View Full Version : All About YOU....

Apr 4th, 2003, 05:31:20 PM
Hello all:
I decided to start a thread where members could share information about themselves. I've created a list of questions that can be answered. It's not personal or anything. This is to get to know our fellow posters:


Future Aspirations:

Goal in life:

Short term goals:



Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself):

Fave book:

Fave movie:

Fave sport:

Fave store:

Fave music:

What you can't stand:

What you plain dislike:

Who you admire:

What you most love to do:

Your self-confessed flaws:

What intrigues/fascinates you:

What scares you:

Quotation to live by:

P.S.---I'll post my information later.:)

Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:38:45 PM
I'll Bite. I'm a sucker for these things anyway. :p

Occupation: First Year College Student, local community college... considers it 13th grade.

Future Aspirations: Computer or mechanical Engineer, maybe a pgrogrammer of sorts.

Goal in life: Live, marry, die.

Short term goals: Transfer to a real college. Find a snuggle bunny.

Passion: Chicken Wings. Writting... movies.... just having fun. (music)

Hobbies: RPing, video games/PC games/pool (when I have time) collecting dvd's and cd's when I have the cash.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Baseball, 10 years of my life, made allstar team only once, would have made it twice, but my last year of Babe Ruth (13-15 year olds) I fractured my wrist half way through the season. Though the All Star Coach tried to get me on the team, but I was one game short. :( Drama (1 show, w00t!) And for some odd reason, everyone seems to know who I am aroudn here. *freaked*

Fave book: Of Mice and Men Short Story: "Happy Endings"

Fave movie: Count of Monte Cristo

Fave sport: Baseball

Fave store: ...Wallyworld!

Fave music: alternative

What you can't stand: stuck up people who think they = best.

What you plain dislike: see above

Who you admire: ..My bro, though he needs to get a chick.

What you most love to do: Listen to music, hang w/ friends, and movies.

Your self-confessed flaws: Shy, Timid, afraid of people I don't know.... not really outgoing until ya know me.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Life, outerspace. geology.

What scares you: Bees. Rabit dogs. ..Dogs. Loneliness

Quotation to live by: "Nothing Matters"

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 5th, 2003, 02:31:41 AM
Occupation: Professional Slacker :D j/k, I’ll be a college student in September ;)

Future Aspirations: To live out a comfortable life, meet interesting people

Goal in life: To have fun?

Short term goals: To pass my GCSEs/A Levels and get into university

Passion: Roleplaying!

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, gaming (online, i.e. JK2, etc)

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): I share my name with a talk show host? …:x

Fave book: Discworld – The Fifth Elephant

Fave movie: Donnie Darko

Fave sport: Field hockey

Fave store: Katmandu

Fave music: Rammstein

What you can't stand: Naïve people. Stereotypes

What you plain dislike: People who interrupt conversations.

Who you admire: Terry Pratchett

What you most love to do: Laser tag :D

Your self-confessed flaws: Short temper, low self-esteem

What intrigues/fascinates you: Technology and the constant advances therein

What scares you: Small places >_<

Quotation to live by: There are only two real tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

Clay Dennatta
Apr 6th, 2003, 06:23:13 PM
Occupation: Junior in High School

Future Aspirations: To be a Marine and be a U.S. Marshal

Goal in life: To life a fun cool life and have a few kids

Short term goals: To finish High School

Passion: Roleplaying, Food, and Ladies

Hobbies: Hangin with buds, Sports(Baseball and Cheer), Playin Counter Strike

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Being the first male cheerleader at my school who isn't gay :)

Fave book: The Bodyguard by William C. Dietz

Fave movie: Braveheart

Fave sport: Baseball (But Cheer is really close in second)

Fave store: This small comic shop not far from my old elementary called "Wonder World"

Fave music: Rock and Techno

What you can't stand: Any Food green except Lettuce and Cucumbers

What you plain dislike: Telletubies (Or how ever you spell it) and Barney and Friends

Who you admire: My Grandfather and my Mother

What you most love to do: Thats a hard one.......Probably hang with friends, but Baseball and Cheer are not too far behind :)

Your self-confessed flaws: I tend to swear a tad bit but im workin on it, and I can be selfish at times. Also workin on that.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Space and the wonders of the universe

What scares you: Spiders (Pretty much the only things that do besides some, I repeat SOME movies.

Quotation to live by: " Live life to the fullest, but don't forget to thank God for allowing you the freedom to do so. "

Apr 7th, 2003, 10:22:07 AM
Occupation: Full time Mom

Future Aspirations: To go back to school

Goal in life: Live happily

Short term goals: Read above

Passion: Writing

Hobbies: Writing, collecting, Betty Grable, getting tattoos & piercings

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): um, nothing

Fave book: don't have one

Fave movie: Queen of the Damned

Fave sport: NHL Hockey!

Fave store: Rasputins

Fave music: everything (except hard core rap...*bleh*)

What you can't stand: Slow drivers

What you plain dislike: Slow drivers who don't know how to merge

Who you admire: My Mom, Betty Grable

What you most love to do: Write, spend time with my daughter & friends

Your self-confessed flaws: Insecurity

What intrigues/fascinates you: Life

What scares you: Life

Quotation to live by: "Live life like you will die the next day....."

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 7th, 2003, 05:56:18 PM
Occupation: currently BB employee

Future Aspirations: um, get a better job....

Goal in life: to be happy

Short term goals: get outta BB

Passion: drawing

Hobbies: drawing, writing, anime

Famous for: nothing I can think of right now

Fave book: too many...

Fave movie: Gladiator

Fave sport: none really

Fave store: Suncoast

Fave music: Punk

What you can't stand: Reggae

What you plain dislike: um, rice pie blech...

Who you admire: ummmm.....

What you most love to do: do everything I wanted in life

Your self-confessed flaws: um, talk too much when I'm nervous?

What intrigues/fascinates you: difference, something that is not like everything else

What scares you: nothing really....

Quotation to live by: "Do unto others as you would want done unto you."

Apr 7th, 2003, 09:10:05 PM
Occupation: College student

Future Aspirations: Get a job and get married.

Goal in life: To be the greatest animator ever

Short term goals: Pass this quarter with a GPA of 3.0 or higher

Passion: Cartoons

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, roleplaying, and video games

Famous for: Nothing.

Fave book: Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

Fave movie: The Emperor's New Groove

Fave sport: Cross Country

Fave store: A local comic shop that we affectionately call "Tim's"

Fave music: Punk/Rock

What you can't stand: Country music

What you plain dislike: The long drive home

Who you admire: My friend Jose

What you most love to do: Play games and watch cartoons

Your self-confessed flaws: I'm a slovenly, irresponsible, unfaithful pig of a man.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Taoism

What scares you: Being undeniably bested by someone

Quotation to live by: To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best. If you're not, pretend you are.

Kelt Simoson
Apr 13th, 2003, 03:05:16 AM
Occupation: Shop Assistant/ College Student

Future Aspirations: Pass College exsams and attend Uni

Goal in life: Have a good job and be happy.

Short term goals: None

Passion: Roleplaying/Graphics

Hobbies: RPing, Hockey, Music (Band), Guitar

Famous for: Bugger All

Fave book: All the Harry Potters

Fave movie: None

Fave sport: Hockey

Fave store: Hardcore

Fave music: Death Metal/Heavy Mental/ Grunge

What you can't stand: Constent moaning and whining/pople with short tempers/people who dont take the time to understand others.

What you plain dislike:

Who you admire: My Grandfather (deceased)

What you most love to do: Write/Graphics

Your self-confessed flaws: I care for others to much/Lazy

What intrigues/fascinates you: Witchcraft/Jack The Ripper

What scares you: Spiders and Wide open spaces.

Quotation to live by: "Death is but a word,Life but a prison"

Apr 14th, 2003, 12:15:15 PM
Occupation: Senior at University of Alabama, majoring in Finance

Future Aspirations: Become an officer in the Marine Corps reserve, Become a bank manager, open up a bar or restaurant

Goal in life: Retire early, and spend the rest of my time indulging my hobbies

Short term goals: Graduate from college with over 2.5 GPA :x, Lose about 50 pounds to prepare for USMC.

Passion: Many. Whatever stimulates my imagination. Usually writing, art, and the like. Love reading about history.

Hobbies: Writing, drawing, computer gaming, various sports, cooking, hunting, fishing.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Making out with 2 girls at the same time, I guess?

Fave book: The Fifth Elephant

Fave movie: Band of Brothers

Fave sport: Football

Fave store: Restoration Hardware

Fave music: Soundtracks/Classical, but I'm generally very eclectic.

What you can't stand: People with low self esteem

What you plain dislike: clear liquor

Who you admire: my little sister

What you most love to do: Talk to people

Your self-confessed flaws: I'm overweight and generally prone to vices in excess.

What intrigues/fascinates you: History

What scares you: Aliens

Quotation to live by: The Golden Rule

Apr 14th, 2003, 02:08:38 PM
Occupation: Interning in a small production company...writing scripts

Future Aspirations: Become an A-List writer.

Goal in life: See above..plus win an Academy Award for Original Screenplay.

Short term goals: Make connections...advance in the Nicholl's writing competiton (fingers crossed)

Passion: Movies...sports...girls. What else do you need in life? ;)

Hobbies: Messing around on the computer. Reading. Taking in all that life offers.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Uhhh I took 2 girls to the senior prom in high school...does that count?

Fave book: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Fave movie: Schindler's List

Fave sport: College basketball

Fave store: Uhhh any place that has movie stuff :D

Fave music: Soundtracks or Classical

What you can't stand: Political Extremists

What you plain dislike: Cucumbers

Who you admire: My father...and Steven Spielberg

What you most love to do: Watch a great game

Your self-confessed flaws: Low self esteem

What intrigues/fascinates you: Space, history, really alot of stuff

What scares you: Death

Quotation to live by: "To get paid to do what you love...ain't that the dream?" - From Road to Perdition

Figrin D'an
Apr 14th, 2003, 02:38:55 PM
Occupation: Engineer

Future Aspirations: The usual... live happily, find the girl of my dreams, get married, maybe have kids, retire early if possible.

Goal in life: Just to live in a way that I will be happy, and will be able to look back and have few regrets.

Short term goals: Find a better job.

Passion: Knowledge... I'm a tech geek, and a science nerd.

Hobbies: Computer gaming, reading, golf, rock climbing, cooking, outdoorsman

Famous for: Dressing up as a blue-bathrobed, plaid-bandana-wearing, German-speaking ninja, complete with authentic katana blade and a constant hunger for pizza.
(it's a long story.... but yes, it's true...)

Fave book: Ugh.... so many from which to choose... I'll say Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings for fiction, probably either The Power of Myth or Hyperspace for non-fiction.

Fave movie: Casablanca

Fave sport: Football

Fave store: Flanner's Audio and Video, Half-Price Books

Fave music: Too varied to choose just one genre

What you can't stand: People whom talk for the sake of hearing their own voices (eg. those whom don't have a damn clue what they are talking about, but do it anyway.)

What you plain dislike: Cauliflower

Who you admire: Both of my grandfathers... the hardest-working, most decent people I've ever known.

What you most love to do: Conversations with friends... not the meaningless small-talk stuff... discussing something of real substance, even arguing over it.

Your self-confessed flaws: Self-conscious of my appearance, too much of a "nice-guy."

What intrigues/fascinates you: Theoretical physics, superstring theory

What scares you: The idea of not finding someone with which to share my life.

Quotation to live by: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you hemlock, don't make hemlockade. Know the difference between lemons and hemlock.

imported_Taja Loraan
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:38:03 AM
Occupation: (High school?) student.

Future Aspirations: Get a scholarship to go study abroad for university, become a herpetologist/psychotherapist/demonologist... or someone who psychoanalyzes demonic reptiles.

Goal in life: Make a difference, no matter how small, in someone's life (woo, cliched or what?). Oh, and discover a cure for ALS... somehow.

Short term goals: Get straight A's in my O Levels. >_<

Passion: Uhh... music? I don't know. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm 'passionate' about anything. Oh, and piercings! :D

Hobbies: Writing (poetry/prose), music (listening/playing), drawing, getting piercings! :D

Famous for: Being born. :D ..Er, appearing on TV a few times for meeting various political figures, going around with safety pins stuck in my fingers...

Fave book: Anything by Anne Rice, Philip Pullman, Eoin Coffer.

Fave movie: Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Band Of Brothers, Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, When Trumpets Fade, Idle Hands.

Fave sport: Cricket, soccer (watching); basketball (playing).

Fave store: Cyber Goth, Resurrection Records... a lot of the stores in Camden Town.

Fave music: Black metal, death metal, grindcore, industrial, darkwave, etc.

What you can't stand: bigotry, horndogs, trendwhores, beaches, sand, excessive visible skin, bad table manners, noisy whorish shoes, overuse of 'lol' and 'ok'...

What you plain dislike: Brusselsprouts.

Who you admire: David Attenborough? My mom, too.

What you most love to do: Nothing. Sleep?

Your self-confessed flaws: Low self-esteem, laziness.

What intrigues/fascinates you: The human mind.

What scares you: Babies, overly skinny girls... grah, lotsa stuffs.

Quotation to live by: "It's such a shame that it is this way... I'm a junky and God is gay." (not really)

Apr 15th, 2003, 12:54:03 PM
Occupation: grade 12 Student

Future Aspirations: To become a great chef and be on Iron Chef.

Goal in life: To be rich, get a good husband/boyfriend, and own a lot of cats.

Short term goals: Graduate damnit!

Passion: Anime, reading, ohhh...I dunno, lots of other stuff...

Hobbies: Reading, watching TV/Anime movies, RPing!

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): I'm the crazy person at my school, does that make me famous?

Fave book: Gragh! Too many to pick! How about genre? Fantasy!

Fave movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Fave sport: What's a sport? Does walking count???

Fave store: Um, High Score

Fave music: Soundtracks, or whatevers on the radio.

What you can't stand: People who are all like "ooo, I'm better than you." or are like "Pity me! I have everything you have, but pity me anyways!"

What you plain dislike: People at my school aka dumbf....Oh, I can't say that here.

Who you admire: *chews lip* I admire my Mom and my two older sisters

What you most love to do: Read or play video games

Your self-confessed flaws: Short-tempered, not to flexible when it comes to others flaws, and my cynical view of human nature.

What intrigues/fascinates you: *shrugs* I dunno, Japanese stuff does.

What scares you: BUGS! Gross! And Gory movies.

Quotation to live by-
"Life sucks, so shut up."

Apr 17th, 2003, 06:18:11 PM
Occupation: Graphic artist / pre-press person

Future Aspirations: To not work where I currently work.

Goal in life: To successfully reinvent the wheel.

Short term goals: Become a good home run hitter.

Passion: Sports, Star Wars.

Hobbies: See above.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Being the youngest coach to ever win a championchip in the softball league I coach in. And winning a Star Wars trivial pursuit competition.

Fave book: LotR

Fave movie: Empire Strikes Back

Fave sport: Hockey & Baseball, depending on the season.

Fave store: Any that sell food.

Fave music: Rock

What you can't stand: My boss.

What you plain dislike: double standards and hypocrisy

Who you admire: Right now, Jim Bouton.

What you most love to do: Play ball.

Your self-confessed flaws: Impatience with myself.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Outer space

What scares you: Sharks

Quotation to live by: Try not. Do or do not. There is no try. :)

Dae Jinn
Apr 18th, 2003, 06:38:26 AM
Occupation: None, since I just quit my job! :D

Future Aspirations: I'd really like to be a house-wife, take care of my husband and work as an artist.

Goal in life: To actually have one someday

Short term goals: To get the hell out of *place where I live now* and get a damn life :lol

Passion: LotR, manga, drawing, writing, keeping journals full of nothing

Hobbies: journals, rping, drawing, making lists

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Er, being a "rebel" at work? Having naked pics as my avatar? LMAO!

Fave book: LotR (TTT -- I loved the Ents :o)

Fave movie: Don't watch movies much, but I enjoyed both LotR films

Fave sport: watching hot soccer players

Fave store: Chapters, Future Shop, japanese food stores and the comic book store

Fave music: Dance!

What you can't stand: Living in general.

What you plain dislike: Food Basics, morons

Who you admire: My mum.

What you most love to do: feel happy, talk with my buds and have a good laugh

Your self-confessed flaws: Hate myself too much, low self-esteem, no patience for others, I swear too much as well.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Men :mischief

What scares you: Being alone forever, bleeding and bleeding to death.

Quotation to live by: ":lol"

Mu Satach
Apr 22nd, 2003, 10:40:29 PM
Occupation: Computer Tech

Future Aspirations:
- Future Future: Sam Rami's sidekick
- Summer: bartender

Goal in life: Shed some light on the masses

Short term goals: get more time for writing and editing

Passion: Movies, writing.

Hobbies: web design, computers

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): being a Bruce Campbell stalker.

Fave book: The Black Stallion by Walter Farley (favorite as a kid and it still brings a smile to my face.)

Fave movie: Army of Darkness & The Hudsucker Proxy.

Fave sport:
- watching: anything where I'm surrounded by a large group of friends.
- participating: Running, Fishing, Basketball, hiking

Fave store: thrift stores... you can find the most interesting junk in them.

Fave music: Rock -n- Roll, Jazz, Classical... actually I like just about everything.

What you can't stand: the homegrown hicks with no imagination

What you plain dislike: Lima beans

Who you admire: Sam Raimi

What you most love to do: sit on a rock next to a river and cast a line.

Your self-confessed flaws: can be on the flakey side of life

What intrigues/fascinates you: how other people think

What scares you: why scarey people think what they do

Quotation to live by: "Does it really matter? Does it really anti-matter?" - The Tick

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 23rd, 2003, 07:09:51 AM
Occupation: College Student

Future Aspirations: To become a minister of some sort.

Goal in life: To live so that others may see God's love through me.

Short term goals: Find a girlfriend, darn it.

Passion: Completely sold out for Christ.

Hobbies: Trading Card Games, writing, roleplaying

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Everyone tells me that I learn very quickly.

Fave book: The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

Fave movie: X-Men

Fave sport: I practice Martial Arts, but that isnt really a sport.

Fave store: A restaraunt known as "Chopstix"

Fave music: I'll listen to anything, but mostly Christian Rock.

What you can't stand: I absolutely cannot stand to see people miserable.

What you plain dislike: Arrogant people.

Who you admire: Jesus.

What you most love to do: Hang out wirht my people.

Your self-confessed flaws: Low self-esteem, absent-minded.

What intrigues/fascinates you: The Bible.

What scares you: Being lonely.

Quotation to live by: "Never die without all your weapons drawn." Miyamoto Musashi

Kyle Krogen
Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:42:53 PM
Occupation: (none)

Future Aspirations: to be all that I can be

Goal in life: To Become the great artist or guitarist

Short term goals: to stay alive

Passion: RPing, video games, books, playin guitar

Hobbies: Reading, Roleplaying

Famous for: Smeagol impression

Fave book series: Disc World series

Fave movie: LOTR Trilogy

Fave sport: (dont do sports too lazy)

Fave store: Wal-Mart

Fave music: Christian

What you can't stand: when one of siblings say something they think is funny but is really stupid

What you plain dislike: newb RPers

Who you admire: My fellow brothers and sisters in christ

What you most love to do: play computer, read

Your self-confessed flaws: I talk to much

What intrigues/fascinates you: Everything

What scares you: Younger siblings.

Quotation to live by: "Just because I'm dumb dosn't meen im stupid."

Apr 28th, 2003, 08:46:09 PM
Occupation: 9th Grader

Future Aspirations: Graduate from law school

Goal in life: Become either a successful lawyer or a rock star

Short term goals: Get a fine girlfriend

Passion: Music

Hobbies: Listening to music, playing games, becoming friends with every good looking girl I see so that one day I might can hook up with them, and playing my bass!

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): .....hmm.......getting laid in my golf cart LOL.....cant think of anything else..........being really smart and making everybody else feel dumb? Yeah that's one.

Fave book: Lord of the Rings (just started the third though), Harry Potter series (laugh now, but they rock), and most Tom Clancy books......The Pelican Brief was cool.

Fave movie: Dude, Where's My Car? Or maybe American Pie and American Pie 2.

Fave sport: Basketball....too bad I am white so I am naturally not good.

Fave store: Gadzooks or Abercrombie & Fitch......I like Best Buy too but I dont have a job so I hate going in there and wishing I had money lol

Fave music: Alternative, Nu-Metal, Rock, Mainstream Punk

What you can't stand: People who try to act country but aren't, dumb people who are ignorant, and girls who think they are hott.

What you plain dislike: Everything above.

Who you admire: My dad, Gene Simmons, and Vanilla Ice

What you most love to do: Listen to music and be with girls

Your self-confessed flaws: I can't play my bass as well as I want and I am still kind of chubby...though I did go from 208 to 182 and my 6'2" height and the muscles that I have take away the fat appearence.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Aliens

What scares you: Girls

Quotation to live by: Accept nothing, question everything.

Apr 29th, 2003, 07:31:31 PM
Occupation: Hard to say.Professional vagabon(sp)

Future Aspirations: Although I do not want to,I have been called to be a minister.Although I have no idea when or where he will decide to use me.Although I have NO idea why me I don't like/trust people /I sin ALOT.But you can't run from God, Ask Jonah :(

Goal in life: To be a better Christian and be more CHRIST like.I'm such a pathetic sinner :(

Short term goals: TO GET MY SORRY butt back into the gym.(been traveling last few month's :)


Hobbies: working out,Starwars

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself) I could go on for day's :) played pro soccer for a WHOLE two weeks :) (got hurt) 3rd in Jr nationals powerlifting ,was the 2nd tallest and lightest and only one not on roids,but that was a few years ago :cry. was an act/mod for a few years did a good bit of work BUT never got famous.have been with almost as many women as wilt Chamberlin BUT thank God that's over BUT I was well known for that back home;)(like I said BIG sinner)

Fave book: Bible . Any all Starwars books. Any and all knowledge books because I'm as smart as a rock :

Fave movie: ATTACK OF THE CLONES followed ba the other SW movies.

Fave sport: Soccer, the only sport I trust 100% all other are fixed one way or the other.

Fave store: Walden's books

Fave music: No fave kind just fav artist: New Kids on the block,Keith Green,cultureclub and almost all dance

What you can't stand: Rude People.People who can't admit they are wrong.Can't stand to workout,but the results are great:)

What you plain dislike: Racisim,and 99% of the people in the world

Who you admire: Jesus Christ he is all I wish I was. Samson,the strongest man ever(no Roids :))

What you most love to do: Sit on the Beach and do nothing but read. Listen to a good Minister preach. And watch Any Starwars movies.and sex

Your self-confessed flaws: I don't like 99% of people. I get something good going and screw it up.Can't write worth a crap(but I can read anything?? go figure)and weak when it comes to temptation

What intrigues/fascinates you: That there are people that do not know that there is a God. All you have to do is look out your front door and he is everywhere.

What scares you: Being a Preacher. Getting old and ugly,that EP3 will suck

Quotation to live by: see my sig

Apr 30th, 2003, 12:29:29 AM
David (aka DL Dyzm)
Oct 19, 1983

Occupation: Student, Lifeguard, part time Intern at Musem of Glass (working the Robotic Camera's)

Future Aspirations: Movie Screen Writer, or Movie Director

Goal in life: To live life the best I can (Wife, Children)

Short term goals: To get a job

Passion: Reading

Hobbies: Computers, day-dreaming, Video games,

Famous for: Saving a girl who had a siezure in the middle of the wave pool. All my teachers ever, saying that I have a unique outlook on life.

Fave book: Sword of Truth Series for Fiction, the Bible for Non-Fiction

Fave movie: Cutthroat Island

Fave sport: Soccer (Psst, Buffjedi YOU ROCK!!!)

Fave store: Gamestop

Fave music: Power Metal

What you can't stand: People who insult you for no reason, stuck up people

What you plain dislike: Racist, and people who promote racism through actions

Who you admire: No mortal

What you most love to do: Hang with friends

Your self-confessed flaws: Hyperactice/lazy (My mouth moves alot)
SHY, very shy. Anger Problems

What intrigues/fascinates you: Life

What scares you: My Dad (He Crazy I tell ya!)

Quotation to live by: A knife in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn.
(Can be intrupet many ways: A helpful hand is worth a thousand loud boasts) Do things behind the curtain, they will not praise you for it, but it will get done.

What would you name your first born male/female
Ezikiel, and Elizabeth (Zeke and Liz)

May 1st, 2003, 05:18:25 PM
Fave sport: Soccer (Psst, Buffjedi YOU ROCK!!!)
Thanks wildman:smokin truly the Greatest sport ever.

May 4th, 2003, 06:39:07 PM
*pukes* :x


Dark Lord Dyzm
May 5th, 2003, 12:43:23 AM
You no like Soccer JMK? You no like a sport with continous play? You like football boy? Where after every play you stop? Or that you have an offense or defense team.
Or you like baseball, with half the time sitting down waiting for your turn to bat? They are not sports! They are just crap!

Basketball is awesome, Womens Vball is hot, and Hockey is Cool

May 5th, 2003, 12:27:57 PM
Hockey is my favorite, but I do like baseball and football as close seconds and thirds.
I don't care much for soccer mainly because I hate seeing the ball go back and forth in the air for half and hour.

May 5th, 2003, 03:48:00 PM
Originally posted by JMK
*pukes* :x


:lol :lol

Hockey is a great sport,although I know nothing about it.But JMK me thinks is a Softball stud.:smokin

May 6th, 2003, 08:24:09 AM

True dat!

Ka' el Darcverse
May 8th, 2003, 10:39:51 AM
OK why not, though I must warn you I never seriously answer these things.

Perry J. Littrell
Oct. 12, 1980 (Last straight answer you'll get)

Occupation: Professional moocher

Future Aspirations: To become a drain on the United States Welfare system

Goal in life: See above

Short term goals: Get drunk

Passion: Getting drunk

Hobbies: How many times do I have to say it, getting drunk

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Ok one more time, Getting Drunk

Fave book: Bartenders Bible

Fave movie: That one they show you in Driver's Ed about drunk driving were the guy has the goggles on and can't see. Had some of the best cinematography ever!

Fave sport: Curling (not the lifting or the drinking, but the sport on ice)

Fave store: Picadilly's Liqour

Fave music: Irish Drinking Songs featuring Connan O' Brien

What you can't stand: Sobreity

What you plain dislike: See above

Who you admire: Iraqi Intelligence Minister

What you most love to do: I've already answered this question about 15 times now: Drinking

Your self-confessed flaws: I don't drink enough

What intrigues/fascinates you: Drinkig

What scares you: sobreity

Quotation to live by: Yesh!

Peter McCoy
Jun 19th, 2003, 06:35:09 AM
Occupation: Student

Future Aspirations: To be a rockstar, film director, writer, and father

Goal in life: Be remembered beyond death in the above areas.

Short term goals: Sort things out with a certain girl, start a band.

Passion: Playing the guitar (improvisation and composition)

Hobbies: Noodling on the guitar, writing songs with my friend(s), writing prose and poetry, reading, going out with friends, chatting to people, watching movies, laughing.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Being generally mad and weird. I'm known as "Murderer!" ar work by everyone, I ad lib a lot at school assemblys, get up on stage at the first opportunity such as kareoke's etc. Oh yeah - and my dancing at a friends 18th - compliments galore!

Fave book: The Wasp Factory - by Iain Banks

Fave movie: A Clockwork Orange - by Stanley Kubrick, base don the novel by Anthony Burgess.

Fave sport: Wrestling (I'm not even a big fan of wrestling!)

Fave store: Quiggins

Fave music: Rock (and all its various sub-genres)

What you can't stand: Cards. They just fall over whenever I try! Oh, and people who judge me without even knowing me. And people who are nasty to my friends.

What you plain dislike: Dance/R'n'B music, people who love themselves.

Who you admire: My friend Edward

What you most love to do: Be with my friends and just chat and have fun.

Your self-confessed flaws: I'm too trusting. Its easy for people to use me. And I tend not to take compliments too well at the time they're given.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Space

What scares you: Angels, and the idea of people close to me dying without me being able to tell them the truth.

Quotation to live by:

"Mmmmmm Gimme Nosh!!!"

I also like this one:

"True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness."
--Friedrich Nietzsche

Mitara Sinar
Jun 19th, 2003, 12:57:11 PM
Ok I'll do this.... aside from the name the rest is true

Mitara Sinar

Occupation: In home Student, and Kickboxer

Future Aspirations: I don't think about the future, only the present

Goal in life: Live well.

Short term goals: Get my BF better, finish my schooling

Passion: Nature

Hobbies: Kickboxing, Kayaking, Jogging, reading, RPGing, writing poetry, and computers.

Famous for: Being nude whenever the law will let me be.

Fave book: Too many to list

Fave movie: Harry Potter(all so far)

Fave sport: Kickboxing

Fave store: None

Fave music: Clasical

What you can't stand: People that speek before they think.

What you plain dislike: Laws Aganst public nudity

Who you admire: My boyfriend

What you most love to do: Being as close to nature as I can

Your self-confessed flaws: I'm stuborn, I'm a health freek, I need intimate satafaction at least once a day, and I am really picky about food.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Nature/Anamals, and Physics

What scares you: Cars, Death, Fire, and Crowds

Quotation to live by: *put Jedi Code Here*

What would you name your first born male/female: Don't know yet.

Lenne Sorata
Jun 19th, 2003, 06:36:36 PM
Occupation: Personal trainer

Future Aspirations: Singer, dancer, or president. ^^;

Goal in life: Make the world a better place? o.O

Short term goals: upgrade computer, get new house, move from florida, graduate in rank of ROTC

Passion: Books and nature

Hobbies: Weight training, video gaming, roleplaying (duh), drawing, writing, reading.

Famous for: Boldness

Fave book: The vampire Lestat

Fave movie: Gah.. too many to name.

Fave sport: Boxing

Fave store: F.y.e

Fave music: Anything rock, metal, or punk.

What you can't stand: People always putting others down.

What you plain dislike: Rap music. --;;;

Who you admire: Most of my elders

What you most love to do: Reading

Your self-confessed flaws: I'm picky about the way I look, the things I saw, and the people I hang around with. Sometimes I talk too much or rattle on about the same thing, --

What intrigues/fascinates you: The Gods and Goddesses of different religons, fantasy novals, new people.

What scares you: Death

Quotation to live by: I have yet to come by one. --

What would you name your first born male/female: Female: Angelique Marie-- Male: Lucien Michael.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 10:17:30 AM
Occupation: Student, currently job hunting

Future Aspirations: I'd like to get some of my writings published some day...

Goal in life: To be happy

Short term goals: Get a nice tan this summer

Passion: Writing/Drawing/Singing

Hobbies: Same as above ;)

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): I wish I was famous... :D

Fave book: I loved the AOTC book, but I'm actually a huge Nicholas Sparks fan, so I'd have to say anything by him.

Fave movie: Black Hawk Down and Life as a House

Fave sport: Tennis, Soccer, Volleyball

Fave store: American Eagle

Fave music: I'll listen to just about anything.

What you can't stand: Bugs

What you plain dislike: Bananas

Who you admire: Myself. :)

What you most love to do: Write

Your self-confessed flaws: I'm extremely opinionated.

What intrigues/fascinates you: The opposite sex

What scares you: Bugs

Quotation to live by: The light at the end of the tunnel might just be an oncoming train.

What would you name your first born male/female: Adrienne Lynne or Joshua Hayden

Jul 3rd, 2003, 10:30:55 AM
Occupation:Going into Sophmore year of highschool

Future Aspirations: To become something important

Goal in life: see above and get married, ahve kids

Short term goals: Survive High School

Passion: Reading/Writing

Hobbies:Writing, Reading, Music, my web page, playing Magic the Gathering.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Not much right now. Give me time...

Fave book: Any Discworld/Dragonlance book

Fave movie: Char's Counterattack

Fave sport: Swimming

Fave store: Hot Topic

Fave music: Anything

What you can't stand: Some people

What you plain dislike: cockyness (when it's not mine)

Who you admire: My math Teahcer

What you most love to do: Read/Spend time with my snugglebunny. :)

Your self-confessed flaws: Shy until you get to know me, wary around strangers, a bit self-critical.

What intrigues/fascinates you: The unknown in general, computers.

What scares you: death

Quotation to live by: "live every day like there's no tomorrow."

Jul 3rd, 2003, 02:15:42 PM
Since im new here i will give this a go.

Occupation: Student

Future Aspirations: PGA Tour Professional

Goal in life: Mostly to be a decent golfer someday

Short term goals: Make it to State Finals for golf

Passion: Golfing

Hobbies: Golfing (if you haven't gotten that yet), Skateboarding, video games, sleep

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): My swing of course

Fave book: Calvin and Hobbs comics (i don't read much)

Fave movie: The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Fave sport: hmmmmmmmm ice skating?...... Nah golf

Fave store: Wizards of the Coast

Fave music: Pink Floyd

What you can't stand: STUPID BUBBLES YOU HAVE TO FILL IN ON TESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What you plain dislike: Punk music

Who you admire: Fred Couples

What you most love to do: Golfing early in the morning

Your self-confessed flaws: Easily frustrated, low common sence.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Magic tricks, HOW DO THEY DO IT MAN!

What scares you: Not knowing what happens after death.

Quotation to live by: "Try not, do or do not, there is no try."

Jedi Knight Sui-Gro
Jul 29th, 2003, 10:00:04 AM
Occupation: none. ebayer!

Future Aspirations: Art School

Goal in life: to become a graphic designer

Short term goals: get into KCAI

Passion: Art

Hobbies: modeling, dioramas

Famous for: making the service trip t-shirt for my church

Fave book: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Fave movie: The Untouchables

Fave sport: Football

Fave store: Hot Topic

Fave music: Punk

What you can't stand: hardcore rock

What you plain dislike: Ricers if you know what i mean

Who you admire: My best friend

What you most love to do: Go to Town Center and chill out

Your self-confessed flaws: not able to be considered serious

What intrigues/fascinates you: women

What scares you: being alone

Quotation to live by: "Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up, these are the best days or our lives, the only thing that matters is just following your heart, and eventually you'll finally get it right."-The Atraris

Jarek T'chort
Jul 29th, 2003, 01:24:09 PM
Occupation: unemployed bum

Future Aspirations: Make money and generally do stuff I want.

Goal in life: get to the top...or anywhere as long as its easy and fun.

Short term goals: get a job

Passion: music

Hobbies: Hmm...I dont know...I just tend to play on the PS2 or PC and watching South Park.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Shooting out my enemies window with a .22 rifle.

Fave book: not sure

Fave movie:Aliens

Fave sport: Football (soccer)

Fave store: HMV music store...I spend too much time in there.

Fave music: Metal, industrial, rock, dark wave, synth.

What you can't stand: people who say they will commit suicide for attention

What you plain dislike: Rap

Who you admire: parents.

What you most love to do: listen to music

Your self-confessed flaws: too thin.

What intrigues/fascinates you: movies

What scares you: not sure on that

Quotation to live by: "We're all in strung out shape, but stay frosty and alert, we can't afford to let one of those bastards in here."

Jame Kaman Dar
Dec 23rd, 2003, 02:03:02 PM
Kaman Maxwell
March 5, 1984
5'8" 125 -130 lbs(hey, it varies between the two!)
Blonde Hair Blue eyes

Occupation: N/A

Future Aspirations: Write a book or two. Get married, have kids( I LOOOOVE Kids).

Goal in life: Live life to the fullest (I'm working on it!!)

Short term goals: Get Job. Ditch bunkbed. Get sofabed. Or loft bed. Get BF.

Passion: Music, Writing, Art.

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Painting(oil paints!! YEAH), Rollerblading, Ice skating...Okay, a ton of stuff. I love singing.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): My flexiblitly( I can put both legs behind my head) MY hair(It's down to my butt and a pretty shade of blonde), I have a high IQ(200+), and I keep on getting told I have a nice singing voice, and apparently a cute bum. And soft skin. :P

Fave book: A fave book? It's hard to choose...i read god knows how many books in a week.... I'll just say The Chronicles of Narnia for now...

Fave movie: All my life, my fave movies have been the original SW trilogy. Nobe would tickle me to DEATH if I lied. Would I lie? :angel

Fave sport: Umm lessee... Sports fall into three categories, for me. Winter, Board and Contact. Especially Contact sports.
My faves are Snowboarding, Hockey, and Football. Mainstream Wrestiling is fake. I hate it.

Fave store: Bluenotes, RW & Co.

Fave music: Trance:P Then Metal, Rock...

What you can't stand: Backstabbers, Players, Pricks.

What you plain dislike: Theresa von Minden...And men who think they're God'd gift to women.

Who you admire: Nobe..and my dad.

What you most love to do: Have fun:D

Your self-confessed flaws: Procrastination, Self-Induced forgetfulness...

What intrigues/fascinates you: A star filled sky.

What scares you: Being alone. Well, I had to say something! Really, i'm scared of NOTHING...

Quotation to live by: When life gives you lemons, hand them back and ask for peaches.

Lady Winter
Dec 24th, 2003, 03:10:33 AM
Jessica Saxton
February 8, 1983

Occupation: Administrative Assistant; Member, DJS Marketing, LLC.

Future Aspirations: I'm not one who really looks toward the future.

Goal in life: To go back to college

Short term goals: To help my parents get their business started

Passion: Star Wars, music, gaming

Hobbies: Reading, drawing, playing video games

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Nothing, really.

Fave book: LotR, The X-Wing series

Fave movie: Return of the King, Empire Strikes Back

Fave sport: Not really into sports . . .

Fave store: Borders

Fave music: J-Pop, soundtracks

What you can't stand: Closed-minded peope

What you plain dislike: Idiots

Who you admire: I admire a bunch of fictional characters. Some of which are Mizuki Kaho (Cardcaptor Sakura) Princess Leia, Nomi Sunrider, and Jun Kazama (Tekken)

What you most love to do: Read

Your self-confessed flaws: I'm rather timid and passive

What intrigues/fascinates you: The concept of the Jedi Knights and the Force

What scares you: Can't really think of anything. I usually unconciously avoid my fears.

Quotation to live by: "The Force will always be with you. You must always be with the Force."

Galien Moss
Dec 24th, 2003, 12:52:58 PM
This is way late, but I figured, why not? Also, I only answered the ones I wanted to :)

Future Aspirations: 1. To live on a ranch in Montana, fall in love with one of the hands, and then leave in the middle of the night before any relationship can start.

2. To get a job on a fishing boat and live at sea for a year or two.

3. To make just one very good movie, and I don't mean one that necesarily does well at the BO.

4. To enjoy life being me.

Goal in life: Live till I die.

Short term goals: Get the guts to cash in my life insurance policy and go to India for a year.

Passion(s): Cooking, writing, travelling.

Hobbies: See above.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Missing exits while driving.

Fave book: Don't have one.

Fave movie: Erm... there's too many. DPS, Hamlet (Kenneth Branaugh version), Kill Bill, Fight Club...

Fave sport: Soccer

Fave music: Anything by John Williams, Mark Isham, James Horner (except for the Titanic score). But I'll listen to anything except country.

What you can't stand: People who don't apologize.

What you plain dislike: Cantoloupe (sp?)

Who you admire: My Grandfather on my dads side. He had a very hard life but he loves his kids fiercly, even if he can't say it or show it in conventional ways. He is the most hard-working, determined, honest, brave man I have ever known. Also, he looks like Paul Newman.

What you most love to do: Anything that makes myself or others happy.

Your self-confessed flaws: I can be loud sometimes, and I tend to be quite private, to the point of being really rude, about my mother-issues. Don't ask about my mommy!!!

What intrigues/fascinates you: Life, in general.

What scares you: I'm afraid that I am a failure, and that I haven't made my father proud of me... and that I never will. That wakes me up at night. :(

Quotation to live by: "Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today." -- James Dean

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 28th, 2003, 03:50:54 PM
Occupation: Junior in University, Majoring in English and minoring in Theater Arts / Stabrucks Barista. :P

Future Aspirations: Get a good teaching job, have a happy life, the usual.

Goal in life: To always learn something new every single day.

Short term goals: Finish my degree, get my Masters.

Passion: RPing, of course. Actually, reading, writing, and listening to music are all about equal on my passion scale. Oh yes and my fabulous Boyfriend, Mike. :)

Hobbies: Other than the above... I enjoy working with pottery (as in making it on a wheel) and Bellydance, I want to learn Hula dance as well. I spend most of my money/free time sewing stuff.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Uh... Well I have short litle thumbs. And over five feet of scar tissue on my body. The two aren't related, though.

Fave book: Oh man, only one? Well, I'm partial to LOTR obviously, and I am a self-confessed Harry Potter fan. I also like Garth Nix, Brian Jacques, Louise Marley and Orson Scott Card, just to name a few.

Fave movie: The Princess Bride, Star Wars, LOTR. In no particular order.

Fave sport: Thumbwrestling!!!!! Grrrrr....

Fave store: Mill End Fabric store. ;)

Fave music: Everything. Right now I'm really onto Arabic Breakbeats but I've been known to enjoy very diverse musical styles.

What you can't stand: I can't stand hipocracy... just anyone who says one thing and does something different.

What you plain dislike: I dislike driving.

Who you admire: I admire people who do more than what is expected with a limited number of resources... people who take initiative and get things done.

What you most love to do: I love to sew. :)

Your self-confessed flaws: I talk too much.

What intrigues/fascinates you: History, especially the Medieval era of Europe and Japan.

What scares you: Being alone, being out of control, or being in a very tight space. (I'm claustrophobic to some degree, I guess.)

Quotation to live by: "Obey Gravity. It's the law."

Azhure Darkstone
Jan 4th, 2004, 08:53:55 PM
Future Aspirations: Live.

Goal in life: Dunno. I need to find one.

Short term goals: Start TAFE.

Passion: RPing, singing, reading, writing.

Hobbies: manipulating images.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): *shrugs*

Fave book: sci-fi books and fantasy. I do love The Outsiders.
Fave movie: Star wars, children of the damned. LOTR.
Fave sport: Swimming.

Fave store: hmm....lots.

Fave music: Everything.

What you can't stand: I can't stand double standards and blatent uncalled for rudeness

What you plain dislike: I dislike racism and sexism.

Who you admire: I admire people who tell the truth and can put away their pride to do the right thing.

What you most love to do: Commiting violence to unsuspected droids (ic of course).

Your self-confessed flaws: I lapse into silent moods too often.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Philosophy and the balance of life (eg. hate and love, right and wrong). No I am not weird.

What scares you: Having someone understand me to the very core, I dont like the idea at all.

Quotation to live by: "Don't get mad, get even"

Occupation: Student

Xyver Khale
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:38:24 PM
Occupation: Graphic Designer by trade, going to be in between jobs in a few weeks to move.

Future Aspirations: To survive. That would be a marvelous thing.

Goal in life: To learn as much as possible, and keep growing.

Short term goals: Get moved out to the Southwest without any major problems, and get a good job that I enjoy out there.

Passion: Music (listening to), and designing graphics.

Hobbies: Sketching, writing, and playing video games.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): I created a combined toy mode that became rather well known in transformer fandom circles.

Fave book: I'm not a HUGE reader, but probably the best of Edgar Allen Poe.

Fave movie: Six String Samurai.

Fave sport: Wut is Sp0rt?

Fave store: Hot Topic.

Fave music: Techno/Industrial

What you can't stand: People who take advantage of other people intentionally.

What you plain dislike: Most country music.

Who you admire: I admire anyone willing to speak their mind even if it's unpopular.

What you most love to do: Surf the web, and chat.

Your self-confessed flaws: Jump to conclusions too quickly.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Hidden knowledge, even stupid facts most don't know. Unique knowledge.

What scares you: The concept of drowning, of knowing you're going to die, and being awake for most of it, the feeling of having no air in your lungs. *Shudders*

Quotation to live by: "You've got the gun to your head, then you realize 'WAIT! I'VE GOT A GUN!'"

Jordana Montegue
Jan 11th, 2004, 11:58:23 AM
Ok, I know I am bored to death because I'm going to reply to this :rolleyes


Occupation: Currently a cashier - sucks but it pays the bills

Future Aspirations: Get back to school and earn my Bachelor's degree then go on to earn a doctorate in Nursing

Goal in life: See above

Short term goals: Not kill any customers in the next 24 hours

Passion: Nursing and art

Hobbies: web design, role-playing, writing, tae kwon do, umm many more - too many to list

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Ummmm ... nothing?

Fave book: The Dark Tower series by Stephen King & Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King

Fave movie: I can't pick just one: Indiana Jones trilogy, Lethal Weapon quadrilogy, SW films (but not EP 1, that sucked), LoTR trilogy

Fave sport: tae kwon do, hockey, auto racing

Fave store: I HATE shopping. 'Nuff said.

Fave music: Almost any kind. Classical, alternative, pop, rock, big band, oldies, country - I don't like jazz or the blues

What you can't stand: Idiot customers who think they are -always- right, government, conformity, politics ... my list of things I like would be much shorter :D

What you plain dislike: See above then add another ten pages or so of dislikes

Who you admire: No one

What you most love to do: Laugh

Your self-confessed flaws: I'm way too critical on/about myself

What intrigues/fascinates you: Blatant stupidity

What scares you: Spiders & blatant stupidity

Quotation to live by: I have 2:

The three hardest tasks in the world are neither physical feats nor intellectual achievements, but moral acts: 1) To return love for hate; 2) To include the excluded; and 3) To say 'I was wrong.'" - -Ernst Heinrich Haeckel

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. --Francis Maitland Balfour

Eowiodith Unadrieniel
Feb 21st, 2004, 11:50:19 PM
Occupation: Sophomore in high-school

Future Aspirations: Graduate high-school and join Air Force Acedemy

Goal in life: Become a pilot in the Air Force

Short term goals: Pass the SAT test

Passion: God and my family

Hobbies: Sports (just about any kind), reading, piano

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Being a goof off before and after soccer games, but way into it during the game.

Fave book: The LOTR series definitely!

Fave movie: LOTR Trilogy

Fave sport: Soccer! :D

Fave store: I don't like stores

Fave music: New country, but also pop and R&B

What you can't stand: Rappers

What you plain dislike: Spinach

Who you admire: My Mom and Dad

What you most love to do: Play sports or work out

Your self-confessed flaws: I am too bossy on the field

What intrigues/fascinates you: muscular guys and good soccer players

What scares you: Feeling out of control

Quotation to live by: "Do or do not, there is no try"

Ruth Leofsiege
Apr 8th, 2004, 11:56:29 PM
Since I'm new here, I thought I'd resurrect this thread. That, and I can't sleep. ;)

Occupation: College Student/Restaurant Hostess

Future Aspirations: Transfer to Rice, go through the Navy ROTC, and become a Marine officer.

Goal in life: Get married, have kids, and have fun while I'm doing it.

Short term goals: Not kill myself in the weight room, and go to church more often.

Passion: Music (Piano, singing, listening, the whole bit.)

Hobbies: Read, play video games with my little brother, learn languages, roleplay online (newest one)

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Everyone in my history class knows me as "The Girl who got the only A on the test."

Fave book: Hmm, It's a toss up between Jane Austen's Persuasion, Tolkien's The Silmarillion, Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe series, and the Star Wars books.

Fave movie: Too many movies to choose from. Star Wars 1, 4, 5, and 6 on within the top 10 though. So are the LotR's.

Fave sport: Basketball

Fave store: Lifeway Christian Stores (although Half-Price Books is a close second)

Fave music: Out of Eden, Zoegirl, Delirious?, Switchfoot, Grits.....

What you can't stand: Rude people, especially rude people who come into my restaurant. :mad

What you plain dislike: Guys who only want to go out with sluts (*thinks of ex*).

Who you admire: Ruth in the Bible, my grandmother.

What you most love to do: Annoy my siblings. :D

Your self-confessed flaws: I tend to become very attached to people, and if they hurt me, I carry large grudges. I also get into lazy moods about my faith, so I'll not go to church for long spans of time.

What intrigues/fascinates you: History, historical fiction, languages, music, God, the universe in general.

What scares you: Sharks, large marine animals, the guy who is stalking me at school.

Quotation to live by: "When in doubt, drive like the wind." ~Self~

Morgan Evanar
Apr 12th, 2004, 01:52:59 AM
Occupation: Entry clerk/ computer tech

Future Aspirations: Get married and have a pair of kids, a cat, and a dog in my late 20s, early 30s. Graduate college by 25.

Goal in life: To take care of me and not screw other people over where and when it counts.

Short term goals: finish this semester.

Passion: Geekery and cars. I also have a healthy apreciation of women. I mean, they're hot.

Hobbies: computers, and my 240SX which I am loathe to spend money on right now. I also play pool.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): I have an uneven rib cage, a wit so sarcastic it could swallow an aircraft carrier, and a heavy right foot.

Fave book: I have to choose one? You're a horrid person :(

Fave movie: See above.

Fave sport: OOhhhhhhrrhmmnrnrnrn. American Football on foot, Rally for auto.

Fave store: Newegg.

Fave music: Rock.

What you can't stand: bad food.

What you plain dislike: drivers in South Florida.

Who you admire: My mom. She's graduating this semester.

What you most love to do: Open road with the windows down, a good disc in the deck, and some garlic bread in the passenger seat.

Your self-confessed flaws: I'm a real jerk sometimes.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Cloudscapes. Its water vapor at its most fantastic.

What scares you: Not anything especially. I'm very comfortable with the concept of death. Standing near the edge of anything more than three stories gets me a touch nervous.

Quotation to live by: There is always someone who is better than you at something. Get over it.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2004, 06:33:20 AM
Occupation: Computer Technical business onwer / operator

Future Aspirations: Take over the world. No, seriously.

Goal in life: See above. That and to be able to afford to rally all the time, build a church, have four kids and a heard fo cats

Short term goals: Go to bed alive and healthy. Have enough money to survive

Passion: My wife, God, cars

Hobbies: Computers, cats, rallying

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): I made the front page of a major Sydney newspaper for driving in drains. That and being a cat lover / mad hat driver

Favorite book: Lord of the Rings

Favorite movie: All three Lord of the Rings

Favorite sport: Motor racing

Favorite store: Mine

Favorite music: Loud

What you can't stand: Bad drivers and the general level of human stupidity

What you plain dislike: Tomatoes, female logic

Who you admire: Steve Waugh, Peter Brock

What you most love to do: Bathurst 1000 or Rally Australia.

Your self-confessed flaws: Blunt to the point of rudeness. But all Aussies are like that.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Cats and God

What scares you: Not an awful lot. I guess that there is nothing out there would be really frightening. And be a big fat suck

Quotation to live by: You die the day you stop learning

Yurza Magus
Apr 15th, 2004, 07:30:48 PM
Occupation: military cop

Future Aspirations: own a ranch and have a family

Goal in life: be a decent person

Short term goals: stay out of trouble

Passion: writing

Hobbies: reading, video games, rping, making love...oops did I say that out loud? :mishief

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): nothing

Fave book: Lord of the Rings

Fave movie: Lord of the Rings, Star wars, or Independnce Day

Fave sport: football

Fave store: spencers

Fave music: anything tht sounds good

What you can't stand: telemarketers

What you plain dislike: see above

Who you admire: not sure

What you most love to do: be with freinds and family

Your self-confessed flaws: I can be very jealous, and I sometimes speak before thinking

What intrigues/fascinates you: shiny stuff

What scares you: being alone

Quotation to live by: Beef!

Khendon Sevon
Apr 15th, 2004, 07:32:15 PM
Occupation: Student

Future Aspirations: College

Goal in life: Retire young with enough money to have some fun

Short term goals: Get a 1380 on my SATs and a 4 on my AP US exams

Passion: Life

Hobbies: Graphics, Programming, Gutting Computers, Sketching, Guitar, Poetry, Lyrics, Adventure Crew

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): arguements. Winning them or tiring the other guy out.

Fave book: Strange Travelers by Gene Wolfe

Fave movie: Willow

Fave sport: Track

Fave store: A&F

Fave music: Rock & Roll (AC/DC, Accept, Motorhead, etc) and Metal (Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Priest, etc)

What you can't stand: Arguementative people, they're too much like me.

What you plain dislike: People who aren't real

Who you admire: Andrew Carnegie

What you most love to do: Rock climb

Your self-confessed flaws: Arguementative, shy

What intrigues/fascinates you: politics, engines and car tech, anything creative

What scares you: reality

Quotation to live by: Just watch out for the bear in the home stretch... it always waits for you next to the wall.

Sean Piett
Apr 15th, 2004, 10:10:42 PM
Occupation: Cashier/Student

Future Aspirations: Be remembered

Goal in life: Be remembered

Short term goals: Join National Guard

Passion: Movies

Hobbies: Movies, reading, internet, driving, friends

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): My hair (white), will argue over anything

Fave book: Tough, but I'll say 1984. Honorable mention: A Clockwork Orange, A Song of Ice and Fire

Fave movie: Godfather Trilogy. Honorable mention: too damn many

Fave sport: Dodgeball with friends

Fave store: Best Buy or Media Play (or Mall of America)

Fave music: Wow, way too many. Interpol, Alkaline Trio, Rammstein, Smashing Pumpkins.. tons more.

What you can't stand: Thoughtlessness

What you plain dislike: Religion

Who you admire: Napoleon

What you most love to do: Spend time with friends

Your self-confessed flaws: Spiteful, jealous, lazy, procrastinating

What intrigues/fascinates you: Religion and philosophy

What scares you: Death

Quotation to live by: "Ignorance, the root and the stem of every evil." - Plato

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 27th, 2004, 11:01:07 AM
Occupation: Part time at vons wile i go to school

Future Aspirations: Graduate college and become very successful in the buisness world

Goal in life: look above...

Short term goals: get through with college

Passion: reading and rping

Hobbies: models, rping, reading, writing

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): my jokes

Fave book: dragon lance...all of them

Fave movie: star wars rotj

Fave sport: basketball

Fave store: pacific sunwear

Fave music: all

What you can't stand: stupid people

What you plain dislike: people who try and be funny but are stupid

Who you admire: my grandfather who had just past away recently

What you most love to do: hang out with friends

Your self-confessed flaws: prcrastinator, lazy

What intrigues/fascinates you: history and computers

What scares you: death

Quotation to live by: love life, get paid, get laid.

Wytchy Woman
Apr 30th, 2004, 12:34:39 AM
Occupation: hospice nurse and medical transcriptionist

Future Aspirations: to move out of North Carolina once and for all

Goal in life: To die having had more friends than enemies

Short term goals: a Bachelors degree in social work

Passion: my animals

Hobbies: quilting, auctions, reading, surfin the net

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): giving birth to not just one, but two wonderful children

Fave book: Gone With The Wind

Fave movie: We Were Soldiers (I'll bet most everybody else's is Star Wars)

Fave sport: To watch? None....to participate in? deep sea fishing

Fave store: an online store called Cybermoon Emporium

Fave music: depends on the day of the week, and the phase of the moon

What you can't stand: shallow people

What you plain dislike: traffic, the daytime

Who you admire: Martin Luther King, Jr., my children, my lover (who is a law enforcement officer)

What you most love to do: sleep (Shawn taught me that one)

Your self-confessed flaws: smoking, my irish temper

What intrigues/fascinates you: all aspects of nature

What scares you: the idea that something will happen to my children

Quotation to live by: As we travel through life...what we
begin the journey with...what we take
with us...and what we pick up along
way...is never more important than
we leave behind.

:) Peace

Apr 30th, 2004, 07:33:50 PM
Occupation: Student

Future Aspirations: Moving to North Carolina. How ironic. o_o

Goal in life: Get lots of money to support my family

Short term goals: Making straight A's in school.

Passion: Reading

Hobbies: RPing, reading, singing, writing, and playing the violin

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Playing the violin, my spunky attitude, and my giggle. (Dun ask)

Fave book: Anything by Gaelen Foley.

Fave movie: Dunno

Fave sport: Football, believe it or not.

Fave store: Hot-topic

Fave music: Rock all the way. Favorite band now is Nine inch nails. It changes often though.

What you can't stand: Annoying people. -_-

What you plain dislike: Prepy.. short-skirtted, giggle gossip, two-faced, pink make-up wearing.. wh.. err.. girls. ^_^

Who you admire: My mom

What you most love to do: Read

Your self-confessed flaws: Are you kidding? o_o I lose things all the time, I have a very poor memory, and I tend to have freakish moodswings. But don't we all?

What intrigues/fascinates you: History, nature, and dreams

What scares you: Death

Quotation to live by:

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

(Alex) Jacen
May 3rd, 2004, 05:43:47 AM
Occupation: Student (For another 7 or 8 years...*dies*)

Future Aspirations: To be the guy in the Air Force who shouts "Bombs Away"

Goal in life: Get married, have a bunch of kids

Short term goals: Give my GF the most amazing time of her life when she flies over (only 10 and a half weeks to go...!)

Passion: Science...fact and fiction. No, I'm not a geek.

Hobbies: RPing, Storywriting, making models of stuff out of slightly smaller things, filling in random "about you" questionaires

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): I met Prince Andrew, who's mom is the Queen of England. I've been on the news (ok it was local). We have video tapes of me performing on stage (in the school christmas play...I was so cute...what happened?). Oh, yeah. I'm also internationally known as a pain in the behind.

Fave book: Hmm...Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy

Fave movie: There are way too many of them to list.

Fave sport: Sport? What's that? :p

Fave store: CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!

Fave music: As long as its good, I like it

What you can't stand: Tufty. Its my pet tuft of hair that I've had all of my life.

What you plain dislike: Snakes. Spiders. Insects. Things flying around my face (yes, even butterflies scare me).

Who you admire: Anyone who has achieved something they wanted to achieve.

What you most love to do: Talk to my girlfriend, or talk to you guys.

Your self-confessed flaws: I talk too much. I have a really crummy memory. I know too much, and frequently prove that I know too much by telling people stuff that they don't really want to know. Like: Did you know that, if you drop a marshmallow onto a Neutron Star, it will release the same amount of energy upon impact as a 1 megaton hydrogen bomb exploding on Earth? See, know too much, and talk too much. Oh, and my jokes totally suck.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Science (fact & fiction), philosophy, people who find me sexually attractive

What scares you: Spiders. Insects. Snakes. Things with wings that flap around in my face (Butterflies, budgies, pidgeons, etc).

Quotation to live by:

"If at first you don't succeed, don't worry: it was someone else's fault."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 3rd, 2004, 02:05:26 PM
Occupation: Theoretically, a computer animator/graphics artist, but at the moment in between jobs.

Future Aspirations: Have my own studio so I can sit and draw and paint all day

Goal in life: Not be alone in life

Short term goals: Find a job

Passion: Art

Hobbies: Animating, drawing, writing, and snowboarding

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Being a Communist and drinking bad beer.

Fave book: Future Shock by Alvin Toffler

Fave movie: Not much on movies.

Fave sport: Snowboarding, football, and Nascar

Fave store: Any store that has cool stuff in it

Fave music: Alot. Mostly Techno and Classical

What you can't stand: When people say they're sorry continually

What you plain dislike: see above

Who you admire: My mother

What you most love to do: Travel

Your self-confessed flaws: Procrastination

What intrigues/fascinates you: Schroedinger's Cat

What scares you: Optomotrists, trains, heights, and spiders, being alone in life

Quotation to live by: I forget

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 07:16:47 PM
Matthias Friederich Wilhelm von Meillen
Age - 20
Date of Birth - 16 March 1984

Occupation: Assistant manager, retail store

Future Aspirations: Teach European Military History, 1860-1946, at University

Goal in life: Return to Germany, Return to the Army

Short term goals: Complete College, Integrate Fully into America

Passion: My boyfriend

Hobbies: Model Battleships, writing, reading

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Composing an Authoritative yet Highly Contraversial Political Manifesto based on Principles of Imperial Socialism

Fave book: The Tsar's Last Armada

Fave movie: A Bridge Too Far

Fave sport: Fencing

Fave store: Walther's Models

Fave music: Techno, Dance, Classical

What you can't stand: Rap, Improper Diction (we ain't goin' nowhere)

What you plain dislike: Loud automobiles

Who you admire: Baron Hasso von Manteuffel

What you most love to do: Read, write

Your self-confessed flaws: Narcissistic, nationalistic, intelligent

What intrigues/fascinates you: History

What scares you: Spiders

Quotation to live by: "Intelligence is the bane of all men - those who possess it are automatically singled out for rejection and hate lest they rise to command the masses"

Drake Shadowstalker
May 17th, 2004, 11:32:09 PM
Occupation: High School Student

Future Aspirations: Become a New York Times best-selling author

Goal in life: see above

Short term goals: graduate high school

Passion: to some extent writing

Hobbies: playing MMORPG's

Famous for: breaking a school power cleaning record

Fave book: All books written by: Terry Brooks, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman

Fave movie: The Return of the King

Fave sport: Football

Fave store: Game Stop

Fave music: Rock, Hard Rock

What you can't stand: People saying a game is going to be good before playing it.

What you plain dislike: Anger Management

Who you admire: any successful author

What you most love to do: nothing

Your self-confessed flaws: speech impedement

What intrigues/fascinates you: the ammount of work and time it takes to write a novel.

What scares you: john kerry becoming president

Quotation to live by: "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

May 18th, 2004, 12:52:35 PM
Occupation: Computer Programmer

Future Aspirations: Be the best person I can be to support my family.

Goal in life: ditto

Short term goals: Learn Saint-Saens' 2nd Piano Concerto

Passion: Star Wars, Playing Piano

Hobbies: ditto - playing computer games

Famous for: Writing and performing a piano concerto in high school. Going to 20 different baseball stadiums (trying to make it to all of 'em). Visited all 50 US states.

Fave book: Les Miserables

Fave movie: The Empire Strikes Back

Fave sport: Toss-up between baseball and hockey

Fave store: Borders

Fave music: Classical

What you can't stand: Strauss Waltzes, Rap Music, and people who use abbreviated names (like J. Lo or A. Rod) - is it so hard to actually say someone's name!?!?

What you plain dislike: Cauliflower (yuck)

Who you admire: Beethoven - a guy who had more than his share of problems, but overcame them to become one of the greatest composers/musicians ever.

What you most love to do: Play piano / be with my family

Your self-confessed flaws: Too many to list...

What intrigues/fascinates you: Science (mostly astronomy)

What scares you: clowns

Quotation to live by: "Once begun is half done."

Lady Mylia
Jun 6th, 2004, 03:04:06 PM
Occupation: Hostess and sometimes buser at Perkins... I hope it changes soon and going to be a college student in the fall!!

Future Aspirations: Graduate college get a good job managering a nice restaurant and eventually open my own restaurant!

Goal in life: Marry, have kids, be happy and own my own restaurnt

Short term goals: graduate college...

Passion: Soccer

Hobbies: Shopping, RPing...

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Not really known for anything...

Fave book: The Great Gatsby, Slaughter House Five and Their Eyes Were Watching God

Fave movie: LOTR

Fave sport: Soccer

Fave store: American Eagle

Fave music: Rock

What you can't stand: Annoying and stupid people

What you plain dislike: the feeling of tiredness

Who you admire: teachers...

What you most love to do: be with my boyfriend and friends

Your self-confessed flaws: whining

What intrigues/fascinates you: the sky

What scares you: being alone

Quotation to live by: if only I could remember....

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 6th, 2004, 05:24:44 PM
Occupation: Lifetime Student/Legal Drug Dealer/Comic Book Writer :) I can't get bored!

Future Aspirations: Making a successful comic that everyone enjoys

Goal in life: Is to make sure my mother is always taken care of

Short term goals: trying to get into Pharmacy school :x

Passion: my writing

Hobbies: Roleplaying, writing, reading, those nasty computer games :) and comics.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): I got published for my poetry and I might be double jointed in my elbows. I can make them go behind my back and twist them around that freaks people out.

Fave book: ack too many to pick a favorite. I love Piers Anthony. There ya go.

Fave movie: I can't think of one!!!

Fave sport: football!

Fave store: My comic book store that I go to - Comix revolution

Fave music: good god... I like a little of everything but mostly listen to alternative rock/gothy/industrial stuff :lol

What you can't stand: my ex's :lol

What you plain dislike: treating people like crap for no reason because they are different from you

Who you admire: My mommy.

What you most love to do: I guess being by myself... which is probably odd to admit o_O

Your self-confessed flaws: I dont give my self enough credit and think I am bad at doing anything I am doing at that particular time :\

What intrigues/fascinates you: bugs!

What scares you: spiders and death. I mean ... I get so scared about death sometimes it makes me ill =\

Quotation to live by: Do onto others as you would have done onto you :)

Cyrel Annat
Jun 7th, 2004, 03:21:48 PM
Occupation: Photo Department Manager

Future Aspirations: To not work at my current job for the rest of my life. To finish development of my fantasy setting and to write

Goal in life: One published novel

Short term goals: To marry the love of my life

Passion: See previous post

Hobbies: Writing, role-playing, video games

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Nothing...yet.

Fave book: Several, actually. Avatar Trilogy, Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy, DL Chronicles, Knight of the Black Rose, Spectre of the Black Rose. Yeah, just about anything fantasy.

Fave movie: LotR trilogy, Office Space

Fave sport: Hockey!

Fave store: None, really.

Fave music: Country

What you can't stand: Ignorance, prejudice (which ties into ignorance, I believe), political correctness.

What you plain dislike: Clowns

Who you admire: No clue, haven't much thought about it.

What you most love to do: Video games, sleep

Your self-confessed flaws: Short-temper and impatience (though it's getting better)

What intrigues/fascinates you: True love. (Let's face it, in this day and age, how is it still possible?)

What scares you: No clue

Quotation to live by: "Ah, what the heck, gimme the 9 iron."

Jun 8th, 2004, 04:09:43 PM
Occupation: Student. But I TA, write curriculum, and work on the newspaper, so jack-of-all-trades.

Future Aspirations: Get my PhD or ScD, become a professor of engineering, juggle fire.

Goal in life: To teach other people how to teach themselves.

Short term goals: Make Linux like my monitor setup. Stubborn thing.

Passion: The mathematics of art (and the art of mathematics).

Hobbies: Abstract math, writing, teaching.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Not sleeping, being the youngest kid in my college (I may graduate before my 21st birthday), and... that's it. Pretty normal, really.

Fave book: Ender's Game.

Fave movie: Dead Poets' Society.

Fave sport: Martial arts (Tae Kwon Do).

Fave store: American Science and Surplus.

Fave music: Classical, modern orchestral (Gershwin, Copland, etc), Jazz and Beatles.

What you can't stand: Lack of passion for what you're doing. If you don't care about it, why are you doing it?

What you plain dislike: Conformity.

Who you admire: Nearly everyone, for one reason or another. There's something to learn from everyone.

What you most love to do: Debate philosophy, science, and everything else with friends.

Your self-confessed flaws: Lack of focus. I want to do too much, and expect myself to take on everything; this usually fails.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Life and the way the world fits together. How humans think.

What scares you: Not knowing, but that's a normal thing to fear, and I'm not even that terrified of it any more.

Quotation to live by: John Cage's 4'33" (Yes, technically music; give it a listen.)

Jul 15th, 2004, 11:31:50 AM
Occupation: I just got fired. SHH! But that was just a desk job, I'm currently a model but keeping it level so I can finish school, semi-focused.

Future Aspirations: Sky Dive, get a pilot's license.

Goals in Life: To live with no regrets, to try everything at least once, to never give up, to travel the world. To live, love, and then some..

Short term goals: Finish my semester of High School with the 4.3 and don't skip more than I can make up for.

Passion: People, I love people. Going to parties, clubs, or even the library, just to socialize with people. We're all so different, so unique.

Hobbies: Aikido, Shorei Kempo Karate, Fencing, Pilates, my puppy, reading, writing, staying out past curfew.

Famous for..: When I took Tae Kwon Do, i learned that stuff quicker than I could tie my shoe, and climbed up the scale of expertise so quickly, it was shocking, but I loved performing. I'd spend hours every night of the week attending or teaching the class. At first I didn't realize how good I was /gloat, but after a while I could see my reflection in other people. Oh that was so much fun, I've moved, though, literally, hope I can find a better school out here. When I was younger I was such a nerd and was known for quoting star wars in my sleep.. Now that I'm older, though, my mind has sort of ditzed, I'm currently a small time model/actress but uncertain if i want to take this as a career.

Fave book: (s) Thomas Covenant Trilogy, the first series was better.

Fave Movie: Gladiator.

Fave Sport: Martial arts, but I did play football when I was little so I have a soft-spot for that.

Fave Store: Barnes and Nobles

Fave Music: New Age and Hip Hop... I <3 Enya.

What I can't stand: Those gross little traits, picking your nose or chewing your nails. But on a more important note- shallowness, or people who accept anything less than their best.

What I dislike: Dairy products, and being from Wisconsin. lol

Who I admire: People you don't know! :p

What I most love to do: Be with my friends, go swimming, perform.

Self-confessed Flaws: I'm a little too care-free, way too ticklish, and I always seem to arrive late..

What Intrigues/Fascinated Me: Other cultures and other languages.

What scares Me: Politics!

Quotation to Live By: A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.

Cardinal Aiyalin
Aug 1st, 2004, 08:54:35 PM
Occupation: High School math teacher (currently PreCalculus)

Future Aspirations: In around three years, my husband and I will be buying his practice and I will (hopefully) be running it. Have kids.. live happily ever after :)

Goal in life: To live each day to its fullest and to live happily ever after.

Short term goals: I hope to get through the school year without killing any of my students.

Passion: My passion is life :). I can't really think of anything I'm truly passionate about (um.. star wars? harry potter?).. I guess politics.. That always gets me fired up.

Hobbies: Reading, writing and cooking. I love Star Wars.. I love Harry Potter (I am such a freak)..

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Um.. writing on this website? lol :) Nothing I can think of!

Fave book: Hello? I'd have to say HP's Order of the Phoenix. I'd have to say this is followed closely by Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.

Fave movie: I don't really have a favorite movie.. I have a whole list of favorite movies.. But on the top would be: Empire Strikes Back, Matrix, Prizoner of Azkaban, Dr. Strangelove, The Muppet Movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Pulp Fiction, Space Balls, Blazing Saddles, Monty Python Search for the Holy Grail....


Fave store: oh, so hard. Lowes.. Bed, Bath and Beyond.. Banana Republic...

Fave music: Oldies... Sinatra, Dean... Jimmy Buffet...

What you can't stand: People who whine (especially students) .. and those who can't drive yet still feel the need to clog our roadways.

What you plain dislike: Stupid People.

Who you admire: Admire? My parents.. my husband.. People who have been teachers for over 10 years and are not convicted murderers yet.

What you most love to do: Ride horses, read..

Your self-confessed flaws: I have a temper. A really. Really. Bad temper. I am a procrastinator.. and.. I smoke.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Physics. The way things work and move.

What scares you: Death. Heights... drowning... Airplanes (though I would lump this with heights)

Quotation to live by: oh boy, they are so many.. I would go with... Carpe Diem (Seize the day)!

Nov 8th, 2004, 02:30:07 AM
Occupation: Full-time student

Future Aspirations: University Professor

Goal in life: Start a nice family

Short term goals: Improve my GPA

Passion: girls

Hobbies: comics

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Tennis

Fave book: Catch-22

Fave movie: Garden State and Spider-man 2

Fave sport: Watching soccer and baseball

Fave store: Wholefoods

Fave music: Coldplay and Radiohead

What scares you: failure

Shanaria Fabool
Nov 9th, 2004, 02:10:21 PM
Occupation: Stock person/college student

Future Aspirations: keep myself debt free, and have the money to do waht I want

Goal in life: To live untill I die

Short term goals: pass my classes

Passion: Computers

Hobbies: Computer games/Computer programing/ Board games/ RPing/Reading/ poetry/ Kayaking/biking/cooking

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): Thanking the bullies when they call me crazy, a geek, or a nerd.

Fave book: LOTR, The Starwars books, and the Sword of Truth books

Fave movie: Today it's Shrek 2, tommorow it could be anything. But others that are often in that spot are: Star wars 4 and 6, LOTR(All of them), Singing in the rain, Wizard of Oz, Most of the Star Trek TNG Movies, Space balls, and Blazing Saddles.

Fave sport: Kayaking watching: Hockey

Fave store: don't have one

Fave music: Anything that is not rude, offencive, or insulting

What you can't stand: People that judge others by the way they dress

What you plain dislike: Profanity, and bullies

Who you admire: Everybody to some extent or another, untill they give me a reason not to.

What you most love to do: Spend time with my friends

Your self-confessed flaws: I can be loud, oppinionated, my spelling is bad, I'm forgetful, and tend to say what I'm thinking since I don't like lying.

What intrigues/fascinates you: It changes from day to day, but pritty much anything could fascinate me

What scares you: Cars, ladders, and Cults

Quotation to live by: I'll give a few

"Hold true to yourself, Because somebody will always know when you are false."

"Love is the best healer, and the best weapon mixed into one. Handle with caution."

"Run when it is time to Run, Walk when it is time to walk, and Jump up and down screaming like a womprat when you feel like it"
