View Full Version : Ragged they come, ragged they kill.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 7th, 2003, 02:42:56 AM
Feet rattled across metallic a walkway, growing faster and faster as they thundered over head. At first it had just been a walking pace that the people inside of ‘The Burning Deck’ could hear, and it could have almost been mistaken for some fault in machinery. But no, not now – now it was definitely someone sprinting, and doing it, by the sounds of things, with lead boots on. The run-down bar in the Corellian sector of Nar Shaddaa paid little mind to this of course, as it was engulfed already in the seedy pleasures of the night. Smugglers, pilots and civilians alike mingled in the dead of night, sipping on cocktails and wasting their lives away. All across the vertical city, life was the same. Ships flew in, ships flew out, and life went on.

That is, until someone decided to stop life.

The running ceased and high above the roof of The Burning Deck a man cleared the distance between the bar and a suspended path. It was like many of the others around the city and sloped upwards, leading into another labyrinth of planks. Quickly he was darting up it, pushing through and past people with little regard for their safety. In fact, it almost seemed as though he was deliberately giving them that extra little shove in the hope they would accidentally fall.

A junction present itself, with a red light marking that the street-walkers should pause and allow traffic by. No such thing was done by the man donning a grey coat, who leapt forcefully onto the first transport that hummed by a – limousine; sleek, black, and tearing off in the direction of one of the raunchiest joints in town: ‘Exotic Exhibit’.

Apr 7th, 2003, 03:08:02 AM
' Five thousssand credsss and no more...' Merrick hissed towards the green Rodian who looked as if he was in deep concideration. A top of the range speeder floated evenly by the side of the catwalk beside the inner city flight-way it was fully painted black and looked quite fast indeed. Merrick was once again covered in head to toe in a dark brown draping cloak, its good covred the best part of the Lizards head but allowed him to see and let the Rodian see his snout.

' Veelo' van halga seemabim afal beem!' The Rodian almost yelled in outrage. The green Rodian stamped his foot in a hot temper while Merrick stood perfectly still. ' Yayya vemanona seemalaow?' The Rodian questioned.It seemed as if he had raised the buying price a little more. Merrick was losing his patients. ' Look Rodian i have little time to be arguing with you five thousssand two hundred creditsss final offer...' The Rodian thought for a few more moments before handing over the key-card reluctantly. In turn Merrick gave the Rodian the credit chit and he walked off happily.

Merrick who had been weling and deeling of of the "day" as if there was one on the black moon jumped into the new speeder and sped off towards his most faverot bar the ‘Exotic Exhibit’. He had had enough for one day and it was time to get some drink, get some rest and get some girls. Humans girls were his most prized female they ignored his looks and they did it how he liked it...for the right price.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 7th, 2003, 08:56:28 AM
Inside of the cruising car, the driver and his passenger exchanged small conversation, until there was a loud thud from above.

What’s that noise?...

… I don’t know, sir.

Did you hear that banging?

I think I did, sir. I’m sure we’ll find out what it is when we arrive, sir.

Minutes later the speeder was humming to a halt outside of the exotic bar; renowned throughout the sector for its live acts of all kinds. Not only were there dancers, but animals from across the universe on show, as well as flora of all kinds to tantalise the scents.

As the occupant of the car stepped out there was a momentary blur of grey in the corner of his eye, to the left. When he turned to see what it was, nothing could be seen – however mere moments ago their extra passenger, Vega, had rolled off of the roof and was now jogging along the ‘alley’ at the side of the club, towards a ladder attached to the wall – a ladder that would give him direct roof access.