View Full Version : Lessons of the Mind (Kolarik, open to my apprentices)
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 4th, 2003, 09:58:35 AM
Alana sat within the blood pit, her eyes scanning the blood stained walls. The spars and battles waged here had been known to make, and break those who passed through its doors. She did not call her apprentices here to fight with but instead she wanted to teach them the ways of a Vampyre Sith. To show them the battles can be won with the mind.
She was dressed in a tight black suit, her hair tied back from her timeless face. Her eyes hooded and dreamy as she spoke in the ancient vampiric tongue. Today they would tap into the dark side fully, they would call on it to weave a simple spell, and see how good they were at making it real.
Over in the corner lay a Mortal girl, she was around sixteen or so years old. Not that Alana had checked, just an appearance. She lay huddled into a ball a look of fear on her face, tears washing clean paths down her grimy cheeks. This was the one they would unleash there mind games on. She would know the darkness of the Damned....
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:32:18 AM
This was one place that he had not been in the Shrine. It wasn’t because he hadn’t found it before, it was more that he somewhat shied away from it. Kolarik hadn’t sought out the Shrine. He hadn’t sought out the darkness. He had, by a random twist of fate, fallen into it. Fallen before the very feet of darkness and she had taken him in.
He knew there was darkness. Knew it existed. And knew that the life he now led was one not only of literal darkness, but figuratively as well. It was simply that he hadn’t tapped into this yet. He had no interest in it, really.
He was more than content with life as a vampire as it was for him. Sleeping, drinking blood, spending time with Alana, and doing the things he had not been able to do as a mortal. It was perfect, really, and he saw no reason to change it.
That Alana had requested his presence here, before he’d had a chance to hunt surprised him. She knew his hunger when he awoke, and she had not been there this night. She had been here, and it was here that he found her sirens voice calling to him.
As he entered, his eyes went first to Alana. Always, they would go first to her. She was the very blood that ran through his veins. A liquid fire that never seemed to cool.
And then, in his hunger, his gaze shifted to the girl. And that was exactly what she was. A girl. His gaze narrowed for a moment, confusion awash over him.
He knew this about Alana – her penchant for a darkness that he tolerated and gazed upon with mild interest, but for the most part avoided.
He looked back to her now, to his lover and master, the one who had taken life and given life to him. From beneath shaggy bangs, he raised a questioning eyebrow as he stood in the doorway, both hands raised to the frame of the entrance.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:54:29 AM
Alana glanced up at Kolarik, his hands resting in ease at the doorway. His unruly hair making her hands itch to brush it back, to feel the smooth cool skin. His easy grace, and endearing boyish looks always served to distract her in the most pleasant of ways. She fought the temptation to go to him, to forgo training, and just enjoy the night in his arms.
"Hello my sweet..." Her voice was husky, and threw out its own invitation. Always she enticed, and called out to him in some way. But this night the darkness that surrounded her was thicker, it enhanced her beauty but it also gave a hint to her inner workings. She could be kind, and loving to those she cared about, but there was no mistaking the killer who sat before him.
"Come in Kolarik.... I want to show you something. I want to show you the power of the dark side, and what resides in all of us. I want to show you what lies beyond the veil of black." She whispered, her eyes glowing red. She had filled her mind with the dark side of the force. The Alana who was so tender when in his arms lay dormant behind the blood rimmed eyes.....
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:12:03 AM
Hello my sweet...
He had smiled at this, fangs gleaming in the dim lighting. The huskiness of her voice was tempting, His feet wanted to step into the room and cross the distance to her, but the darkness that seemed to emanate from the room created a soft barrier that held him back a moment longer.
Come in Kolarik.... I want to show you something. I want to show you the power of the dark side, and what resides in all of us. I want to show you what lies beyond the veil of black.
With her whisper he had stepped forward. Not because he wanted to learn of the power of the dark side but because her voice was enticing. He gave another glance at the mortal as she still lay cowering in the corner. He could see her tears and the blood stains on her clothing from the floor and walls around her. He could feel her fear.
The red hue of Alana’s eyes he knew was reserved for anger or simply a blood lust. At the moment, he wasn’t sure which it was exactly. As he approached her, he paused for a moment, feeling something different about her than what he usually felt. And then he bent to brush a kiss over her lips, stepping back after rather than taking her into his arms as he normally would.
Yes, something was quite different.
“Im assuming this has something to do with her...” He stated , nodding across the room towards the girl, wanting to get this over with and return to whatever it was he had known before. If that was going to be possible after this....
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:23:09 AM
Alana accepted his kiss, she found herself wanting more. She wanted to release the darkness that she had enveloped herself with but it to was just as enticing as Kolarik, and she knew it was a lesson that had to be taught. She closed her eyes for a moment at his almost reluctant kiss, snapping them open when he pulled away. Her eyes delving into his as he spoke.
“I’m assuming this has something to do with her...”
The Sith Lordess glanced over at the cowering girl, her finely arched brow lofted slightly. She turned back to her lover, looking at him from under lowered brows. A smile of pure evil tugging at her lips.
"She is nothing more than a tool in this my sweet. Something to be used and discarded when we are done. She will be our little helper if you will."
Alana was showing Kolarik the Ashiva side of her, the side that knew no humanity what so ever. When she had taken the mothers blood it had given her a split side. The one that the mother held sway over, and the other where Alana resided. Mixed together the two became a deadly combination.
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:43:49 AM
He caught the smile of pure evil that tugged at her lips. It was a game to her. All of this. Something that she seemed to enjoy. And because of his affection for her, he tried to be open to the things she introduced to him.
She is nothing more than a tool in this my sweet. Something to be used and discarded when we are done. She will be our little helper if you will.
He had seen her with her victims, feeding hungrily and then tossing them aside after. He was nothing like this, but instead always lowered them to the bench or the bed or the ground in as dignified a manner as possible. He was too new to immortal life – respect for life still clung to him.
“Our little helper at what…?” He asked. His voice was low as he spoke, hunger tugging on him. He remained his small distance from Alana for a moment longer, and then finally he moved to her to request a kiss.
The darkness that lingered about her did not make him tentative, but it did make him wary. He knew there was much she had not told him and he suspected that tonight would be a dark one.
His eyes stared into hers and his lips lowered to hers before he moved away again, this time walking in the direction of the girl, who visibly began to tremble at his approach.
“What will she help us with?” He asked, his very demeanor expressing his hunger and his reluctance to drag out the torture of this poor girl.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 6th, 2003, 11:44:25 PM
Alana had turned her face up to his familiar kiss accepting it with pleasure. No matter how dark the night was she would always be susceptible to his touch. She herself did not understand it but it was something she felt no need to control.
“Our little helper at what…?”
"She will help us in what we need to do my sweet, she is of no consequence." Alana stated simply, her brow furrowing slightly, wondering why he concerned himself with the girl. Alana stood up and moved to him, her arms circling his waist. She looked down at the cowering child at there feet.
"Come Kolarik, it’s not time to use her yet. First I must show you how to embrace the darkness which resides in us all."
Apr 7th, 2003, 10:58:20 AM
His victims he generally treated as humanely as was possible. It was nothing personal when he fed, it was simply that he needed blood to sustain him. It was the law of the land, really. Kill or be killed. And for survival, he killed.
But darkness….ah, darkness. He chose to embrace it from time to time as simply part of the package he’d bought when he’d agreed to become a vampire. There was darkness. But it wasn’t something he elected to actually practice. The others could and so be it, he didn’t really care. But he had zero interest.
And the girl trembling at their feet bothered him. Oh he would have killed her to feed without question. But watching her sitting there, terrified….it just wasn’t his thing.
He could see Alana’s brow furrow slightly and he bent to kiss her forehead.
Come Kolarik, it’s not time to use her yet. First I must show you how to embrace the darkness which resides in us all.
His lips remained where they were, pressed coolly to her forehead as he considered her words.
“Alana….” He began, about to refuse this. His gaze went back to the girl and then he decided to just accept it. Perhaps it would speed up the process and he would not be left to watch the poor girl tremble at their feet for much longer.
“Show me, then.” He whispered to her, his lips kissing her temple before he pulled away, prepared to begin whatever it was she wanted to show him.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:42:26 AM
She waited for him to finish, her eyes taking on a questioning look. He seemed uncomfortable with the events unfolding, wanting them over instead of basking in the power. She at that moment began to realize that perhaps he was not ready. But the darkness called, and forbade her to not go on. It was a lesson that was demanded of her by the mother herself, she was to train all she turned in the ways of the Sith, and in the ways of the damned.
“Show me, then.”
Alana nodded moving away from the girl crying in the corner. She was of no more consequence to the Sith Lordess, her time to participate would come soon enough. Alana settled her small frame back onto the blanket she had placed. Her eyes turning up to Kolarik’s, still questioning, and unsure if she should proceed.
"Come sit here my sweet, let me show you. Open yourself to this, it is more than you could have ever imagined." As she spoke to her lover, she began to chant, words of Sith magic mixed with vampiric incantations. The cold darkness of the room thickened. Alana's eyes shifted to utter black, no color remained. She had given herself over to the dark side.....
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:59:12 AM
Come sit here my sweet, let me show you
At her request, he moved to sit down.
Open yourself to this, it is more than you could have ever imagined.
Oh, he could imagine a great deal. But little of it had to do with darkness, and about 99.9% of it had to do with Alana.
As she began to chant he found himself resting back upon his elbows, his eyes closing as he attempted to do as she had asked of him. He was always able to open himself around her. Everything about her made him want to share whatever he had to offer.
He could feel it, the words of magic working as the cold darkness of the room seemed to thicken. It seemed to be a fog about him, a heavy mist that seeped in through every possible opening. Creeping into his very bones and wrapping itself around him.
He might have shivered, not from actual cold itself, but from the sense that it seemed to have about him.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 7th, 2003, 12:08:48 PM
As the darkness encased there forms, it was if the cold hand of death embraced them. Every emotion they had ever felt was intensified, any hate they harbored grew in massive proportions as the dark side fed on it.
Alana’s head tipped back letting it fill her. She loved the feel of the dark side washing over her. It brought her so close to what she had been as a bounty hunter. The feeling of death snapping at her hells once again. The force they drew on was no respecter of persons, and it killed as indiscriminately as her kind.
"Is it not sweet Kolarik? The power that we can tap into?" She whispered. Her voice husky with passion. A new passion that he had not before heard. The sound of it stirred him completely, making him want her with every fiber of his being.
"I want you to weave a dream scape for the girl. Make her see what you want her to." Alana spoke the words he needed to repeat to make it happen, waiting to enter into his mind.....
Apr 7th, 2003, 12:41:19 PM
Is it not sweet Kolarik? The power that we can tap into?
Not that he would ever tire of her, but this new passion that he had not before heard from her made him want her more than ever before. It was simply something new to be learned about her, and the fact that she was full of surprises seduced him.
He hadn’t been able to voice a response, but had merely groaned, his head lolling as he sank further into the clutches of her magic.
I want you to weave a dream scape for the girl. Make her see what you want her to.
His eyes did not open, for he could picture the girl in his mind as bright as day. Her whimpers called to him from a distance, as if from a far away land.
What he wanted her to see was not the dark room in which she lay huddled, but…by a lake. The water lapping gently at the sandy beach. And it was not a vampire that she saw before her, but simply a young man. A young man that she wanted to be there with. A young man who did not put the fear into her that he had undeniably felt from her only moments ago.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 7th, 2003, 01:01:08 PM
Alana stepped into Kolarik's dream scape as easily as walking through a door. She did not show herself, letting him have total control over the situation. He knew she was there but it was like a distant thought.
"So you choose to weave a pleasurable moment for her I see." She thought to herself. She had hoped it would be a darker one, one more accepting to the dark side he felt.
Alana watched as he moved toward the girl. The gentle breeze that washed over her was a sweet night wind. He had woven it well, the mortal girl would not be able to tell reality from vision. Unless of course he lost his concentration.
Valirion Thorn
Apr 7th, 2003, 03:46:03 PM
:: The dream scape near Alana seemed to flicker, the wavering environment seemingly getting darker with an unseen wind. As if the space near to Alana had just been torn like a sword through a sheet of paper, black tendrils seemed to flow through as a blood red armored boot took a luxurious step through. The boot led to the rest of me, entering casually, having a similar lesson from Alana before, entering was easier and easier to make look easy it seemed. My marble white skin was barely moved by my cold smile.
This was Kolarik's, easily identified, not as elaboratly built as Alana would have, but built well, thanks to passed down talents. I knew only too well. My dreamscapes had been nightmares, demons and devils waiting at the oblivious mists that made the edges of my scapes.
I kept myself hidden from Kolarik as Alana had taught me long ago and I let myself stay well known to Mistress Stormcloud. There was no point, she was far more talented in this area than I might ever be, hiding was futile. My arm slowly slipped about her waist in greeting and I didn't even break a glance to her as I looked on to Kolarik. My armor slipped from my shoulders, underneath my cape and lightly caressed the back of her neck, so gentle compared to the thoughts running through my mind of what to do with that young mortal girl Kolarik beheld.::
Hmmmmm... Innocence... in the both of them. I see you have chosen one more of your taste my Mistress. The pure lamb that doesn't even cry when it's golden fleece is shaved. Or when you feed it the best food covered by rotten food it must eat to get to the best.
:: I turned my face to her slowly, my height being well above hers, my bloodless lips barely scraped the top of her forehead and my symbiote laced small blades from lips painfully for me as it flickered gently against her skin. I turned back to Kolarik, a recent toy that didn't seem to understand its own windup functions.::
Apr 7th, 2003, 05:15:48 PM
Yes, the dreamscape he chose to weave was a pleasant one. And it did flicker as another joined them, though Kolarik was entirely oblivious. Though he felt the darkness around him and he felt it tugging at him, he hadn’t accepted it. He hadn’t fought it, but he had not accepted it.
As he approached the girl, she remained before him on her knees. And he too sank to the floor. In the dreamscape, it was the sand they were kneeling on, and he reached for her, brushing her hair from her neck as he had done numerous other times with other victims….with Alana.
Gently, kindly, he laid her on the floor, holding her to him. The dreamscape seemed to suck him in as well, and for a moment he forgot that he was a vampire, forgot that he would never see the sun again, forgot that it was the hard, blood stained concrete that he kneeled upon. And then his lips met the young girls.
It wasn’t a real attraction that he felt to her, this young girl. Rather it was the fact that he was surrounded by a darkness he did not know, did not understand. And the innocence in him fought it off, willing it back.
Of course, he would not be able to will it forever. And it was likely someone would take over the dreamscape to show it as they believed it should be – a terrifying experience that only those born to darkness, to the dark side of the force could ever create, could ever tolerate.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 7th, 2003, 05:41:05 PM
Alana felt Val enter the dream, he was a darkness that rivaled her own. His lust for pain, and his lack of emotions made him a force to be reckoned with. She had made a very wise decision when she made him a child of the night. She felt his arm creep around her waist, not in affection but in his need to always show her his respect. It was the one thing he allowed himself to do. Besides the fact his symbiot suit had a true love for the Sith Lordess, and the pain she so aptly gave.
She let the tendrils of the suit move over her body, and smiled as both each in turn placed a kiss on her brow. "Ahhh Val it is good that you could come. Kolarik has done well in the weaving has he not? Though he has chosen a dreamscape much sweeter than even I would have picked. He is so innocent of the darkness still." Alana said in a whisper to Val's mind. Her link with Kolarik allowed him to hear the conversation at hand.
Alana loved the innocence, the humanity he still clung to, and it was what made him so unique in her realm. "I do so wish he could see the potential that can be gained by the dark side, that we are in fact what lay behind the veil of black. Perhaps you could weave one to show him how fun it can be?" Alana broke the scape with ease, reality rushing back for all of them.
Kolarik still lay beside her, the girl’s eyes were squinted closed as she tried to recapture the vision she had. Alana glanced up into Val's face and smiled as he stood towering above them.
"My sweet, this is Valirion Thorn, Vampyre Lord. I do not know if you two have had the pleasure of meeting?? I want him to show you how fun darker dreams scapes can be."
Valirion Thorn
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:04:18 PM
:: It was handing the pure lamb to the black lion, how wonderful of Alana. A sacrifice you could say. I chuckled lightly, not really a chuckle but closer to a sound like knives being drawn from their sheaths. My armor tightened gently against Alana's skin in thankfulness before we both slipped away from her. My large body moving with a grace that only a godspawn could have, looking like a serpent in my movement, more than anything else as I walked towards Kolarik and the girl.
My violet gaze beheld the mortal before turning to the fledgling. My lips parted in a wider smile than usual as I spoke to him, my white hand resting on his shoulder. My armor slipped from the skin in my wrists and reached out like a covering over the top of my hand, running along my fingers to slightly brush against the man's shoulder. My sword quivered as all three of us agreed on one thing.::
I'm not sure whether to envy your ignorance or despise you for it. You have been blessed by Ashiva and she does not let ignorance be an excuse to a weakness youngling. You had the choice to make between a dream of pleasure or a dream of pain. But there are many ways to get around such meaningless yes and nos that don't exist, pain is always and there is no way to escape it.
:: I totally ignored the girl, she was mortal, cattle, nothing to me. Insignificant, and would die while I remained. She could listen but I had found thanks to Alana that my presence nefore female mortals often caught them up in a daze without me even bothering. As my gaze returned to her, I could see just that and my lip turned up in a sneer.::
Learn Kolarik, watch and learn.
:: I stood and the dark room's walls disappeared. My mind opened up to the others, creating my dreamscape. The armor opened itself, adding it's own devices as well as my sword. My symbiotes could dig well within my subconcious and make sure to bring out any details I might forget, shame on me.
Instantly the slight noise of the wind from outside the Shrine went out and as if in a dungeon, moans and wails could be heard from seemingly nowhere. Alana could see the complex weaves of insanity that I created as it all spun out, almost enough of a dream to have someone wandering a planet for eternity in their nightmares.
Before Kolarik's eyes and the girl's, my shape shifted and then shortened, the hair changing and my skin becoming a warm pink. I suddenly looked almost identical to a human Kolarik, except for the black "chords" that sprouted from my back and wrapped about my chest and arms. The girl was lifted to her feet by an unseen force and I smiled affectionately to her. I knew nothing of love but I knew of passion and thinking of what pain was to come could give me such affection for my victims.
My head turned back to Alana, winking, she knew what I had done but I knew she could still see me originally. I looked back to the girl and the darkness suddenly became bright and sunny. I moved forward slowly, my arms going about her waist and holding her to me as words of safety and love and assurance escaped my lips that never seemed to really move with the right sounds. She smiled and slowly began to cry as she told me of this horrible place she had been in and how lonely she was and how glad she was to find someone that truly loved her.
I stopped her blabbering as I pulled her to my lips and kissed her. The second our lips touched though, the flickering sun and grass DIED. The sun became an eyeball, blood dripping from it and hitting the ground as it decayed. Screams were heard as if a whole planet was dying in torment. The grass rotted and seemed to turn black brown, like that of a warfield where men had died.
She didn't notice though, even as the real Kolarik watched all of this. I continued to kiss her, ideas of lust and and sweet love running through her mind as I pushed the feeling of passion into her. She ran her hands up my chest and my hands moved up her back, one slipping to her neck as I held her there. She was oblivious to the "reality" about her. And even as we continued, blood began to spill like sweat from my pores as my face became white again.::
Apr 8th, 2003, 08:49:58 AM
At Alana’s request, Kolarik had left the mortal to stand and greet Val.
It was beneath the violet gaze that Kolarik stood, feeling the vampire’s hand and armor brush over his shoulder.
I'm not sure whether to envy your ignorance or despise you for it. You have been blessed by Ashiva and she does not let ignorance be an excuse to a weakness youngling. You had the choice to make between a dream of pleasure or a dream of pain. But there are many ways to get around such meaningless yes and nos that don't exist, pain is always and there is no way to escape it.
Some of these words Kolarik was able to grasp. He truly was ignorant of the dark ways – or that they were expected of him at all.
He knew of Ashiva, though her existence meant very little to him. And not out of disrespect, but out of complete oblivion.
And pain…it made no sense to him to choose a dream of pain. He stepped back, not shrinking away in cowardice, but a natural reaction to the darkness that seemed to emanate from Val.
Learn Kolarik, watch and learn.
And watch and learn he did as the scene began to unfold before him. The things he saw were not visions that would ever have come from him. He did not think of these horrors.
And though he did not turn away, it was clear that watching this was uncomfortable for him and not something he took any sort of pleasure in.
Valirion Thorn
Apr 8th, 2003, 03:30:00 PM
:: I smiled as my hand went to her mouth, pushing her away as she opened her eyes. Before she could scream, my white fingers seemed to become claws of ivory, that clamped her lips shut. The hand forced her back onto a large glass cross that seemed to sprout from the wasteland ground. As she hit the surface of the cross, the chords of leather, actually my armor, split away from me and reached out, wrapping around her limbs and bonding her to the cross.
I turned "my" face to look at Kolairk, the eyes were now my violet and the smile was definitly mine. The blood seemed to wash away and the hair grew like water, becoming night black again. The face seemed to warp before settling back as mine.::
You see, mortal's really can't seem to make up their minds. The whole world had gone to Hell but she didn't even realize it until she opened her eyes. When will you Kolarik? And now it seems, she would rather not. Another thing that seperates us, Immortality gives us an eternity to realize everything, unless of course you show weakness, then you really are still mortal.
:: I sneered, just be so close to a mortal made the skin on my neck convulse with twitches. My claw came forth and my hand tore into her chest. My hand went in and grasped her heart, she opened her mouth to scream but all that came out was blood. And when her mouth opened, her eyes racing to the sky, I let forth my wave of compulsion.
The wave was even visible here in the world of my mind, a black and red field that shot out rapidly, infecting everything. It drove the mind to ecstasy, an urge to give and recieve pain and to enjoy it like nothing else. Blood gushed down my arm as the girl began to laugh. Of course she wasn't dead, this was all my dreamscape, but Kolarik didn't know she wasn't and the girl didn't realize what I had done, but she knew pain and she was liking it now. Forgetting the horrible environment as fast as she had forgotten the sweet kiss before that. I held onto her heart for a moment later before canceling my dreamscape.
Returning back to the room within the Shrine, I stood in the center, Alana to the side, Kolarik next to me and my hand holding up the chin of the girl who was crying and laughing all at the same time.::
Not just pain, pleasure, but all through pain in the end.
Apr 8th, 2003, 05:31:39 PM
You see, mortal's really can't seem to make up their minds. The whole world had gone to Hell but she didn't even realize it until she opened her eyes. When will you Kolarik? And now it seems, she would rather not. Another thing that seperates us, Immortality gives us an eternity to realize everything, unless of course you show weakness, then you really are still mortal.
His gaze had not left Val, but now it did, the suggestion that he might be weak, or still mortal bothering him.
Despite his rather easygoing demeanor, he was passionate, and it angered him that he would be considered weak by another for refusing to conform to a standard that he found not only somewhat repulsive, but ridiculous.
Through the corner of his eye he caught the rest of the dreamscape, and then fully in front of him as it captured him as well. His fangs had elongated, as if somewhat prepared for battle as the girls heart was torn from her chest. At least it was over for her, and oddly, she had not seemed to feal fear. She had seemed to embrace the pain.
And clearly he saw this now as she stood there laughing and crying.
Not just pain, pleasure, but all through pain in the end.
His eyes narrowed. Dark eyes that had begun to shift hues from his sharing of blood with Alana so often. Amber fires glowed in them.
He understood pleasure through pain. Did he not feel it every night that he had so willingly offered his blood to Alana?
"Why bothering creating pain in the first place?" He asked.
"Havent your methods brought her the same thing mine would have......"
His eyes flickered to Alana and then back to Val.
Valirion Thorn
Apr 8th, 2003, 08:47:48 PM
No... Pleasure was the after effect. Watch fledgling. I didn't give her anything but a sliver of power. Power from pain. Pleasure was an after effect that was inevitable.
:: I had seen the response. Watching Kolarik was like watching a stiff mortal it seemed, displaying more emotion than Ambrose the stone vampyre ever would. I smiled wider at his performance and then answered his question.::
Because there is nothing without pain! You of all people should know spawnling. Love is the ultimate pain and the ultimate weakness, no one denies that, it withholds the hand from slaying soul, it moves the hand to sacrifice one's own power, it holds power back. Even your seductive Mistress can explain these truths little boy.
:: The girl moved forward and wrapped her arms about my waist, her tear filled eyes clenched shut as she put her face to my chest, muffled requests of "more pain" was heard beneath them.::
See, even the real mortal has learned it before you. But you... you are practically mortal. Mortal, because if you decide to keep to your path you will die, I swear it by Ashiva.
:: My smile had never left my face. This was a lesson, a lecture, an essential to this fledgling's eternal life. I bared my fangs before I turned to the girl, craning my neck to kiss her roughly, a small trickle of blood slipping from between our lips. I pulled back, a small scar at the side of her mouth. She smiled, despite the blood running down her mouth, she was still not satisfied it seemed, I'd broken in her soul well, I left Kolarik to Alana.::
Why bother creating pain in the first place? Do not blaspheme youngling. Pain created you, mortal and immortal, learn to bask in it its grace and it might bless you as it has me.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 9th, 2003, 09:06:01 AM
Alana watched the events unfold, her eyes narrowed at the words being said. Not out of any emotion but out of the need to understand the differences between the two. Valirion had always been different from the other immortals, he basked in pain. His motive though roughly taught was pure, he wanted Kolarik to understand that with every action there could be pain involved, and either you accepted it or it would kill you.
Alana moved to Kolarik her eyes searching his for understanding. She had hoped that the dark side would open his eyes to what he could control, but it seemed he was not ready for the lesson taught. The Sith Lordess did not want to push him father than he was willing to go.
Alana ran her finger over his sculpted cheek, her eyes softening as she let go of the dark side. The piteous cries of the mortal girl giving her no pause. He looked at her differently this night, his eyes delving into her own.
"It is something we all must learn my sweet, to tap into your full potential you must let the hate, and the pain take over. I would have you experience everything, I would have you know all the gains." Her voice was gentle, almost sad.
She glanced over at the girl, her cold smile growing once again. "Take her Kolarik, and end her suffering. Take her gently or harshly it matters not."
Valirion Thorn
Apr 9th, 2003, 10:35:24 AM
:: I kissed the girl again and then casually pushed her to Kolarik. She wanted pain now, not Kolarik, but I would not deny him what had begun as his. My violet eyes closed slightly, opening only to see the girl stagger to the fledgling.
Alana pampered this one, she hadn't me but than I had never needed it. I had just been given the gift, her seductive and harsh training and that was all. I had not asked nor wanted her love because of weakness in the first place. Emotion made you complex, and complexities led to more weaknesses you might never know you had until it was too late. I enjoyed resembling one word in general, PAIN.
This Vampyre resisted too much, his mind was still mortal, too complex and ignorant at the same time that I might even get a kick out of watching him sometime.::
Apr 9th, 2003, 12:01:33 PM
Because there is nothing without pain! You of all people should know spawnling. Love is the ultimate pain and the ultimate weakness, no one denies that, it withholds the hand from slaying soul, it moves the hand to sacrifice one's own power, it holds power back. Even your seductive Mistress can explain these truths little boy.
Kolarik looked away, disagreeing with these words but knowing it wasn’t the best time or place to speak of them. Disgust washed over him at the girls request for more pain.
See, even the real mortal has learned it before you. But you... you are practically mortal. Mortal, because if you decide to keep to your path you will die, I swear it by Ashiva.
His gaze came back to Valirion with this words, bristling slightly as the words sounded like a threat despite the smile that remained frozen on Val’s face.
Why bother creating pain in the first place? Do not blaspheme youngling. Pain created you, mortal and immortal, learn to bask in it its grace and it might bless you as it has me.
Dark eyes peered out from shaggy bangs. His face had paled from prolonged hunger and the harsh reality of what he had become. He was silent, his gaze eventually flickering away again, towards the door. Towards the exit from this darkness.
It was then that Alana stepped up to him, her eyes seeming to search his, her finger tracing a path over his cheek.
It is something we all must learn my sweet, to tap into your full potential you must let the hate, and the pain take over. I would have you experience everything, I would have you know all the gains.
His gaze followed hers to the girl.
Take her Kolarik, and end her suffering. Take her gently or harshly it matters not.
And after another kiss, Valirion had shoved the girl toward him. She giggled, falling into his arms and pleading with him for pain. Visibly he had stiffened and though she clung to him, body language made it rather clear that he was not interested, and more than that, reviled.
And then she began crying, her need for pain not being satisfied. He pushed her back towards Val.
"Apparently I cant satisfy her." He stated, the tone of his voice bordering on an uncharacteristic snarl. A hint that one day, perhaps, as eternity wore on, his innocence would give way to darkness.
He gave Alana a long stare, dark eyes displaying his sense of betrayal before he turned and walked from the room, slamming the door behind him.
Valirion Thorn
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:20:56 PM
:: I pulled a chair to me and took the girl on my knee, tracing lines on her arm with my finger nail, occasional lines of blood following. I looked after Kolarik after he left and laughed lightly. And even more that maybe Alana might be disappointed. But why should she? She was trying to break him of innocence but yet he resisted it with so much will, as if he almost hated the darkness he was born into.::
Interesting choice Mistress... He almost seemed threatened, like a sheep gone rabid when cornered. He doesn't try very much though, in fact almost not at all. He is weak, you know that. His potential will stay dormant if he must always be pushed into things. Listen to what he said last! "Apparently I can't satisfy her!"
:: I laughed again as the armor made a mimicry of Kolarik's face and the exagerated lips moved with my words. But I stopped with a giggle from the girl.::
He should know by now that feeding would've satisfied both of them, her and him, just in different ways. I must say, what a godchild.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 14th, 2003, 09:38:46 AM
Alana's worried eyes stayed on the slammed door, she had not expected the reaction that had come. She turned back to Thorn, and the girl who sat on his lap.
"He has undeniable potential, I have tasted it and though it lies dormant, once released it will know no bounds. He still clings to his mortality yes, and that is what has drawn me to him. But there is something more Val, something that pulls at me." She approached the two, her fingers sliding through the girl’s hair, without thought to the tangles.
"Sometimes one must be pushed in the right direction to see what they want, do they not Val? Alana leaned in close her sweet breath caressing the symbiot the covered his ear. She moved behind Thorn her fingers digging into his suit. She began to speak to it, as tendrils crept toward her.
"Offer her more than pain, offer her brutality." She said softly. She was not happy with the human girl, who had in effect tugged at her lovers’ heart, making him feel pity. The girl would not want the pain the Symbiot offered, no matter how much she was enjoying it now. Soon she would beg for death....
Apr 16th, 2003, 01:58:51 PM
He had stood out in the hall for a few moments before releasing a deep sigh. He was such an easy going kid. Few things bothered him despite his passionate nature.
It wasnt so much the darkness that bothered him, but perhaps the way in which it had been introduced. He would have been better perhaps to have remained in the hallway where he was, or returned to Alana's room, as he did not, as of yet, have his own.
Instead he chose to reenter the room. And it was as he stood int he doorway, the other two unaware of his presence, that he heard their words - and in only moments would witness the darkness inside of Alana - inside the woman that he had begun to love. The woman he thought he understood.
Valirion Thorn
Apr 18th, 2003, 05:37:15 PM
:: I smiled as the armor's tendrils carressed Alana's fingers digging in and then they changed drastically in direction and intention. My force powers focus and the girls brain is brought under the reign of pain once again, her mind giving off wave after wave of revolting pleasure of nearing her mortal limit. My smile only deepened as the tendrils of my armor became sharper and blade like.::
But that is just it isn't it Alana? Once we have unlocked our own potentials, we access the godliness of Ashiva, what she herself has obtained. What puts us above these filthy beings is that exact thing, unlocking the potential of the gods.
:: My hand smoothed over the girl's cheek, clamping onto her jaw.::
Am I a god?
:: She started to scream pleas of mercy and shrieks of yes, meaning both in an answer to my question and an answer to her beggings for pain. But that would end soon, my armor was now lashing at her like vipers, slightly cutting her but then becoming flat and pelting her methodically.::
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 22nd, 2003, 03:03:42 PM
Alana felt Kolarik reenter the room of death. She id not turn and greet him as she wanted to but instead chose to let him experience all that would transpire on his own. She could not hide the fact of what she was, no more than she could not feed. The emotions waging in the room caressed her dark being, her blood lust came to a pinnacle.
"Yes Val we are what we are, the children of the night. The owners of the darkness, and death. We are what people fear."
Her laughter sounded in the room, sweet and alluring. But her eyes held none of that. The vanity of vampire was well known, they had no limitations in there minds, nor did they fear anything but an eternity of boredom. There job was simple and clear, and they all did it very well.
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