View Full Version : Blood Lust (open and Fiend)

Apr 4th, 2003, 08:27:55 AM
After Epyon's last encounter with the biker gang, he feels as if there is somthing missing, a part of my history.

As Epyons thinking this he notices a local pub. He walks over to the pub and enters. As Epyon enters the pub eyes from all over the room turn to stair at the stranger. Epyon sets down at a table in the corner and contiues to think.

:: Can I get you something?::

Epyon looks up and its the waitress.

:: Can I get you something?::
Epyon responds by saying

:: I heard you the first time women::
:: And yes i would like a drink::

The waitress says ok and goes gets him a drink

A person setting next to Epyon stands up and steps on Epyon's boot.
Epyons eyes turn red and he starts to kill every one in sight.A