View Full Version : Dead Speak (RP/Force Idea)

Chaos Alexander
Apr 5th, 2003, 07:08:38 AM
Navvy knows a bit about this already due to the fact Dale trained Alexander as a Sith. Anyway, I had this idea I got a whiel back watching SW again. I thought it was cool Luke talked to Obi-Wan through the Force after he was dead. Yoda did the same thing. Hell he even just about had a conversation.

My Idea:

Alexander has a Force ability simliar to that, only he does it mentally. He doesn't see ghostly forms and stuff, only talks to them through the Force, and he can hear them speak back in his mind. It does has some limitations though.

1) He must first talk to them in the general area where there remains are kept, or they have a strong presence. Liek talking to a Dead Jedi Master in his old room.

2) They must be willing to speak. He can not Force them to. They can shut him out, or not even answer if they wish to.

I based alot of it on The Necroscope as well. Any ideas? Comments? Suggestions?

Sage Hazzard
Apr 6th, 2003, 02:17:17 AM
In Rising Stars ( a comic book ) there's a guy with a power like that. Brilliantly done btw.

I like the idea. I don't really think it'd be god moding to be able to do it at a somewhat inexperienced level either. Because I'd think a power like that is like a pipe that needs to be filled with water(water is ability). You've got the pipe and some water. The rest of the water comes from the dead dude. See what I mean? I think you could work it so you can hear the Masters, etc. more vividly. Then as you get more powerful you can hear lesser advanced Jedi that have passed on, etc. Like you're borrowing the power from the user who's dead. Make sense?

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 6th, 2003, 06:56:11 AM
I'm not sure. It does not quite gel with me. from what I understand, Qui Gon Jinn's voice in AOTC was not expected and that Jedi returning after pysical death was not known of exactly. Least, that's my impression from the novel. we just dont know how Obi Wan managed as he did after disappearing in ANH. It was promised to be explained in AOTC, but.... didnt happen.

You could make a case based on some of the EU and games, but I would be hesitant to do so. If you go on the movies and books, you are on dicey ground IMO. there might be a chance it could happen. Not realyl sure exactly how tho. POndering that.

Sanis Prent
Apr 6th, 2003, 01:26:05 PM
Sounds good to me

Figrin D'an
Apr 6th, 2003, 02:12:38 PM
I don't see a problem. Your definition/limitations seem reasonable. Okay by me.