View Full Version : Finally...

Turcyn Rorke
Apr 6th, 2003, 12:49:39 AM
Spring break is here and hopefully I can get caught up with everything. I apologize to my tribe in the Survivor bit but I've been gone for about a week or so and just completely lost track of the internet.

I got all day to sit around tomorrow and I'll do my best to get to everything then. So sorry for the delay anybody who was relying on me (probably like one person?) to post in anything.

It sucks when you wait until the last week of school to decide in pulling your grades up.

Edit: Btw, if you would PM me with any threads if I'm in one with you. This is Grev too, so PM them to either account.

Apr 6th, 2003, 01:37:40 AM
Welcome back!! I did PM you awhile ago saying I had posted to our thread...sorry for MY delay :)

Glad you got caught up with school...I just got done with my spring break...I'm ready to go back 'cause I have absolutely nothing to do right now...so bored!

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 6th, 2003, 03:28:56 AM
Turcyn! I saw your movie tonight. Hot babe, really hot.

OH! Wait you're not Colin Farrell. ^_^;

Don't worry about the Survivor thing, the Host is a little MIA at the moment, only a LITTLE, so he might not notice that you haven't posted yet. ;)

Sanis Prent
Apr 6th, 2003, 12:25:06 PM
I also am on spring break, and can FINALLY catch up on RP's. So if you have any with me, lemme know and I'll get in on it.