View Full Version : Road Scholar (Lady Vader and open)

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:45:25 PM
Part of him really, really hated the other part of him today.

Terran's logical self tended heavily to rely on reason and fact, statistics and probability among those things. It was driven by careful examination with reguard to self-preservation as well as common sense. Terran's curious self, however, didn't respond well to logical reasoning or fact. It preferred instead to rely on sastisfaction of self through less calculated means. With no reguard to safety or reason, the curious self put its two cents in whenever and at all times possible.

Sadly, Terran generally followed the advice of his curious self.

Today, it had decided to take him to The Sith Order. Why, many would ask, was a true mind-numbing fact to his logical self. It just didn't make any sense. But Terran knew otherwise. He was a scholar--a seeker of knowledge. This knowlede in particular had to do with his past, and The Sith Archives would be the best place to seek out that which he sought.

Are you sure you know what you're getting yourself into? his logical self would question. Terran proclaimed that he did, and he had several reasons:

1) Remain polite and calm at all times
2) Know what you want--get in and get out
3) Do not feel threatened or attempt to threaten

Terran felt that these were very reasonable rules. He would have little problem with the 3rd reason, considering that he was extrememly nonviolent. He reached into the leather satchel hanging from his torso inside his robe and fingered his lightsaber. Halcyon. If in need, he thought, Halcyon would be there to defend him. With it and the Force, some of his nervousness was curbed.

He found his way to the main gates, his deep brown robe shrouding his figure but revealing his affiliation. He scanned his immediate vicinity for a face--someone to welcome him. Someone to help him find his way around, especially.

Hopefully, he would be greeted with some welcome.

Lady Vader
Apr 6th, 2003, 10:47:19 PM
*It wasn't everyday a Jedi came to visit Corellia. Most avoided the planet like the plague... but then again, who could blame them?*

*So, when LV had gotten word that a Jedi had come to see the Order, she made her way down to the main hall of the Palace. She could feel the Jedi standing at the main gate, waiting for it to be opened and admit him. Through her mind's eye, she could see that he looked rather alone, wrapped tightly in his brown robes as though trying to keep the darkness out. It made her smile inwardly.*

*The gate swung open of it's own accord, and the Jedi hesitated before moving forward towards the massive doors of the Palace. Once he reached the bottom of the obsidian stone steps, the massive ornate doors swung slowly open to reveal a lone figure, clad in a black robe, hood concealing the face. Beside the figure sat a large black panther, and it took no genious to know who the Sith was that was standing there.*

It's not everyday we get a visitor of your kind.

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 7th, 2003, 06:10:15 PM
Lady Vader.

Terran knew the figure well. He'd never met her in person, no, but he'd read plenty of things about her in the archives. She was a Sith Master--a revered one at that. An aura trailed her like few he knew--one of supreme confidence and utter darkness. Terran peered out from under his hood.

"Indeed." Terran paused. He could not think of how to greet her. Afterall, she was a Sith Master--a teacher and philisopher of all aspects of the Force he hated and opposed. "You are Sith Master Lady Vader--I recognize you from my studies." He figured that was good enough.

"My name is Terran Starek, and I am a padawan of The Jedi Order." He figured by now she knew that he was Jedi--he probably stunk of it in this place. "My Master is Jedi Master Marcus Elessar." Part of him felt good--a Sith as skilled and experienced as Lady Vader knew who Marcus Elessar was and, perhaps, being his pupil would gain him some initial respect.

"Pardon the sudden and uninformed nature of my visit here," he said politely, letting his hood down to reveal his face. "I have come in search of information that I have been unsuccessful in locating among the assorted Jedi archives as well as the usual libraries that I visit. I have come to the conclusion--and the reccomendation--that I should seek out the Sith archives for further help." He stopped there, waiting for a response. He wondered what Lady Vader thought of his approach--it was brave and forthcoming. Perhaps--he hoped--he would gain respect for this.

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2003, 09:54:11 PM
*Underneath her hood, LV's eyebrow rose, slightly intrigued.*

You risk your life for the sake of knowledge? I don't know whether to think you are incredibly stupid, or incredibly brave...

*She folded her arms across her chest.*

What knowledge is it you seak that can be found no other place save for the Sith Order's library?

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 10th, 2003, 01:28:16 PM
Terran took a moment to think before he phrased his answer. He was very particular about his speech and he wanted to pick just the right words for the situation.

"I have read that the Sith Order's Library contains the most definitive database of Sith activity ever since records were taken. In many cases, those who archive the Jedi Order's records were unable to identify certain Sith members in different. . .activities." Terran wanted to say different crimes, murders, violent nonsense--but he didn't. He held his tongue and remained respectfu.

"In one particular case, a Jedi Knight by the name of Deric Conrad--" Terran's uncle, though his personal connection to this information was not necessary to reveal "--was killed by an unidentified Sith Knight." Terran took a deep breath.

"I have not come to point fingers or hurl blame at any parties involved with this particular incident. I have not come to accuse members who may or may not still be here of any wrongdoings. Rather, I've come seeking only the truth."

Lady Vader
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:29:21 PM
In other words, you want the specifics of this man's death and at whose hands.

*Terran nodded and LV continued.*

Well... due to some sensitive materials within the Library, I cannot permit you inside...

*She wasn't about to mention the operating Sith Holocron displayed in the center of the Library.*

...but I can give you certain materials on data pads that could be of use to you in your search...

*She smiled cooly.*

...for a price, that is.

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 10th, 2003, 05:02:23 PM
A price? Terran could only wonder what that price would be. Credits? Exchange of information he could acquire? He could only guess. Force only knew what Lady Vader was thinking.

"This information would do good to complete a few of my personal files," he said after a second of thought. "What would the price for this information be?"

Terran waited for the answer.

Lady Vader
Apr 10th, 2003, 05:19:36 PM
*Her smile broadened to show teeth.*

My sources and informants have told me that within the Jedi Temple has been taken a certain Sith artifact that I am very interested in obtaining... a Holocron.

*She shrugged her shoulders, looking at the Padawan.*

Now is the time to think and weigh just how much having the information to who killed this man means to you... just how badly you want it.

*She knew she had set a large temptation at his feet. Now it was time for him to choose: to know the identity and details to the man who was slain, obviously important to him or he would not come to the Order for assistance, or to never know what happened.*

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 10th, 2003, 06:13:57 PM
If one was looking hard enough, one would notice that Terran's eyes seemed to flash a bit of interest. For a fleeting second, his face was a curious look of contemplation--though it was instantly curbed back to reality and a nuetral look overtook him.

"This Holocron you speak of," he spoke after a moment of reflection. "It is held in a vault within the Jedi Archives. The data I have uncovered suggests that only a very select group of Jedi Masters have access to the Holocron chamber." Terran wondered how easily one could sneak into the chamber. Unless it was heavily guarded--chances against that--it would be guarded only by some type of security. With all things (especial mechanic), the Force could show a capable mind the right way. He figured with a bit of work and some ambition, one could make his way into the chamber.

"The origins of its arrival to the Order and its care are guarded. I have never discovered data pertaining to the hows and whys of the Holocron coming to the Archives." He took another moment to think, his curiousity again taking over his brain. He wondered how easy it would be to tactfully pull the information from some of the older members of the Order. There were a few select members that had been around long enough and privy to the right types of information to know this. Most likely, a few reminiscent sessions of stories could bring this tale forth.

"But the information I seek is not powerful enough to turn me against my colleagues, Lady Vader. Nor is it enough to cast me against my better judgement." He smiled, feeling confident in his strong will. "I'm afraid I cannot offer the payment you ask."

Lady Vader
Apr 10th, 2003, 09:16:01 PM
*LV tsked, a disappointed look crossing her face.*

Pity. I was hoping this situation wouldn't have to get... complicated.

*Suddenly, Terran's lightsaber was called to LV's waiting hand as a gigantic forepaw grabbed the Padawan from behind, holding him tightly in it's grip.*

Apr 10th, 2003, 09:21:54 PM
*The minute the lightsaber had left the side of the Jedi, Shenraun snarled something fierce as he grabbed the young man, holding himself back from squeezing the life out of Terran.*

*Most normal Force users would have felt something as large as a dragon coming up behind them, but Shenraun's ancestry to the Hssiss, and having lived on Myrkr and aquired the traits that Ysalimiri had to survive gave him an advantage. He had, of course, dropped the Force bubble momentarily to give LV the ability to call the weapon to her. But the minute the weapon was out of range of the bubble's effects, the dragon had raised it again.*

*The dragon lifted the human to look at him more closely, without getting into arms reach. Telepathically, he spoke.*

You have displeased my Mistress. Woe to those that displease her.

Lady Vader
Apr 10th, 2003, 09:25:17 PM
*LV smiled, tucking the lightsaber into her belt, staying out of the Force bubble Shenraun was creating. She went back to scritching Iesis' head.*

Now now, Shenraun. No need to squeeze him TOO tightly.

*The dragon rumbled deep in it's throat. She then gestured with her hand.*

Take him round to the back into the garden. From there I will have him escorted to his holding cell.

Apr 10th, 2003, 09:29:21 PM
*The dragon humph an acknowledgment, tiny wisps of grey smoke escaping between his jowls. He then proceeded to propel himself with his three remaining legs, holding Terran his the fourth, taking him to the garden at the center of the Palace.*

*LV disappeared within the Palace to emerge on the other side in the garden to wait for Shenraun and their guest.*

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 10th, 2003, 11:44:51 PM
"What the--" Terran found himself speechless as he was grabbed up by a being much larger than him. The saber at his belt pulled itself off and made its way to Lady Vader's hand as Terran felt a small rumble in the Force from her usage of it. The giant creature and Lady Vader shared a few words. It was apparently some type of dragon, one he had definitely never seen before. Strange to say the least. However, as the Force could be used against him, it could also be his ally.

Just as their attention was diverted, Terran concentrated on his saber which rested tucked into her belt. He closed his eyes, envisioning himself calling the saber to his hand. It was a simple action, and he had no doubt he would be successful. He reached his arm out, calling the saber to his hand through the Force.

. . .

Nothing happened. He frowned as he felt the creature move. He was being taken away from Lady Vader. Hmmmm. . .I must not have been clear of thought. I have to get this, he thought to himself. He closed his eyes, following roughly the same procedure, as the dragon-creature turned around. Still, Halcyon(his weapon) ceased to even twitch.

"What. . .how?" He spoke aloud, groaning as his weight hung from the dragon's grasp. He strained as his body swayed with the creature's steps. "Holding cell? This can't be right! I didn't cause any trouble here, and I. . .I. . ." He realized how useless his words were. He wasn't in a position to explain himself, and he found his attempts rather feeble.

Time for a different approach.

"Listen--you don't have to listen to her. They will come for me--the other Jedi. They will ransack this place until they find me. They will kill you. If you let me go right now, I won't say anything about this. You won't even be mentioned." Terran's voice was pleading. He could only imagine the pain he would possibly be facing in this 'holding cell.'

Apr 11th, 2003, 11:31:05 AM
*The dragon rumbled deep in it's chest, the equivilent of a chuckle.*

Impudent morsal, I obey my Mistress with no qualms or questions asked. Your attempts to sway me will not hinder my orders.

*The garden, being in the center of the structure and it's walls, was impossible for Shenraun to reach through it's side gate. He stepped up to where the wall was and spread his enormous wings, leaping into the air, easily clearing the wall, and floated back down to the ground with a grace that seemed impossible for a creature his size.*

*Already waiting there was LV, with a few guards, and what looked to be an ancient force field chain device. Not many had been made in the galaxy, but those few that had been made, were well kept by their owners. It was an acnient way to hold Force users and keep them imobolized.*

*Shenraun brought the prisoner to where the edge of the Force bubble would not engulf LV, waiting.*

Lady Vader
Apr 11th, 2003, 11:39:39 AM
*LV gestured from the guards to Terran.*

Take him and place him in the stasis field.

*She herself stepped back to allow Shenraun to keep the Jedi in the Force bubble. It wasn't so much that she couldn't stand in the bubble, it was just that she couldn't stand being Forceless.*

*The guards did as they were told and placed the young man in the field, activating the forcefield wrist and ankle binders. There Terran spun slowly, unable to move and unable to use the Force in any way. Once he had been placed in the field, Shenraun dropped the bubble to let Lv come close to the prisoner.*

As to your claims about the Jedi coming here, they can do just that. But they won't find you here.

You are going somewhere else... out of the system... and the last place the Jedi would ever want to venture in.

*She again gestured to the guards.*

Take him to the shuttle and have him transported to my flag ship. I will be there shortly.

*The guards saluted and quickly made off with the Jedi towards the landing bay at the rear of the Palace, where it's main bay doors were carved into the sheer cliff where the Palace stood.*

*She then turned to Shenraun.*

I would like for you to accompany me. I don't expect much resistance where we are going, as it is a pure Dark Side planet. But, you can never be too careful.

Apr 11th, 2003, 11:41:50 AM
*Shenraun lowered his head in a bow towards LV.*

As you wish, Mistress.

*He then turned and took off into the air, to make his way to the bay doors on the cliff face. A special shuttle was there specifically to transport his bulky frame to her ship.*

Lady Vader
Apr 11th, 2003, 11:43:13 AM
*She watched Shenraun sore through the air for a moment before turning to go back into the Palace, followed closely by Iesis.*

*It was time to inform the rest of the Order of their new adventure.*

(OOC: Terran - I need to wake up the rest of TSO to this, as this is kinda a spur of the moment, fly by the seat of your pants, sort of deal. I hope you don't mind sitting tight for a bit while I shake a few behinds around to this lil RP.

The rest of it will take place in the RP forums of SWF. I'll let ya know when it gets started. :) )

imported_Terran Starek
Apr 11th, 2003, 01:43:53 PM
OOC: Sounds good. No worries--just keep me updated. :D


Terran hung in the binder, knowing precisely what the device was. He had no chance of getting out--even great Jedi in the past like Obi-Wan Kenobi could not free themselves from such devices. He tried to keep his face stone, but worry could be detected on his shining, sweating brow.

Stay calm. Meditate. The Force is nealry impossible to reach in this binder, but it has not forsaken you. Stay near it in this time of need and be brave. His words came from a subconscious force--an inner wisdom--of a sort he did not fully understand.

He quieted himself and wondered what would become of him. He knew not where he was going or what was going to happen, but he tried to calm himself.

There is no death, there is the Force. He spoke it in his mind, trying to remind himself that if he indeed faced his time of reckoning, it would not be in vain. Stil. . .

He did not want to die.