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Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 4th, 2003, 02:35:18 PM
The ‘Better Days’ had landed what was becoming many minutes ago, and still there was no sign of the passengers departing. Perhaps this was because inside there was some trouble in answering the question ‘Where is the baby?’

“What do you mean, you don’t know where she is?!”

Vega blinked as he stared back at the now red-faced Daiquiri, holding his hands up in a plea of innocence. The last he had seen of their daughter she had been dozing peacefully in her cot. Now the bottom of the cot had been cut open, and the little pup had crawled off lord knows where.

“How is this going to look as a first impression?”

To Daiquiri’s credit, this wasn’t the first time Vega had mislaid the child – but to Vega’s credit, he had done a fairly good job of watching her … up until she disappeared. As luck would have it, her parents loud voices attracted Katina to the cockpit of the ‘Better Days’, where she appeared with a tool of some kind dragging behind her, giggling happily.

Putting on his most stern face, the Lupine snatched up the dangerous item she held and pushed it into his pocket before scooping Katina herself up into his arms. The little girl squeezed her daddy’s arms tightly before snuggling up against his chest with a happy coo. Offering an angelic smile in Daiquiri’s direction, Vega was pleased to receive a cheerful expression in return as the two – and a half – wandered off down the ramp of the ship out into the Shadow Faene Fortress.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 4th, 2003, 02:54:38 PM
"I didnt let Hera know we were coming but I doubt she will mind. I have my own quarters here so I know theres room for us. Just hope she doesnt have some big meeting or drop to make."

While the latter was all too possible, Daiq was a little worried about how well Hera would receive this visit. And more importantly, how she would react to little Katina.

The Faene mistress had never liked children and made no bones about it. But Daiq was hoping that Kat would be the one exception to Hera's hard and fast rule.

With Vega and Katina in tow, the three traipse towards the main office, one of the sure-fire places to find the Sith Master.

Apr 4th, 2003, 09:12:17 PM
The arrival of the "Better Days" was an unexpected boon to her afternoon.

Hera always looked forward to spending any time in the company of her dear friend Daiquiri. The two had been through alot together and they, along with Eve, had built bonds that couldnt be broken by danger, voilence or time.

Shutting the datascreen she had been working on as security notifyed her that Daiq was coming directly to the office, Hera stood and came out from behind her desk.

She was walking to the door, and it slid open just before she got to it. Standing before her was Daiquiri and she gave her a welcoming smile. As Daiq stepped forward, beside her was Vega (Hera's step faultered a little, this was unexpected). And in his arms, a child (Hera's jaw dropped open).

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 5th, 2003, 01:51:43 AM
The reaction from the Sith Mistress was priceless, and it caused a big grin to spread over Vega’s lips. Were it not that he was here to essentially ‘make friends’, he would have made a cutting remark about how it was rude to stare.

“I’d offer to shake hands with you, but…” the Lupine made a nod down at the drowsy child in his arms. Taken upon himself, still, however to break the ice, he continued:

“…A pleasure to see you again, no doubt, Mistress DrenKast. I hope you don’t mind the three of us dropping on you unexpectedly.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 5th, 2003, 09:24:37 AM
She had asked him to be nice before they ever decided to make the trip and Vega was honoring her request admirably....
so much in fact that Daiq did a double take when she glanced back at him.

Turning back to Hera, Daiquiri grinned at her friend sheepishly.


Apr 5th, 2003, 05:24:50 PM

Hera sputtered, correcting herself, "I mean, Hello!"

She struggled to resume her composure as best she could, but it was hard when she could see full well Daiq sniggering to herself and the open amusement Vega was having at her discomfort.

Not many things rattled Hera DrenKast - but kids were one of them. She had never had time for them and considered them a waste of space and a drain on a persons sympathies. Everyone thought them adorable, loveable, sweet - when really, the little demons were more maniupulative and cunning than your average Dug. Hera mistrusted them completely.

And now, here was Daiq with her own! Gads, the galaxy was going insane. Hera had thought it was tough when her Master Ogre and Dale had a kid, but she rarely saw them and had only seen Aliandre once. That she could handle. But this! This kid was gonna maybe spend the night??

Kat flashed Hera a delightful smile, and Hera frowned in suspicion.

"Surprise, yes, yes it is. But a lovely one, of course." (Did she just hear herself say 'lovely'?)

Remembering her manners, Hera invited her guests to take a seat.

"This must be your daughter - she is very pretty." Another smile from Kat and a doubtful double-take from Hera.

"Lord Vega, it is good to see you again, and this time in much better circumstances than our first meeting. How is Ket?" (Oh, why did she ask that - his brother probly hated her now) Before he could answer, Hera blundered on.

"Daiq, a whiskey for you? Or um..milk? Do you still drink around the child?"

Hera was miserable, she was making a hash of this completely.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 5th, 2003, 10:57:47 PM
The laugh burst forth. Daiq could no more have stopped it than she could stop a sun from shining. Hera wasnt just taken off guard....she was totally flustered and verbally tripping all over herself. It was beyond funny.

Hera scowled. Daiq laughed harder. Katina squealed in delight. Vega chuckled. Hera grit her teeth.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 6th, 2003, 04:18:09 AM
“Oh come now, we aren’t here to tease. To answer your questions, Ket is fine – if a little … reclusive at times – and yes, she does still drink, though I’ll have to abstain for the moment.”

This was for a number of reasons, all of which were known by Daiquiri. Primarily, whenever Vega drank, he had a tendency to loose all control of himself mentally and inevitably shift into a blood thirsty wolf – and as much as he liked to do this, he didn’t imagine for a second that Hera would be pleased to have him running amuck in her home.

“How about we go sit down, hmm?”

Vega gave a gentle nudge, then added with some hope for Hera’s composure,

“Perhaps you have somewhere we can put this one” – Katina – “down to sleep while we talk?”

Apr 7th, 2003, 09:00:57 PM
Hera couldnt think of a single place that would be appropriate to place a little child. Would a drawar work?

She shook her head in answer to Vega.

"Well, I dont really think so. Although, Daiquiri's own rooms will certainly be comfortable enough. She is fine here, I just was not..expecting her."

Hera motioned for them to take a seat on the deep leather sofa as she poured them a drink. Whiskey for Daiq, a Barri Juice for Vega, it was a fruit juice and just a little tart- a nice substitute for alchohol. For herself she took a rum, and then took a seat opposite them.

"It really is good of you all to come by."

Her voice held a depth of sincerity that possibly surprised Vega. Hera felt responsible for the predicament Daiq was in aboard the Sanguin some time back, and never really was sure if that devil had been laid to rest between them.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 8th, 2003, 07:25:53 AM
"Ive been wanting the three of us to come for a visit for some time but its been difficult for Vega and I to get our times worked out. If Im available, he's off doing something and when he's been able, Ive had things come up. Namely, this one."

Smiling fondly at her daughter, Daiq reaches over and brushes a few strands of blonde hair from the girl's face. Katina slits her eyes, blinking sleepily at her mother then turns slightly, cuddling deeper into her father's arms before dozing off.

Still smiling, Daiq accepts the drink from Hera, taking a sip as the Faene mistress sits back down.

"Thanks. How is everyone? It's been ...........a while since Ive seen anyone from here. Rem doing alright? Ezra?"

For now easy chit-chat would do......catching up on friends and some of the base operations. Daiq knew, as did Hera, that later when the two of them were alone, would come the more meaningful talks.

Apr 8th, 2003, 10:41:37 PM
Hera smiled as Daiq spoke - it was like a regular tea and scones afternoon...my, had times changed.

"The guys are good. You know, some things dont change, but nothing ever stays the same."

She grinned wryly, "Didn't know I could be philosophical did you."

"So..I hope you plan to stay a while? Whats on the agenda?"

She looked from Daiq to Vega expectantly.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 9th, 2003, 07:14:31 AM
Such as he was, being Lupine, he gained what could be called ‘enhancements’ to several of his senses, one of these being hearing. One of the main differences was that he could detect more subtle tones in conversation, such as when a person is lying, feeling uncomfortable or speaking insincerely. Vega listened very carefully.

“Whats on the agenda?”

A slow roll of the Lupine’s shoulders, and he smiled thinly.

“I hadn’t thought about that. I was hoping to be … spontaneous, but now that I’m here I seem to have drawn a blank.”

His expression became more amused, as he pondered over Hera’s reaction as to having to plan ‘entertainment’ for Daiquiri, himself and the baby.

“I’d say a tour, but I don’t want to bore you both by forcing you to lead me around. Perhaps I can have a wander alone, later on.”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 9th, 2003, 09:49:21 AM
A small blush crept up her cheeks at Vega's mention of a 'tour'.

"Yeah......you didnt see much of the place when you were here before."

She had never sat down and worked out the dates but Daiquiri had a sneaking suspicion that it was during Vega's first visit to the Fortress when she got pregnant.

"I dont have any definite ideas or plans. Im pretty much open to anything. Do you have the time to spare, Hera?"

Apr 10th, 2003, 08:26:42 PM
"Of course, Daiq, my time's my own, remember."

She grinned at her - Hera was a woman who pretty much did whatever she pleased, whenever she pleased, and Daiq knew that hadnt changed in years. There had never been a reason for it to.

"I think you might find it more enjoyable if we accompany you Vega."

It was Hera's way of saying "not bloody likely" to letting him wander freely about the place. She liked her crew with all their peices, and Vega's temper was known to Hera. Take a Baseload of surly, smartass smugglers and toss the Lupine into the mix.....not a smart move by a long stretch. Hera shuddered at the possibility for mass murder and bloodied chaos.

"We can have the droid watch the baby as she sleeps. What is her name, Daiq?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
May 7th, 2003, 09:51:09 PM

She laughed slightly. What would their reactions be if she told them that the baby had named herself?

Katina wasnt a name she would have chosen, much less thought of. Yet it came to her one night in a dream.

A small, blonde girl approximately 3 years old had been holding her hand and Daiquiri had smiled down at child. In turn, the girl smiled up into the older female's face and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Mommy, my name is Katina."

That had been the dream in it's entirety - no more, no less. Daiq hadnt given it another thought for some time, until the fetus was big enough to make her presence known with tiny kicks and jabs.

Daiquiri didnt have many 'visions' but when she did, they were quite accurate and through time, had come to trust them. The Force had directed her to name the child and so she had.

As Hera turned to walk them towards the corridor that housed the crews' quarters, Daiq smiled at them.

"I'll have to tell you the little story behind her name, sometime."

May 12th, 2003, 04:43:36 PM
Hera arched an eyebrow. "Well, that sounds intruiging"

They walked the corridor, the two friends slightly ahead of Vega.

"Katina is a lovely name. If I had a kid..Id probly name it Spike or Brute or something."

She twisted to snipe to Vega over her shoulder.

"You dont need to comment, either"