View Full Version : Clouded judgment (Feliciana)

Sebastian Kvasha
Apr 4th, 2003, 09:56:15 AM
Baz sat in the darkened tavern at a quiet booth over in the corner. It had been a while since he’d had a drink. His life had just been rather busy and it hadn’t involved activities that allowed him to lounge about in taverns.

The whiskey before him was barely touched, though he had taken a good drink of it when it had first been set before him. At the moment, he concentrated on the cigarette he smoked, inhaling deeply and watching the smoke rise into the air about him as he exhaled.

Deliberately, he tapped it on the ashtray, the ashes falling and blackening where they now cooled down.

He looked like exactly what he was as he sat there – an escaped convict who no longer concerned himself with being recognized. He was strong enough now, his training giving him the confidence not to worry about being captured again. They could try. Oh they could try. But they wouldn’t take him alive.

He had a few close friends. Mostly from before his time in prison and he had been spending time with them when he wasn’t spending time with his fellow members of the Krath. But now he had brought himself back to hang with them, realizing that he had a commitment to them and part of it, in his mind, involved getting to know some of them well enough to perhaps begin to trust them. Afterall, they did have a common goal in mind.

He hadn’t invited anyone in particular to join him this evening. In fact, he would have been content spending it alone. But he had, in passing, mentioned where he would likely be, in case any of the others chose to join him.

Feliciana Devano
Apr 5th, 2003, 08:44:15 PM
The night was young and it seemed to call to Feliciana. She couldn't help but be drawn out by what life there was in Cinnagar -- despite the fact that it was nothing compared to other cities she had seen. The Dark Jedi Knight had heard, in passing, of an acquaintance who was venturing off to hit the clubs this night. She did not intend on running into him, so she simply went about her time in dressing for the evening, and eventually departing by means of speeder.

After paying her fair by currency of a slap in the face to the driver, the young woman stepped out of the speeder and looked around at downtown Cinnagar. It was slightly smaller than Coruscant and quite dirty, to be frank. A large group of drug dealers and hoodlums were gathered across the sidewalk, leaning against the building, and of course they could not help but voice their opinon on the flower that just happened to bloom in the crack of the dirty sidewalk.

"Hey baby -- I lost my number, can I have yours?"

One of them called out. A smile crossed Feliciana's cherry red lips as she slowly glided over to the group. The tight red dress upon her body clung in all the right places -- revealing every curve she possessed, not to mention other aspects of her physique. Her shoulders remained bare thanks to the spaghettie straps that held the dress in place. The low cut neck brought attention to something that all men seemed to appreciate -- and the short cut of the dress itself bore her sculpted legs to the universe and anyone else who caught a glimpse. The natural olive tone of her skin made it easy on the woman and hence, she found no need to wear nylons, even with the black four-inch strappy shoes she was wearing. Of course, she looked the part of anything but a Dark Jedi Knight, but she was -- and she was quite a deady flower.

"That isn't something I think you deserve -- but this is."

She spoke in a whisper and moved in closer to the man. The Knight was comfortably leaning her body into his now as he looked down into her eyes. She reached down with her hand and quickly grabbed hold of the dealer's manhood -- and she ripped it off with her piercing nails. He turned pale as a horendous scream escaped his lips. Blood ran down the front of his pants as he fell to his knees in pain. It was so great that in that very instant his heart ruptured inside of his chest and he died instantly -- falling face down onto the pavement.

"I suppose you'll think twice before asking for my number again."

The other men gathered were long gone and this pleased Feliciana. With a giddy laugh, the woman proceeded to make her way down the sidewalk with a light spring in her step and a provocative shake in her hips. She turned to her right and entered into a quiet bar, then, setting her bright cyan eyes upon the crowd. People sat around tables and played cards, chatted idly, or shared quiet stories over a drink. Suddenly she came to realize that in the back corner of the bar was the one person she least expected to run into. With a skewed grin upon her face, the Knight made her way towards his table, and once she reached her destination, she sat down and leaned back ever so slightly.

"Fancy seeing you here, Baz."

She smiled to herself and eyed him curiously. In all her time at the Krath, he had been the only person she had spoken with much at all -- and they had only on a few occasions. Tonight, though -- everything would change whether she liked it or not -- but something in the Force hinted to the first choice.

Sebastian Kvasha
Apr 7th, 2003, 01:18:03 PM
Fancy seeing you here, Baz.

He had felt the presence of another force user, one of the darkness, but hadn’t bothered looking up or trying to determine who it was. Tonight he just wanted to be a regular guy having a regular type of night – preferably a lucky one.

He glanced up at the voice, recognizing it but having no particular reaction to it until he actually took a look.

The tight red dress definitely clung in all the right places. Though he would have preferred not to give her the satisfaction, she had taken him by surprise. He’d never seen her really…dressed up before. And he’d never thought of her as anything but another member of the Krath. But tonight, his reaction was that of a man, and though he bad them not to, his eyes took in every revealing curve that she possessed. Bare legs and shoulders, the low cut v of her dress. And shoes that were meant to show off her legs.

He would have bee lying if he’d said his mind didn’t automatically picture her wearing nothing but those shoes. But he would have lied all the same as he tried to collect his rather roaming thoughts.

His eyes flickered to his cigarette and he tipped the ashes into the ashtray before him in an effort to maintain his cool.

“Hope you’re not trying to be low profile tonight…” Was his reply, half jab and half compliment as he nodded to one of the chairs at this table, inviting her to join him. There was no way she was going to go anywhere unnoticed tonight. It wasn’t just her outfit…it was…something else about her.

Something he hadn’t noticed before. And he nearly wanted to kick himself for being even somewhat rude to her.

Feliciana Devano
Apr 7th, 2003, 01:25:17 PM
Feliciana blushed slightly as she noticed Sebastian's eyes wander over her. It was not that she disliked the attention -- even though he attempted to hide it. The woman had never thought of anyone thinking of her that way -- no one but Sasha.

"Low profile? Hell to that -- I'm out to have fun tonight, just like everyone else."

She said with a gentle smile, her eyes meeting his for a fleeting second. He quickly looked away and she felt perhaps a tinge of awkwardness in the air. Somehow, though, it quickly passed as she noticed that she felt very comfortable in his presence.

"So how's life? Obviously good for you seem to be livin it up already tonight."

It was said in jest, but the young Dark Jedi Knight felt bad for the slight. Indeed, she noted that he was not 'partying' it up or anything of the sort -- and then a thought crossed her mind.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

She questioned boldly -- knowing very well in her mind that it was usually a man's thing to do, but out of kindness and perhaps a bit of -- inquisition, the woman offered this to him.

"Or you could buy me one, you know?"

Feliciana winked and soon a service droid was rolling over to their table. Her cyan eyes flickered down to the machine for a moment before glancing up at Sebastian, awaiting his answer.

Sebastian Kvasha
Apr 7th, 2003, 03:09:10 PM
Living it up. No, he wasn’t exactly living it up. A whiskey and a cigarette in a dark corner of a hole in the wall tavern wasn’t exactly living it up. At the offer of her buying a drink it dawned on him that he could actually treat her like a woman – not as the androgenous Krath member that he had sort of pigeonholed her to be.

He raised his nearly full glass of whiskey, as if to say, I’ve already got a drink.

“Why don’t I buy you one?” He suggested, concluding the subject and closing the doors on her possibly arguing it.

When she had given her drink order and the droid had left, he turned back to her.

“Does the smoke bother you?” He asked, exhaling away from her and volunteering to put out his cigarette.

“Or would you like a cigarette?” He offered.

He hadn’t spent any time socializing with her and with each passing moment, he realized that he really knew very little about her – besides the fact that she was a good looking woman and though he hadn’t planned on it, was actually finding an attraction to her.

Dark eyes gazed at her, waiting for her answer. He had shaved today, somewhat cleaning up the rugged, just relased from prison look that he seemed bound to have for the rest of his days. Though, it was evening, and the hint of scruff had returned. Without realizing it, a hand rubbed idly at his chin, wishing he had shaved again before he'd gone out for the evening.

Feliciana Devano
Apr 7th, 2003, 03:32:39 PM
Feliciana smiled to herself and ordered a flask of Corellian Whiskey -- one of the few things she had come to love while serving time at The Sith Order. After the droid left, Sebastian posed an interesting question to her -- something she did not often speak of. "Do I mind the smoke? Of course I mind the smoke! I love my body!" She thought to herself and eyed him carefully before shrugging it off.

"No -- I don't mind. I only smoke when I drink, though."

She laughed to herself through the lie. "I must lie well, he didn't question." She thought after a moment. With a cocky grin, the woman leaned across the table and snatched the cigarette right out of his mouth, then settled back into her seat. The woman held it between two fingers as if she had done it several times before -- and then slowly, seductivly almost, she brought it to her cherry red lips. After taking a hit, she exhaled and though she attempted to surpress a disgusted cough, it was unavoidable -- and a ragged hacking escaped the Knight. Her eyes began to water and her face turned slightly red, but she pushed the moisture away with the back of her hand and then handed Sebastian his cigarette back.

"Wow -- that's a -- a different kind than what I'm used to."

"That was brilliant -- he probably thinks you're a moron now!" She mentally kicked herself and lowered her eyes to the table with a sheepish grin. It was the truth, though she could be ruthless at times -- Feliciana had a heart and she could not lie too well.

"Actually -- I've never had one -- I mean, of that kind."

Again she lied, though she was just about to tell him the truth. Pushing worry aside, the woman looked at Sebastian with flushed cheeks. She sighed inwardly, hoping she had not made a bad impression already. Somehow, she forgot these things as her eyes drifted to his hand -- idly rubbing his chin. Thoughts slowly crept into her mind and she could not help but absently feel -- attracted to him. Of course, though, she would not admit it to herself and so -- silence set over the pair.

Sebastian Kvasha
Apr 8th, 2003, 08:13:56 AM
No -- I don't mind. I only smoke when I drink, though.

He’d nodded, accepting without question. He didn’t make a regular habit of smoking, that is to say, he smoked when he drank as well, and sometimes when the situation seemed to call for it.

What surprised him though was when she’d leaned across the table and snatched his from his mouth. The fact that she’d done it seemed so out of character from the reserved woman that he knew that he found himself sitting back in his seat and grinning.

Of course, that grin only spread a bit more when she ended up hacking, her eyes watering and it was all to evident to evident to him that she wasn’t exactly a smoker. He pushed his whiskey toward her, as hers had not yet arrived, offering a drink to help with the cough.

Wow -- that's a -- a different kind than what I'm used to.

He just nodded as he took another drag, still grinning as he did.

Actually -- I've never had one -- I mean, of that kind.
It amused him a she tried to back-peddle, slowly realizing that she was as unsettled around him as he was around her.

”Its ok if you don’t smoke you know….” He stated as silence set over the pair. With this, he took one last drag and crushed out his cigarette, staring at it for a moment before he pushed the ashtray to the far end of the table. He turned to the side, exhaling the smoke away from her. And then he turned to look at her again.

“So is there anything else you only do when you drink that I should know about?” These words were teasing, and as her drink arrived, a flask of whiskey and a tumbler, he poured her a glass and slid it towards her.

“Do you actually like whiskey?” He asked, a somewhat disbelieving expression on his face.

Feliciana Devano
Apr 17th, 2003, 06:49:46 PM
“So is there anything else you only do when you drink that I should know about?”

The words were spoken in a teasing manner -- something Feliciana could not ignore. She smiled slightly at first until her lips curled into a grin. She looked down at the table for a moment before allowing her eyes to slowly crawl up his body.

"That depends on who I'm drinking with."

She laughed seductively and for a moment, it seemed she had forgotten about Sasha. As Baz poured her drink, she reached across the table and brushed her hand across his as she took the glass from him.

“Do you actually like whiskey?”

The question was rather forward and quite doubting -- she could tell he did not believe her after the 'smoking' incident. She couldn't blame him, though, and nodded with a sassy smile.

"Of course -- it's my beverage of choice, actually."

She said genuinly, lifting the glass to her cherry lips and tipping it back. The cool liquid slid down her throat and she set the glass back upon the table, feeling refreshed. Her eyes searched his for a moment as she absent-mindedly began to run her index finger along the rim of the tumbler. It was sexy, in a strange way -- and it cast a new light upon the Dark Knight. She could not help but smile as she ceased the movement and took another gracious sip of the Whiskey before setting it down once again.

"Is there anything you do while you drink?"

Feliciana cast a blushing glance his way and resumed the circling of the rim of her tumbler with her index finger. She was becomming more interested in him by the moment and she did not even realize it. Perhaps, this would turn out to be a very interesting -- and compromising situation.

Sebastian Kvasha
Apr 18th, 2003, 08:42:53 AM
That depends on who I'm drinking with.

He’d watched her eyes as they checked him out. He was just about the same height as Sasha, just over six feet. And while he’d hated prison life, he did have to credit it with his physique. Endless hours of nothing to do had made pushups, situps, pull-ups, any sort of physical distraction had been a welcome one. Though, when Fel next saw Sasha, she would likely be surprised by him as well. Living on Balmorra in the castle where he wasn’t allowed to use the force and being subject to grueling physical activities demanded by his master, Wargrave, had given him a more solid frame than he’d had before.

Her seductive laughter made him raise his glass of whiskey to his lips, taking a smooth slug and then setting it back on the table before him. She hadn’t been lying when she’d told him that she liked whiskey – she sipped it almost too easily. And this he would have marveled at and respected had he not been too preoccupied by the way her finger traced along the rim of the tumbler.

Without question this provocative gesture stirred something in him. And as her finger continued to trace the rim, he caught the glint of the engagement ring that she wore. It would have been nearly impossible to miss. And while he wasn’t the type of guy to move in on someone else’s woman, the way she was acting made it seem to him that she didn’t exactly consider herself a ‘taken’ woman. So he didn’t consider her to be one either.

Is there anything you do while you drink?

His gaze followed her finger for a moment longer, no doubt his thoughts roaming to more than a tumbler that that finger seemed to tease. And then his gaze lifted to her face, needed to somehow break the chain of thought. He shifted slightly in his seat, not out of nervousness of any sort. In fact, he was perfectly comfortable with her. He simply needed to readjust his position.

He released a low chuckle at her question. And while it wasn’t evil, it hinted rather clearly that he was without doubt, the type of guy his appearance suggested that he was. Not at all innocent, but rather, well practiced in the art of being…bad. It wasn’t crude, but it was suggestive the way his gaze flickered to the v of her dress and then back to her eyes before he responded to her question.

“I smoke….” He stated, his voice issuing a sort of challenge and open invitation to her.

“But you couldn’t handle that.” He added, taking another drink of the whiskey, letting it burn as it slid down his throat and warmed his insides.

“How can I be sure you could handle me telling you the rest of what I do when I drink?’

There was no doubt that the attraction between them was mutual. Though he had come into this evening wanting to put the force aside, it ran through him, and without effort he could feel, could sense what came from her. And just as he hadn’t hidden it, and she could likely feel his attraction, he could feel hers.

He didn’t know her well, but from the short amount of time in the bar so far, he knew her to be impulsive. He also guessed that a challenge was nearly irresistible to her, simply by the way she had responded to his question a few minutes before.

Feliciana Devano
Apr 30th, 2003, 06:29:35 PM
Feliciana laughed to herself as Sebastian spoke. Every word that fell from his lips nearly issued a challenge to her -- something that the Dark Jedi Knight was never good at resisting.

"You think you're such a tough guy, don't you?"

She questioned and reached across the table, grabbing for the pack of cigarettes. Her fingers slowly traced along the edge of the box from which she quickly grasped a long, thin stick. A lighter sat nearby, but she shrugged the tool off and instead, placed the cigarette in her mouth and focused on the end of it with the Force. It ran deeply through her body and she collected the Dark Energies from the nearby area. "La chana mo rea tu lei" She spoke the words within her mind, focusing all of her attention on the end of the cigarette. Suddenly a spark ignited and it was lit. The woman drew in on the end ever so slightly, recalling how it had felt the first time -- to much, she thought. This time she breathed in slower and exhaled as she had watched him do. A few puffs later and she was feeling rather confident in herself.

"Guess I smoke when I drink too. I also --"

Feliciana paused in mid-sentance, taking another hit of the cigarette and realizing that she rather liked the taste. Her eyes searhced his for a moment as she flicked some ashes into a nearby tray, then positioned it between her first and middle fingers as she decided to continue.

"--play games. Drinking games."

She laughed to herself as she saw a bit of surprise on his face. Her eyes shot to a service droid across the room and with the press of a button on the wall, it rolled over to their table and beeped several times.

"Get me a round of Tequila shots -- make it two rounds."

The droid rolled away with the order and slowly Feliciana's eyes drifted over to meet those of Sasha. Curiosity about him caught her up in the moment, and she knew in the instant that she spoke to him that it was a bad idea to have even come here -- but nothing drew her to leave -- instead she was beckoned to stay.

"So -- you like to be bad? Well -- I think we just found one more thing in common."

Feliciana stated in a soothing and seductive voice. She quickly put out the cigarette and left the butt in the ashtray and just as she did, two trays of shots were set upon their table. The fun had just begun.

Sebastian Kvasha
May 5th, 2003, 12:26:45 PM
He’d watched these proceedings with a sly expression on his face. Not only was this woman not at all what he’d pegged her to be, but she was exactly the type of woman he would sometimes go for. The bad girls who weren’t afraid to have a little fun.

And she was a good girl bordering on the edge of bad. The reserved side that he’d known fading like the morning fog and being replaced with a personality that made it impossible to resist warming up to her. Hell, he didn’t need to have anything in common with her to take her home – he wasn’t looking for anything more than a good romp, but it sure would make things easier.

As the shots arrived on the table, a broad grin spread over his face. This was a very rare expression from him, and he raised an eyebrow as if to question her. But she was entirely serious. She intended to tie one on tonight, and he wasn’t going to stand in her way. In fact, he was going to join her.

“I do like to be bad.” He replied, reaching for both rounds of shot glasses and pulling them towards his side of the table.

“But Im not sure I believe your act….” He challenged, something dangerous in his eyes as he spoke.

“Why don’t you come over here…” He beckoned, offering for her to sit in his lap.

“And do them the right way…” He finished, implying that a body shot was the only correct way to do shots of tequila.

Feliciana Devano
Jun 10th, 2003, 01:29:32 PM
Feliciana giggled slightly, the laugh more seductive than anything. Slowly she rose from her seat, but instead of placing her feet upon the ground, she stood up in her chair and stepped onto the table. This immediatly drew the attention of most of the men, and a few women, in the tavern. Music had been playing in the background of their conversation but neither had noticed, until now. After a moment, Feliciana began dancing in an ever so seductive manner, sex appeal written all over her. Of course, she thought nothing of Sasha at the moment, nor could she help it. With a dip down, the Knight gently ran her fingers over Sebastian's cheek before rising up again and stepping down over his lap, one leg on each side. It was quite a risky move for a woman in a dress, but she thought little of it as she pulled herself closer to him.

"Okay -- do you believe me now?"

Feliciana questioned as her lips inched closer and closer to his. He could now feel her warm breath upon his skin and for a brief moment, her lips met his before she playfully tugged on his lower with her teeth.

"I thought, perhaps, you could use a little -- motivation."

She said with another sly laugh as both of her hands slowly floated from his shoulders down his chest. She rested them there and stared intently into his eyes.

"Is that a good start?"

Sebastian Kvasha
Jun 12th, 2003, 02:47:53 PM
It was a risky move for a woman in a dress, and he caught a glimpse that made him shift a bit in his seat. Not out of nervousness, but rather out of necessity. As she stepped down, straddling him and sitting in his lap, he sat back in his seat, perhaps a bit smugly.

She had turned him on, but he wasn’t necessarily going to give her the satisfaction of knowing so – at least, not just yet.

Okay -- do you believe me now?

A cocky smile.

“You’re beginning to convince me….” He responded just before her lips met his.

His eyes appraised her as her hands slid down to rest on his chest. Openly, his gaze flickered to the low cut of the dress before his gaze lifted and his eyes met hers, his gaze every bit as intense as her own. And within it was a challenge.

It was a game. Every moment of such an evening was a game. And the point was to play every move correctly so that at the end, both ended up winning.

He reached for one of the shot glasses and peeled her hand from his chest. In this hand he placed the shot glass of tequila. He then reached for the salt shaker and it was in her other hand that he placed it.

“If you can figure out the proper way to do that shot of tequila, you’ll be a step closer to convincing me….” He challenged.

Feliciana Devano
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:32:37 PM
Feliciana laughed to herself and shook her head. "I play by my own rules." The Knight said softly before setting the glass and salt shaker down, then slowly unbottoned Baz's shirt to expose his chest. With a smile, she bent her head down and slowly licked a small place of his chest, gently caressing his skin with her lips for a moment before taking the salt shaker and pouring some of the white crystals onto his body. They stuck nicely and sat there for a few moments before the woman leaned her head in once again and licked the salt from the spot, then she promptly grabbed the shot and drank it in one slug. "That's just one way I play -- your turn." The woman said, gesturing to the shots and the salt shaker.

Sebastian Kvasha
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:47:42 PM
“I like the way you play….” He replied after she’d downed the first shot. His hand settled on her waist as she still sat there straddling him.

He reached for the salt and his other hand slid up her back, pulling her closer to him. His lips found hers for a bit of time, and in their kiss he could taste the salt and the tequila. When his lips left hers, they traveled her chin down to her neck in the natural cleft formed by where her collarbone met. It was there that he licked, pouring a bit of salt and moments later licking it off.

He reached for the shot glass nearest him and downed it.

“Why don’t you show me a little more about these rules of yours…” He suggested, his hand reaching to caress her cheek and slipping into the hair at the base of her neck.

“Where do you draw the line? Or…don’t you?”

Feliciana Devano
Jun 25th, 2003, 03:25:09 PM
The woman smiled as Baz gently kissed her skin. It felt good and for once in a long time, she felt needed -- desired. She canted her head to the side as he spoke and a grin appeared upon her lips for a moment -- but slowly, it faded. She lowered her eyes and caught the glimmer of the ring upon her finger -- the engagement ring that her fiancee had given her. "Sasha -- oh no." She thought to herself before looking up at Sebastian.

"I -- I have to draw the line. I'm sorry -- I've already gone too far by even looking at you. I -- I have to go." She said softly, standing up and pulling herself from his grasp. The Knight lowered her head in shame and looked up at him one last time. "Please, think of this as nothing more than a game, Baz. I really like you -- but -- I love someone else." She said softly before turning and making her way for the door of the bar.

Sebastian Kvasha
Jun 26th, 2003, 02:22:41 PM
His gaze followed her to the door, and then he turned back to the table. And sitting there alone, he downed another one of the shots.

And then he smirked and shook his head.

He’d been right about her all along. She could play with fire, but when the flames grew too hot, she grew afraid.

And this was fine with him. Good girls weren’t his type anyway. And he’d get some sort of amusement watching her avoid him the next few times they encountered one another.