View Full Version : Mrrrrrrhhhhhhh fooood...

Morgan Evanar
Apr 7th, 2003, 06:44:34 PM
Morgan half dragged Rie behind him, his stomach churning and growling like a podracer. He didn't actually remember where he was going, but his nose did. The mix of smells across the way was all he needed.

They found a somewhat seperate table from the rest of the mix of beings. He looked visibly relieved when the serving droid rolled up to the table.

"I'll have two three-quarter kilo steaks, two large salads, three orders of garlic bread, a pitcher of water, one Tanaab Frontiersman Dark, aaand an order of chittershrimp with noodles." It was about twice as much as his normal order, but normally his body wasn't trying to gain back 20 kilos.


Apr 8th, 2003, 11:23:47 AM
:: AB was smiling from ear to ear as Morgan ordered enough food for four people. Once he had finished, she looked to the droid to make her own order. ::

I'll start off with a green salad followed by a Bantha steak, well-done. And to drink I'll... have...

:: She quickly activated the holo-menu in the center of the table, looking it over briefly, making a selection, and then shutting it off again. ::

...an Ithorian Sunset.

:: The droid tootled cheerfully and rolled off to fill their order out. AB returned her attention back to Morgan, looking at him. He looked back at her and a quirky smile spread on his lips. ::


:: She shook her head, smiling, and reached across the table to take hold of his hand and squeeze it. ::

Nothing. I'm just happy and grateful to have you back safe and sound, albiet a bit of memory loss.

:: She then thought of the surprise she had waiting for Morgan for after the meal. Her smile got wider again, with a hint of conspiracy behind it. ::

Morgan Evanar
Apr 8th, 2003, 09:41:18 PM
He raised an eyebrow. She was up to something, he could smell it.

"You're up to something." Morgan smiled. "I dunno what it is, yet. You don't grin like that unless you have a surprise for me." He squeezed her hand. After many weeks, it was reasurring to just be here. Finally, some place where things were sane.

I didn't tell everyone, but I was teetering on the brink for about two weeks. They frelled my mind so bad I didn't know how to speak. Somehow you kept me grounded. You were about the only thing I didn't forget. And... "I was going somewhere with this, and it escapes me now. Proves I shouldn't ever attempt to think on an empty stomach."

Apr 8th, 2003, 09:49:24 PM
:: She began to laugh, and then settled her face into a serious expression. ::

Tsk tsk... why is it that if I grin really big, you think I'm up to something?

:: The expression lasted for about two seconds after that before she burst out into a giggling fit. She sombered on hearing Morgan's words, though they were thought, she heard them quite clearly in her head. The sombered expression turned into a lopsided smile. ::

I'm glad they were able to take everything away.

:: An eyebrow quirked upward. ::

Though seducing you all over again would have been fun.

:: He blinked several times before she winked at him and started laughing again. But the laugh died shortly there after as she sighed. ::

We'll find the bastards that did this to you. That I promise.

:: Thankfully, that train of thought died as their meal arrived. AB dug into her salad as Morgan dug into, well, everything else that had been placed on the table. She was chewing, watching him scarf the food down surprisingly without making a mess, and shook her head. ::

Where on earth do you put it? I'd instantly blow up like a Dandil puffweed!

Morgan Evanar
Apr 8th, 2003, 10:07:21 PM
"Mmmmf." He finished his bite. "Hollow legs. Or so the neighbors always said. I dunno." For most of the meal, they didn't speak, beyond exchanging grins and giggles. Just a smile, a nod... a game of footsie.

Morgan decided footsie was perhaps the greatest game ever. Inexpensive, no special equipment, and both players won. Well, the second greatest game ever.

After the steaks, he slowed down for a bit, and cracked the Frontiersman Dark, a thick draft from his childhood world. Carefully, he poured it, maintaing a perfect head. The mug, of course, was properly frosted, and the beer none too cold or hot.

A sip. A satisfied sigh.

"I had forgotten how good this was with a proper steak."

Apr 8th, 2003, 11:32:25 PM
:: AB had finished her salad and had moved on to her main course, nearly having finished it by the time Morgan commented on the mix of beer and steak. ::

:: She couldn't help but smile. Either he was remember bits and pieces here and ther, or there were just some things that were too well engrained to ever be forgotten. She could sit here all day and watch him enjoy himself. She realized the rest of the world could be falling apart and go up in blazes, but as long as he was happy, she didn't have a care in the world. As to whether that was a good thing was another matter entirely. ::

:: She scooped up the last bite, washing it down with her own fruity drink. It was getting close t the time she'd give him his surprise... but not yet, not yet. She sighed inwardly. Even Jedi could get impatient sometimes. ::

:: She set her drink down as the droid came to pick up the empty plates, looking at Morgan. ::

Any room for dessert? Or is that a silly question to ask?

Morgan Evanar
Apr 9th, 2003, 05:28:03 PM
"I could go for a slice of pie. Aryuna Lime. Any more and my stomach might stage a rebellion. Two forks, please." He intoned to the droid. It rolled away, and Morgan switched sides in the booth, sliding in next to Rie. An arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"Hey." She snuggled against him. I'm the luckiest unlucky bastard ever.

Apr 9th, 2003, 05:42:24 PM
:: It'd been so long since she'd been able to snuggle against him. The month he'd been gone had felt very lonely. She began to wonder how she'd ever managed to be alone for so long before meeting Morgan. ::

:: Their slice of pie arrived shortly after Morgan had ordered it, and both grabbed their respective forks and began devouring the slice. ::

:: AB got a sly grin on her face and reached at her fork with her free hand, wiping away a bit of cream onto her finger, and placing it on Morgan's nose. She laughed. ::

Very becoming.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 9th, 2003, 06:04:34 PM
"I suppose I look even more dashing. Now..." he took a bit of whipped cream and put it on her chin.

"Brings out your cheekbones." Morgan stared into her eyes, and laughed. Until she kissed the whipped cream off his nose. He kissed the whipped cream off her chin.

Sometimes I feel so small, need some shelter
Just runnin' round and round, helter skelter
And I've leaned on me for years
Now you can lean on me
And that's more than love, that's the way it should be
Now I can't change the way you feel
But I can put my arms around you
That's just part of the deal
That's the way I feel
I'll put my arms around you

Apr 9th, 2003, 06:23:26 PM
:: She licked her lips, getting stray bits of cream, and then stood, taking Morgan by the hand and coaxing him out of the booth. It was time. ::

Come on... I have a surprise for you.

:: AB led Morgan out of the B&G, and down the street back towards the Jedi Temple. She took him through the garden adjacent to the Temple, but instead of going to the Temple, she kept walking straight through the garden to emerge on the other side where the NR had some hangar bays. ::

:: Continuing to lead him, she took him through one of the many buidlings there and entered a lift, riding it all the way up to the top floor. The lift spilled them onto a vast landing bay, with neat rows of X-Wings lined up as if in a well-tended garden. They'd entered one of the hangar bays where Rogue Squadron kept some of their ships, including hers. ::

:: They walked past several X-Wings, each one under some form of maintenance, upgrade, or plain tinkering. Towards the far end, near the far wall, was her ship. There her droid, R2-C3, a purple and silver astromech, worked on the lower left engine. She turned her dome and twittered a greeting as AB walked by. ::

Hey RC... you remember Morgan, don't you?

:: The droid whistled an affirmative, looking from AB to Morgan. She then whistled something else before returning to her work. ::

Ok, ok... I'll take a look at the welding later. Got something to do first.

:: The droid tooted an acknowledgement, and AB proceeded to lead Morgan to where her equiptment and parts were kept in a corner near her ship. There, along side the equiptment and parts, was a large item covered with a silver tarp. ::

:: She turned to Morgan, smiling broadly, keeping her thoughts masked. ::

Ok... close your eyes...

Morgan Evanar
Apr 9th, 2003, 06:26:02 PM
Morgan closed his eyes. Not that he could read Rie's thoughts unless she wanted him to, although it was easier to do than just about everyone else's.


Apr 9th, 2003, 06:34:58 PM
:: AB let Morgan's hand go and walked to the tarp, pulling it back from the object underneath it. She then went back to where Morgan was, looking at the object and standing beside him so as not to obstruct his view... not that she would, being almost a head shorter than him. ::

Ok, you can open your eyes now.

:: When Morgan opened his eyes, he was faced with a classic deep blue convertable sporty-looking speeder, much like the one he had owned before it had been destroyed that fateful day on their picnic. While it wasn't much to look at now, with it's paint slightly chipping showing that it's previous paint job had been an evergreen color, it had a good engine and controls. ::

I had Sejah and Tevit help me pick it out... me not being a big whiz on speeders. She's a little rusty in the paint department, some holes to patch up in the leather seating, and her servo motor for the convertable cover needs replacing. But her repulsers are still operational, she hadnles beautifully, and her engine purrs like a kitten.

All in all, she's ripe for the tweeking.

:: She finally looked at Morgan. His jaw was slightly agape with a somewhat blank look on his face. She blinked, raising an eyebrow, looking at him expectantly. ::

Do you like it?

Morgan Evanar
Apr 9th, 2003, 09:22:24 PM
Morgan was almost all the way under the dash before she even started speaking.

"This is the J revision! Half of the wiring harness for the independent sticks is there. Oh man, I can fab my own correctly in less than a day. I'll have to reprogram the... oh Rie. Its perfect."

"I'm glad you..." He lept out of the speeder, and tackled her, twisting so she landed on top.

"Where did you find mmppmph mmm."

Apr 10th, 2003, 12:04:21 PM
:: His last sentence was cut short as she kissed him, long and hard. She was in the blissfullness of heaven, unaware of her surroundings... and some of the mechanics looking on. ::

:: When she finally released him, figuring that both of them needed to breathe at some point, he had a smile that practically encompased half his face. She couldn't help but smile back. ::

Glad you like it.

:: A soft warble came from her left where her ship was and she looked up to find RC looking at them both. AB's smile took on a lopsided look. ::

Don't you have some welding to finish?

:: The droid warbled softly again, throwing an electronic raspberry, before turning back to her task with what could only be described as a electronic chuckle. ::

:: AB shook her head, still smiling, and then noticed some of the mechanics that had taken up positions to watch the show. Her cheeks instantly grew bright pink and she cleared her throat, propping and lifting herself off of Morgan. Figuring the show was over, the mechanics went back to their work, among much whisperings. ::

:: When she got to her feet, she extended a hand to Morgan, who was already half way up to a standing position. He took it none the less and finished standing the rest of the way, not letting her hand go once he was back on his feet. She looked at him, gesturing with her head to the speeder. ::

Wanna take her for a spin?

Morgan Evanar
Apr 10th, 2003, 07:24:01 PM
Morgan glanced over the switches neatly aranged, and a few that were just floating.

"Lesseee. Running lights *click*, throttle, seems to be no air cooling or heating, hmmm. Ah. They moved it. Electronic stability override *click*. Power *click* and..." the speeder hummed, almost exactly the way it should. One of the power regulators would need to be replaced soon.

It hovered an extra foot of the ground, and Morgan swung the short nose around in a gentle arc. The converters whined as he fed it more juice, and then he punched the throttle to half.

They shot forward, continuing to acellerate as they cleared the edge of the bay, and into the Coruscant evening.

Apr 10th, 2003, 09:10:37 PM
:: Morgan was as happy a child with a new toy. Even while he drove the speeder, he kept pushing any buttons he could just to see what they'd do. Mmmm... whish he'd push MY buttons. AB blinked and shook her head. Thinking like that was COMPLETELY uncharacteristic of her, and she chided herself for it. But, even so, she couldn't deny the truth behind it. ::

:: They flew through some of the faster skylanes, weaving in and out of traffic. She took a deep breath, enjoying the wind whipping through her hair. The sun had set beyond the horizon, splashing the sky with vibrant reds and oranges. It made the sky look like it was on fire. Time flew just about as fast as they were going, and soon the orange in the sky began to fade, leaving the pitch black of night with twinkling stars. ::

Morgan Evanar
Apr 12th, 2003, 10:22:57 PM
The speeder slid in through the open hangar doors sideways in a controlled slide that looked like poetry from outside, but insanity from inside. Going sideways at 80 klicks was rather unnatural for most people.

"Well, it needs a bit of work. I was only running the engines at three quarters." Rie looked at him a bit wide eyed. 'Tis not the machine, its the driver."

Want to skip dinner and have dessert instead?

Apr 12th, 2003, 11:00:00 PM
:: The speeder settled into the hangar bay once more beside AB's X-Wing. She was attempting to rearrange her hair back into some semblance of normalacy... and then stopped midway, giving Morgan a sidelong glance, somewhat confused. Hadn't they already had dinner? And dessert?...


And then it dawned on her. ::

:: She blinked several times, suddenly feeling VERY warm. She was having some trouble finding her voice, so she used her mind... though even that was a task. She gave Morgan her full and undivided attention, raising an eyebrow. ::

And what kind of dessert did you have in mind?

:: A mischievous smile crept on her lips. ::

Morgan Evanar
Apr 14th, 2003, 06:31:48 PM
"We'll have to improvise." He gave her a kiss on the cheek. The way she smelled was borederline intoxicating. Breasts make men stupid. The right pheremones make men with superiour olfactory senses retarded. Especially on the right woman.

The trick now was to not drool.
Mouth shut. Good. Arm around her shoulder. So warm... concentrate. Walk. One foot in front of the other.

They found themselves taking a rather roundabout way through the gardens Rie so carefully tended.

None flowers smell as sweet as you.

Apr 15th, 2003, 05:52:41 PM
:: AB leaned closer into Morgan as they walked through the garden. It was so peaceful at night, with the lamps casting faint golden glows on whatever it's light touched. The inscets of the night chittered their songs as the breeze rustled the leaves of the trees overhead. She smiled at his thought. ::

Oh, I don't know... there are some scented flowers that could give me a run for my creds.

:: Frowning, she poked him in the ribs with a finger. ::

You're a bit stiff. Relax...

:: She looked up at him, smiling mischievously. ::

...I don't bite.

Mr. Happy
Apr 16th, 2003, 09:55:52 PM
(The sound of a violin playing a gentle serenade began to emanate from behind a nearby bush)

Morgan Evanar
Apr 19th, 2003, 03:07:00 PM
Morgan stopped. His head swung about like a heavy turbolaser battery, until it stared right at the source of the music.

"Mmh. Thats odd." The pair wandered over to the bush, where he discovered a sonic projector. It smelled like.. someone. He couldn't recall, but it gave him a bad feeling.

"What is it?" Rie asked.
"Sonic projector." Morgan shrugged, and put it back. "Maybe one of the Padawans left it out." He put his arm back around her, and continued back on the path till they stopped beneath a large tree with a bench,

For the first time in years, he found himself purring. A low, friendly rumble resonated through his whole body. Morgan put his arms around Rie, pulling her into him, and started to kiss her neck.

Apr 19th, 2003, 05:25:50 PM
:: After investigating the violin music, and finding it to be only a sonic projector. Morgan had picked it up to examine it before putting it back. ::

:: They proceeded a little further down the path to stop under a large willow with a bench underneath it beside it's great trunk. A few meters behind the willow was a lake, where the willow gathered it's nutrients. ::

:: She closed her eyes as Morgan began to kiss her neck, feeling the warmth of his body next to hers, tilting her head to the side to give him better access to her neck. She was incredibly relaxed... to the point where if she hadn't been a solid, she probably would have melted. She'd never heard him purr before, but it was like a soothing music. ::

:: All time seemed to slow or stop or get lost in this time of bliss. ::

Mr. Happy
Apr 21st, 2003, 11:39:05 PM
<font color=FF00FF>"When the moon hits your eye
Like a big pizza pie
That's Amore!

But when an arrow hits your thigh
That's a flesh wound...and you'd better have good medical insurance or those shysters will screw youuuu!"</font>

Hopping out of the tree above the sappy pair, I tucked my thumbs beneath my suspenders, puffing dramatically on my clove cigarette. I tilted the purple beret on my head just right, and sidled over to the lovey doves, batting my eyes as only innuendo demands.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 22nd, 2003, 05:29:30 PM

Morgan looked up from Rie, completely confused.

"When the moon hits your eye
Like a big pizza pie.
What the frell did that mean? He stared at Mr. Happy through narrow, cat like pupils. The evening was going from wonderous to mediocre in a hurry.

"Ahh. Can I help ya with something?"

Apr 22nd, 2003, 11:43:58 PM
:: AB stiffened as she heard the voice. It was unmistakable and she knew who it was without turning. As Morgan looked over her head to regard the new arrival, AB herself turned around to find Mr. Happy grinning from ear to ear and batting his eyelids somewhat ridiculously at them. ::

:: She reflexively crossed her arms across her chest and remained silent, waiting to see what answer Mr. Happy would give to Morgan. ::

Mr. Happy
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:31:44 PM
"Deary me, no kind sir! I believe I'm the one who can help you!"

With poise and showmanship, I began to ply my trade. Indeed, there are those who are automatically suspicious of my motives, and never trust a smiling face. But were I any less jovial, I would flay them alive for it! See...I'm a nice guy! I flicked away my clove, and showed my hands for both of them to see. Then, with great care, I showed furthermore that there was indeed nothing up either of my sleeves.

"The ambiance is almost set! My boy, must I do everything for you?"

I reached to the lanky guy's ear, careful not to cause him to do anything stupid. From behind his ear, I pulled a long, red rose.

"Ah ha!"

Morgan Evanar
Apr 24th, 2003, 04:17:59 PM
If anything, this clown was ruining the ambiance. Not only that, but he was creepy, and trespassing. Visitors were free to wander until about 6 local time. Rie was visibly tense, easily reason enough for him to be on the defensive.

There was history here he was ignorant of.

"No thank you." Morgan said as politely as he could manage. "You should leave." He added, with an unmistakeable certainty in his voice.

Apr 24th, 2003, 06:09:05 PM
:: AB watched Mr. Happy go through the motions of showing he had "nothing up his sleeve". And now he produced a rose from behind Morgan's ear. She eyed it, wondering what poor bush he had maimed to get it. ::

:: Her thoughts traveled back to the note she'd received a few weeks ago, shortly before they'd found Morgan, and the poor soul who'd been enducted to deliver it... with the cost to his life. ::

:: Her thoughts traveled further back to when she'd first met Mr. Happy in the B&G, how he'd been somewhat and uncomfortably overly-friendly, and how Morgan had come just at the right time to rid her of the ever-smiling man. And she remembered how Mr. Happy hadn't been to happy at Morgan's interruption. ::

:: And then it dawned on her... Morgan didn't remember Mr. Happy. He couldn't. All these things had happened before his capture and memory loss. She bit her lower lip. And she'd neglected to tell him about the letter and how it had come to be in her possession. ::

:: She was starting to feel a little nervous as to what Mr. Happy had in store for them. ::

Mr. Happy
Apr 27th, 2003, 07:43:16 PM
It was with an incredulous face that I stared back at my uncouth nemesis. Beyond being a dull prude, he was about as obtuse as 179 degrees. With a polite cough, I asserted my sales pitch.

"Well Sport, much as I think you're a swell guy..."

If my smile could ever fade, it would now, as dry sarcasm poisoned the happy mood.

"...and gee I really do...don't you think someone else might be interested?"

With a pained smile and a sigh, I glanced to my red-headed Juliet, as if to say He'd forget his head if it wasn't fastened to his neck by bolts!

Morgan Evanar
Apr 27th, 2003, 08:29:53 PM
Morgan stared down at Mr. Happy, his eyes narrowing

"Thats largely irrelevant." It was now clear to him that the clown wasn't going to leave on his own volition. In a blink, he hoisted Happy up by his collar.

It was surprising how little the pasty, ever-smiling bastard weighed. Happy's feet kicked a little bit as he dangled.

"I said you should leave." Morgan growled, tightening his fist full of shirt. "You don't listen very well." The Jedi started twoard the four meter high wall, holding the tresspasser in front of him.

Apr 28th, 2003, 05:26:28 PM
:: Mr. Happy's look towards her made her skin a tad paler than usual as she backed up a bit. Yes, he was disturbing her on a mental level, but it was also annoying her. Why couldn't he get the point?! ::

:: She was about to state her own displeasure of him having interrupted Morgan and herself in the garden, when Morgan scooped the man up by the scruff as though he weighed nothing. ::

:: She stood there and blinked, jaw slightly slack. A small smile appeared when she remembered to close her jaw lest she catch flies or start drooling. Suddenly the situation had turned somewhat humorous as she watched Morgan carry the dangling clown towards the outter wall. Soon Mr. Happy would be given flying lessons... free of charge. ::

Mr. Happy
May 1st, 2003, 08:53:42 PM
"Is this how you treat all Good Samaritans???"

Fortunately, whatever shade of red I was turning was disguised by my powder, but I'm only human...and I hate getting my feathers ruffled same as the next person with hypothetical feathers. I squirmed and struggled to no avail, as the humorless brute proceeded to remove me from the premises.

"Hey...c'mon there big guy. Whaddya say we chat this out, like men? Y'know...drink some brews, scratch ourselves, pass some gas...BONDING! You obviously need a few tips with the fairer sex, and I'm a romantic cornucopia!"

Morgan Evanar
May 1st, 2003, 09:09:41 PM
"A cornucopia of annoyances. I was doing quite well until you showed up. Allow me to give you some advice when dealing with the same sex--don't go after his woman." Morgan tossed Mr. Happy over the wall with a grunt, not particuarly interested in the after-affects. Presumably, he would live. Hopefully, he would leave Rie alone now.

He sighed as he put his arm back around Rie's shoulders. What Mr. Happy had done is killed the mood for the most part.

May 1st, 2003, 10:04:37 PM
:: And that, as they say, was that. AB watched as Mr. Happy went sailing over the wall; a bundle of arms, legs, and purple coat. She heard a muffled thud from the other side, but it was drowned out by a deep sigh emitted from Morgan as he came back to put his arm around her again. ::

:: She couldn't help but smile at him, making it somewhat hard for him not to smile back. She turned to face him, straightening out his shirt, and then placing both hands on his chest. ::

I guess this makes you a knight in shining armor. After all... you just saved the damsel in distress.

:: She went on her toes and kissed him lightly on the lips. She kept her lips on his for awhile before releasing him and dropping back off her toes. ::

Thank you.

:: She continued to look at him for a moment longer, before letting out a small sigh and looking at nothing in particular at the ground. ::

I think it's time I "reminded" you of Mr. Happy and his previous antics.

:: She recalled the dead man's delivered letter. ::

Some of them just go beyond... sane.