View Full Version : Walking in the front Door
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:00:27 AM
It was odd for Gerbo to do the thing he was about to do but he knew he had to do it, no matter how much he disliked the Idea. His boss said this was the place to find who he was looking for, since his boss had been here a few month's earlier he trusted its source.
He made his way to the bar, and set all his weapons he had on him on top of the bar counter. He glared at the bartender until he got his attention.
"I'm looking for woman named Daiquiri, is she around?"
"There's no one here by that name."
"How about Hera Dren Kast, does she happen to be here?"
"Never heard of her."
"Yeah sure pal, do you know a Remkah then?"
"Well that’s not what my boss says he has done dealings with the SFF in the past."
"Well your boss is wrong."
"I don't think so, I suggest you go into the back room and tell one of those three people a Vampire Hunter named Gerbo Lang is here to see them."
"Is that so?"
Fury began to burn in Gerbo's eyes what he had to do was hard enough. Now he had to take this scrappy bartenders lip. He wants to jump across the bar and rip his throat out.
"Well at least go tell who ever is in charge here that I wish to speak with them."
Apr 7th, 2003, 08:39:54 PM
Hera leaned back on her chair and angled her head so she could gain a glimpse of Gerbo through the crack of space between her office door and the wall.
A low "sooooo...." as her eyes locked onto the tatooed hunter.
"The big boy decided to come by and see a real outfit did he."
The bartender/smuggler didn't know if she was actually asking him a question or not and so just nodded. Which Hera never saw as she was looking out the door away from him.
A heavy pause, and the barman's eyes darted about, not sure what he should do. Hera twisted her head and locked onto him with her ice-blue gaze.
"Think he's come to try kill me do ya?"
Again a non-committal nod. " neither. Daiq said he was kinda stubborn, but not stupid."
Swinging back down to land on her chair with a thud, she took her eyes from Gerbo who suddenly was looking directly at the partially opened doorway, trying to peer into the dark interior.
"Ok, send him in, we can have a chat."
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 8th, 2003, 08:08:04 PM
The Bartender pointed to the back door as he was walking back to Gerbo's position.
"Go in there, the boss is waiting."
He nodded and picked up his weapons then made his way to door. He open it slowly always the cautious type he was. Through the door sat a woman who figured to be Hera but he wasn't sure he had only got a ruff description of her from his boss.
"If you do not know me, my name is Gerbo Lang. I presume you are Hera at least that was your name when my boss met with you? I'm here to talk about the SFF's current state of affairs and to offer something to its employees."
Apr 8th, 2003, 10:33:32 PM
Hera stood and greeted Gerbo with a smile. It was a silky, smooth no one could really tell was genuine or not. You wanted to believe it was...but somehow, you just could not be certain.
"Mr Lang...your reputation preceeds you" She extended her hand for him to shake, "But please, refresh my memory again...who is your boss...?"
Hera all the while was measuring Gerbo, sizing him up. Fitting the man with the information Daiquiri, Ezra and Remkah had reported back to her with.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 9th, 2003, 04:56:05 PM
Gerbo was wearing his normal a black trench coat open in the front so you could see his metal plated vest armor. Where he would normally have weapons, the spots where empty to prove he wasn't here for hostilities.
Gerbo reached out and shook Hera’s hand and to his surprise she had a firm hand shack for a human woman.
"My bosses name, well he goes by many but knowing him the way I do. Seeing an attractive woman such as yourself from a human’s point of view. My boss probably spilled his guts to you, he goes by the name of smoker or smoking man but his real name is Jason Mcgraves.
He came here to ask you to do a little job for him and the last I heard your men where on the job doing it. I have come to offer you my serves on his behalf."
Apr 9th, 2003, 09:55:35 PM
"Ah....Smoker - yes I remember him well. He's a charmer."
She smiled as she remembered meeting Jason McGraves, and that it was a pleasant aquaintance indeed.
Hera then released the handhsake, and gestured for Gerbo to have a seat.
She took a bottle of rum from an ornate cabinet in her office and poured herself and Gerbo a drink. Placing it in front of him, she once again took her seat at her desk, an odd little smile tugging at her lips.
"You want to offer your services on his behalf? Well, that is interesting."
She levelled her eyes at him, the coy smile still remaining.
"Forgive me if I sound a little surprised....I was under the impression you were planning to hunt and kill me in the near future...
Perhaps my information is incorrect?"
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:22:13 PM
Gerbo sat in the chair Hera gestured. Then he picked up the glass of rum and smelled it before taking a drink. He was always a cautious Dhampire
"So you are the infected person? They never mentioned who it was, all they stated was it was a friend. Anyway situations change and sometimes you have to take a different plan of action.
Now don't get me wrong I will kill Ezra the vampire you are harboring but I will wait until you are through with his serves. As for you, I will have to kill if you do turn it’s with in my code vampires are a disease and it’s my job to stop it.
But in the interest of my boss I have put these issues aside, you see my boss has a thing he likes to call good business. If you watch a perspective partners back they will watch yours. You need my serves and that’s why I'm here, free of charge."
Gerbo was a serious Dhampire and rarely showed any other emotions. It did pain him to have to make this deal but he also supported his boss and friend Jason Mcgraves fully. So he would follow his instructions to the T.
Apr 10th, 2003, 08:17:41 PM
"Well, you are honest, if not a little misguided in your ideas of things you intend to accomplish, Mr. Lang."
Hera remained pleasant, but her tone held an unforgiving edge.
"If you threaten Ezra again in my presence, you will find yourself the one in need of a pine box and a little plot of land. Mr. McGraves will be looking for a new errand boy."
The lost Vampyre, Ezra, was for all intents and purposes a part of her Outfit now, as unlikely as that was. Hera didn't take kindly to threats of any kind, let alone ones directed against those of ShadowFaene.
Her self confidence was evident and full of dark promise. She looked at Gerbo - took in his unsmiling eyes, his athletic build, his strong jaw which often was indication of a determined and stubborn character and knew she spoke to a born fighter.
"Believe me Gerbo, I dont say such things idly."
The two looked evenly at each other for some moments, Hera wondered at what he meant by the term "Dhampire, but when she spoke again, her question was to the business at hand.
"What makes Smoker think I need you....? Take a look about you Mr. I look in need of anything?"
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 10th, 2003, 08:41:14 PM
"You’re going to need me to fight vampires of course. I mean you have a great system here but do you really want to stay here and rot into a vampire Hera?"
Gerbo's question was straight to point, he want to probe Hera's thought on becoming a vampire. Beneath it all he wanted to save her from the curse but he didn't know if he could.
"You see I know I wasn't the only tracking Daiq ship. In fact there where two other people tracking it besides me. A vampire named Dalamar whom I have dealt with before and the other was a bounty hunter named Sting who on occasion works for Dalamar.
Soon you will more then likely be consumed with blood suckers. Do you honestly thing you can fend them all off? An extra hand never hurt especial one who is Dhampire."
Apr 10th, 2003, 08:49:13 PM
Intentionally or not, Gerbo had prodded at Hera's practically only deepseeded angst which was the Blood Call. Much like a man with a stick digging at a pussing wound, Lang's words lanced into her.
Her abrasive reaction said as much.
"What the hell do you know" she snapped rhetorically.
"And what the hell is a Dhampire anyway?"
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 11th, 2003, 10:42:30 AM
"I am a Dhampire of course; it’s the technical term for a half vampire. Basically the only way a Dhampire can be born is through a vampire male and a mortal woman. We are a very rare species in fact I have never meet another of my kind.
Vampires hate me because I ruin the thought that they are gods. I have all there strength and none of there weakness. Humans hate me because they fail to understand me but still I choose to protect your kind and I never ask for anything in return."
Gerbo spoke calmly his tone stayed smooth and serous as always. Rarely did he let his temper go and when he did you best get out of his way.
"Just so you know, I know allot more then you think I do. I know how to fight vampire and live and I know how to kill them and that is all you humans think I know. It figures, why would I expect some one like you to think any differently.
Its your choice weather or not you want to use me to your advantage or weather you want to toss me aside and think you can do every thing yourself."
Gerbo stood waiting for what Hera had to say and ready to walk away at any moment.
Apr 11th, 2003, 02:23:53 PM
Hera had never heard of a Dhampire before, and she was quite enthralled at his explanation. Gerbo took on an even more intriuging air.
"If you know so much - how does one break a Blood Call?"
Hera already knew the answer, and was certain Gerbo could tell her nothing new.
She plucked her glass from the table and swirled the deep dark rum about its base.
"You see, Mr. Lang, I think you are under a misconception. I am not the one who has declared war on the vampyres - that would be you.
Do I like them? Not particularly. Do I trust them? Not at all. But they are servants of the Darkside, just as I am. My contention is with one - Saurron. And maybe Dalamar, if he persists in his design on Daiquiri. These two.
Lady Daiquiri sought your knowledge on my behalf, and you repaid her by tracking her as does a hunter his prey. You have an odd way of showing your sincerity to help.
If you think I would quickly trust you and welcome you with open arms, just because you say Smoker sent you, you obviously dont know me very well.
All in all, I actually think it is you who might need me. You have many enemies and few friends. Which shall I be?"
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 14th, 2003, 12:31:01 PM
"How does one break the blood call, well if I knew that I could have spared allot of peoples lives. All I know for sure is how to slow the process down so you don't turn as quickly."
Gerbo set his half glass of rum back on the desk as he stood there staring at Hera for a moment.
"You do realize if you declare war on one Vampire you declare war on them all. You think you’re going to stop Dalamar and Saurron with out any other vampires getting involved your sadly mistaken.
Vampires tend to have the idea that they are gods and unstoppable, I and many other Vampire hunter prove there theory wrong. In there view you are after two gods there for you are threat to there little utopia.
You may not plan it as a war but trust me it will turn into one real quick. You go around poking your nose into there secrets and planning to destroy Saurron the Patriarch, the least you can expect is a war."
Gerbo picked the glass up off the desk and took one last swig.
"Yes Daiq did come for me to help and Yes I did Track her but two things you need to remember. One I am a hunter and two the there was a Vampire and a possible Vampire involved. I do my serves of ridding the universe of such things, It’s a job. You run the SFF are you telling me you wouldn't do what ever it takes to do your job here?
I don't expect you to trust me and to be frank I don't trust you but smoker does. I work for him and there for I do what he says, he told me to come here and offer you my services. If you wish not to take them then I will leave and head on my original course and more then likely we will meet again but not for a chat.
It’s your choice on what my path will be Hera, you can make me an enemy or an allie."
Apr 15th, 2003, 01:32:52 PM
Hera's mind worked quickly as Gerbo spoke.
On the one hand, his knowledge of the bloodcall and perhaps of Vampyre lore could prove useful. Hera had much to learn and while she was inclined to trust Ezra, would he really reveal to her all the Undead weaknesses so she might exploit them? He was, afterall, one of the Damned himself.
On the other hand, Gerbo was a threat no matter how one tossed him in the air. He had a tunnel vision when it came to the Vamps and while in his work it was no doubt a necessity, here at ShadowFaene, it was a different scenario entirely.
"Well here's how I see it, Gerbo. You can remain here on the understanding that you are doing so as an employee of Mr. Mcgraves. Anything you do reflects his command and should you cross me - or my crew - in any way, we will hold not only you, but Smoker responsible. ShadowFaene will see that retribution is carried out swiftly and lethaly against him. Is that clear?"
She stared at him hard.
"That includes Ezra. You so much as twitch at him the wrong way and you, and Jason, will not live to talk about it."
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 16th, 2003, 05:24:25 PM
"Very well set down the rules as you must, but no need to worry my boss wants nothing but good relations with The ShadowFaene. If I where to cross you I'm pretty sure I would be on his list of people to kill as well."
Gerbo waited for Hera next command even though he was under Jason rule he was according to Jason a temporary slave to Hera.
"I will do anything you order me to with out complaint. So if this part of the integration is over is there anything you want from me or need I to do?"
Apr 18th, 2003, 01:23:23 AM
She deliberated over her words.
Gerbo's arrival had not been expected and his offering of his expertise was even less so. Assigning him a job was the furtherest thing from her mind right now.
And so she stuck with what Gerbo could help her with the most right now.
"It is known you sometimes venture to the planet Roon...socialise with the Damned in their own bar even.." her shrewd eyes watched Gerbo intently, " is it that you can do that being such enimies?"
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 18th, 2003, 11:57:07 AM
"It is known you sometimes venture to the planet Roon...socialise with the Damned in their own bar is it that you can do that being such enimies?"
Daiquiri had wondered that herself, once she had discovered who Lang was. Why did the Vamps tolerate his presence and even more puzzling.....why hadnt they already killed him?
She steepled her fingers as she sat in the control room, the images from Hera's office coming through via a hidden camera set in the frame of one DrenKast's prize paintings. The whole meeting was being recorded and could be analyzed later if the need arose.
Daiquiri had been dozing in her quarters when Remkah buzzed her awake, telling her that there was something he thought she would like to see. An old friend had stopped by.
She waited, wondering how Gerbo was going to explain the mystery.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:29:28 PM
"It’s the simple theory of keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. Dalamar, Soth, and Alana think there playing head games with me to keep me at bay.
They do perceive me as a threat but they don't want to show it. Just like I don't want to show fear in front of them so I courageously walk right in there bar.
The night your friend Daiq happened upon me, I was actually hunting a vampire. It just happens that I’m smart enough to know I can't take on a whole heard of them myself."
Gerbo took another drink of his rum.
"It’s a game I guess you could say, they don't want to show there fear of me and I don't want to fight a million of them on my own."
Apr 27th, 2003, 06:56:39 PM
"A game? Maybe" Hera mused.
"But Smoker is right in one sense that you can help me. You know the Vampyric language I expect.......?"
The question was asked casually, but the Faene Mistresses luminescent blue eyes were intense as she waited Gerbo's reply.
imported_Gerbo Lang
May 1st, 2003, 08:53:19 PM
"Yes I know the language it has been awhile since I have spoken it but I know it. My father and bothers beat into me when I try to refuse to learn it. Its hard to forget something that is beat into you."
Gerbo spook eerily with no sense of emotion of hate or love towards his family.
May 2nd, 2003, 12:40:46 PM
Her simple reply under-indicated how pleased she was of this news.
"Starting tomorrow, you will teach me."
imported_Gerbo Lang
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:40:54 PM
"very well then, Hera. I will be ready tyo teach you by then."
Gerbo stood at attention waiting for hera to make the next move.
Jun 2nd, 2003, 05:43:10 PM
"You are docked at the main shipping yards I take it?"
Gerbo nodded.
"Then I will find you tomorrow at this time, and you will accompany me to SFF."
She paused a moment and then asked.
"Is there anything you require?"
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