View Full Version : New here

Apr 7th, 2003, 05:08:26 PM
so many regulars to this place, and I am alone. New to this place and very much so alone. "Anyone want to sit and talk awhile?" the mysterious stranger questions, as she takes her seat at an empty table. Awaiting a response she fumbles nervously with the napkin.

Rognan Dar
Apr 7th, 2003, 05:19:40 PM
Rognan had been pouring over a datapad as he normaly did in the B&G when he heard a voice above the noise of the other occupations in the crowded building. The voice asked for someone to come sit and talk. That wouldn't be hard. Rognan looked up from his datapad to see who had asked the question. It took him a second to find the person, then he stood up and walked over to the table that she was sitting at and tapped her on the shoulder, getting her attention.

"Good evening, Miss. Mind if I join you?"

Apr 7th, 2003, 05:23:37 PM
"why no, please sit, let me order you a drink, what is it you're drinking?" The women stated as she offered the seat to rognan. She then flagged down a waitress to take the order, upon the waitress leaving she turned to rognan. "So you come here often?"
She shot him a quick smile.

Rognan Dar
Apr 7th, 2003, 05:30:05 PM
Rognan sat down across from her.

"I come here when I need to get out, or I just want to read, but not much."

Though normally you would think that if you wanted to read you would do it in a quiet place, not were there is so much going on that you cant even here yourself. But thats how Rognan did things.

"I heard that you wanted someone to talk to, was there something in particauler you wanted to talk about?"

Apr 7th, 2003, 05:41:10 PM
"no, not really, but with me things are kind of just there." she smiles again at the stranger. Rose came here to find friends and conversation and wonders why there is only one response to her invitation.

"Is there anything particular that you'd like to speak of?"

Rognan Dar
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:16:28 PM
"I came because you asked. Though I can see that your wondering why noone else has come to talk to you, right?"

Rognan smiled. His skills were starting to pay off. He guess that the woman across the table would want to know how he knew that, and if she did, she would have to ask.

"So whats your name, Mis?"

Apr 8th, 2003, 03:42:55 PM
"well stranger, my name is rose, and yes I was wondering why no one else has come in response to my calling, how did you know that?" Rose pondered as she slowly sipped her drink, allowing a smile to cross her face.

She sat there in silence for a moment watching as the man looked to answer the question.

Garen Selore
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:25:09 PM
Garen walks into the B&G... The scrufy looking 12 year old former farm boy, sees Rognan as soon as he walks in, and as per normal, it looks like Rognan has found a new person to talk to.

Garen walks over to Rognan and hops up on to the seat beside Rognan.

"Hi Rognan!..."

Garen looks over at Rose.

"Hi Mis... I'm Garen...I hope I'm not interupting anything..."

Apr 9th, 2003, 02:34:08 PM
Rose sits in shock, from another reply to her invite. She is so shocked that she is sitting there with her mouth wide open. Soon in realizing how akward she must look; she quickly closes her mouth, regaining her composure and replies, "Garen, you are not interupting anything, I'm glad to have the company." Rose smiled at the two sitting across the table. And then quickly remembered her manner's, "Oh how rude of me, allow me to introduce myself, I am Rose. I come here as, so to speak, a drifter. Looking for conversation with interesting beings and hopefully to find an occuption out of my many talents." She smiled, hoping not to sound too arogant.

Sitting there in silence for a moment she begins to study the two strangers, mapping them out, trying to put a story to the faces.

Garen Selore
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:54:53 PM
"Well...I'm glad to meet you Rose....What kind of talents do you have? I'm Here as a student at the Jedi Order...Though I don't have a teacher yet..."

Garen looks around the bar...

"I'm glad to see that they replaced the table I smashed the last time I was here..."

Apr 9th, 2003, 03:19:29 PM
"Well, Garen, my talents aren't really anything inparticular. Just the average willing student. But you say that you are a student at the Jedi Order, that's very interesting. Tell me, how do you go about becoming a student at the Jedi Order?" Rose, simply avoided the subject of the smashed table, she herself has a very high rising temper and feared to know another with the same lack of control, for she knows of the potential danger of with two hot-heads. She was doing all in her power to remain calm of that situation, and she simply smiled. Remembering how long it had been since she, herself, was the one throwing about the chairs and smashing in the tables.
"Ah yes the good ole days." She mumbled to herself.

Rognan Dar
Apr 9th, 2003, 04:30:05 PM
Rognan desided to not answer the question on how he knew what she was thinking, not yet that is.

"Hi Garen. Good to see you agian, and your not intruding. Mis Rose and I were just have a conversation. You want something to drink?"

Rognan smiled broadly. There was something about this kid that made him want to do anything for him. What was it that made him want to do that, he thought to himself. Giving up on the thought, he returned his attention back to the present.

When Garen spoke about the table he softly nudged him with his elbow. Rognan was also interested in these 'talents' that Rose commented on. But would let Garen answer her quetion first before persuing his own.

Garen Selore
Apr 9th, 2003, 05:50:57 PM
"Well, Most people go to the Recrutment Center, get questioned, and If they like your answers your in...I was brought to the Recrutment Center by Rognan, and a lady named Marga after I accdently found myself at a party Rognan was hosting... That was the last time I was in here...and I was under a little stress... I'm sorry if I'm babbling..."

Garen rembers that Rognan asked if he wanted anything to drink and turns to him...

"I'll a large glass of Cola...If that's not a problem....Ok?"

Apr 9th, 2003, 05:55:46 PM
"So, Garen, that's all there is to it? Answer the questions to their liking? Seems simple enough." Rose replied as she smiled and called for someone to take the order of cola.

She finds it odd how Rognan, avoided her question, but doesn't persue the issue any further. Simply smiles and awaits further conversation.

Garen Selore
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:20:04 AM
Garen Look at Rose with a questioning look...

"So.....Where are you from? I'm guessing it's not this huge town.."

Rognan Dar
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:22:44 PM
Rognan listens to Garen's answer about how he joined the Jedi. Not the it was a bad answer, but it was a little foggy, unclear, as to what he thought was the reason.

"Its not that they just take anybody that can pass a test, but weither they have the ability to use the Force."

He wasn't sure if Rose knew what the Force was. Most people did, but maybe she didn't.

Apr 10th, 2003, 04:54:25 PM
Rose sat across the table starring at the men in disbelief, for is seems she has already created a dispute on her part (as she often does).
"Garen, I am from a little town, with many peasants, it is not so large nor interesting as this place." She smiled and turned to Rognan.
"Well yes, I suppose one must possess the force to be of any competition for those trying to get into the Jedi Order." She smiled and was completely satisfied that she had put to rest their worries of her lacking intelligence.

"So what brings you two, here? I mean are you regulars?"

Garen Selore
Apr 11th, 2003, 12:45:06 PM
"I'm from a small farming town, I worked on my Uncle's there... That's alot different than here"

Garen smiles as his Cola Is placed in front of him...then turn's back to Rose

"This is only my second time here, I just thought I would come down and see it again."

Rognan Dar
Apr 11th, 2003, 12:55:42 PM
"I come around often. Mostly just to read. The Jedi Temple is to quiet for me to read, I need other sounds to focus on just my reading."

Apr 16th, 2003, 03:55:40 PM
"Ah yes I see." Rose then stated, and the table remained silent. She wondered if the two would be leaving or staying with exciting tales of the beyond. She thought again, they'd better do something soon, for she was growing very tired.

"If you'll excuse me, I am going to see about joining in on another table, you know just to see what other excitment this bar might bring." Rose, stood up from the table

"It's been a pleasure."

Rognan Dar
Apr 16th, 2003, 11:16:22 PM
"Glad to have met you, Rose. Maybe we will meet once more."

Rognan stood up and bowed to Rose, then to Garen, and was walking his way to the exit of the B&G.