View Full Version : Fatal Attractions....(open)

Feliciana Devano
Apr 7th, 2003, 03:45:17 PM
Perhaps it was a bad idea, but the days events would come and go whether or not Feliciana stepped into Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill again. This would be her fifth visit to the establishment -- and for some reason, she knew it would not be her last. The woman stepped past the guards and reluctantly handed over her lightsaber. From past experience she knew it was a bad idea to carry an excessive amount of weapons in here, for she would take more time unloading them than she would enjoying a drink. So this day, she carried but her saber and for the first time in a long time -- she felt naked without it. Pushing her long black hair out of the way to rest upon her back, the woman began the search for table.

It did not take her long to find an empty seat, but it took her a minute or so to reach it. The task of pushing through crowds of Jedi made the Darksider feel slightly sick, but she pushed the feeling out of her mind and dealt with it. The black robes upon her body clung to her figure tightly and though she held the security of a hood, she chose not to wear it and instead, all could see who she was. The woman's cherry red lips curled up into a smile as she sat down in the shadows and set her elbows upon the table, steepling her fingers as her bright cyan blue eyes began to search the faces of those around her. Just as she was drifting off into thought, a service droid rolled up to her table with a few beeps and whistles.

"I'll take a flask of Corellian Whiskey."

She ordered and the machine rolled away to fulfill her request. Again, the Dark Jedi Knight drifted off into thought, thinking of those Jedi she had come in contact with -- one being a friend from her first few days as a Darksider -- that was Jedi Knight and Council Member, Navaria Tarkin. Another was a Jedi Master she had encountered in a battle. Never had she laid eyes upon his face, but she would always remember his presence and the feeling of his signature in the Force. "Someday I'll find you and thank you." She told herself, recalling the man's mercy upon her. Still to this day she did not understand it, and for once, her mind was open and she was willing to understand why she hated the Jedi so much -- maybe it was because she was taught to. "This doesn't change anything, maybe I'll come to like them -- a little, but I won't be one." She reckoned with herself and decided that this day she would not leave until she had an answer that satisfied her.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 7th, 2003, 05:50:03 PM
A man dressed in a long sleeve red shirt and brown pants pushed the crowd as he looked for a place to sit. It had been weeks since he had been in the B&G not that too many people cared. The anti social Jedi padawan finally saw a open seat in a dark corner of the bar but there was already a woman sitting there.

Jackson decided to buck up and make his way to the spot. He didn't look like your average Jedi padawan; no he looked more like a farmer from some back water planet that no one cared about. He had on his usual red shirt, Brown pants, and old black military style boots that went half up to the knee.

He looked down from his six foot frame at the woman who was seated and he noted her ruby red lips and black shiny hair. He was finally able to spit something out but barely.

"Do you mind if I sit here with you, this place is overcrowded as is?”

Feliciana Devano
Apr 13th, 2003, 11:39:40 AM
Feliciana looked up to meet the eyes of a young man who was dressed like a moisture farmer. Feliciana nodded slowly and motioned to the empty seat across from her.

"Go ahead -- it is quite busy today."

She spoke quietly, attempting to make conversation with him. It was evident that they were quite different from the get go. Darkness dripped from the woman's soul and nearly left a tangible feeling surrounding her. She was a powerful darksider though today, she was not here to parade that around. On the other hand, a Light aura danced about the young man and he felt pure -- but withdrawn. His presence was not strong like that of the Jedi Master she had faced, but a lot lighter -- perhaps he was a Padawan.

"I'm Feliciana Devano -- and you are -- ?"

The woman introduced herself and left the question open-ended so he could do the same. With an extended hand, she cordially offered a greeting, despite her standing as a Dark Jedi Knight. This day she would get her questions answered, and violence would not be the way. Today she would learn a bit of diplomacy and maybe -- walk out a better person.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:30:52 AM
Jackson sat down across from Feliciana and shook her hand with a smile. He was very shy when it came to talking to woman, he just didn't know what to say. First things first he should give the woman his name.

"The name is Jackson Mcgraves, lady Feliciana."

Well he got that part of the conversation over with quick enough. What to do next he thought as a server droid pulled up to the table with Feliciana's Corellian Whiskey. Jackson put some credits on the server droid paying for Feliciana's drink and for what ever he would order.

"Get me a scotch and the special if the cook is in to night, please."

The droid scattered away again and left Jackson and Feliciana alone once more. What could be the ice breaker the padawan thought?

"So are you from around here?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 11th, 2003, 08:12:01 AM
ooc: delete please

Feliciana Devano
Jun 11th, 2003, 08:13:17 AM
Feliciana reached out to touch Jackson's hand so to deter him from paying for her drink, but it was too late and she felt rather sheepish about it. Smiling slightly, the woman shook her head at his question.

"No, actually I'm from a place that I cannot even speak of." She said quietly, saddened at the fact that since she joined The Krath, most of her life had to be kept a secret. Her eyes moved toward the window for a brief moment before trailing back to his face. "It isn't anything special, though. Just a place with a big city full of dirt and scum. It reminds me of Coruscant. Are you from around here?" She questioned curiously, aware of the fact that he was rather nervous around her.

"Oh, and don't worry -- I don't bite -- hard." The woman winked and laughed to herself as she lifted the glass of Whiskey to her lips and took a sip of the cool, refreshing liquid. Setting it back upon the table, she allowed her eyes to find his once again. He seemed like a person that she could easily trust and maybe even be friends with -- but she also knew that he was a Jedi, and the Light and Dark did not mix well. It was one of the reasons she was here, though -- to forge a bond with a Lightsider, much like she had with Navaria so long ago.

Zereth Lancer
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:55:16 AM
Zereth walked into the B&G hadning over his weapens to the guard at the door, the darksider then made his way to the bar and sat down next to Feliciana the hood of his cloak covered his head

He waved the bar tender over "get me a glass of red wine and be fast about it" He said in a cold voice, the bartender quickly got him his drink and went off to another costomer He siped his drink slowly

Zereth senced the force in Feliciana and Jackson, He turned in his seat and taped Feliciana on the shoulder "hello fellow sith" He looked at Jackson and glared at him a moment before turning back to Feliciana.