View Full Version : Jedi Weapon (closed)

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 7th, 2003, 06:00:27 PM
Jackson sat in the dark room meditating while metal parts and crystals lay all over the floor. He was set out to make himself his first Lightsaber. It was a special time for Jackson and he wanted to make the single saber perfect and built to his personality.

The saber would wielded only in times of great need. Jackson knew this and so he set out to build his perfect saber. One that could last a life time with out use if it had to but would always be ready to hiss into action when needed.

Jackson sat down putting this part there and that part here and so on into the night he worked. It would be perfect with out fail on his first try and that was Jackson's goal.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 9th, 2003, 05:40:33 PM
Jackson sat there working with the mechanically parts his body trembling from the lack of food just because he forgot to eat. He worked on nothing would move him from his task of perfecting his saber.

A name he thought what would he name it when it was finished. He didn't know the saber was and elegant weapon meant to be named but what name would it like. He must meditate on this he thought to himself.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:46:23 AM
He still forced his mind to work on the weapon as it wondered in and out of consciousness. He would push himself until it was finished and perfect. Being a perfectionist had it s draw backs and the main one was Jackson would force his body to move on with out food or sleep until it’s finished.

He was also trying to pin point the perfect name in his head none where good enough for him. Although he was sure he would find the right name for it.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 25th, 2003, 08:51:43 PM
He put the final touches on his saber as he was about to pass out from lack of food or sleep. Also at that moment his mind spurred the perfect name for the weapon. The white beamed saber would be called Peace Bringer. Slowly Jackson drifted into the land of nod.