes would be a good idea too. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2003, 12:47:28 AM
Originally posted by Syrius Cline
Well aren't you a bastard? :lol Yeah, what you said. :lol Tough I must add I think allowing Padawans(meaning people already with Masters) into the classes would be a good idea too. :)

Translation - You suck, Marcus!

Off topic, nice CT :p

Syrius Cline
Apr 15th, 2003, 12:58:18 AM
Why you... I oughta... Very funny gold beardo... Operation Wedgie Beardo is a go... :D



Never thought I'd hijack a thread I started... :lol

Figrin D'an
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:16:10 AM
I can't believe I read this entire thread... -_-



Basic Force Class (yes)
Basic Combat Class (yes)
Applied Philosophy (yes)
Survival Basics (yes)
Advanced Force Theory (not at the initiate level... individual masters can teach, or perhaps something that Knights/Masters can enroll in)
OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes, although optional/recommendation-based enrollment... should not be a "primary class")

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure (yes)
Padawan Graduation (yes)
"Initiate" Entry Level - new rank (yes... there should definately a time frame between entering the order and becoming an actual padawan)

Infinite Classes (yes)
New Sub Forum (sure, why not)
Sage Headmaster (yes)
Duel Headmasters (no... subcouncil idea is pretty good, rotating every so often)

If you are looking for instructors, I believe I can be of some help.

Will comment more later...

Gurney Devries
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:20:40 AM
Just one thing: I don't think we need any more subforums. As it is, the ones we have are kind of... intimidating?

Apr 15th, 2003, 02:54:44 AM
I think the sub forums are needed. Well, actually just add one to the Acadamy and call it Initiate Classes or whatever. That way they wont get lost and if they are all together it will allow the teachers to know how the other classes are doing, how close they are to finishing etc. All these classes dont realy fit in anywhere at the moment unless you start putting them in different forums.

As for the Education Council thing, would it not be better for teachers to be the council. Call it the teachers guild or something. I imagine there are going to be a lot of posts to read through and several threads. Are people who arent directly involved in the classes going to read every single post? I doubt it. So in that case can they be the ones to decided on what changes could be made to improve the system?

Sage, your idea on the new starters could work but I think it would also get confusing. Have any thoughts on my idea? I'll try to put it clearly for everyone.

1. New class starts up and students begin to join.
2. Students get to know each other. Perhaps a small swing round the class so they can introduce themselves to the other students and the teacher.
3. Actual learning starts no more newcommers allowed.
4. Next new class starts with the ones who couldnt join in the first class joining this one. Loop continues.

Either we have that cut off time or when there are the maximum number of students in the class already. We stagger the class starting times by a week or something. Hope that makes sense.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 15th, 2003, 03:01:11 AM
I agree with Ori on the forum.

I don't understand what you're getting at with the Education Council.

Think there should be a maximum number of people in a class. Maybe 8?

Apr 15th, 2003, 03:05:43 AM
People are suggesting we have a teaching council that rotates like the normal council does now. I think it should be a teachers guild made up of all the teachers. Outside people are not going to read all of the threads and all of the posts so their suggestions on changes wont be as good as the suggestions the teachers can make. That clearer?

Aaron Belargic
Apr 15th, 2003, 03:07:38 AM
A bit. We're going to vote on who is on that too then, or is it just a volunteer based system?

Apr 15th, 2003, 03:12:06 AM
Thats what im saying. I think its being suggested that its voted upon, but *I* think it should be the teachers.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2003, 05:47:31 AM
I still dont think seperate forums are needed. we have more than enough. I'm sorry, but on that point, unless there is a convincing argument, there's proper places for classes in the appropriate training forum. Why not one per forum and I'll sticky them? Thence, they dont get lost.

Big hands down to a Education sub council or whatever. what it should be is that it be thrown open to any Knight who wishes to help out. The Council would appoint a co-ordinator. I for one am against beaurcacy and stuff - I'd rather see it handled by people who want to and will keep it going. and please, no elections and stuff - just get into it. This is a good idea, so it mneeds to be run with.

(If I'm following Oriadin right and it's a guild, then that's okay. No Councils and stuff tho. Guild might be good. Just clarify for me pls. )

Apr 15th, 2003, 06:08:24 AM
Yeah, I think we are on the same wavelength Mark. Doing these classes means there is going to be some way in which it works and all comes together. Your going to need a group of people to decide on whats working and whats not and what changes have to be made. Some people have mentioned a council type thing but I belive it should be decided amoung the teachers, hence the teachers guild.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2003, 01:20:29 PM
Marcus echoes my sentiments really. Guild of volunteers teachers is the best because you are going to have people that have the time and the desire to do it :)

No more forums >_< sticky sticky!! any mod can do it :lol

Xazor Elessar
Apr 15th, 2003, 04:42:37 PM
Marcus and Ori echo my sentiments as well. I agree to keep the voting stuff away from this and form a teacher's guild of those who wish to volunteer. :) It would work out a lot better that way and we wouldn't run into the hard feelings end of things with "he or she is a better teacher than I am - everyone sux" type of thing.

I think that everyone who wants to teach and keeps up on it should be part of that guild. If someone wants this badly enough, they'll follow through and I think you also hit upon that point, Marcus. :)

Syrius Cline
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:02:42 PM
Ah, okay, neat. So this new idea is that the "council"(or whatever you want to call it) is made up of the teachers. In other words, who has volunteered and is teaching, is also part of the "council", "guild", whatever. That'd work. And if it happens like I'd like it, with infinite ongoing classes always going on, then the guild could change as teachers drop out, join up. :)

The only reason I'm for a new sub forum is for organization. I'm thinking, if I have my way and it works out, then these classes will always be going. Meaning, when one ends, a new post is made for the next group, starting from the beginning of the class. That could overwhelm a forum, with stickies being put up and then brought down, etc. and then the vast amounts of classes we'd be going through. So I was just thinking a forum would be nice, to keep things tidy and manageable. If you want the classes, you go to that forum. And archives for past class would be kept there to. Only reason I think a sub forum would be good. Otherwise there's no reason for it. :)

Oriadin, could you clearify your idea further please. :) A little more "I'm a teacher for a kindergarden class" kind of explaination. Only kind of explaination I understand. :) :lol

Yeah, I think we should have a limit for Padawans/Initiates absolutely. Otherwise our teachers would die from aggravation. :) 5-8 I think would be a nice number. If we're using that carousel system, it should work good with that number. I think there are about 15 Padawans right now without Masters. So if each are in groups, making up 3 groups, with 3 classes, it should work out with 5-8, taking into account Padawans with Masters who also want to join and Padawans(or I guess Initiates) who are currently signing up.

Can some people give me a clear sign if it's cool to have Padawans, with Masters, already in these classes? Maybe we should, so we can get everyone taken care of, only allow Masterless people in the classes for the first go around or so, so we can take care of everyone with the worst needs. I'd like some thoughts on this, as some people seem to be overlooking my rants about this. :lol

Also, what do we do with Padawans who already are joined up? Are they given the title of Initiate now, or is it a "from here on out" kind of thing?

Apr 16th, 2003, 02:18:33 AM
Which bit do you want me to try and explain again Sage?

I think that Padawans with Masters should be given the chance to join the class. As for the people who are already joined up but have no Masters, I think they should be given the title initiate and progress to Padawan. I mean, no one goes up to someone who hasnt got a master and tells them they are a padawan, they just presume they are as we all would. We can just tell them there is a new step.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2003, 09:45:53 AM
Also, can a Padawan drop the class once they get a Master or do they have to stay? I presume they get a choice, like Oriadin said about those that have Masters already?

Granted, in the perfect world, once you had a Master you wouldn't need the classes but alas life.. damn you! :lol

I still don't think we need yet another forum... the board is crowded enough. Every kind of lesson that needs to be taught can be done in the Academy with the forums already made. Sticky and unsticking the topics can keep it organized just as well as tagging the thread title with the appropriated wording for the class it is teaching.

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:36:33 AM
What about the OOC class?

Xazor Elessar
Apr 16th, 2003, 03:20:56 PM
I agree with you there, Nav -- I think that the forums we have are just fine, after thinking about it. The stickying and all that goes into it shouldn't be a problem -- and if we leave the threads in that forum, they're there for anyone who wants to make a reference -- just look 'em up. :)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2003, 07:18:07 PM
OOC class goes in the OOC forum. Sticky it up in Arcan :)

Syrius Cline
Apr 16th, 2003, 09:23:02 PM
Sounds good. Also, once a class is completed, we could edit it with something like "Completed Date/Date/Date".

This idea Oriadin:

Sage, your idea on the new starters could work but I think it would also get confusing. Have any thoughts on my idea? I'll try to put it clearly for everyone.

1. New class starts up and students begin to join.
2. Students get to know each other. Perhaps a small swing round the class so they can introduce themselves to the other students and the teacher.
3. Actual learning starts no more newcommers allowed.
4. Next new class starts with the ones who couldnt join in the first class joining this one. Loop continues.

If you don't mind. :)

Apr 16th, 2003, 09:24:08 PM
I think the OOC class might go better in here, or do they not get Temple Access until they've moved from Initiates to Padawans?

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2003, 09:58:31 PM
Well, OOC Avalon is for concerns and lots of sticky topics go up in here for annoucememnts. that would clutter up the training threads. Arcan is for OOC and RP and more space and less clutter could happen there. :)

Apr 17th, 2003, 02:15:51 AM
Basic Force Class (yes)
Basic Combat Class (yes)
Applied Philosophy (yes)
Survival Basics (yes)
Advanced Force Theory (No)
OOC - Roleplaying Development (yes)

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure (yes)
Padawan Graduation (yes)
Initiate Entry Level - new rank (yes)

Infinite Classes (yes)
New Sub Forum (yes)
Sage Headmaster (yes)
Duel Headmasters (no)

Apr 17th, 2003, 03:17:20 AM
Ok sage. Im finding this really hard to explain, although I know how it works in my head!! :lol

Sage, Oriadin, Xazor and Helenias are the teachers (this is for the example!).

Sage's class starts first. First 8 initiates to join the class and thats it. No more allowed in. After say a week or something Oriadins class starts. Same thing again. After 8 initiates have joined, no more can.

Now, eventually we arent going to have enough initiates to fill five classes (or whatever) all the time. I mean, that would be 40 initiates! So, when that happens...

Sage starts up a class. Initiates start to join. There is a period where you let them mingle amoungst themselves then you introduce yourself. Then you ask each of the initiates to introduce themselves and perhaps why they want to be a Jedi. Something like that. While thats going on, initiates can still join. Once that stage is complete, close the doors, thats it. No more. Any other initiates would have to join the next teachers class, which in this example would be me. Then we start the loop again with me doing the same thing with the next teacher being Xazor.

That way, initiates can be continuously joining a new class. Does that make sense?

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 17th, 2003, 06:42:01 AM
Does that make sense?


.... no. But then again, I've just come off 2 hours of worship and I'm not thinking straight.

Apr 17th, 2003, 07:16:49 AM
**Bangs head off brick wall**

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 17th, 2003, 07:18:09 AM
Who, your's or mine?

Apr 17th, 2003, 07:19:10 AM
I did mean mine, but now that you mention it :p

Pierce Tondry
Apr 17th, 2003, 07:40:58 AM
Did I just hear someone banging coconuts?

I have nothing to say on this right now. I'll wait for more to be put in before I give it serious thought.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 18th, 2003, 12:52:22 AM
Are you proposing instead of seperate classes based on catagories, we have classes that teach all the basics? I prefer the other way, because it has an equality to it. Everyone gets the same teachings, by the same teachers, in that catagory. If you're saying something else... I need a little more clearifications. :)

Apr 18th, 2003, 01:54:51 AM
I cant explain this any clearer than that. Is anyone thats reading this getting what im saying? If so, post and say so, perhaps you could put it better?

Im saying we rotate the classes but have them starting at different times so that we can catch any newcomers. Once your class is on the go, I can begin mine, as an example.

Sameer Aryan
Apr 18th, 2003, 11:00:18 AM
It's like having terms/semesters, there'd be a new one starting every week? You join the term that's starting when you join?

Syrius Cline
Apr 18th, 2003, 11:56:55 PM
Oh, I get it. Could work. Let me see if I got it right:

You're saying that we use the carousel method but start each group a bit delayed, to allow for late arrivals.

Right? That'd be okay, but I'd think we still have a bit of a problem with late comers. Also, delaying a class might delay a class from moving on. If I started a class, then later another class started, my class would finish sooner and might have to wait on the next class to finish to carousel around.

Apr 19th, 2003, 03:54:36 AM
Yeah, possibly. I dont think we can be sure of anything until we've actually given it a go, and see for ourselves how well it works. I think most of the ideas are ironed out now. Can we ask the powers that be if this can be put in motion? I think everyone has said their bit on whether or not the classes should be in a seperate forum so they should just have to read this thread and come to a decison, right?

Sage Hazzard
Apr 20th, 2003, 02:25:48 AM
I would think so. :) I'd really like to see this baby moving. But if the mods and such need to talk it over more, I'm totally cool with that. The idea needs their full support, or it'll fail. :)

Marcus, I'd like to know if it's okay for me to start a thread asking for academy volunteers? Such as asking for people to post if they'd like to teach, their top two choices(in order) and their suspected avalibility. Then, I'd like to ask for the permission to compile that into a final list of teachers and issue some suggested course management. Such as what orders I suggest the Force abilties be tought and so on, and way's I suggest to maintain an ordered and smoothly ran class. May I, on either? I'm intending to post that thread as soon as I get permission from you, if you indeed give me that permission. Thanks. :)

Estelle Russard
Apr 22nd, 2003, 12:56:22 AM
I read this thread, though I did skim through some posts.

This part:

Class Conduction
Carousel Class Structure

Seems very cumbersome to me and a headache for someone to organize and keep track of.

My suggestion is this.

A List of all MUST HAVE classes to be completed by Initiates and who the teacher of it is.


The teachers start a thread stating they are holding "Combat Class on May 01" (for example)

A Player then signs up/participates in that thread.

(We could have a rule no more than 3 classes at one time for any one player)

The Player participates in each CLASS thread. And so on until all the classes are completed. And then Promotion, or whatever.

The Onus is on the Player to participate in the alotted classes.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 22nd, 2003, 03:24:46 PM
This is a lot to keep track of. Hope this works out :\

Which then needs to be asked, how many classes must they finish? I saw general stuff being said but are there differnet components to those headings or what? We really need to define what the classes are going to cover example...

Basic Force Class ... what is going to be taught? Are there going to be two three mini classes for this ?

Sage Hazzard
Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:56:56 PM
Well, this is what I was going to address later, in my "cheat sheet" for the teachers. Don't have it all worked out but I figured, in no order:

Force - Strength, Jumping, Speed, Sense, Pull, Push, Telekinisis.

That should be enough, I'd think. Since everything else should really be tought by the Padawan's future Master. I'm not certain what you mean by mini-class but I think all of those skills can be tought in one class. Then you have Combat, which will start off with some basic Martial Arts moves, then move onto Sabres, then combine the two along the way. A sub class could be included in that, for sabre and hand-to-hand, but it's not nessacary. :)

As for your question of "how many classes must they finish", I think it would be all of the IC classes. Combat, Basic Force, and Applied Phylosophy. Or whatever the mods/admins decide on regarding the classes, I would think all would need to be completed before a Padawan graduates to a Master. Or maybe we could make exceptions where a Knight/Master comes to us and wants a Padawan, and we pick the best suited Padawan for that Knight/Master. Or we could just wait until a Padawan completes all the classes before graduating them to a Master.

Good questions, Nav. We do need to get these hammered out. Hope I gave some good suggestions and thoughts for others to contribute to. :)

Hadrian Invicta
Apr 24th, 2003, 10:48:11 AM
I would be interested in putting Hadrian through this so that he could eventually find a Master.

Apr 30th, 2003, 02:46:02 AM
Whats occuring with this now?

Giddion Horn
May 1st, 2003, 12:16:00 AM
My question exsactly.

Sage Hazzard
May 2nd, 2003, 09:12:46 PM
I reckon the mods are mulling it over. :) Just be patient I guess.

Marcus Telcontar
May 3rd, 2003, 10:06:45 AM
Unless anyone had objections, it's time you took the idea to the Council IC.

Soolin Anjhurin
May 3rd, 2003, 10:15:07 AM
wow, now all you need is a padawan sorting hat. ;)

Marcus Telcontar
May 3rd, 2003, 10:41:39 AM
And the houses could be D'An for those who are studious, Yogurt for those who are great of heart, Elessar for those who are brave and Evanar for those who are mean


Vega Van-Derveld
May 3rd, 2003, 12:12:36 PM
LOL! You should so do that ;)

Sage Hazzard
May 4th, 2003, 09:23:13 PM
I like my limbs fine, thank you. :p

Okaly-dokily. I'll start a thread soon. :)

Marcus Telcontar
May 4th, 2003, 09:38:49 PM
Howarts school of Jedi.... you knw, that would be a classic joke.

Morgan Evanar
May 4th, 2003, 09:43:42 PM
But I mean well =[

Sage Hazzard
May 4th, 2003, 09:56:59 PM
Alrighty, posted. :) I can edit if needed.

Kelt Simoson
May 5th, 2003, 03:43:23 PM
Looks cool to me Sage.