View Full Version : Hunting the Hunter (Gerbo Lang)

Valirion Thorn
Apr 7th, 2003, 04:17:59 PM
:: I stood solemnly at the top of the building. My blood red cape not stirring in the 40 mph winds. My black shoulder length hair didn't move either as my violet eyes stared down the figure across from me. My blood red silks only shimmered with the reflection of the moon in the sky.

The idea of a vampyre hunter was ridiculous. No one could kill a god but another god and even than it was really only for Ashiva to deliver divine justice. I was her hand, blessed by her own. This kind of heretic was to be easily destroyed why the Shrine hadn't bothered before I didn't know but I would be sure to finish it now. I barely glanced to the figure next to me.

The smaller figure next to me was here on a special occasion. We had a bonding time before and now I thought it would be better to show him a good time now that his eyes had regenerated. Ruufe Shanks, a literal godchild, cursed to never fully mature in his powers but still far stronger than any mortal ever would be, such was his blessing. And I could only smile from our last meeting.

I turned my gaze back to Gerbo and laughed.::

Well Hunter... you live now, forsake your position in your doomed mortality and might only make the event pleasurable for me. It wouldn't be to your liking if I made you enjoy your own death I think. But then again, what am I saying? Ruufe, why don't you decide what this man's premature fate will be.

Ruufe Shanks
Apr 7th, 2003, 04:23:53 PM

Ruufe still remembers what Valirion did to him last time. The boy doesn't believe in carrying grudges, so he has taken the event in a new light. Now he knows how Valirion operates, and can cater to his audience.

"I say we do to him what you did to me! I wanna see what that kinda damage looks like."

imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 7th, 2003, 04:42:18 PM
The Dhampire Laughed and flashed his fangs. Mortality he thought if only such a thing where the truth. He just like his half kin that he hunted was forced to walk this plain of existence for an eternity.

His half kin thought of themselves as gods but in truth they where just cursed to forever walk the nights. They would never get to see the dawn like him. They would never get to the thrill of living with out there beloved blood. No they where not gods and they could never survive with out the mortals to feed on.

Gerbo stared at Valirion and his puny companion that Gerbo judge to be a fresh victim of the vampire curse. He would have pleasure here putting his many weapons to the test on these two.

"You truly are weak if you believe I am mortal like the humans, you are even weaker Yet if you think I'm just like you."

Gerbo pulled his Katana out and ready for the Vampires attack. He had trained well to fight these Vampires even the sith verity although they where stronger. The last sith Vampire he fought was a man named Dalamar, he was surprisingly admirable vampire.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:14:13 PM
No not mortal like a human, but still mortal because I know you will die. And you are nothing like me, I am blessed of Ashiva, Godchild of the darkness and reciever of the gift from Alana Stormcloud. I am the Lord of Pain, Thorn.

Now Mortal, let's not waste time.

Ruufe, take your chance. I will let you have your fun but if he seems to stick up to his title, I will end it if you can't.

:: I reached to my gloves and pulled them down tighter over my hands. I sighed as I stepped back. My armor and sword screamed inside my head with impatience. Why let the boy go first? Because I wanted to test the hunter. Not that I didn't expect Ruufe to win and not that I wouldn't do it myself but the boy needed something to do most of the time and if he got bored... I'd rather not have to deal with it.::

Ruufe Shanks
Apr 8th, 2003, 10:20:18 AM
Ruufe rubs a thumb under his nose with a grin, setting his straw hat back on his head so it won't block his view of the opponent. He steps forward and looks at Gerbo with an appraising expression.

"Y'don't look like much. Well, whatever."

Gerbo has a blade, while Ruufe has nothing more than his fists. He puts them up in a sloppy fighting posture and grins cockily.

"Fight like you're going to win! Of course you're not, but you can pretend you will."

imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 8th, 2003, 11:00:17 AM
How pathetic gerbo thinks to himself but he decide to play a long for now. Gerbo rushes in at Ruufe knowing Ruufe doesn't have a weapon he thinks about ending it quick but that wouldn't be fun. His Katana comes in at head level for Ruufe. Ruufe ducks out the way of he thinks is an incoming blade to chop off his head but it stop 3 inches away from the young vamp's head.

Gerbo flashes a fang grin at the boy, and then slaps him with the flat of the blade. Gerbo then retract the Katana and puts it back in it sheath.

"You shouldn't be so arrogant boy."

Gerbo then changes his mind pulls out the sword holding it by the blade gingerly so not to cut his hand he hands its hilt first to Ruufe. Hoping Ruufe would attempt to take the sword and use it. With his free hand he reached to his back and pulled out a smaller Katana called a wagasashi.

"I tell you what you can try to use my big sword and I’ll use this smaller one. What do you say?"

Ruufe Shanks
Apr 8th, 2003, 11:52:45 AM
Ruufe grasps the hilt with his left hand and tears it from Gerbo's grasp, flinging it across the roof to balance dangerously on the edge. Ruufe comes up swinging with his right at Gerbo's face in hook punch.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 8th, 2003, 08:16:23 PM
Gerbo grabs the arm as it comes flying towards him with his left hand and then twists it so the fist is down side up. Gerbo stares at the kid who had just flung his Katana across the roof.

"I offer you a weapon and you still want to use these pathetic things against me. Oh well it just means your to stupid to use a sword."

With that still holding and slowly crushing the fist with his left hand Gerbo's right leg comes in for at kick at Ruufe's mid section.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 8th, 2003, 08:49:51 PM
:: I crossed my arms and laughed. A could smell the half blood in this one. Whatever. He was a wasted attempt of an organism, and I would be sure to take out the trash by the night's end.::

Ruufe Shanks
Apr 9th, 2003, 10:29:39 AM
Ruufe jumps, making his body horizontal in the air to avoid the kick, landing and calling the Force to pull his fist from Gerbo's grip.

"I'm not that kinda guy, so you can stop holding my hand."

Ruufe ducks low with a Force-enhanced sweep kick to take Gerbo off his feet.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 9th, 2003, 03:57:27 PM
How stupid was this boy no matter how fast his force enhanced his movements Gerbo's Vampire side would always aid him to move faster. Gerbo Jumped over the leg sweep as he saw it come around and then landed in the same spot he had jumped from.

"Enough playing around kid."

As ruufe was coming up from his failed leg sweep Gerbo's wagasashi hilt knocked Ruufe on the head. The hit was so hard it bounced the poor boy's body face first into the shingles of the roof. Gerbo then stepped on the boys back with his foot hard making it almost impossible for the boy to move.

"You have two options. One I can kill you now and two I can let you up and you can run far away from here to be hunted another day?"

Valirion Thorn
Apr 9th, 2003, 07:27:49 PM
You're right hunter...

:: Gerbo's head snapped up as I was standing right in front of him now, my purple gaze well above his.::

... it is time to quit playing around. You have two options. Get your filthy boot off the godchild and die or make me get your boot off him and you off the building, killing you sometime imbetween those two events.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 10th, 2003, 03:56:12 PM
Gerbo lifted his foot as if he was going to let the boy up. As soon as Ruufe began to get up Gerbo's foot slammed back down on top of him making the boys face eat the roof.

"What was that you say I'm a little hard of hearing these days?"

Gerbo's hand reached into his coat and produced a boomerang like device with blades. Gerbo toss it at Val as it spun at Val like a saw blade. Gerbo was hoping to decapitate the Vampire and add his head to the collection on his ship.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 11th, 2003, 09:15:45 AM
:: the boomerang stopped suddenly, caught in the air by my symbiote with ease. The tendrils and unfurled beneath the skin under my neck and snatched it in front of me and then pulled it back. A larger tendril reached out from my spine and the boomerang was enveloped by it. Within moments it was gone, the symbiote had pulled apart the metal and "devoured" it, supplying it with more materials for itself.

I wouldn't need any force focused abilities, but than force enhanced strength, speed, and intellect were a natural to vampyres, a constant. And the stronger you were in the force, the stronger you were overall, and I was a deity compared to mortals and halflings.

My hand shot forth and grabbed Gerbo by the chest, my gloved fingers sharpened and easily dug through armor as they found the grooves between his ribs. Each finger found their own line and all I did was push up, hurling Gerbo to the edge of the building.

I sneered as my armor reached out to Ruufe, tendrils that expelled from my back picked him up and set him standing up next to me. With a simple hand gesture I told him it was my turn and than stepped forward, a hand rising to push my shoulder length hair back.::

I almost decided to make you join your sword but than I remembered I wanted to play with you more. You might want to be a bit better to hear now or I will tear your ears off and then dangle your inner ear before your teeth, starving you until you'll want to eat them yourself, and maybe your eyes to go along. But don't think of it as torture but as blessing that I would try to help you transcend.

Ruufe Shanks
Apr 11th, 2003, 09:26:25 AM
Ruufe thinks he could have gotten up with ease, even with Gerbo's whole weight on his back, but Valirion's unpredictablity had the boy more inclined to stay put. Now he stands aside to watch Valirion work.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 16th, 2003, 05:15:47 PM
Gerbo Laughed at the Vampires comment it held no real threat. Gerbo stood up and looked down at his armor that had just been ripped through. He just shook his head and sighed at the sight. This Vampire seemed to think he was strong but in truth he was stupid to think that Gerbo had come here with out a plan of attack.

"The sun burns doesn't it?"

Gerbo whispered under his breath, even though it was night out and the comment would make no sense to Val or Ruufe. Gerbo ripped armor vest from his chest revealing his muscular chest and abs. A well honed warrior he was, even with out be able to call on the force he was able to fight Sith lord Vampires. Val must have thought this was Gerbo's first time but Val didn't know about his fight with Dalamar and how much respect he had gained because of that fight. So again he asked

"The sun burns doesn't it?"

This time it came louder then the time before as Gerbo reached into his leather trench coat and pulled out a little grenade like thing. He flashed a fang grin as he touched the button on the grenade not removing his thumb just Yet.

"Dalamar was a nobler fighter then you but no worries I will teach you respect Vampire."

Gerbo released his thumb of the grenade a bright flash of light took over the roof top. The light blinded Ruufe and burned his skin a little but it only temporally stunned Val do to the fact that he was older and more tolerable to the light. It that moment of stun gerbo ran forward with his wagasashi still in hand coming at Val with a cut to his chest hoping the silver tipped blade would plunge into the black heart.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 18th, 2003, 05:25:01 PM
I am not Dalamar. I am Thorn.

:: So simple really. No two vampyres are alike and even then, they all adapt to their weaknesses in different ways. Sunlight I cannot endure, long exposure destroys my blessed body like a acid on metal. But a simple toy like this? My armor easily burst from my skin, so fast it had settled by the time Gerbo had drawn his weapon.

The now demonic metal face of my armor smiled, the monstrous metal fangs picking up with the rest of the metal etched contours. The blood red plates of the armor had skulls and demonic visages across the surfaces and they moved, eyeless holes seeming to be staring in every direction. The tendrils and pseudopods increased, their mass with it.

Gerbo came at me, the small blade nothing. Mere metal was a waste on me. Even DALAMAR had found that out the hard way. With increased force focus, my hand flashed and Gerbo stopped abruptly. My now wickedly gauntleted hand held the wagasashi by my fingers.

The face smiled even more as my other hand reached to my spine and grasped the long handle that came from my spine. The armor burst from my forearm and consumed the blade, making my hold very strong on the weapon.::

Let me show you a weapon, Mortal.

:: I pulled on the hilt and the weapon began to uncurl from around my spine. I slipped it over my shoulder as the slippery blade was as flexible as a whip. I snapped it and the blade assumed its natural form, a massive twohanded Kris sword that I easily and skillfully wielded with one.

On the hilt was a masive eye and the swordgaurds looked more like jaws than anything else. They had teeth and fangs and the blade seemed like an eight foot long tongue.::

And now you've met all three of us.