View Full Version : Finding a room

Xau Ghin
Apr 6th, 2003, 10:37:48 AM
Xau Ghin had been walking the halls of the Sith Palace for what seemed like hours. It was enormous and filled with plenty of intricate designs. Occasionally he would come across a picture depicting a scene from Sith history.

Xau turned a corner and in front of him was a long corridor with many doors on each side. This must be the rooms the knights, masters and apprentices live in. He made his way to the end of the corridor and noticed that the doors here were coated with a thin layer of dust. These must be the empty rooms. He turned an old fasioned door knob, Xau hadn't seen a door knob anywhere outside an antique store, and opened the door.

The room was empty for the most part, there were a few items lying around. A few books on Sith history, the Force and fighting techniques were stacked on a book shelf. There were a few personal items left from whoever had this room before him laying on the bed and floor. Xau looked around a little more and found a lightsaber laying on the floor.

"Why is this here?" He said aloud. He picked it up and examined it. This room must have belonged to one of the Sith that had left and formed a new order. From what Xau knew of lightsabers, sith as well as Jedi were very close to them. Whoever it was that had left must have seen the lightsaber as something of the Sith order, not the new order that was being formed. The lightsaber would do as a temporary weapon until Xau could construct his own. He clipped the lightsaber to his belt and looked around the room again. This room was very nice and would suit his needs. He walked to the door and shut it. Xau began to arrange the room to his liking.

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 6th, 2003, 01:25:07 PM
Maxim was a hothead. And rather cocky. Though, this was mostly an act that he put on, trying to seem sure of himself, though it was likely that some were able to read through this. His master, Lady Vader had, and she seemed to be a bit tougher on him for it - at least - according to Maxim.

And he was always in trouble of some sort. Either by his own making, or just bad luck that dropped him into certain situations from time to time. Today, though he knew it was forbidden other than in spars, he was in an all out brawl with another apprentice.

It had begun with a simple jab or two, but it had become clear in only moment that the two did not like each other and probably never would. With this in mind, they had rather easily fallen into fighting. It had been rather evenly matched, although Maxim was still recovering from a lightsaber wound in a battle that he, of course, had instigated. He had not sought medical attention for this, not wanting to bring to the attention of his master in any way that he might have possibly lost a battle. And so he suffered with it, and eventually found himself thrown into a random door down the hallway from his.

It was an older door, one the Order should likely have replaced were it not for the intricate carvings made by a member in their early days of the order. And now it splintered to pieces as Maxim fell through it into the room of Xau Ghin.

Xau Ghin
Apr 6th, 2003, 07:43:44 PM
"What the hell!?!" Xau cried as he spun around and looked at Maxim and the splintered door. He approached Maxim and spoke to him, "What is going on here?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 7th, 2003, 02:51:22 PM
He looked up from the floor, somewhat dazed. At Xau’s rather angry cry, the one who had been fighting with Maxim took off down the hallway, wanting nothing to do with the results of his actions.

What is going on here?

Maxim recognized Xau as the one who had crashed through the ceiling in the museum and managed a rather weak grimace.
Slowly, he began to climb back to his feet, a bit embarrassed at what had been going on.

“Uh….nothing.” He replied, sighing deeply.

“Sorry about your door…” He offered, for once actually sounding sincere and perhaps even a bit ashamed.

Xau Ghin
Apr 8th, 2003, 02:52:27 PM
Xau looked down at Maxim and the splintered door. "It's no big deal. I'm sure a new one will be put in soon." He paused before speaking again. He recognized Maxim but never caught his name. "So, who exactly are you?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:53:54 PM
Maxim had by now climbed back to his feet and extended his hand.
“Maxim…” He replied.

“Apprentice of Lady Vader, Master of getting myself into trouble…” He added with a rueful expression.
He gave a quick glance around the rather sparse room.

“Are you just moving in now?” He asked.

Xau Ghin
Apr 9th, 2003, 06:32:00 PM
Xau shook Maxim's hand and gave his name, "Xau Ghin."

"Yeah, just now. I found some stuff left behind by whoever it was that was here before me. I think whoever it was joined that splinter group Dyzm was talking about... Do you know anything about it?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 10th, 2003, 09:36:51 AM
At the mention of a splinter group, Maxims brow furrowed slightly.

He hadnt heard much about it. In fact, his master seemed to stick to tellng him the answers to only what he asked. He'd have to ask her about this at some point.

"No, I havent...." He would have asked Xau, but got the feeling he didnt know much either if he was asking Maxim about it.

"So what did they leave behind?" He asked.

Xau Ghin
Apr 10th, 2003, 07:11:15 PM
"Well, just about anything connecting them to the Sith. They even left their lightsaber." He said while taking a look around the room again.

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 11th, 2003, 10:09:41 AM
Well, just about anything connecting them to the Sith. They even left their lightsaber.

Maxim raised an eyebrow.

“They did?” He commented, thinking that it was a rather odd thing to leave behind.

“Does it work?” He asked.

Xau Ghin
Apr 12th, 2003, 04:22:48 PM
It just occured to Xau that he hadn't even tried to see if it works. hje unclipped it and hit the ignition switch. The lightsaber crackled inside and electricity surged around the handle as Xau dropped it. Xau took a few steps back and hoped Maxim was doing the same, it seemed as if it were going to explode.

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 16th, 2003, 02:25:25 PM
It seemed as if Xau had just received a ridiculous shock ¡V and possibly worse as the lightsaber continued to crackle threateningly on the floor. Out of instinct, Maxim had taken a step back and stared from the saber to Xau in question.

¡§You think it¡¦s a¡K.¡¨

Maxim didn¡¦t have time to say much more as the lightsaber exploded, knocking the two apprentices from their feet and tossing them some distance away.

(ooc: if you don¡¦t want it to explode, just lemme know and I¡¦ll edit. But I figure we can take it to LV or Dyzm or whoever and it gives reason to go after the Krath. ƒº )

Xau Ghin
Apr 16th, 2003, 05:52:12 PM
(ooc: i did want it to explode, glad you picked up the hint. I like the idea of taking this to one of the higher ups and going after the krath)

ic: The explosion was enormous, for a lightsaber. Its like someone build a bomb and disguised it... perhaps this was the truth. The explosion was loud and now small patches of fire burned. Xau expected someone to come and investigate, but until then Xau needed to put out the fire before it burned the place down. "Maxim! Is there an extingisher anywhere?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 17th, 2003, 02:00:33 PM
A fire extinguisher?! It seemed such a common thing to have hanging about, but as he thought about it, he'd never seen one. Not to mention, he was still picking himself up off the floor. He'd been tossed plenty good, and the impact had him slightly dazed.

and so he didnt put much thought into it as he moved to try to stomp out the small fires, kicking pieces of the rubble on top of them to quash the flames.

"I have no fricking idea..." He replied, the tone of his voice carrying a mixture of urgency and confusion.

Xau Ghin
Apr 18th, 2003, 01:51:01 PM
"Great! What are we going to do? Do you think you could smother it with the Force?" Xau asked. THey had to hurry and do something, the less the fire spread was always the better.

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 18th, 2003, 02:54:22 PM
Smother is with the force? This had not occurred to him right off, though as soon as it was said it made absolute sense.

His thoughts travelled back to his lessons with Lady Vader. She had told him that anything was possible. Anything was possible if he put his mind to it.

"Maybe...but I'll need help..." He replied, doubt leaving his voice and determination setting in.

He was still very new to the force, but his master had taught him enough of the concepts to allow him to make some sort of progress on his own.

"Focus on stealing the oxygen....."

This suggestion was a practical one really. It was exactly what he was trying to do by stamping on the flames. And so he began immediately to concentrate, trying to gather the particles in the air around them, willing against the elements, really. This was something rather advanced, but as the fires were not particularly huge, perhaps with some effort by both of them, they would be able to quash them.

Odin Murk
Apr 18th, 2003, 04:45:22 PM
:: I was stalking the halls of the palace, finding my way to the library before I turned my neck sharply, smelling smoke and fire, burnt ozone. I quickly spun on my heel, the smell came from the rooms down another hallway and I wasted no time getting there.

When I arrived, it was in time to see two moronic mammals standing before a fire in the middle of the Palace! The venomous glands at the back of my throat quivered slightly as I tensed the muscles and I spit a large glob of the thick liquid at the fire. The middle of it was burnt out and I hissed as I knocked the two out of the way. I made smaller bursts of the saliva splatter against the smaller patches as I used the force to smother the flames with mere pressure.

In small time and a little more focus the flames were easily put out. My eleven foot tall body rounded on the two mammals and I hissed loudly. My eyes quickly took in someone new and the other being Maxim, the sithling I had sparred against some time ago. The newcomer I realized as soon I looked closer was actually an initiate that I would be training, as Master Dyzm had instructed. And Maxim would explain the feeble sense of force usage I had detected before entering.::


Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 23rd, 2003, 11:05:17 AM
Odin. Immediately, though he’d done nothing wrong, Maxim found himself slightly uneasy. Odin considered Maxim the lowest of the low – a pathetic mammal, with the exception of the one spar when Odin had actually paid him a compliment as he’d wandered off.

But now…now there would be no compliment, he was sure. Trouble had found him once again – and he hadn’t even been looking for it.

In moments the flames were subdued and Maxim stood looking at the eleven foot creature. His cheek was slowly beginning to show a bruise from his earlier scrap, as well as his eye. Altogether, he looked like he’d had a rough day.

And it was only getting worse.


Maxim sighed in resignation.

“Its not our fault…” He began, petulance entering his voice.

He nodded toward his newly made acquaintance.

“I just came by to introduce myself…” He began, this part of the story a bit of a lie, as hed had no intention of being shoved through a door and landing in the splinters of it to meet anyone. He’d been fighting. But that didn’t need to be told…

“And he mentioned he’d found a lightsaber left in his room. I asked if ti worked, he tried it, and clearly it worked perfectly well as a bomb of sorts…” He concluded, clearly defensive as his arms crossed over his chest.

Xau Ghin
Apr 29th, 2003, 05:52:00 PM
Odin was very intimidating, but Xau would not let that keep him from speaking up and backing his friend up. "It really wasn't our fault. I think this room used to belong to some that left and joined the Krath. I think they left the lightsaber, I mean bomb to try and kill a few unsuspecting Sith... or apprentices." Xau said and looked into the powerful eyes of Odin. Then he couldn't anymore, he was feeling very intimidated so he looked back towards Maxim.

Maxim Vasilijev
Apr 29th, 2003, 06:08:22 PM
(ooc: Just one thing, can you edit your post so it doesnt include the name Krath. They are a group not known by name to anyone, and your char wouldnt know them by name, only that they had left. :) Thanks.)

Maxim caught Xau's look through a quick glance. Xau's words backed him up, and in this moment he knew he had made a friend. And he wouldnt forget Xau putting himself on the line to back him up.

"Honestly, Odin. I swear that what happened." He added.

Odin Murk
Apr 30th, 2003, 05:43:22 PM
:: I sniffed, my nostrils flaring as I observed the destroyed room once again. And as I focused my force senses to the mammal's minds, I checked to make sure everything they said was the truth. My eyes glared silently at the two, my tongue flicking out every few moments to taste the air.

My hands shot out, each massive claw grabbing a soft skull and lifting it to my eyes.::

Maxxxxxxxxxxxxim? You dare lie to me? You might lie and get away with it but dwelling on the thought makessssssssssssss it more apparent. Every fact could be important and you are lucky that of whiccccccccccccch you lied isssssssssssss not.

:: I tossed Maxim against the wall as my neck craned to the next one.::

You are sssssssssssstill alive and whoever left the sssssssssssaber for whatever intentttttttttttion has failed if they were trying to kill you. You are alive and sssssssssssssstill mine to train as my apprenticccccccccccccccce. Speak of thissssssssssss to no one unless it happensssssssssss again. If I find you dead one day than I will know what happened.

:: I chuckled at the thought. Humans seemed to dwell on the illogical of that train of thought but than again, humans never were able to humble themselves to the point that they realized they truly meant nothing until they were full bred Sith. I hoped to help both of these mammals out of their sorry lives and into well trained Sith, worthy enough to be treated with caution.::

Leave the room to the sssssssssservants. Maxxxxxxxxxxxxxim, help him find a new room. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxau Ghin, meet me on the training groundssssssssssss or elsssssssse I will eat you for my breakfasssssssssst.

:: I dropped him and than sniffed disdainly at the two. They would make the best Sith or the best meals, I could taste the potential of both in them, it was up to them though in which they ended, legends or my stomach.::

Maxim Vasilijev
May 1st, 2003, 10:10:22 AM
Maxxxxxxxxxxxxim? You dare lie to me? You might lie and get away with it but dwelling on the thought makessssssssssssss it more apparent. Every fact could be important and you are lucky that of whiccccccccccccch you lied isssssssssssss not.

His expression had flickered between concern for his safety and anger at being manhandled so easily. But it mattered little, for only moments later he was tossed against the wall and had something altogether different to think about.

He sat slumped there nursing wounds for the moments while Odin turned on Xau. T was as he made his way back to his feet, rubbing sore body parts that Odin spoke to him again.

Leave the room to the sssssssssservants. Maxxxxxxxxxxxxxim, help him find a new room. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxau Ghin, meet me on the training groundssssssssssss or elsssssssse I will eat you for my breakfasssssssssst.

“Fine….” He grumbled, dark eyes scowling up at the massive lizard.

"Can I come with him to the training grounds?" He asked. There was no doubt that Maxim wanted to learn. And he wasnt afraid t seek out opportunity. Besides, he'd fought Odin - he knew he was perfectly capable of taking both apprentices on without a problem.

Odin Murk
May 1st, 2003, 05:10:42 PM
:: I chuckled, a thick rumbling noise.::

As long asssssssssssssss you don't come pouting like a young mammal ssssssssssstraight off the mother'ssssssssss milk.

::Invoking Maxim's anger was a great pleasure because I could taste his potential better than ever at those moments. I merely nodded and than stalked off, training together, possibly pitting the two between each other to create a rivalry would help them even further.::

Xau Ghin
May 1st, 2003, 06:11:07 PM
Odin had certianly frightened Xau, but he wouldn't show it. If he showed fear Odin would know it and use it to his advantage. He didn't respond to anything Odin said, if he did he might literally get his head bit off. He just stood there and took it like a man.

As Odin informed Xau that he would be learning under him Xau began to get nervous. Odin was very intimidating and who knew what he would put him through. At least Maxim offered to come, so he wouldn't be alone with Odin. Xau was sure he would get used to Odin, but on this first training.

"Don't worry, I'll be there."

Maxim Vasilijev
May 5th, 2003, 10:20:57 AM
As long asssssssssssssss you don't come pouting like a young mammal ssssssssssstraight off the mother'ssssssssss milk.

It wasn’t disrespect, but anger that had Maxim gritting his teeth as he tried not to hurl back a sarcastic response. It completely went over his head that Odin was perhaps trying to bring out the best in him, his anger, with these remarks. Instead he took it to heart, assuming that Odin truly thought of him as nothing but the very lowest of the low.

“I’ll show him, someday…” He swore, looking to his new friend
Xau. He didn’t mean revenge upon Odin, but rather that he would one day prove his worth, and would one day be considered worthy of being a peer of the might lizard.

“I thought having Lady Vader on my case about stuff was bad,” He commented, “But I feel for you, man. He’s going to be one psycho master….”

These words likely did little to ease the apprehension of his friend, but perhaps it at least gave him someone to commiserate with.

Xau Ghin
May 8th, 2003, 09:24:54 PM
Xau just nodded his head in agreement. Learning under Odin was going to be quite possibly the toughest task Xau ever had to endure. At least Maxim was coming with him the first time... Xau calmed down a little, there was reason to be nervous, but he should be above it. "This is definitly going to be tough, but I'll be stronger after it all."

Maxim Vasilijev
May 9th, 2003, 02:55:15 PM
"If he doesnt kill you in the process..." Maxim replied, and while there was a joking tone to his voice, there was alos a very serious aspect to it. Odin wasnt one to joke around with.

"Come on, lets get you another room and get down to the training grounds before Odin has a fit...."

Xau Ghin
May 12th, 2003, 06:19:56 PM
"Yeah...." Xau picked up on the joking tone Maxim had used, but it still uneased him.

"I don't want to know what is gonna happen to me if I'm late for training."

Maxim Vasilijev
May 13th, 2003, 03:18:42 PM
Maxim snorted in response as he pushed open one of the doors to the empty rooms. It happened to be across the hall from his.

“This room is empty….” He said, stating the obvious as they stepped inside to a bare room. The smell of smoke had traveled down the hallway and even in this room could be inhaled.

“I’ll help you move your stuff later….” With this he grabbed the key on the desk and tossed it to Xau.

“Lets get going…”

(ooc: do you want to start the thread on the training grounds to continue this with Odin…?)

Xau Ghin
May 14th, 2003, 09:26:06 PM
Xau entered the room behind Maxim and took a look around. It was basically the same as the other one, minus the scorch marks. He caught the key from Maxim and put it in his pocket. "Right.. Don't want to keep Odin waiting."

(OOC: I figured Odin would have started a thread in the Training Grounds already but... So might as well co0ntinue this there.)

Maxim Vasilijev
May 15th, 2003, 02:44:32 PM
Maxim nodded.

"Im just going to grab something...." He said before he disappeared across the hall into his room. Moments later he was back and together they made their way down to the training grounds.

(ooc: I wouldnt wait on him. You'd be better off starting it and PMing him with the link. Odin, correct me if Im wrong.....)