View Full Version : Stop me, I dare you (Open to a jedi)

Apr 6th, 2003, 08:31:19 PM
Southstar needed a Jedi's head and he needed it soon. To defeat a Jedi was his final task as an apprentice, soon he would become a Sith Knight. Through plenty of experience in training missions and outings with his fellow apprentices Southstar had learned that the best way to get the attention of a Jedi was to kill and create havoc.

Southstar looked up and saw that the light had turned green, allowing people to flood the streets in order to cross the road. He walked among them until the middle of the road. He unclipped his lightsaber and a navy blue blade shot through a Gotal in front of him. Now he spun around letting his lightsaber out loose to cut open whoever was too close.

Now the people began to panic and run. Southstar grabbed a giant statue of a war hero from the clone wars and pulled it down on to the fleeing masses. Turning around he saw a bus still filled with people trying to escape. He pushed the glass on the front and the sides inward. The shattered glass hit several people and it created a new rise of screams.

Looking around for more chaos to create he saw the window to a club. Southstar reached into his pocket and pulled out a Force activated shrapnel bomb he created himself at the palace. He threw it into the club and detonated it with the Force. He heard screams and cries of pain arise from the club, much like the ones from the bus.

Southstar was on a roll. He dared anyone to come stop him.

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 6th, 2003, 10:04:53 PM
To grasp at power is to abandom the Ways of the Force.
Such a one ceases to know the Force, except in his Dark Side.
To grasp at power is to take up the path that leads to destruction.
--Jedi Master Boba Baas

So much anger. So much hate. No direction, no goal, just chaotic. Terran's heart reached for the boy as he took violently to the surrounding area. He would never fully understand the passions of those who sought to inflict pain upon others. Was it their own pain that drove them? A longing for the truth that they would never find in the Darkside? A need for attention? Perhaps he would never know. But he did care, and it was that care that drove him to be a Jedi. He swore to protect those who could not protect themselves. A Sith was in just as much trouble as someone whose life was threatened.

It was his duty to help.

He came into plain view, cringing as the events that he had been unable to stop unfolded. His deep, brown robe fluttered in the wind as it whipped the layers of cloth around his frame. The hood of the cloak still shrouded his face as he made his way, now several meters from the Sith. His presence was clear--his aura allowed to escape its previous secrecy and the other to sense him. He watched as several of the patrons escaped the scene--thankfully.

Something in the air told them that this place was not safe.

"Are you done with games?" Terran spoke, his tone firm but not entirely threatening. The Sith's back was to him yet he could feel Terran's strong gaze upon him. "Turn around. Face the truth." He wanted his full, entire attention. He was going to save this man, and it started with a face to face interaction.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 6th, 2003, 10:14:36 PM
As Silus expected, Terran was out making rounds. The Dark Jedi had come to search out the Jedi. It was curiousity that drove him really. Since their meeting, very near the place they were at now, Silus considered Terran to have potential, even if the Jedi would deny this whole-heartedly.

Soon as arriving on the planet, Silus made his way towards this place, since he had encountered Terran here before. It wasnt long until he had sensed the Jedi's presence and followed. It wasnt long after that he had sensed the pain and suffering from the events that transpired. It would be hard for something like that to go unnoticed to any force user that was even remotely close.

As with their first meeting, Silus kept himself in the shadows as Terran did his thing. For now he was merely an observer. One waiting for the perfect moment to become a participant....

Apr 7th, 2003, 02:12:02 AM
Maia was pleasant company to the old man as the feasted on a platter of fruits and berries, while sipping their purified water. It had been a month of attonement since the encounter with Fiend, And Niccademas was conversing with the beautiful woman accross from himself when she noticed a slight ripple in the force as his eyes rolled back in his head.

The non-Force users could not feel the drain on them, yet Maia and the other lightsiders near him could feel the the overwhelming goodness enter there presence! Within the span of a heartbeat Niccademas countered the darkness that swarmed near him to protect the innocent...

The immediate people that fell from the saber strike was beyond his controll, but the giant statue held in its decent untill all were away from its crushing path. The majority of the glass that erupted from the transport was sent harmlessly to the ground..... yet some were injured, but not badly. With a grasping motion that the old mad made, the exploading device was contained in a two meter glowing sphere that only allowed the sound to escape .

Releasing the contained fragments of the device,allowing them to fall harmlessly to the floor, Niccademas rose from his chair and started towards the exit with the Force as his allie.

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 7th, 2003, 02:28:23 AM
Maia nibbled at her food as she enjoyed the company the elder Jedi. He had in effect become somewhat like a father figure. Hers having been so purely evil, Niccadimas was like the welcoming breeze.

When Niccadimas's head lolled, and his eyes rolled Maia felt the drain on her power with the force. She had felt this once before when he had used her to save her life. She could feel the surge rush from her toward him, linking them together.

The yells of the patrons drew her eyes, Niccadimas had created a force field to encase the explosion and it drew amaze exclamations from those around. She watched him move out the door set in his purpose. Maia let the force flow from her, searching for the disturbance. She could feel two familiar presences. She could not quiet make out who they were but they were in essence very familiar.

Getting up she made her way to the door Niccadimas had passed through. She drew her saber from her hip in preparation. Though she tended to be a healer she could also protect when needed....

Apr 7th, 2003, 09:02:18 PM
Southstar heard the voice from behind him and turned around to face "the truth." He studied the Jedi before saying anything; finally he spoke, "Yeah...the games are over." Southstar said and meant it, the games were over. Now the real business began. He took a defensive stance as he slightly picked up on new Force talented people in the surrounding area. He looked to the left quickly to see an elderly man stand in the doorway. Perhaps he had over done it, Jedi were showing up all over. He knew he couldn't handle this many or even two alone. He knew he must try, prove to himself and everyone else he wasn't such a failure and coward. "So, you going to give me some crap about the light or are you going to stand there?" he said to Terran.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 7th, 2003, 09:29:46 PM
"Honestly what are you gonna do to him? Im dieing to know."

With a cocky grin, Silus stepped out of the shadows. He slowly paced a half circle around the two. He could sense people coming from different directions. His sabers were secured on him, but there were too many witnesses to be fighting like that.

He didnt want it to be blatantly obvious that he was a force user, not to everyone watching at least.

"I would kill him if I were you. He's proven to be a threat. You'd be doing Coruscant a service, Master Jedi"

Tonight the fight was between Terran, and the darksider, presumably a Sith. Others were coming, if they werent already there. With any luck, Silus could keep the fight even with words.

If not, things would get ugly....

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 7th, 2003, 09:52:44 PM
Just as Terran was about to reply, the hair on the back of Terran's neck stood up as he felt a presence familiar to him--roughly a second before he heard the voice. He knew precisely who it was and stood in his place, a small grin forming on his lips. A presence he hadn't felt in some time. Some foes of the man would say it hadn't been long enough. Terran, however, felt a special connection to the other, and he didn't fear an interaction with him. Who was the mystery force?

Silus Xilarian.

"I hadn't expected you," Terran replied, his eyes fixed on Southstar's. Silus had kept himself hidden in the shadows for some time, and Terran hadn't felt his Force signature. Every time he was near, however, his sensitivity towards Silus grew ever slightly. It became harder and harder for Silus to hide from him. "The only favor I could truly do Coruscant would be to reclaim another lost, now wouldn't it. Killing wouldn't be very honorable. . .you know that." He found his attention reverted back to Southstar.

"I'm afraid I would find it redundant to spew 'crap' onto an already dirty pig. But the question is simple: Is it the man who is the pig or is it the mask which he wears that resembles the swine?" Terran's tone softened.

"My friend, you've spent so much time and effort already behind a mask of fear." Terran could feel the fear of his opponent rising as a couple other force-users closed in. "A mask of deception and misunderstanding. I can show you the truth." The Jedi stood, undaunted but knowledgable of Silus presence.

Apr 8th, 2003, 03:37:36 PM
Terran was right, he was nervous, how did he know? Was it that obvious? Don't get nervous now, you have to do this and prove to them...no, to you that you can do this. He told himself. Southstar was coming to the realization that he only needed to prove to himself he was capable of anything. People would always say things against him, whether he did the best thing possible or not. Every god has its athiests. He felt his confidence building now, he was going to do this.

"Pig this, man that." He said mockingly, "There is no mask, I don't fear you or your Jedi pals here. I'll kill you all if it needs to be done." Southstar felt the Force rising in the area. Southstar didn't know who this man who knew Terran was, but he didn't expect him to pose much of a problem to Southstar. Things were definitely getting hairy, but he was adequately prepared.

"The real question is do you know what the truth is? You claim to, but is it really the truth or just a lie created by naive ideologists who don't know what its like in the world?"

Silus Xilarian
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:54:57 AM
"Oooo Hes got a point...."

Silus kept adequate distance between himself but paced almost restlessly. The sith was guarding his emotions fairly well, but somethings are nearly impossible to hide from a well trained eye. On the outside, the man was collected, almost calm, aside from the intensity one would gather after a good massacre..

"If it were me, Id just kill him, no use taking the risk of losing an arguement. Of course, Jedi are our protectors. I imagine it must be tearing you up inside, all these people around you suffering. But you cant tend to their wounds of course. You have to defeat the evil Darksider, right...."

Silus glanced over and made direct eye contact with Terran and spoke with a grin and a wink.

"Master Jedi?"

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 9th, 2003, 09:19:01 AM
The sad part was, Silus was nearly exactly right. Terran's first instinct had indeed been to run to the people who lay pinned beneath the statue. He wanted to hurry to those who were in the bus that shattered glass all over them. In the street, a few beings lay that had been sliced by Southstar's saber.

Luckily, Silus reminded him and he had an idea.

He reached out with his mind to the other two onlookers--the two Force-users he had felt. He wasn't positive they were Jedi,because he hadn't seen their faces. He did feel calm and a sense of good from them, and he was willing to give them a shot.

My friends. . .if you can hear me. . .these people need our help. . .I can't back away at this moment. . .you must tend to their wounds. . . He hoped they would hear his plea.

"A Jedi does not seek to murder," he said, his eyes meeting with Silus' for a moment. The other's were quite imposing. He'd forgotten. His attention turned back to Southstar, though his comments were aimed at both. "A Jedi seeks only to act in order to preserve peace and justice." The attention was directed again mostly at Southstar, though Silus could tell Terran was very much aware and heeding his presence.

"The Darkside is only a circle of lies. It starts with a taste of power, and it never ceases to decieve. To grasp for this power is to abandon the ways of the Force--real power is only achieved through courage, goodness, and truth." Terran let his empathy and caring nature take over as he spoke the next words--softly and with true emotion.

"I do not wish to harm you. . .I am only here to help you."

Apr 9th, 2003, 03:40:46 PM
"So you preserve peace and justice by talking to me?" Southstar held a woman with the force and raised her ten meters high. "I'm going to drop her... what stops me? Not you. You are weak, can't you see I am the root of the problem!" Southstar raised the woman up some more. If the fall did not kill her it would most certainly cripple her and judging by her clothing she probably doesn't have the money to be healed. The woman was screaming hysterically now, she knew she was going to die.

"You can save her, break her fall or stop her with the force...but you won't eliminate the cause. You will have to kill me before the slaughter stops." Southstar was enjoying this now, his nervousness was falling away. Southstar really didn't care for the mindless massacre, it really seemed pointless to him. But this little slaughter was proving helpful in bending this Jedi, soon Southstar would break him. He would be victorius.

Apr 10th, 2003, 01:29:07 AM
Standing on the sidewalk, watching on with interest, The old man was devoid of emotions. The events that transpired infront of his naked eyes matched perfectly with the imprint of the situation that the Force displayed on his vision.

The darkside of the force, fed off of fear and chaos, but when serenity and happiness presided... it held no sway! The darkness that was present in almoast every situation was a plaugue on this universe, one that should have never been allowed to take root, Niccademas thought to himself. The few that embraced its dark power should be reconcilled with and then.. delt with! With the multitude of beings within the old mans Force-touch gave santion to His actions and the few Force users in the area was alerted to the presence of wrong doings.

The darksiders saw a dragon made of pure white light wrest the woman perched far above the ground away to safty, enveloping her in the bright shining light, placing her on her feet away from the situation. With palms outstreached from beneath the earth-toned robes Niccademas halted the darksiders drain of fear from the citizens around them, causing the two to feel empty and alone.

A pureness as the Jedi had never felt before, poured into him with peace and benevolence. The Thoughts he had felt were reassured as the light side spread in an emotionless form through his being. Maia felt the touch of the old man, and knew what she was to do.

The confines of these darksiders powers grew smaller by the minute and by the looks that one of them wore, made it apparent that ... it was understood.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 10th, 2003, 01:41:16 AM
"Keep your nose out of this old man."

Silus' glare turned toward Niccademas. If Terran were ever going to 'learn', then he'd have to fight alone.

"This is between them, if he cant handle this Sith alone, then he can step down and leave the job to you, otherwise, let the man work...."

A smirk crossed Silus' face as the prospect of drawing his own weapons started to become more and more tempting.

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 10th, 2003, 01:37:18 PM
Maia moved up next to Niccadimas, her eyes fastened on Silus. Her eyes were sad as was her smile. She had met him long ago, and they had become unlikely friends. They had in a way saved one another. She could feel the pain of people around her, and the darkness was as abundant as the light.

"Hello Silus, it seems we meet in the strangest of circumstances does it not?" Maia's voice was filled with regret, she did not want him to become her enemy, and he had nobility about him that gave her hope.

Placing her hand on Niccadimas arm, she looked toward Terran. She had met him to, long ago. She had healed him after an attack from Diego. He was a Jedi that was pure of heart. He could more than take care of himself. But she was hear to lend a helping hand if need be.

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 10th, 2003, 01:58:13 PM
Terran's brow furrowed as he thought about the situation at hand. He'd interacted with Silus enough to know that he never did a single thing without a reason. That was simply the way he operated--he was a very calm, very calculated opponent. He was intentionally isolating Terran and Southstar. Terran wasn't positive why--maybe he just wanted to observe? Maybe he had other motives. It didn't really matter at this point, however, because Terran knew that Silus would not attack him dishonorably. It was strange to say it, but he trusted the Dark Jedi.

"You see--your games will not affect me, friend." Terran spoke in reference to the Sith's attempt to divert his attention by putting another in harm's way. The mysterious Jedi--one that he didn't recognize--had difussed the problem and the woman was safe. It was good that he. . .

A feeling swept over Terran. A presence he hadn't felt for some time. However, he was known to be in touch with the Living Force more than many other padawans at the academy, and he remembered signatures very well. It was Maia Tharrinn--Jedi of the Greater Jedi Order. She had healed him once, when he had been attacked by Diego Van Dervald in vonskyr form. Ever since then, he'd been quite familiar with her aura. He shot her a smile as his attention was quickly reverted back to his opponent.

"Death is not the answer. Killing you is not the answer. The root of the problem can be rectified without causing more death in this Galaxy. You can change. Good can, and will, prevail. You must understand that." Terran's voice was still friendly but firm. "The great domination of the Sith Order was destroyed by itself. The evil Empire's sheer power was defeated by the hope of good and the Lightside of the Force. It will always be so--and it's never too late to turn back."

Apr 10th, 2003, 05:48:43 PM
Southstar was growing very tired of this old man meddling with things. Southstar felt a change in his emotions and thoughts... It was that damn old man! This angered Southstar further and he let his anger build. He felt Niccadimas presence in him fade and then Southstar tucked it into the back of his mind where he would deal with it at a more convenient time.

Southstar heard Silus speak and was glad that someone had told the old man to back off. Southstar was getting the impression that Silus was not on his side, but was against him either. Silus's neutral stance was doing just fine for now.

Then Terran spoke, with all that was going on Southstar nearly forgot he was there. "You know what, yeah, 'the light' can prevail, but it will not always. Sure, the Sith under Palpatine fell, but so did the Jedi Order of the Old Republic. 'Good' did not prevail, 'evil' did."

Southstar thought for a moment then spoke, "But what makes you think the Jedi are good? Because they hesitate before taking action does not make them any more good than the Sith. To himself, Palpatine did not think he was the bad guy. He saw what was going on in the Republic and corrected it. He used fear to make people comply, which may I note is much more efficient than your democracy."

"I believe what I am doing is in the best interest of myself and the Sith. I am doing it in the most efficient way possible. You and the Jedi are avoiding the problem and trying to negotiate with it." Southstar was growing more confident in himself, he was developing his own system of beliefs instead of just following what people told him to do.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 12th, 2003, 12:39:16 AM
"Its good to see you again Maia. Dont we just always meet under the strangest of circumstances."

Silus flashed a half smile towards Maia and glanced back over his shoulder at Terran.

"Im saving this Sith for Terran, it will be good experience for him."

Obviously this would sound odd, but it made perfect sense to Silus. In a twisted, insane sense of reasoning, Silus considered Terran his own apprentice. Even as busy as Silus was back home, he was making sure to keep tabs on his "favorite Jedi".

"So keep the old dog on a leash, or he'll be left without the space for a collar..."

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 13th, 2003, 09:27:22 AM
"We Jedi seek to preserve life and peace, not to negotiate with the problem," Terran spoke back. He was having trouble with his opponen--the man's mind was, in many ways, set in the poisons of the Sith. While this didn't make Terran exactly happy, it didn't discourage him. Afterall, Anakin Skywalker was rescued from the darkside, and that was quite a feat.

"I think you should come with me to the Order. To a nuetral place--you will not be confined or contrainted or attacked in any way." Terran saw Silus out of the corner of his eye and had half heard him speaking with the others present. "You could speak with someone who understands. We have several Masters who once walked a dark path." Terran had been a Sith in training once, as well; but he never remembered much of his dark training. Only Xazor. . .he could remember her like it was only yesterday.

"They can share their own experiences with you. If you only gave the Order a moment of your time, it could be worth your lifetime." Terran paused.

Apr 14th, 2003, 01:13:10 AM
Niccademas watched the trio with an emotionless gaze, ever reasuring the jedi with his presence. The attrocities that the one had made on those unable to defend themselfs was not the kind of thing a Duinuogwin Jedi could let go!

Knowing that the confrontation between the two was among themselves now, The Old Man turned his attention towards the the one that was circling and speaking as if his words were to have an effect on his being! Drawing on the living Force Niccademas felt the presence of those that manipulated the light side growing ever closer to this site.

The deep penetraiting stair from the amber eyes of the old man let the the man whom had just been casting dispersions at him know that his threats were heard and not appreciated. Folding his hands conceiling like into his robes Niccademas spoke to those in the immediate vacinity...

"If I have offended you in any way I will oppologize, but let this be known... If another innocent is harmed, I will not stop untill justice is served!"

Silus Xilarian
Apr 14th, 2003, 06:22:19 PM
With a half Smile, Half smirk, Silus reached underneath his coat in a concealing manner, as his arm positioned itself behind his back.

"And to anyone I may have offended, let it be known that I dont apologize!"

Silus spoke in a loud voice, lifting his head slightly and looking around, as if he were giving a speech.

"Its my divine right to look at this man in front of me and refer to him as an elderly beast of which one would keep as a pet. Its my divine right to stand in front of this man, and not let him pass, so that this confrontation behind me can be kept fair and honorable."

Silus' gaze turned toward Niccademas, and Silus spoke in a hushed tone.

"And if this man in front of me decides to take one step closer, innocent slaughter or not, it is my divine right to draw my weapon and let him bleed...."

Apr 14th, 2003, 08:06:50 PM
Southstar listened to Terran speak. He was tiered of talking with this man. Southstar had established his beliefs with im and Terran clearly opposed them. He believed he was doing the right thing to make the world a better place for him and Terran was now in the way. Southstar would not let obstacles stop him, he would do what he needed to.

Southstar felt the broken bits of glass on the ground with the forceand picked them up. Slowly, he pointed them at Terran's face and spoke. "We will not be going to the Order...you are what prevents me from getting done what needs to be..... I enjoyed the conversation, really.... but all good things come to an evil end." Southstar motioned the shard to nick Terrans face, nothing deadly just enough to flex a little muscle.

Apr 15th, 2003, 01:12:44 AM
The old man felt and heard the honor that was present in the words and voice of the man before him. One that held no regard for honor would have revealed his wheapon and pressed his advantage. The light side resided in this one deep,.... pushed back and held imprisoned by falce thoughts that poisoned the soal. A soft ripple of peace in the force washed over Silus once again.

The amber bladed saber that resided within a heartbeat's distance from his hand Niccademas gave one last plea to a fellow force user...

"The only line that I will cross will be when an innocent is placed in harms way, so I ask you Please let no more be brought into this confrontation and I will stand firm with holding conversation with you!"

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 15th, 2003, 01:47:14 AM
Terran sensed some a feeling--as though someone was reaching into the Force around him. It was hard to tell who--what, with five Force Users in his vacinity. It was just a quick thought from the energy around him that let him know the Force was being used.

'I think the end you seek will be darker than you might--" his words were cut off as something nearly blew up in his head. Danger! Danger! Danger! It screamed into his ears as he opened his mind to react. Time slowed as his surroundings seemed to poke along at an incredibly slow rate. He located a single shard of glass in the air--accompanied by a few, but only one that had a course aimed directly at his face. Terran found his control very tight, and he dodged his body to the left as the shard zipped by his head harmlessly.

Heads up--we have debris, he said in a thought--through the Force--to Silus. He didn't know why. Silus would be fine to take care of himself. More baffling was. . .why should he care about Silus' health?

"Again, let me state--as simply as possible," he spoke, throwing his outer robes open and away to reveal his lightsaber. "I do not wish to harm you. Understand, however, that if forced to defend myself or another and left with no other options, I will kill you. Please believe that." Terran said it with a firmness in his voice and an intimidation that was undeniable. Even the Jedi and Silus around him could sense how serious he had become in his tone of voice. It was true--he did not wish for physical conflict. He was a Jedi--a believer in peace and redemption. However, he would do what was necessary to protect that peace for himself and others.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:13:52 AM
"Well, I dont think I have much sway over this man's actions"

Silus jerked a thumb back toward Southstar as he gave his retort to Niccademas. It was then he heard a thought from Terran, followed by Terran tossing his cloak aside and taking a more aggressive stance. With a large grin Silus turned around and faced toward Southstar...

"Those sound like 'fightin words' ta me......"

Apr 15th, 2003, 06:11:51 PM
Southstar nodded and said, "So, you will kill me now? Quite a big change from your previous stance." Southstar reached for his lightsaber and took the appropiate stance. He ignighted it and a glowing navy blue blade extended from the hilt. He released the shards and allowed them to fall to the ground. Southstar was more threatening now and was very curious to find how Terran would respond to it.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:49:37 PM
"What does it take? An act of the Senate to make you fight."

Silus cut a quick glance toward Terran. Obviously, the Jedi wasnt gonna make the first move, as he had with Silus (somewhat). And Southstar really wasnt pressing the right buttons.

"You come out here and kill a truckload of defenseless people, and when the first guy steps up with any training, you wanna stand around and debate. I hate to nit-pick, but I was under the impression that you were a Sith...."

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 16th, 2003, 12:39:13 AM
Frelling Silus.

It was times like these that Terran wanted to slap the man. But, suffice to say, Silus was good at these games he played. He was good at stirring people's emotions. He was good at games. No matter how well Terran understood Silus' nature, he found himself still pulled into his intricate webs. Now, he was trying to get the Sith to fight.

Though his opponent had drawn his saber and ignited the dark blue blade, Terran stood motionless. He would only defend at this point in time--there would be no attacking. The young Sith had a point--Terran did seemingly change his course of action with his previous comment. However, Terran didn't see it that way.

"The fact that I will do what I must to preserve my own life and the life of those around me does indeed remain said. I do not seek to kill you, though. As I mentioned--it is only an option if I find myself left without others." He paused for a moment, shooting Silus a quick evil eye. Terran did have to rethink his plan, though.

"The choice, my friend, rests in your hands. Will you end this all now and walk away peacefully? Or will you face unpleasant consequences?" Terran wondered what the man was thinking.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 16th, 2003, 01:17:56 AM
Silus cut in right as Terran finished speaking. Whether or not Southstar was ready to fight was becoming irrelevant.

"Jedi. If you let this man walk away, after killing all these innocents, then I'll fight him myself."

Silus' eyes shot over toward Terran as he finished a statement.

"And dont think that I'll show any mercy on a murderer...."

Apr 16th, 2003, 02:04:26 AM
The Image that appeared in Terran's sight was but a brief flicker in the timeline that transpired and was seen by his vision in the force, not by the naked eye!

:::The bluish shimmering visage of the old man circled around the backside of Southstar casting him a casual glance and then spoke in a ghostly voice that welled slightly in Terran’s ears. "Evil will always turn in upon itself,... Know this young Jedi, emotion leads to the darkside, so let not your actions be swayed by it!" A peaceful feeling washed over the Jedi in the midst of this confrontation. "You are surrounded by the light, and your least actions could prove to be beneficial to your soul!" The image of the blue shimmering person vanished just as quickly as it appeared!::::

The Old mans voice spoke to Silus as he finished speaking... "You are a rare specimen in the force... and I would like to speak to you more, yet you turn your back on me?"

Apr 16th, 2003, 05:39:40 PM
"Come on Jedi... will it take another's death to bring you into this?" He said. In the distance he could hear sirens approaching. Sure enough there were speeders with flashing lights soaring towards him. "It looks like we have company." The speeders came to a halt and the local police force unloaded themselves, blaster rifles pointed at all.

Before they could issue a warning Southstar drew his own blaster and shot an officer in the neck. He collapsed to the ground and the force present opened fire. Southstar took cover behind an abandoned speeder while maintaining some defence in case anyone made a move against him. The officers most likely could not distingish who was enemy and who was friend, even if Southstar had made it apparent he was an enemy.

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:23:18 PM
The Jedi Padawan felt the presence of his master, Maia Tharrin, and the Duinoguin Jedi Niccademas, while in the middle of a meal. Raymious was eating something that was quite good, when he had felt the all to familiar feeling of Niccademas gathering the lightside to him. The young man immidiatly paid for his meal. Placing a tip on the table, he made his way past a couple of patrons that filled the establishment and walked outside into the open streets.

He looked around in all directions, trying to locate the force sence coming from the elder Jedi. Raymious closed his eyes, reaching outward for the force and feeling it flow all around him, through his entire frame. He now located from which direction the force was calling him.

The young Jedi ran with smooth even strides. He was a blur of motion to all that had looked upon him. Coming to a corner he haulted, as the tingling of the force screamed Danger inside of his head. Taking a couple of long calming breaths, the grip of his lightsaber resting in the palm of his hand, he rounded the corner.

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:16:30 AM
Southstar could feel the presence of ANOTHER jedi, this one was weak in the Force. Perhaps due to lack of practice or natural talent, either way this would be benifitial to Southstar, especially if the new Jedi was peaking in his head.

Back to the task at hand. The police had ceased firing now and began to look around for him. Southstar reached inside a pouch for a homemade bomb. He activated it and tossed it towards the police, if he was lucky it would kill a few of the Jedi as well.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 18th, 2003, 08:30:52 PM
Things had gotten messy. More Jedi were showing up, and the police were there opening fire. Most of their fire was now directed toward Southstar, since the Sith had opened fire first. Silus was actually about to draw his blasters and have at it, til he saw an officer get shot to his right.

The cop was on the outer peripheral of Southstar's fire, so Silus made a mad dash for the cop's blaster rifle. He had an idea.

Silus barely broke stride as he grabbed the rifle and ducked into a nearby building. He bypassed the lift and ran up the stairs, climbing four flights before turning into the 4th floor lobby. After a quick jog down the hallway. He ran all the way to the end and ducked left into an empty office, shutting the door behind him. Now that he had found his perch, he casually strode over, opened the window, and set the barrel of the rifle on the window sill. With a quick and careful aim, he took one of the cops into his sights and squeezed the trigger. The blaster bolt shot through the air and connected with the back of the cop's neck. The cop fell forward as the energy nearly ripped his head off, and Silus took aim again...

Darth Uhlen
Apr 19th, 2003, 06:39:15 PM


There was a rush of wind as something fell from the top of the nearest building and landed hard next to Southstar. The figure stood to its full, massive height and extended its arms. long, slithering, snake-like chords shot out from the figure's robes towards the police. The ends of the chords connected with two of the men's throats and slithered back to their master. The two men, both clutching their punctured air tubes fell to the ground weezing and spurting blood everywhere. The cloaked figure, Darth Uhlen, turned back to Southstar and threw off its hood, revealing the mutilated face underneath.

"Uhlen.....offers assistance."

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 20th, 2003, 02:24:56 AM
When negotiations fail, a Jedi must act.

Terran sprang into action as the scene before him unfolded into mass chaos. It was terrible--constables falling victim to the outlashing of Southstar and a new one. He didn't recognize the creature, but it seemed formidable. Terran maintained confidence in his own ability to defend himself, and found himself in a mad dash to get inbetween the law and the Sith.

Halcyon burst from his hands, the green blade glowing brightly and humming as Terran ran towards the small patrol-speeder barracade the police had created. He saw a few cops down already--two more in the hands of a strange weapon. Some type of flexible cord or wire jutting out from the newcomer's body. Perhaps armor? A strange weapon, for sure. Terran turned--still on course for the police--as he outstretched a strong hand towards the scaley, lizzard-like warrior(Darth Uhlen). Calling upon the Force and trusting in its strength, he released a strong Force push which pushed the other back. Luckily, it released the two officers. No sooner had Terran turned than had something tickled his senses.


He spun his body left and swung his lightsaber blade instinctively in a downward arc, connecting with a blaster bolt that had wizzed towards an officer. The bolt deflected off harmlessly, singing the side of a speeder. Terran turned his eyes to see the origin of the bolt--it was Silus. He had shot from a few floors up in an adjacent building.

Sithspit, Silus! Make this as hard as possible, huh? Terran wanted to cry out to him, but didn't. They had a strange relationship--one not charactersitic of a Dark Jedi and a GJO Jedi--but it wasn't an alliance, and Terran knew it. Finally, he stopped, his saber out deflecting bolts as he spoke to one of the officers.

"Call your men off immediately!" Terran shouted over the chaos.

"What?" The response from the officer was very confused.

"I am a Jedi, and I am asking you to call off your officers immediately! We will handle these fugitives. Please--before anyone else is hurt. This is out of your hands." Another bolt struck the door next to the two.

"I dunno. . .maybe we should. . ."

"Now!" Terran turned on a bit of persuasion and a bit of command in his voice. The officer began to radio out to the rest to disperse. Some took to the crowd in an attempt to clear the scene of innocents. Others remained--some inbetween. Terran sighed. He needed them out of here. All that was really getting accomplished, he noticed, was nothing.


Silus Xilarian
Apr 20th, 2003, 02:37:26 AM
"Leave now, all of you"

From out of nowhere stood a robed figure with flowing white hair and long ears.

"Im from the Jedi council, we can handle things."

Of all the people there, only the police saw the figure, who upon closer inspection was one Dasquian Belargic. Immediately, the police began to back away, grabbing their wounded as they headed for their speeders. Little known to them, they were seeing an illusion. One cop even gave "Dasquian" a nod of good luck before leaving. To the rest of the group, he was nodding at nothing.

As Terran looked around, he noticed Silus had left his perch. The whole situation was getting too messy, and the Dark Jedi had decided to help clean things up.

A few moments later Silus appeared at the doorway of the building. His sabers were disengaged, but removed. He had the feeling he was about to become a participant in the fight, for which side though, would remain to be seen.

Darth Uhlen
Apr 20th, 2003, 08:33:17 AM
Uhlen felt the push against him and staggered back a few paces while still remaining upright. He watched as the lone padawan jedi desperately tried to control the chaos that was seemingly everywhere. Then Uhlen decided to help the man clear away the policemen. Summoning his powers from the fear and anger which was radiating off of the crowd of civilians, he grabbed two more officers with invisible hands and smashed them together like ragdolls. There was a loud sickening CRUNCH! as the bones of the weaklings cracked and they fell in a heap to the ground below.

OOC: Terren, for future referance Uhlen is a 7'7'' half man half Yuuhzan Vong Sith and looks nothing like a lizzard. Peace dude. and Happy Easter:)

Apr 20th, 2003, 06:27:40 PM
The footing that the darksider stood upon erupted in a maelstrom of chaos. Loose tiles, trash, and bits of concrete were swept into this havoc. Darth Uhlen seemed to be at its center, being pummled by the spinning whirlpool of debris as he was cast upwards from the street where he stood.

A snap and a smell of burnt ozone and Niccademas's ancient yellow blade came to life.

Watching the onslaught of the force storm that Uhlen was flipping end over end in, as he came down. Every time the disoriented tentacles lashed outward, they were intercepted by debris.

Apr 20th, 2003, 11:32:02 PM
Southstar had been hit by a piece of shrapnal thrown off from a stray blaster bolt. The piece of transparitsteel stuck in his side and blood was seeping out. He didn't know what to do now, he was definitely outnumbered by Jedi, but Uhlen was here. If Southstar understood Yuuzhan Vong culture correctly, even without the Force, Darth Uhlen would prove to be a formidable opponent as a warrior. "Thanks for the assistance. If you could keep these damn Jedi busy for a moment I'd appreciate it." He said and crawled away to an empty club. He needed to take care of his own wounds.

OOC: Hey, sorry to do this to everyone, but I'm going on a vacation until friday. On friday I'll be able to continue the thread with my character. Happy Easter all.

imported_Corin Zetith
Apr 21st, 2003, 12:14:06 PM
Uhlen felt his feet lift off the ground as he was swept awayinto the air by the maelstrom. After a few elongated seconds of spinning head over feet through the air he landed with a loud 'THUD!' 10 meters from where he had been. Relishing the feelings of pain shooting from the cuts and bruises he had endured in the debris cloud, Uhlen stood up from where he had landed and licked blood from his lips. Then he threw back his head and sent a hoarse, cackling cry into the sky (his equivelant of laughter). Throwing off his robes he disentangled his light/amphistaff from the garments and called his serpantine tendrils back. The tendrils slithered back into his arms as he ignited the amphistaff in its solid from. Standing in the middle of the street he looked around at all of the jedi surrounding him; also the one who didnt really seem like he was a jedi but didnt seem like he was a sith either (Silus). Uhlen waited eyes shining blood red in anticipation, ready to kill......

OOC: srry guys forgot i was still Corin. oops this is Uhlen srry

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 22nd, 2003, 03:02:36 PM
Terran turned to hear the reassuring voice of Dasquian and found his body a bit at ease. The officer's dispersed, and he turned his attention away, helping to carry off a wounded man. He wondered how quickly his opponents would change their tune with 5 Jedi present.

"Well, I would be remiss not to admitt that I am glad to see--" Terran turned to face Dasquian but he now looked at nothing. Dasquian was gone. Not a trace of his whereabouts, his coming, or his going. Terran stood puzzled for a second. Why would he? What was he? Wait a second. . .Terran's eyes traced up to where Silus had perched--and was now gone.

"Sithspit!" He had been tricked. Actually, he and a good-sized handful of Coruscant's finest, had all fallen victim to another of Silus' illusions. It was clear to him that the Dark Jedi had used it again. He was getting better at smelling them out, but this slip-up proved just how vulnerable he still could be when under stress.

It appeared that Southstar had left the scene, which left Uhlen, Silus (wherever he was), Maia, Niccadamus, and Raymious. His eyes and senses open, he held his saber--still ignited--in a defensive position and readied himself.

Apr 23rd, 2003, 01:14:48 AM
The words spoken to terran came in sharp and without emotion. "To long have the JEDI allowed this, Together we can put a stop to this plague on the universe!"

The Jedi around Niccademas was fully aware of his intent... even Silus felt the overwhealming presence of the light. Maia knew full well the intent of the old man and his capabilities and was watchfull of Silus's movements as the two Jedi made room for Terran in the encompassing circle around Uhlen!

"You will be asked only once... to reliquish your wheapons and surrender!" The old man spoke to Uhlen, welling a Force sheild around the area.

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 23rd, 2003, 01:24:10 AM
Maia had stood back silent, her eyes intent on Silus. She had viewed him as a friend since the day he had helped her, she hoped she would always be able to view him as such. She had thought she sensed something in him, something more than the darkness he now displayed. To her Jedi eyes he offered no light on the situation at hand.

Her face grew impassive as she felt the intent of Niccadimas, she would fight if need be. But her heart ached at the thought. She was a healer by nature, and it was against her grain to harm anyone. She kept her eyes glued to Silus, hope settling in the silvery blue hues.....

Darth Uhlen
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:08:53 AM
Uhlen said nothing to the old man he planted his feet firmly, readying himself for a strike. he reached out and could feel all of emotions radiating from the nearby people. Some of the civilians were mourning the loss of loved ones, some were wishing they could bring the killers to justice, and some were shivering with fear. Anger, fear, and sadness, all of these were perfect tools of the darkside. Uhlen gathered all of this hatred and grief into one center point, himself, and he turned it all into his own power, his own evil malice. He could feel the force pulsing through him, his every muscle and vein!

"Jeedai.............Kill JEEDAI!"

As Uhlen's blood lust took over he took one powerful leap, which sent him sailing through the air towards Terran. Uhlen's booted foot was stretched out towards Stareck's face!

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:36:46 AM
Terran kept an eye open for Silus, watching a nearby building that he thought Silus might be exiting. He kept his eye on the street below, wondering if the Dark Jedi had--


He turned swiftly, his instincts and his reliance on the Force kicking in. His movement quick, he turned to see the body of another flying through the air, aimed directly at his head. Without thinking, he ducked, dropping his body to the floor. It was barely in time, as Uhlen sailed over him with an incredibly destructive force. It was a good thing he managed to evade the manuver, or he wasn't sure he would still be standing.

He turned himself to follow Uhlen, saber no held in front of him, prepared to block any coming attack.

Darth Uhlen
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:33:23 PM
Uhlen landed and brought his light/amph around in a long, horizontal arch towards Terran's left side. Making sure to keep his senses expanded so far as to notice any of the other's attacking.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 24th, 2003, 12:38:12 AM
As Silus stepped out of the building, he found himself in a rather embarassing situation. All these force users, and he hadnt taken any real sides. This was even more embarassing, since Silus now had his two red sabers ignited and ready to go. With a mock huff, Silus stepped into the middle of the fray...

"Who's first?"

Apr 26th, 2003, 11:16:52 PM
Southstar lay inside an empty building holding his side. He pulled the shrapnal out and the blood began to flow freely from his side now. He ignighted his lightsaber and began to dab the wounded area with the burning hot blade, instantly stopping all blood from exiting his body. He stood up now and watched a fight rage on through the window. It seemed Silus was finally going to take a side in this confrontation.

Now southstar walked, the wound was sealed, but it still hurt like no other wound he had experienced before. Uhlen was the Jedi busy, Southstar was sure Uhlen would be able to handle things for just a few more minutes while Southstar created a little more chaos.

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 28th, 2003, 02:09:13 PM
Terran spun around effortlessly, whipping his saber around in a green blur to meet Uhlen's weapon. The blade crackled as it met resistance. Terran stepped closer to add leverage to his position, as the weapons remained locked. Terran's eyes narrowed to meet Uhlen's, and he kept his stare focused.

With a burst of power, Terran pushed out strongly, thrusting Uhlen's weapon away from his body. With the other's chest exposed, he threw his foot forward, landing a strong kick to Uhlen's midsection. He turned, bringing his saber back up to a defensive position, looking to see what effect the kick had on the other.

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 29th, 2003, 12:52:27 AM
Maia moved closer to Silus, her face drawn in a mask of worry. She had since she met him considered him a friend. One who had in turn saved her life as she had his. He knew her to be a Jedi, and a very non aggressive one at that. She had always focused on the healing side of the light. It brought her fulfillment.

"Who's first?"

His words sent a spear through her tender heart. She had hoped he would diffuse the situation. Maia knew his skill with words, they were just as lethal as his fighting.

"Silus my friend. Please do not do this. Surely you must see this will go no where. The only thing it will achieve is innocents getting hurt. Please...." She moved her hand out slowly reaching out to touch his arm. Her eyes sad and intent on his....

Apr 29th, 2003, 01:25:14 AM
Terran took his position up and confronted Uhlen. Ramious seamed to fall into sync with Niccademas, as the thoughts and emotions of the darksiders caused him to take up a flanking motion towards the door that Southstar was emerging from. The lunge and pull effect that Ramious feined drew southstars attention for the breifest moment as Nicccademas struck inward.

Sparks flew outward as the Ancheint yellow saber cut effortlessly through the doorframe in its winding arch towards the darksider who is the cause of all the chaos. The anchient tounge of the jedi language whispered ever so promenant in the electronic whine of the blade!

"Repent the darkside and be spared!" were the labored words spoken by Niccademas

Darth Uhlen
Apr 29th, 2003, 09:55:28 AM
Uhlen flipped backwards with the kick and landed on his feet a little farther from where he had been, while he had flipped he had activated the amphistaff section of his saber. The blade died out and became a coil which wrapped itself around the jedi's legs. Uhlen activated the coil and watched as Terran fell to the ground, writhing in agony, as high voltage electric shocks traveled from the weapon through his body.

Apr 29th, 2003, 05:28:34 PM
Southstar saw Niccademas coming for him now. Southstar wasn't in a position to fight, his side ached still. He was going to have to rely on tricks to beat this guy. Southstar retreated back into the building, expecting his foe to follow.

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:19:34 PM

Terran's shoulder crunched as he hit the ground. He hadn't expected such an attack--he wasn't sure exactly what he was faving. He thought it was a Yuuhzan Vong, but he had never seen one before. He'd read little about them--their weapons were a special kind of lifeform that molded into an incredibly tough staff. Apparently, at least part of it resisted his lightsaber. It was also seemingly very flexible and charged with some kinetic energy, as it wrapped around his legs and zapped him.

He groaned as the shock continued, feeling himself aching from the burning. He had to get out of this situation somehow. He couldn't stand much more of the shock, as he felt his body growing hot.

He had an idea.

Concentrating though under great stress, he threw the blade of his saber against the coils at his feet. It may not have been able to penetrate the weapon, but it was able to cause a different reaction. The blade of pure energy reacted by grabbing the charge. When it could hold it back no longer, it surged, temporarily shorting out both the staff and the saber's energy. The blade fell silent and the coil released as the energies surged, and Terran was free from the grasp.

He came to a croucing position, clutching his shoulder from the painful sweep out of his legs. He watched for the staff--he would not be caught off guard by it's flexibility again. Reigniting his saber blade--

Sithspit! The short had rendered Halycon useless, sparks showering from the emitter without the appearance of a blade. Terran focused his mind, stepping back a few feet and taking a low, defensive posture. If he was going to be successful, he was going to have to hold up without his saber until it was back in action.

He waited for the other's next move in a careful, guarding posture. He would not be caught off guard.

Darth Uhlen
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:31:18 PM
Uhlen cast his own weapon aside and began to surge his hatred and blood lust inside of him, small objects at first seemed to lift then they became a little larger......pretty soon tons of durasteel, rock, and plasteel were flying at the Jedi. All the while Uhlens lust becoming stronger.


imported_Terran Starek
Apr 29th, 2003, 08:42:14 PM
Terran's instincts picked up immediately. He clipped Halcyon to his belt and scanned the scene for a weapon. Just then, a few small objects began to whiz his way. He ducked a piece of durasteel--Uhlen was sending a barrage of particles through the Force aimed right at him. He had a defense in mind.

Ducking a few more pieces of flying debris, he located his target: a smashed speeder door laying in a pile of ruble. Through the Force, he called the door to his hands, gripping it tightly like a shield. Pieces of shrapnel slammed against it, piercing and cutting like knives--though Terran was safe behind the shield. Peering over the steel armor, he could see that Uhlen was rushing him. He knew just what to do.

"There will be no more death here!" Terran shouted, charging into Uheln's body, sheild first. The Vong left his feet, slamming to the pavement as Terran landed on top of him, pressing the speeder-door against him. He laid his weight into it, pinning him down to the gound. Perhaps it would harm his opponent--Terran wasn't sure. But he tried to keep the other pinned. Maybe he could somehow trap Uhlen underneath it.

Apr 30th, 2003, 01:27:06 AM
Ramious felt Niccademas's Words in his mind to turn his attention towards Uhlen, as he was the agressor in this causeway. His saber was in hand to help Terran or Maia whitch ever needed him more...

The Duinogwuin Jedi was at peace... the effort he put forth into words was probably futile to one who causes this much chaos, yet every being deserved a chance. The tides of darkness were closing over Southstars head, with the Force sheild Niccademas permiated from his person. The citizens emotions could be drawn upon no longer by these men, and the light side seemed to attack there mind from all sides.

Only a saber and a half's length separated the two men as Niccademas's Yellow blade hummed as He followed Southstar into the darkness. The vacant warehouse echoed the approach of the old man instep with the retreating Southstar.

Niccademas had stated His ultimatem .... it was up to Southstar to call off this assault. The darksider felt the emptiness inside Himself. A feeling of great sorrow washed over him and then it started to be replaced by a warm feeling of peace.

Silus Xilarian
Apr 30th, 2003, 02:46:43 AM
Silus gave a glance over to Maia, though the carnage all around was the focus of his sight.

"You want me to diffuse this?"

As Silus spoke, he glanced over toward Terran, who was trying to pin Uhlen down with a car door. Neither man was armed.....

"You get your wish....."

Without a second thought, the distance between Terran and Silus quickly went away, as Silus jogged over.....


With his shout, Silus force pushed Terran off Uhlen. The jedi immediately sprang to his feet into a defensive position, just in time to see Silus standing there, with both saber's engaged...

"We're gonna end this right now...."

With his words, Silus brought his sabers out in front of him, with his left saber held upright, diagonally to his body, while his right saber was held back, the tip facing forward. There was roughly ten feet between himself and Uhlen. Ten feet that could be gone in a heartbeat, as Silus waited for the Sith to stand up. The calm, collected look he possessed earlier was gone, now replaced with a look of intensity and anger.

Apr 30th, 2003, 06:48:04 PM
Southstar could see that Niccademas was following him deep into the warehouse. They approached the center of the large dark room where Southstar stopped his retreating. He could feel Niccademas influencing his thoughts, trying to calm him down... NO! he would let this Jedi get to him. He rejected the thought of sorrow and peace and let his anger fill him, what right did Niccademas have to invade his head?

"Get out of my head old man.... For a Jedi I would expect you to have more respect for others private thoughts."

Niccademas moved in closer and then Southstar began his assult with a slash to the left shoulder of the old Jedi; his blade a blur of sweeping motion in the dark.

Darth Uhlen
May 2nd, 2003, 08:07:06 PM
Uhlen stood, his eyes flaring blood red, the door was held easily in his one hand. He gripped some of the shards of plasteel that had left the car door when penetrating his body and tore them out of his body. A smile blossomed on his ugly face as he enjoyed the pain rather than cringed at it. He flung the door back at Terran full speed, with the aid of a force push. The door struck the man in the chest sending him backwards into the dirt with the car door on top of him.

Then Uhlen turned to Silus and ignited his staff back into its saber form and charged at Silus. Silus was an excellent fighter and soon after countless blocks parries and strikes, both of them had a saber lock. Uhlen's saber was resting in between Silus', who had his own two in a scissor type block. Dust was rising all around them as they both stared at each other trying to force the other off his guard.

"It appears...." Uhlen rasped. "that you haven't ended anything!"

Silus Xilarian
May 2nd, 2003, 11:07:24 PM
This guy was leaning his weight into Silus. This was what Silus liked, opponents who threw themselves at him. With a sudden jerk to the right, Silus sidestepped and turned to the left, bringing his left saber around in a backhanded strike,while his right saber was held slightly back, in case a miracle happened, and Uhlen was able to turn and strike, without being cleaved in two.....

May 3rd, 2003, 12:14:55 AM
Raymious stood in the doorway to where Niccadmas and the Sith Southstar had just moments ago entered. He noticed that Silus and Uhlen were in a battle all themselves. Raymious watched the events unfold as the Jedi Terran was thrown back by the car door, landing with a loud thud and soon followed the car door to land atop him. The young Jedi Padawan looked to his master, Maia Tharrin, and nodded to her.

He manipulated the force to his will as he ran. His form was a blur to any who would look at him. He stopped a few feet from the elder jedi, taking up a flanking position on Southstar.

May 3rd, 2003, 12:37:20 AM
The ancient yellow blade gripped in Niccademas's two hands countered Southstar's attack with a blinding flash of electrical discharge as the two blades collided. The art of saber fighting is ninty percent mental, ten percent physical. As the two sabers came to an impass, neither budging an inch, stars of pain exploded in the Sith's eyes. His aggresion on the attack failed to let him see the oval canaster that was hurled towards him.

The rather largish discarded petrolium canaster slammed into the back of Southstar's head, knocking him to the floor. Niccademas saw Raymious taking up a flanking position near the prone Southstar. Brining his saber down low as to block an oncoming attack, he spoke.

"Forfeight your weapon Sith, and prepare to be judged."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 3rd, 2003, 04:03:32 AM
Uhlen blocked the first saber by bringing his up and back over his left shoulder. He then, quickly reached into his satchel at his side and pulled out about five thud bugs whitch he hurled at Silus. Thud bugs travel at an alarming speed and Uhlen wanted to see how well his opponent could do against 5 of them at extremely close range.

OOC: oops srry again guys,this is Uhlen.

imported_Terran Starek
May 3rd, 2003, 11:02:40 AM
Terran shoved the speeder door off of him. The wieght had not been good on his already injured shoulder, and he came to his feet. Stay focused. No anger. Remain calm. Something inside of him reassured him. His saber still ignited--and no poised defensively--he checked out the battle between Uhlen and Silus.

Well, chances were, since Silus decided to attack, that Uhlen wouldn't be a problem anymore. Maybe not a problem for the rest of the Galaxy even. He tested the saber blade--it was working fine again. That was reassuring. He then checked the scene to make sure no one was hurt in his vacinity. It seemed that Southstar had been taken out of the picture by the other Jedi present.

What to do?

There was no need for senseless combat, and Terran did not feel the need to engage anyone who did not pose a direct threat to either himself or someone else. Instead, he paused to meditate. He closed his eyes and calmed himself, his saber down by his side. He let the Force flow through him, his senses clear. No one would be able to suprise him--his sensed honed and very focused. He kept himself pointed in Silus and Uhlen's direction and strengthened himself.

Silus Xilarian
May 3rd, 2003, 10:49:44 PM
Silus glanced up at the thudbugs. Focused aggression was let out in the form of a push. Before they had a chance to reach him, the tiny explosive bugs were thrown away from him, away from the fight. Whether or not they would harm anyone was unclear, and Silus didnt care at this point.

He was diffusing the situation, just like Maia wanted, even if he wasnt going about it in a way she'd approve of.

With the thud bugs out of the picture, Silus' focus returned on Uhlen. The Dark Jedi's face was tense, to the point that his teeth were gritting. Anger was stirring inside him. Outside, he was tense, but calm, slowly pacing a half circle around Uhlen.

Inside, he was a caged lion, only a few lunges away from breaking through his cage to devour anyone in site.

These feelings were held back. For now, Silus paced and stared....

May 5th, 2003, 09:07:53 PM
Southstar got up from the floor and knelt on one knee. His head pounded and his muscles ached, but the pain could be used. He accepted the pain and amplified it, increasing his anger and his power in the darkside. He began to grab ahold of loose bricks, broken bits of metal and other chunks of stone. The pieces began to orbit around his body, increasing in speed.

Southstar unleashed a barrage of stone and metal at the kid trying to flank him. Then he charged towards Niccademas prepared to lunge...

Darth Uhlen
May 9th, 2003, 10:26:05 AM
The thud bugs, being living creatures themselves, redirected their course after being force pushed away and came back on the opposite side of Silus. Uhlen then threw some more bugs at Silus' frontside and while the bugs flew towards his opponent he examined his weapon. He looked through the casing with the force and tried to tempt the little energy creature inside to awake. it was still in comma from the mass amounts of discharged energy when Terran had disengaged their weapons. The creature came back to its senses with some difficulty but then began a steady feed of electrodes once more. Uhlen ignited his vongish lightsaber and turned back towards Silus.

Silus Xilarian
May 9th, 2003, 11:24:47 PM
More bugs were headed Silus' way. There was a decent gap between himself and Uhlen, so Silus brought his sabers up in another offensive position and charged forward. Instead of attacking, which it appeared he was going to do, Silus used his running momentum and lept into the air, using the force to aid his leap. He twisted in midair as he flew over Uhlen's head, and landed with a slight thud a few meters away from Uhlen.

The tables were turned on the sith now, as Uhlen was now in between the thudbugs and Silus, with Silus using the force to guide their path directly towards Uhlen's feet.

Silus was becoming more and more intense. His anger welled inside him. He was holding back for a reason. To some, holding his emotions back would appear weak. Still, he held back.

Darth Uhlen
May 14th, 2003, 06:18:54 AM
Uhlen ordered the bugs to explode. The bugs blew into balls of fire and were little more than shrapnel by the time they reached him. The tiny bits and pieces of the bugweapons that were left seared through Uhlen's flesh, but he enjoyed the pain and welcomed it. he turned to face silus.

Silus Xilarian
May 15th, 2003, 06:38:18 AM
The rage inside him was becoming intense. His hands clenched down on his sabers as he slowly paced a half circle around Uhlen. There was a good ten feet between them, and Silus paced as if there were an invisible wall there. Then Uhlen turned around.

The two made eye contact. Silus stopped, his eyes narrowed, and the floodgates burst open.

The anger held inside of Silus was now set loose, as Uhlen felt his airflow being cut off quickly, as if an invisible hand had grabbed him by the throat. All of the rage Silus had been saving was now being focused into the choke. Every muscle in his body tensed from the power being focused at the moment, with the choke intensifying every moment.

Darth Uhlen
May 15th, 2003, 10:40:23 AM
Uhlen felt the strong tug on his air tube as his lungs emptied. He staggered to the ground and began to gasp hoarsely for oxygen, but none came, the dark jedi's hold was very strong. Uhlen's vision blurred and he began blacking out in waves. Uhlen's insane adrenaline and lust for blood became even greater than ever now that he was being beaten. He welled up the hatred for jedi which he held burried deep inside his soul and he seeped in the energy flow into his own strength. Using all the strength he could muster at that moment he punched a hole in the man's force grip which allowed for him to get some oxygen into his brain so his vision could clear. The flow was quickly cut off again by the dark jedi and Uhlen began to gasp for air again. He cut another hole where Silus had let his guard down to protect the first hole and breathed some more. Uhlen stood now and kept punching holes in the force grip with his own power. When the grip was finally loose enough for Uhlen to breathe naturally he let the enrgy he had used simmer back into his stores. He was breathing very heavily from the onslaught and he leaned on his staff for support. His eyes, however, were still bright red with hatred towards Silus.

Silus Xilarian
May 16th, 2003, 06:09:00 AM
Focused aggression had become rage. Rage now became bloodlust. The fact that this...thing was now standing tugged at Silus, infuriating him even more. He wanted it to hurt. He wanted it to suffer. He wanted to watch it bleed. If nothing else, his foe had been weakened by the choke. It was time to finish the job.

With a low, gutteral growl, Silus sprang forward, covering the distance between the two with a quick leap. His left saber had already come forward horizontally toward Uhlen's chest as he landed, and his right saber was following in diagonally down toward Uhlen's neck...

May 18th, 2003, 01:45:07 AM
With the one hand Niccademas pulled away from his sabers hilt in a griping motion, The Old one turned the lunging motion into a spiral forward for the darksider. In one fail swoop, He turned Southstar's weak protection into an assault that he created.

The distance between the lightsider and the darksider was closed at an increadible rate. Before Southstar knew it his body was pulled into the barrage of progectiles he had created.

Cement cinder blocks along with any other schrapnel lying about, sent tendrils of pain coarsing through the darksiders body as they pummeld him on passing through his makeshift sheild. The translucent yellow blade that intercepted his opponents own saber, close to the hilt with a jarring motion, sent it hurtling away from the darksiders grasp.

An intence look of resolve was apparent on Niccademas's face!

Darth Uhlen
May 18th, 2003, 01:40:37 PM
Uhlen blocked the first saber with his own blade pointing to the ground and then he twisted his and silus' blades upwards to intercept the other aimed at his neck. All three of the blades collided and sparked.

May 18th, 2003, 10:13:18 PM
Southstar's lunge had been diverted and he lay on the ground face up. Through his mind images of his life flashed by... His family...their deaths...Why did it have to happen. Where were the Jedi when the agressors stormed his homeland and destroyed all he held close to him... And there he was laying at the mercy of some Jedi supposedly doing good by protecting the people of this city. He began to laugh out loud now knowing very well that the old man heard him.

His body ached and bled but Southstar wouldn't let that keep him down. But his desire to take a well needed break did. He would lay there and he would enjoy it.

Silus Xilarian
May 18th, 2003, 10:47:37 PM
The fight itself was begining to drag out, which was working in Silus's favor. He was starting to pick out weak points in Uhlen's offense. And the longer he had to stand and fight, the longer he had to build up for another force attack.....

Silus was a fairly large guy, but he was dwarfed by Uhlen. This was a blessing in disguise, being that he could outmanuver the Vong. As Uhlen pushed both his blade's upward, Silus turned to his right, with the momentum of the block. He stepped back as he turned and brought his left saber in to chop Uhlen off at the knees. The move was quick, as it was almost reflexive for Silus, and Uhlen would be hard pressed to block the attack, let alone counter attack...

Darth Uhlen
May 19th, 2003, 09:54:34 AM
Uhlen let the man continue to swing bracing himself........Silus may have found weaknesses but he also failed to see some strengths as well. The saber connected with Uhlen's vonduun crab armor and glanced off, searing a streak in the ground. As Silus began to stumble forward from the ricocheting block of Uhlen's living armor Uhlen jumped and sent a 180 kick to to the side of the man's face. Silus sailed backwards into the wall of the warehouse and fell in a heap of bricks and glass shatters. Uhlen's eyes were as bright as ever now and he could feel his hatred flowing freely through the force. He stared down at the gash in his armor which was already starting to heal.

Silus Xilarian
May 19th, 2003, 12:30:55 PM
Well wasnt that great. As soon as he lands a hit, he ends up in big mess of bricks and glass. He was hurt, but he wasnt out, not yet by a long shot.

But Uhlen didnt have to know that.

Mentally, Silus had aleady scolded himself for not recognizing the armor. He knew what it was, he'd seen it before, not in person, but in the many databanks the Empire had on the Vong. That was behind him now though. His gameplan had been reworked. For now he'd lay on the ground and catch his breath...

Darth Uhlen
May 19th, 2003, 02:25:17 PM
Uhlen, however was not about to let him catch his breath. Uhlen grasped Silus around the middle with two invisble force hands and jerked him out of the rubble only to slam his backside into another wall. The glass and bricks fell onto Silus again and Uhlen released his grip and focused it on the ceiling above the dark jedi......bits and pieces of brick and mortar started to fall down onto Silus.

OOC: Silus check your PMs

Silus Xilarian
May 20th, 2003, 02:49:27 AM
Silus grimaced as he hit the wall. He glanced up just in time to see the ceiling starting to come down. As quickly as he could, he rolled to the side, narrowly missing the pile of rubble headed his way, though he was still engulfed in the resulting cloud of dust. The dust whirled around for a few moments, until it dissipated in the wind, to reveal...


Not a trace of Silus anywhere.....

Darth Uhlen
May 20th, 2003, 06:01:52 AM
Uhlen reached out with the force and tried to pinpoint Silus' force aura........nothing. It was almost as if Silus had suddenly just vanished from the planet, or was it. Uhlen walked forwrad into the dust and grime and kicked at some rocks still trying to locate the dark jedi.

Silus Xilarian
May 24th, 2003, 06:15:25 PM
Among the cloud of dust and debris, Silus had beat a quick retreat, kind of. On the other side of the building, Silus was already jogging up an alleyway. A man had just stepped into a parked airspeeder, and was getting ready to take off, when Silus snatched the door open.

The Dark Jedi quickly covered the man's mouth with one hand, braced his arm on the other side of the man's head, and jerked, easily snapping the man's neck.

Now he had a speeder, with the keys already in it. He quickly took off for the end of the alleyway.

Darth Uhlen
May 27th, 2003, 10:29:43 AM
Uhlen stood in the dissapitating dust cloud and searched maddeningly for any trace of Silus, his blood lust was in full swing now, and with it he lost all sense of reason, he just wanted to kill.

Silus Xilarian
May 27th, 2003, 01:26:33 PM
He turned the corner, and started back down the street where most of the fight had taken place. The speeder wasnt really anything to marvel at, just a mid sized 'I wish I were fast' type deal, but it had its uses.

Silus spotted Uhlen near the wall and floored the accelerator, then took the speeder into a slight dive, heading straight for Uhlen.

Darth Uhlen
Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:27:28 AM
Uhlen turned when he heard the sund but his tired sense did not give him enough time to react and escape the speeders path. He projected a force bubble to ensure his bones would stay intact on impact and just after he had placed the shield the speeder hit him going 160 mph. Uhlen flew backwards and crashed through the first wall then the other of the building. Uhlen ended up landing in the alley way adjacent to the one he was just forced to leave. He felt some pain in his ribs, he wasnt exactly bothered by it, but he knew he had broken something. He lay in the rubble, and his vision was darkening. He could still hear the speeder far off. He started to gather the force to aid his vision and his strength to stand again. He didnt cringe at the thought of pain. but his body was living tissue, and it tired just like every other living thing.

Silus Xilarian
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:12:31 AM
The speeder was a complete wrecked. The impact had completely warped the frame, and busted the engine all to hell.

Silus got out of the speeder and looked at the wreckage in front of him. Off in the distance, he could here siren's coming their way. Obviously, all the carnage had caused the police to want to make a second appearance.

The Dark Jedi really didnt want to deal with law enforcement now, and there was no one anyone could have survived that hit. And if Uhlen was still alive, then more power to him, he'd earned his life.

Silus dashed away from the scene of the crime, and disappeared into the night...