View Full Version : Needful things.....(Kariss)

Apr 4th, 2003, 02:33:23 AM
The moons of Calidor were at it's peak in the night sky. The quiet little town of Tranquil below him as he stood at the edge of the platau over looking the great lake called Taltos, after the Mountains from which its water flowed down from. The little lake town was how he liked it, quiet and serene. The people asleep in their homes. His people, or so he calls them that. He oversees thier safety, as they do his. He keeps the undesirables out and they keep him a secret.

Tonight he looked in the distance at Pandora city. The striving haven for scum and villany. The ones he feeds off of. His source of food. Soon, he will make his decent on the city and take a couple of their useless, unproductive lives. He could already feel the warm blood giving him renewed strength and vigor. Yes, soon he would feed. But right now he let his mind take him. Let it run a bit. He thought of his Master and mentor, he had not checked in with him for awhile now. Seems his life has been taking him away from duty more and more.

Then he thought of his best friend and confidant, she must be causing havoc somewhere. They always seem to meet when they really need each other. He wondered when that will come again. He did miss her, missed her a whole lot. His hair billowed in the wind, along with his long trench he wore. The wind was cold, and the moons bright. The mist had begun to drift into town, and he would be walking the path once more to the distant city.

Apr 4th, 2003, 10:36:29 AM
Kariss let out a sigh, tipping her head back up into the night sky, letting the moonlight wash over her as she licked her lips clean of the blood. Releasing her victim, he fell in a slump at her feet. Opening her eyes, she outstretched her arms and let the wind blow around her, her long blue black hair whipping against her bare skin.

Kariss adjusted her vest and then reached down to grab her jacket she let slide to the ground just before she fed and slipped it on. She looked down at the source of her food and tilted her head for a moment, studying him. She suddenly grinned, her fangs glowing in the moonlight. He twitched and her eyebrow raised. Placing her booted foot on his neck, she barely moved and crushed his neck, stealing him of any life left in him.

Kariss was suddenly hit by a mental image of her best friend, Ezra and felt the pain of loneliness hit her. She had missed him deeply for awhile now. In fact, he's the reason she is on Calidor now. Whether he knew it or not, he had sent out a plea to her to join him. That's all it took. When ever Ezra needed her, she was there for him, just like he was for her.

She scanned the city carefully, her eyes pinpointing his exact location and with the speed that only a vampyre had, made her way to him.

'Guess who's coming to dinner!' Kariss sent to him with a sadistic grin, suddenly anxious to go on a feeding frenzy with her friend like old times.

Apr 4th, 2003, 10:43:22 PM
Standing there looking out at the distant city, He felt her arrive behind him, and that made him smile. She had finally come to his hidden retreat. He breathed deep the clean air and his smile broadened.

"Welcome to Avermyst, Knowing you're here makes me happy again. I've missed you Kariss."

He felt her moving closer, the emptiness being replaced with her company. He turned to face her as she was very near to him. Taking her into his arms, he kissed her forehead as he always does when greeting her and held her tight against him.

"Gods, how I've missed you.'

Apr 5th, 2003, 08:39:09 AM
She smiled as her arms slid around his waist and her face buried into his neck, breathing in his scent. Her lips just a mere breath away from his neck, she grinned, letting out a soft laugh against his skin. Kariss had always jokingly threatened to feed off of him one of these days.

"I have missed you as well, my friend." She whispered as she pulled away to look into his eyes. "Mmmmm...you need to feed soon." Kariss purred, a smirk forming on her lips. She reached up and kissed his cheek, then pulled out of his arms to walk around the grounds of his home.

"This truly is how you described it, Ez." She smiled, looking back at him. "Absolutely beautiful." She turned around and in a blink of an eye, was back at his side. Kariss reached up with a pale hand to smooth some errant strands of hair away from his cheek. "So tell me, my friend, why do you call me to you?"

Apr 5th, 2003, 09:34:53 AM
Ezra smiled as she moved the stray hair from his face. The little things she did always put a smile on him.

" Yes, it is beautiful here isn't it? Fall approaches and the twin moons will be much more intriguing than they are now. As for me feeding, that will be soon."

He pointed out the little village below.

" This is the village I've told you about. "Tranquil" fitting name isn't it? It's always like this. Quiet, and serene. I'm their protector. No one harms them, not even our own. I keep them safe at night, they keep me secret from harm by hunters during the day."

He walked with her next to him, as they headed off to the little village whose streets were now covered in mist.

"I called to you because I needed you. Somehow I miss you more everytime we part ways. Come let me show you Tranquil close-up. Who knows, maybe Serge is outside again and we can talk to him."

He started down the path that leads into Tranquil and did something Kariss had never expected, he held her hand as they walked.

Apr 5th, 2003, 09:17:21 PM
Kariss looked down at their entwined hands and then up to Ezra's face, taking in his profile as they walked in silence to the little village.

Even though she had fed, she felt suddenly ravenous. Maybe it was from the excitement from being back at Ezra's side, she did not know, but what she did know, was that she wanted to shed some blood tonight.

Kariss grinned evily, laughing as she moved closer to Ezra.

"Come on Ez, let's do it like old times. The scum will never know what hit them!" She smirked, her eyes shining with a hot intensity.

Apr 6th, 2003, 02:16:31 AM
Ezra smiled and then looked at her.

" Soon we will take thier unproductive insignificant lives. But for now, I want to enjoy your company. And show you my little village and its people."

They walked hand in hand through the mist, and came upon an old cottage. Right out of the doorway, an old man sat on a wooden chair. He smiled at Ezra and waved.

"Mist Walker, it's good to see you again."

" As is you Serge, This is my friend Kariss. Kariss, this is Serge. I gather life is good as always."

The old man chuckled and nodded.

"Oh yes, very good indeed. There has been no trouble for a long time. Life is definately good."

" I'm very glad. I will take your leave and see you soon my friend."
"Yes, see you soon."

The two continued on down the path and Ezra took her hand again. He looked at her and smiled.

"So, what do you think of my little village? I love them as my own family."

Apr 6th, 2003, 06:32:34 PM
Kariss kept quiet during Ezra's exchange with the older man, smiling to herself at the fact that these mortals loved him enough to protect him during the day. The fact that Ezra helped them touched her.

The two of them began walking through the village, the wind softly blowing their hair. She heard Ezra asking her opinion of the village and she stopped, turning around to look at it as she let out a sigh.

"Reminds me of where I grew up Ez, before you saved me." She whispered, amazed that she still felt as strongly as she did about her mortal life before Ezra. She smiled up at him as the continued to walk on. She squeezed his hand briefly, eliciting a chuckle from him as the strolled along the mist filled streets.

Apr 6th, 2003, 07:21:35 PM
He was happy she was here, but at the same time saddened because of the previous choices he'd made. He knew soon he'd have to stand before his mentor and master. And that was something he didn't want to tell Kariss about. There was a very good chance his master would not be understanding.
He could lose his life and he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible before he chose to travel to the Sanguine. Taking a deep breath he looked at her as they reached the towns boarder.

"Tonight there's scum aplenty to feed from. Are you ready?"

That smile she gave was answer enough for him and he chuckled.

"Alright , Let's go."

They both took off with the speed their kind could travel at. They ended up in an alley where drug deals were being made, contracts for killing were being done, and just about evey other dispicable crime you could think of. He looked at her his fangs showing in a wide grin. And then they attacked, going into a frenzy one he had not been in for many a year. It did feel good to a let loose. Blood streaking his coat he laughed loudly.

Apr 7th, 2003, 09:57:01 AM
Kariss grinned, her fangs tinted with dark blood as she threw the source of her food against the wall. She looked at the bodies that had collected at their feet and she let out a sadisctic laugh. Moving to Ezra's side, she licked the blood off of her lips with her tongue, wiping any excess off her chin with her hands.

"Now, Ez...wasn't that fun?" She purred against his cheek with a soft laugh. She grew silent for a moment, knowing something was weighing heavily on his mind. "Ezra..." She said, reaching up to force him to look at her with her hand. She searched his eyes, frustrated at his talent for hiding his emotions. "You know you can tell me anything." She whispered, sensing movement behind her.

With just a flash, she turned and pounced on the man that was trying to escape from them. She knocked him down, landing on his back, laughing as she grabbed his hair, pulling his head back to expose his neck to her. He was trying to fight her, but she only laughed more as she sunk her teeth into the artery of his neck. She closed her eyes, feeling the warm blood fill her mouth.

Pulling away from him, she reached down and broke his neck before she stood and turned back to look at Ezra, a smirk on her face.

Apr 7th, 2003, 09:45:13 PM
Ezra smiles, and walks over to her.

"I will tell you when we get back to my lair. I promise."

They walk back the way they came in. The sounds of the local authorities coming in the distance. They make their way back to the ruined castle he has made his home. But what surpises her is the interior. It's emaculate. They enter a huge room thats furnished with black leather seats and a bar in the back.

"May I offer you a drink?"

He walks behind the bar and pulls a dark burgandy filled crystal decanter out and pours two glasses. He walks back and offers one to her. He gestures to a large transparasteel window that looks pitch black.

"From here I can watch the sun rise. It's specially polarized so the ultrviolet light cant harm me.I finally know what its like to watch it rise Kariss. If you'd like, we could watch it together."

Ezra sipped his wine and looked at her. His brown eyes showing the emotion he's keeping back a bit.

"Kariss, I've made some decisions that our master won't approve of. That's why I haven't been around much lately. And I feel the time is nearing when I have to see him, stand in front of him. You know he may not be as understanding as we hope he can be. I could lose everything. Even my life. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry."

He casually walked over to the bar and poured some more of the bloodwine.

Apr 8th, 2003, 09:38:31 AM
Kariss stared at his retreating back, her eyes wide.

"I'd worry because I cared, Ez." She said. She walked up to his side, taking the glass out of his hand and placing it down. She turned him to face her. "What ever it is that you have done, I know you had a good reason to do it. Unlike me, Ez, you think before you do something. That's what the Master likes about you." Kariss slid her arms around his waist and rested her head on his shoulder. "What ever it is, Ez...I'll stand by you when you finally return to the Master." She reached up and kissed his cheek, smiling at him. "Now, I would love to watch the sunrise with you." She took his hand in her's, leading him to the couch to settle next to him.

Apr 8th, 2003, 09:14:05 PM
As they sat there, he looked at her in silence. His eyes locked on hers. There was a softness to his. She always knew he was never like the rest. How could a creature of the night, who's only way of surviving was to kill, be so gentle? He was a rare breed. He held the temper of a vampyre, the strength of them, yet he valued life. Never had she seen him kill for the sake of it, or for pleasure. She was right, everything he did he thought it through.

He always had a reason for doing something. And what she had told him meant alot. He knew he could count on her, in everything he did she stood with him. Never had she stood against a decision he made. A smile creeped on his lips. And he brought his hand up to touch her face.

" Kariss, what you said earlier means alot to me. More than you know. You've been there for me when I needed you, and never had you turned away from me."

He lightly brushed his hand against her cheek. He moved closer and rested his forehead against her shoulder.

Apr 9th, 2003, 12:34:51 AM
Kariss smiled softly at his touch, moving her head to kiss the top of his forehead as he laid it against her shoulder.

"That's what friends are for." She whispered, her head resting against his as the first few beams of sunlight broke through the night sky. Kariss gasped, she had forgotten how beautiful the sun rising had looked. It had been well over a hundred years since she had last seen a sunrise.

Kariss could feel herself starting to tremble at the sight of the lightened sky. Memories she had locked away as a mortal came flooding back to her and she felt her eyes grow moist. Without knowing it, tears of blood fell from her eyes as she stared out the window, her mouth slightly open in awe of the it.

Apr 9th, 2003, 01:22:57 AM
He sat up and looked out the window. The special glass allowing them to watch the sun rise. He smiled as he watched this enemy of his come into view. He nodded to himself as why the turned ones yerned for it. And couldn't help but feel sorry for the ones who took it for granted. This ball of light was spectacular. And this shield he had, allowed them to view it directly with no consequence to their eyes.

He must send another "gift" of thanks to the person Serge had recommended. He turned to see Kariss silently crying and he reached up and wiped her tears with his thumb.

" Im glad I could share this with you. It seemed wrong for me to watch it alone. shhhhhhh, dont cry, we're together and all is well for the moment. Smile for me."

Apr 9th, 2003, 01:48:56 AM
Her lips trembled as she slowly tore her eyes away from the magnificent sunrise and looked at Ezra. She smiled sadly, moving to kiss the fingers that held the traces of her tears.

"Thank you, Ez." She sighed. "You've given me a most precious memory to treasure." Her eyes flickered back to the window and then to him again. She could feel the strain of the hour coming upon her and she knew she would have to sleep soon. But she wanted just a few more moments of this gift.

Apr 9th, 2003, 02:03:44 AM
He smiled as she kissed his fingers. He watched the sun with her for a little while more. He knew it was her time to sleep and he stood up and held his hand out.

"Come, I will show you to your chambers. You can sleep here with no worries of intrusion. My friends below will see to that."

He walked her through a short hallway and then down a short stairway to a wooden door and he opened it to an enclosed room. A candle lit on the dresser. He walked her into the room, and as she crawled into bed he walked to the dresser and brought out a new candle. Placing it into another holder, he lit it and blew out the old one.

He walked to the door and turned to her.


He stopped and looked down at the ground, then back up and she could tell he hid his emotions again.

"I wanted to say, sleep well"

He smiled and closed the door behind him. He walked back to the main room and stood next to the polarized window and gazed at the sun again. Thinking as to why he kept back what he was feeling. Why he was afraid to show her.

Apr 9th, 2003, 02:42:29 AM
She watched his retreating back for a moment, her eyelids growing heavy as the sleep of the dead called to her. She fought it for awhile, wondering what else was going through her dear friend's mind. It was obvious something else was troubling him.

'Maybe I can get it out of him after we rise and feed.' She thought to herself, feeling her heart beat slow. She finally gave in, but not before sending to Ezra, 'Till the evening, my Dark Prince.'

Apr 9th, 2003, 03:12:01 AM
He stayed up for a time after she had gotten to sleep. He never slept well. Been awile since he had a decent rest. He walked to his chamber and sat on the bed. Staring at the wall for a time he finally laid back and closed his eyes.

Letting the fingers of sleep wrap around him and take him. His rhythmic breathing carrying him further into the void of sleep.

Apr 9th, 2003, 01:00:49 PM
With a sudden breath of life, Kariss' breathing began again the next evening. She slowly opened her eyes, remembering where she was. She smiled, sitting up in bed. Looking down at her ruffled clothing, she frowned. Glancing around the room, she noticed an opened closet filled with clothes.

Curious, she stood and glided over to it, reaching out to touch the fine leathers and silks hanging inside. Kariss grinned impishly, quickly shedding her worn clothes and donning a pair of black leather pants with a matching tank top. Pulling her boots on, she grabbed her jacket and hummed a melody as she made her way out of the chamber.

Kariss' body was telling her that the time to feed was soon and she quelled the hunger aside for now as she searched for Ezra. Walking into the great room they were in last night, she walked to the window, a soft smile playing on her lips as she thought of the sun. For a moment, she wanted to feel the heat of the sun on her skin...just for a moment. She thought back a hundred years before Ezra turned her and what it felt to dance in the rays of the sun.

Years after she was turned, she had often wondered what would have happened to her if Ezra hadn't of saved her. The brutal attack by the vampyre had scarred her for life. Kariss knew she was dying, but right before the hideous vampyre could finish, Ezra came out of no where. She could not remember anything else of that night and she was sure Ezra would prefer it that way. Her hand automatically went to the deep scarring at her neck that deemed itself a reminder of her humanity. Letting out a sigh, she leaned against the window and said out loud to herself,

"Just why did you turn me, Ez? You never told me."

Apr 9th, 2003, 09:09:52 PM
Sitting in one of thehuge leather chairs that hid him from view, ,he answered her and that made her jump.

"Because I couldn't let you die like that. I wanted to save your life. So I gave you a new one. Maybe I should've given you the choice. Do you regret me saving you?"

He asked with a little hurt showing on his face.

Apr 9th, 2003, 10:05:40 PM
At the sound of Ezra's voice, Kariss whirled around to seek him out. She smiled tenderly at him as she walked over to where he sat. Looking down at him, she curled up in his lap, placing her head on his shoulder.

"No, Ez. I have never regretted the decision you made." She whispered. "You've shown me things I could never have imagined and for that, I thank you. " Moving her head, she kissed him softly on the cheek, inhaling his scent. "My question to you is if you ever regret it. I know I've been more than a handful, getting you into trouble with the Master in the beginning and all. I know he wasn't very happy about me then." Kariss grinned, snuggling closer to him.

Apr 9th, 2003, 10:48:14 PM
Ezra slowly slid his arms around Kariss, His cheek against her forehead.

"If I regretted anything, do you think I would've covered for you or even take the punishment for you? No Kariss, I don't regret anything when it comes to you."

He looked at her with a smirk. She knew if he did none of the things he did would've happened. She would have been on her own.

" Many times I catch glimpses of emotions coming from you. I've been wanting to ask you what is it that bothers you so?"

Apr 10th, 2003, 08:40:08 AM
Kariss' eyes slid to the floor, uncomfortable with what he was asking. She didn't want to answer him, but she never held anything back from Ezra. She pulled out of his arms, getting up to walk the length of the room.

"I've grown quite lonely over the years, Ez." She admitted, glancing back at him. "Living this way day after day, year after year, century after century alone, with no one at your side...a partner...it starts to take its toll on you." Kariss gave Ezra a smile and turned away from him to pace the length of the opposite wall, her hunger intensifying. "Sometimes I think I should just sleep for a few years until this loneliness goes away." She admitted on a breathless whisper.

Apr 10th, 2003, 09:08:32 AM
He watched her pace the wall, knowing full well what she was talking about. He has grown lonely himself over the years. The life of a vampyre was indeed a hard one.

"I know what you speak of. I too find myself alone and yearning."

He stood up and walked over to her. And took her in his arms. Holding her close, he smoothed her hair and whispered.

" Forgive me, I shouldn't have asked. Here we are, and instead of talking of happy things, I sadden you with that question."

Apr 10th, 2003, 11:55:37 AM
"Do not worry about it." She smiled at him, her eyes glowing. Kariss hugged him tight for a moment and without thinking, placed a kiss on his neck, feeling the pulse of his blood flowing through him. She gasped, pulling away from him as her body screamed to feed. How close she came to taking his blood. Something she would never do without his permission.

"Forgive me, Ezra, I must feed." Kariss muttered, turning away from him and disappearing into the night before he could say anything.

Kariss made her way into the small village again, seeking out a thief stalking an innocent young woman as she walked the street.

"Not tonight." She sent out, letting the man hear it as a whisper against his ear. She watched in satisfaction as he halted his movement to stop and look around wide eyed. Materializing infront of him, her eyes glowed brightly.

"Boo!" She grinned. The man screamed as she quickly reached up with her hand to grasp his throat, cutting his air off. He began to struggle and Kariss laughed, pulling him to her as she bared her fangs, sinking them into his neck, ripping the skin savagely away...something she normally didn't do, but she wasn't in a normal frame of mind right now. Drinking the warm liquid, she closed her eyes as she felt her body grow stronger, more alive.

Pulling away from him, she let him fall the the ground, breaking his neck with her foot like she always did. She wiped her chin, turning to walk away to find her next intended victim. For some reason she had an over whelming urge to keep busy tonight. Maybe it was what Ezra had brought up, who knew.

'I'm tired of this loneliness.' She cried to herself, letting her despair wrap around her like a cloak.

Apr 10th, 2003, 09:24:25 PM
Ezra walked by himself and stood at the edge of the platau again. He looked to the distant city of Pandora, Then up to the twin moons. He took a deep breath and sighed. He heard footsteps behind him and they were quieter than normal footfalls.

"Hello Mistwalker. Why are you looking sad?"

Ezra turned to see Kayla. The youngest of Serges grandchildren. She was 8 standard years old. And shouldn't be out this time of night. He smiled and got down on one knee and beckoned her over. She smiled and ran to him and hugged him. Ezra laughed and then pulling away he tried to have a stern look.

"Kayla, why are you out this late? Does your grandfather know you're here?"

The little girl shook her head.

"No, he doesn't. I snuck out to see you."

She whispered and smiled. Ezra shook his head and smirked.

"Well, I'm happy to see you. And I am not sad, just thinking."

Which was a lie, she wouldn't understand if he told her.

"Grandfather says you have a friend and she's very pretty."

"Yes I do, and yes she is VERY pretty. I would introduce you but she's out right now."

"Out keeping the bad people away?"

"Yes, out keeping the bad people away."

"When can I come and see your castle?"

"Hahaha, soon little one."

Apr 14th, 2003, 09:11:38 AM
Kariss walked quietly behind them, hearing the whole conversation. She had to smile.

'So, Ez think's I'm pretty, huh?' She smirked, feeling her heart do a summersault....something she hadn't felt in a very long time. Gliding up behind Ezra, she placed her hands on his shoulders and kneeled down at his side, smiling tenderly at Kayla.

"Well, don't ya think Ezra here is pretty good looking, too?" Kayla giggled, nodding her head. "Hello Kayla, I'm Kariss. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Kayla giggled again as Ezra lovingly scolded her and sent her home. Kariss watched her skip home then turned to face Ezra as they stood. She held out her hand to him, watching as he took it.

"Come on Ez, you need to feed." Kariss whispered softly, her eyes shining brightly at him.

Apr 14th, 2003, 09:39:02 PM
Ezra watched the little girl head home and he got up to face Kariss. He took her hand and they both walked down the path that took them through the quiet sleepy town. As they walked in silence, He stole glances at her from time to time.

They came to the edge of town and He looked at her.

"Ready? let's go get some."

With that they practically flew into the city. They crept along slowly in the darkness watching for potential victim. And like always, Pandora City never fails to deliver. Two people standing there, Dealers of drugs. Pushers of the ruin of innocents. He nodded from her to them and she smiled. He approached the two men and they looked him up and down.

"Say man, what ya need tonight. We got anything and everything you're looking for."

"You got that right my friend."

He smiled and showed his fangs. As the two were startled and faultered in their steps, He grabbed them both and flung one to where Kariss stood and picked the other one up. He cut his neck with his finger nail and held the man as his blood spilled out, drinking it up. He let the lifeless body fall to the ground and he began to laugh as he looked up at the sky.

Another undesirable taken from the streets. Another less dealer to push the drugs to the innocents. He walked over to Kariss and wrapped an arm around her, taking his finger he ran it over her chin and collected the dripping blood there. He let the droplets fall into his mouth and he smiled. Looking at her bathed in the moonlight, his eyes were now its true ice blue and they glowed as he locked her eyes with his own.

Apr 15th, 2003, 12:58:23 AM
Kariss brought her hand up to wipe away the blood on her chin when she stopped in mid-air as Ezra dragged his fingers along her skin. A chill swept through her body as she watched him drink the droplets of blood. His blue eyes flashing, she smiled at him, noticing a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"You missed a spot." She whispered, leaning up and running her tongue over the skin, licking the blood clean. Her senses went amock at the taste of blood and she let out a deep breath. Hearing Ezra's blood pulsating in her ears, she drew back, her fangs aching to sink into his skin. She quickly looked away from him, busying herself with cleaning up the left over blood on her face.

Apr 15th, 2003, 01:14:09 AM
He closed his eyes as her tongue touched his chin. Then she abruptly moved away and averted her eyes. His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"What's wrong Kariss? What is it?"

He moved closer and touched her shoulder.

Apr 15th, 2003, 01:20:16 AM
Kariss looked back over her shoulder at Ezra, and slumped against him as she felt his hand on her. She turned to face him, her eyes blurry with unshed tears.

"I'm just tired, Ez." She whispered. "Tired of spending year after year without someone by my side." She drew in a ragged breath and continued. "You do not know this, but I have thought of meeting the sunrise sometimes. Giving myself up to the light. It is no fun being lonely, Ezra."

Kariss pulled away from him and walked a few feet. Stopping, she turned back and looked at him.

"Pathetic, isn't it?" She scoffed. "A vampyre pitifully crying because she is lonely. It would make Master fall off his throne in laughter." She bit out, silently cursing herself for being weak.

Apr 15th, 2003, 01:32:50 AM
He looked at her with concern at wanting to meet the sun as Jazmina did all those years ago. His eyes softened to her and his words were soft in volume.

"I've always known you harbored feelings towards meeting the sunrise. I just haven't voiced my feelings upon it. But if I have to, then I will now. I don't want that to happen. It would break my heart more than I could handle."

He walked off to her left and stopped, the wind catching his hair. He turned to face her.

"And you have never been alone. I have always been there with you, even during your most difficult of times Kariss. You've been here." He touched his chest where his heart would be. "And you aren't alone now. It's never a bad thing to show ones emotions."

Then he started to laugh at the ironic statement.

"That seems funny coming from me of all people. Me, the one who is so good at hiding his feelings from everyone, Including you." He walked up to her and touched her cheek with his hand, his thumb caressing her skin softly. "I promise I will not do that from now on. I've kept everyone at arms length for far too long. I won't keep you there anymore 'Riss."

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

Apr 15th, 2003, 02:02:16 AM
Kariss allowed herself to relax against him. She closed her eyes, inhaling his scent, letting a soft smile play on her lips.

'Maybe meeting the sun would be a bad thing.' She laughed to herself as she snuggled deeper into his arms. Kariss opened her eyes, realizing Ezra had never told her how he had felt. She was guilty of that herself. Pulling her head back, she looked up at him, the smile still on her lips.

"Ez...there's something that I've wanted to tell you for awhile." She began. She saw his eyebrow raise and a giggle escaped her mouth. "Yes, I can keep things from you as well." She whispered naughtily. She let out small cough and continued. "If I don't do this now, I never will. Ez..."

In the distance, the sound of footsteps and gunfire rang through the night and Kariss gasped, her back suddenly feeling as if it was onfire. She collapsed against Ezra, hanging onto him tightly as she turned to look at who had fired at them. Hunters. How they had made their way into the city, she would not know, but they did. Turning to look back at Ezra, she tried to pull away, but the pain in her back was too intense."What the frell did they use?" She gasped, taking deep, shuddering breaths.

Apr 15th, 2003, 02:27:03 AM
"What the frell did they use?"

As he heard the shouting after the initial report of the gun. He picked her up and gently placed her on her side. Seeing the wound he could only guess at a silver slug. As she looked at him, she could see the anger building up, his eyes turned to their ice blue once again and this time the whites were now bloodshot with rage. He got up an slowly turned to face the attackers.

"Where you gonna go now bloodsucker?!"

One had screamed out to him. Ezra began walking to them his hands now in a clawed state. They brought up their weapons and as they fired, he leapt up and at them. He growled loudly as he beheaded the first guy that he landed in front of. The one next to him screamed and turned to run, but Ezra grabbed his neck and threw him against the near wall. As he turned on the leader he heard a "crack" of a weapon, felt the hit but kept right on going. He grabbed the gun by the barrel and bent it down. Then he flung the guy along with his slugthrower into some crates nearby. Another guy started to run and Ezra leapt at his back and bit into his neck.

The blood spurting out all over the place along with Ezra's frenzied cries. He stood and turned to face the guy slowly getting up along the wall, and walked over to him quickly. Reaching out he grasped his head and twisted till he was looking backwards. Breathing hard he turned to face the leader, who was getting up behind the crates. Ezra was a blur as he came up on him. he grabbd the leader by the shirt and as he went to lift him up he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Ezra looked down at the dagger sticking out of him. He slammed the guy against the wall and ripped his throat out. Pulling the silver dagger out he let it drop and went back to Kariss who was laying on her side.

He got down on one knee and looked her over.

"I'll get you back, hang on 'Riss."

He picked her up and headed back to the castle as only he could move. Returning to the castle he Ignored his wounds and got to tending to hers. He got the slug out and let her rest. Staggering to the main chamber, He fell against the couch there and took off his shirt, the stab wound was bleeding some and the more serious wound was the shot to his midsection which he never felt. He stood up and slowly made his way to the bar. Pouring himself a glass of the wine, he took a gulp and then dropped the glass. Falling to his knees he looked around eyes half closed, and fell the rest of the way. His body weak, he softly called her name....


And darkness took over as he fell unconscious

Apr 15th, 2003, 02:36:42 AM
Kariss slowly blinked, groaning in annoyance at the dull ache in her back. What happened hit her quickly and she sat up, searching the room for Ezra. There was blood every where and she felt sick to her stomach.

"Ezra?" She called out, crawling off the couch. She found him sprawled on the floor and she cried out, ignoring her aching back as she rushed to him. "By the Master you've lost alot of blood." She whispered, kneeling down next to him and pulling him into her arms.

"Ez...come on, wake up!" She hissed into his ear. He stirred for a second and she made a snap decision. Reaching her arms infront of Ezra, she took a nail and slit her wrist open, letting droplets of blood fall onto his partially open mouth. "Ezra, my love, you need to drink!" Kariss ordered softly, placing her wrist over his mouth.

Apr 15th, 2003, 02:46:08 AM
He began to take in her blood, feeling the wound from the knife begin to slowly heal. The other wound would not till the slug was removed. He knew she was sharing herself with him, so he was trying to be careful not to take too much.

He let his head go back a bit and he smiled weakly at her. His eyes slowly closing to the darkness again. The words he'd heard playing over in his mind...over and over.

"Ezra, my love, you need to drink"

"Ezra, my love"

"my love"

As he fell into the blackness once more she heard him whisper back.


Apr 15th, 2003, 02:53:55 AM
Kariss stared at Ezra, not knowing if she heard him say what she thought she heard him say. Her eyebrow raised a bit as she grabbed a cushion from the couch to rest his head on and then went to work on healing him.

She grimaced as she saw the slug in his wound. This was the one thing she was thankful for, quick healing. She dug it out, letting it fall to the floor and then watched as the would started to slowly heal itself.

"Come on Ez..." She whispered, brushing the hair from his forehead with her fingertips.

Apr 15th, 2003, 03:01:53 AM
He could feel the tug of consciousness again. He heard her whispers and felt her touch. He could feel his breathing and feel her next to him. As she watched him a smile slowly made it's way across his lips and his eyes slowly opened. His brown eyes looking back at her.

He reached out his hand and took hers. He took a deep breath and sighed. Bringing her hand up to kiss it, he then let it rest on his chest in his own.

Apr 15th, 2003, 09:42:27 AM
Kariss let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as Ezra awoke. She looked into his brown ones and ran a fingertip over his eyebrows.

"Don't scare me like that again, Ezra!" She ordered, trying to sound stern, but the grin gave her away. Kariss clasped the hand that held her's and she leaned over, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"If you were to pass, then I would have every reason to meet the sunlight." She whispered against his skin. She stood up, swaying from the loss of blood that Ezra took. Her skin had become translucent and she needed to replace it.

Apr 15th, 2003, 11:37:01 AM
Slowly rising himself, He held her hand tightly. Knowing what they both needed, He knew she was in no condition to make that run to Pandora. Neither of them could. He stood up and staggered with her as he pulled her along. They reached another area he hadn't taken her yet. In there was the Empress Marva. It was the docking bay he had in the rear of the dwelling.

They walked across the large cavern and he helped her into a speeder he had on the other sid eof the Marva. They sped off to the city to replenish the loss of blood both suffered.

Apr 15th, 2003, 12:07:18 PM
Kariss looked over at Ezra as they sped along the ground, a smile coming to her lips. They came upon the city quickly and for an instant, she did not want to be there in case there were more hunters. She swallowed the sudden fear, letting hatred replace it.

'How dare they try to kill us.' She thought to herself. 'Any hunter will pay dearly for what those who perished tried.'

Ezra slowed the speeder down and they climbed out. Kariss closed her eyes for a brief moment, searching out prey for the evening. Her eyes snapped open and she looked at Ezra, both of them zeroing in on the same. The smile widened on her face as they both began to head for the back alley.

Placing a hand on Ezra's arm, she stopped him, making him turn around and look at her.

"I know we both need to regain our strength, Ez, but there is something I have to do before it's too late." She grinned, taking a step closer to him and kissing him firmly on the lips.

Apr 16th, 2003, 03:08:29 AM
He involuntarily jerked and caught himself as she kissed him. His arms wrapped around her and he continued the kiss. Then he slowly pulled away and looked into her eyes. His breath long and ragged. His eyes showing her what he held back for quite sometime.

They stood like that for several minutes. He didnt know what to tell her right then for fear of ruining the moment they just had, yet everything was said in his eyes. Everything she needed to know and want. And he smiled when she realized it.

Apr 16th, 2003, 09:34:06 AM
Kariss grinned up at him, at first feeling dejected after his initial reaction to her kiss. She had thought she had ruined everything, but now knew better now. She quickly kissed him again, snuggling her head into his neck as they stood there for awhile.

Kariss groaned, feeling weak and knew she had to pull away from Ezra to do just that. She laughed softly, running her fingertips over his jawline.

"We must get our strength back, Ez." She sighed, her senses picking up their prey just behind them. She raised an eyebrow in his direction and smirked. "You're gonna need your strength to keep up with me!"

Apr 16th, 2003, 09:51:21 PM
"Keep up with you? When have I not?"

He replied and both went off to find the intended "fix" for regaining their strength.

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:19:05 PM
Kariss laughed behind Ezra flew into the alley. A grin played on her lips as she watched him take down his prey. His buddy wouldn't get too far.

'I will feed tonight.' She thought to herself as she sent out to Ezra, 'But I plan on taking something of your's tonight.'

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:31:12 PM
'But I plan on taking something of your's tonight.'

Ezra slowly stood from the corpse at his feet and turned to face Kariss. Those words made his eyebrows arch up and he smirked. He sent back to her.

'And just what are you planning on taking love?'

He now walked slowly towards her. His head canted to the left a bit and a smile now played on his face.

Apr 16th, 2003, 11:54:06 PM
Kariss grinned cheekily as Ezra walked infront of her.

"Something I've been wanting to take for quite some time now." She answered. "But that's going to have to wait until I get my fix!"

She moved in, nipped at Ezra's jaw with her teeth and then sped past him, leaping onto the back of her prey, bringing him down with ease as she sunk her teeth into his neck.

Apr 17th, 2003, 04:06:58 AM
Leaning against a wall, his head tilted up to the sky, He smiled and laughed loudly. The twin crescent moons made an eerie picture and he moved off from the wall and walked in the open as the wind picked up a bit.

His hair billowing in the wind, His arms stretched out to the sides.
He stood there enjoying the new energy flowing through him, he felt the remaining tissues mend in his wounds and loved the feeling of being alive. He looked at Kariss, his eyes glowing brightly. His fangs bared in a big grin on his face.

Apr 17th, 2003, 09:28:15 AM
Kariss looked up, wiping her chin smiling when she saw Ezra laughing. She hadn't seen him that happy in a long time and if she had anything to do with that gorgeous smile on his face, she would do her best to keep it there. Walking towards him, she stopped infront of him, reaching up to cup his cheek with the palm of her hand.

"Let's not waste this night hunting." She whispered softly. She leaned in, kissing him tenderly and grinned. "Last one home is the one bitten!"

Apr 17th, 2003, 10:34:15 AM
Both laughing as they ran through the village, ending up in the courtyard of the ruined fortress. He took her in his arms and kissed her. He knew that one day he'd find someone to replace his missing part, just never thought it'd be Kariss.

She felt perfect in his arms, and the gentle kisses they were sharing were breath taking. The night's air blew softly around them here, not like the heavy gusts of the city. They broke away for few seconds, her eyes were practically twinkling in the moonlight and he let a smile form.

"Sweet Kariss, how blind one can be. I been searching and all this time it was right in front of me."

as she smiled, he leaned in and they shared another kiss. the moons hung overhead, they're light making their pale skin glow eeriely. The gentle breeze blowing, who could ask for a more perfect night?

Apr 17th, 2003, 10:43:29 AM
Kariss smiled as she snuggled closer to him. She had been amazed when she realized her feelings for Ezra had turned from wanting to be just friends to wanting it to be more. She had big shoes to fill following Jazmina.

Turning her face into his neck, her lips brushed his pulse and she murmured against his skin,

"I take it I have your permission now?"

Without waiting for his answer, she slowly sunk her fangs into his neck, her arms clenching around him as the power of his blood flowed into her mouth.

Apr 17th, 2003, 03:02:16 PM
His eyes closed and he sighed heavily as she drank from him. His arms going around her and his hand grasping her hair. It was pure rapture he was feeling. Becoming one with each other this way. A closer bond then he and Jazmina shared.

Apr 17th, 2003, 03:59:59 PM
Kariss pulled her fangs out of skin, feeling him shudder as she did so. She licked the two small puncture holes, watching as they closed up immediately. Taking a shaky breath, she kissed her way up his neck to his chin, claiming his mouth with her own blood stained one.

She pulled away to stare into his eyes. They looked at each other in silence for awhile before Kariss smiled, reaching up to move the hair away from her neck, tilting her head back as she exposed her neck to him.

Apr 17th, 2003, 04:05:07 PM
He gently held her and slowly bent to place a kiss on the spot he was to take some of her essence. He sunk his fangs into her neck and held her close. Taking what was now by right his. As she had just done.

Apr 17th, 2003, 04:10:39 PM
Kariss let out a soft gasp, not knowing it was supposed to feel this way, the blood exchange between two lovers. She closed her eyes, moving into his embrace even more as her hands reached up to clasp themselves in his hair.

'I like this!' She sent to Ezra, feeling his body shake with a silent laugh.

Apr 17th, 2003, 04:15:56 PM
Slowly pulling back, he sought out her lips to kiss. She mustve been surprised a bit to find hardly a drop of blood spilled from him. The only blood she tasted was from his lips. He was careful not to waste one bit of her precious gift.

They kissed for a while and then he took her hand and lead them to one of the toppled pillars. He sat down and she in front of him. She sitting against him allowed Ezra to wrap his arms around her and they sat watching the moons make their way across the sky. Every now and then stealing kisses.

Apr 17th, 2003, 05:31:59 PM
She sat infront of him, loving the feel of his arms wrapped around her as they watched the night sky. She tilted her head back to where it rested on his chest and let out a contented sigh, letting her fingers trace over the length of his own.

"Ezra..." She started softly. "Tell me what it was like with Jazmina. "

Kariss could see the shock on his face at her question and she laughed lightly.

"I saw how it was from an outsider's view, but tell me what it was actually like." She explained.

Apr 17th, 2003, 10:45:01 PM
"It was like living a fairy tale. we were so content with each other. I guess it was such because she understood me. Like you do, you understand me Kariss. Not everyone does. I don't do things normal vampyres do, I don't live like normal vampyres do, Tell me of one who would have the audacity to build a window to watch the sun rise?"

He settled closer to her and tried to answer the question.

" Jazmina was a rare woman, She had a temperment that complimented mine, she was as gentle as myself. Being with her gave me peace, she kept me at ease. Kind of like what you do when we're together. When you're around, I don't worry about things, I dont think about certain things. I feel alive. You and her have different trraits, but you both make me feel the same. I don't expect the same with you Kariss. I want it to be different, make it our own if you know what I mean. Something only we two share. And so far it's what I've been wanting."

He held her close, Inhaling the scent of her hair. Right here and right now he could stay forever. He hoped it was the same for her.

Apr 17th, 2003, 11:43:50 PM
Kariss remained quiet as he talked, soaking in everything he spoke of. She moved slightly, tilting her head to rest against his forehead. She closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around him.

"I was honored to have known her, Ezra." She smiled. "She brought joy to everyone who knew her."

She felt his arms tighten around her for a moment and she kissed him tenderly.

"I feel as if you haven't really had the chance to say goodbye to her, Ezra." Kariss whispered. "We can't move on until you do."

Apr 17th, 2003, 11:53:54 PM
"No, I haven't said goodbye. I will on the next annivesary of her passing. It seems only right that I talk to her during the time I know she's listening, that she is there. But we can still move on till then Kariss. There is nothing to hold us back. I know she wouldn't want me wasting time dwelling on her passing when I have a future to build with you."

he whispered as he looked up at the sky.

" She is probably smiling that you have me now and not someone she didn't trust. She loved you like a sister, and I think she is pleased we are taking care of each other."

Apr 18th, 2003, 04:41:51 PM
Kariss slowly nodded, turning to face away from Ezra as she looked up at the sky. She closed her eyes, feeling the wind softly blow through her hair.

'Guess I have some pretty big shoes to fill, huh Jazmina?' She sent out quietly, knowing Jazmina would never hear it. She sighed, leaning back against his chest.

'You were the closest thing I had to a sister, Jaz. I hope you give us your blessing.' She thought again, sneaking a glance at Ezra beneath her thick lashes. A smirk played at the corner of her mouth as she begrudgingly added,

'You must have known how I felt about him while the two of you were together, yet you never denied me my friendship with him. With that, I owe you everything, Jazmina. I pray you are at peace now.'

Apr 18th, 2003, 10:57:32 PM
They sat for a while like that, holding each other, letting the wind caress them and the sounds of the Calidor night was so relaxing. Out in the town the mist rolled in, children laughed in the houses. It was a perfect night he thought.


She looked at him when he said her name softly. He smiled and his eyes got a little ligher in color, for a second they looked a fawn color. He kissed her gently and caressed her face.

"My Love."

He whispered.

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:16:31 PM
She smiled brightly up at him, her eyes glowing. She laughed herself when she heard the children laughing in their homes. Amazing how acute one's hearing is when you are Vampyre. Kariss kissed him suddenly on the cheek and looked into his eyes.

"So, now what do we do? We've fed...a few times...what shall we do now, Ezra?" She asked, tracing his eyebrows with her fingers.

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:21:54 PM
"We greet the sun again. Then sleep the day away in each others arms."

He stood up and took her hand, they walked into the ruins as the first light started to show. Standing in front of the polarized window, they watched it rise.

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:48:53 PM
She smiled as they nestled together watching the sunrise. Kariss could feel the tiniest prickling sensation on her skin from the sun, but not enough to hurt. She looked over at Ezra, totally shocked at how close they had become now. She never thought he would want to be with anyone else after Jazmina.

'Stop it! She silently scolded herself. 'Enough of Jazmina!'

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:53:07 PM
Ezra looked at Kariss. His eyebrows arched a bit. Yes he had heard that little thought and he brought her face to look at him with his hand.

"Kariss, don't dwell on 'Mina. She is happy you are with me, Im sure. And you don't have to fill "her" shoes. I want YOU. And you just have to worry about being yourself, love. It's all I ask of you."

He tilted his head a bit and smiled at her through his unruly locks which fell in front of his face.

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:56:46 PM
Kariss nearly melted as she reached up to take the errant strands of hair in her fingers. She ran her hands through his hair and started to laugh softly.

"Ok, no more of it." She promised. "Just you and I from now on."

Starting to feel uncomfortable from the sun, she moved away from Ezra, grabbing his hand as she did so.

"Come on, my love...it is time we rest."

Apr 19th, 2003, 09:18:37 AM
Waking, he smiled as he held her. Nothing ever felt more perfect. He gently brushed some stray hair from her face, careful not to wake her just yet. He laid there watching her. How beautiful she was, and so peaceful. An angel.....his dark angel.

How he wanted to wake her with kisses, to show her how much he loved her. But he didn't want to wake her just yet. He didn't want to disturb this "perfect" moment. Not many ever had a perfect moment, and he wasn't about to waste it.

Apr 19th, 2003, 10:05:34 AM
Kariss stretched lazily as she came to life. She opened one eye and saw Ezra watching her with a smile. She smiled back, opening both eyes fully.

"Were you watching me?" She asked with a laugh, settling onto her back and wrapping her arms around his neck. He silently nodded his head and she ran her hands through his thick hair.

Kariss suddenly smirked, bring him closer as she began to kiss him, trailing kisses from his mouth along his jawline to his throat. Pulling his hair away from his neck, she looked up at him briefly before sinking her teeth into his neck.

Apr 19th, 2003, 08:14:40 PM
His eyes closed again, the rapture was unbelievable. his fingers grasped her hair and he chuckled.
His fangs showed as he exhaled deeply. He whispered to her.

'Kariss, what are you doing?'

Feeling lightheaded as she took more of him.

Apr 19th, 2003, 09:01:21 PM
Kariss slowly slid her fangs out of his skin, murmuring against the wounds that healed themselves up. She licked his neck, placing soft kisses on his cheek and earlobe.

"Taking what is mine, that is what I am doing." Kariss whispered in his ear. "Any objections?"

Apr 20th, 2003, 12:30:38 AM
He softly laughed at the remark she gave. 'What is mine'.... He liked the sound of that. He was indeed hers.

"I am Your's 'Riss. We are now one. And that's forever. Well, until you get tired of me anyway."

He laughed at her reaction. Yes, it was indeed the right choice to be with her. When he looked into her eyes, he could see forever.

Apr 20th, 2003, 09:57:57 AM
Kariss let out a soft laugh, snuggling closer to Ezra.

"The question isn't, until I get sick of you...it's more like, when you get sick of me and my antics." Kariss grinned, tilting her head back to look into his eyes. She shifted, needing to sit up and raised her arms over her head to stretch lazily.

"So Ezra...what do we do tonight?" Kariss asked, looking back at him over her shoulder.

Apr 20th, 2003, 11:58:11 AM
Reaching up and grabbing her arm, he pulled her back down.

"You're going nowhere." He wrapped his arms around her as they both laughed. "Have you forgotten its my turn now?"

He smiled as he leaned in and slowly bit into her neck, hearing her soft gasp as he took a little of her like she did him.

Apr 21st, 2003, 09:12:53 AM
Kariss laughed softly, loving the feeling of his teeth sinking into her skin. She let out a gasp, shuddering in his arms as he drank.

'I can't believe I waited to do this!' Kariss thought to herself. 'This is ecstacy!'

She wrapped her arms around Ezra's waist, her nails digging into his back as he continued to drink. Feeling a little light headed, she smiled, opening her eyes.

"Ez, that is enough." She whispered. "Ezra?" She said again when he didn't respond.

Apr 21st, 2003, 09:27:30 AM
Slowly pulling away, he grinned.

"Lightheaded are we? thats how i was just now when you took from me again. Just giving back what you gave, love."

Pulling her into his arms, he held her tight.

Apr 23rd, 2003, 09:52:50 AM
Kariss let out a laugh as Ezra drank his fill. She snuggled closer as his arms tightened around her. Feeling him withdraw his fangs, she pulled back and grinned at him.

"I feel like playing tonight, Ez." She laughed, her eyes sparkling at him. Ezra grinned, knowing full well what she meant. Kariss had a habit of playing 'cat & mouse' with her prey.

She stretched again on the bed, letting one hand run over Ezra.

"Let's not waste this night, Love." She whispered, sitting up to kiss him.

Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:52:16 PM
"No my love, Let's not. I believe Pandor City will be calling us for a little "playtime" tonight. I love to watch you play cat and mouse. I always have. "

He got out of bed and stretched. His form making a dancing silouette off from the candle light. He turned to see Kariss watching him lovingly. He walked over and kissed her and then started for the door.

"I'll be out in the main chamber waiting for you. Don't be long."

Then he walked out , holding his button shirt in his hand, wearing just his leather pants.

Apr 24th, 2003, 12:13:58 AM
Kariss strutted out of the chamber wearing her signature leather pants hung low on her hips and a tank top baring her midriff. She quietly walked up to Ezra, slinking her arms around his waist.

"Are you ready, My Love?" She purred against his neck. "I'm awfully playfull tonight." Kariss kissed his neck and then reached for her trenchcoat and slide into it. She turned and looked sideways at him.

"Shall we?"

Apr 24th, 2003, 12:55:27 AM
Turning to face her, she sees all he has on is his leather pants, boots and his trench. No shirt underneath. He smiled.

"Yes I am. Lets go."

Watching her as she stared at his bare chest, he chuckled and turned back to her.

"You coming or not?"

Apr 24th, 2003, 09:47:24 AM
Kariss raised an eyebrow at his lack of clothing and then looked at him. She wasn't complaining or anything, just surprised he was going to hunt that way.

"Right behind ya, Ez." She grinned, turning to follow him out. An image of him hunting and standing there amidst a slew of dead bodies with blood dripping down his bare chest suddenly hit her and she let out a shaky groan.

'Great, now I won't be able to get that image out of my mind.' Kariss thought to herself as a smirk appeared on her lips.

Apr 24th, 2003, 10:01:13 AM
As they walked, he put his curly, long hair into a pony tail. Looking at her he smiled. Taking her hand he walked to the edge of the ruins.

"Tonight, we head straight in. And we go that way."

He pointed to Pandora City and the quickest route. Via over the plateu's edge. It was a fall that could end a mortals life, but not a vampyre's. Ezra had made jumps a little higher than this one, and he was also in a "mood" tonight. He winked at Kariss, and jumped off. Landing sixty feet below, he looked up and motioned for her to "come on". He laughed and ran off at a mortals pace to give her time to catch up, then they would speed off like vampyre's could.

Running with his trench billowing behind him, he felt alive. She has brought this feeling on him and he loved it, he loved her for it. His precious Kariss.

Apr 24th, 2003, 10:52:49 AM
Kariss laughed heartily as she leapt off the plateau, landing softly on the ground. As soon as she hit, she took off with the speed of their kind, quickly catching up to Ezra and passing him with a playful wink.

Coming to a stop in the center of the city, Kariss closed her eyes and searched the city for someone to 'play' with. She heard the faint cry of a woman in an alley way and quickly made her way there.

She stepped into the alley to see a thug with his knife up against a woman's throat while his other hand was trying to take her shirt off. Kariss hissed, hating men like him. She had been the victim of men like him before being turned by Ezra and she would not stand to see another woman the victim again if she could help it.

Kariss pulled out a knife from the inside of her jacket and played with it as she leaned against the side of a building. She coughed, getting the thug's attention.

"Well, is that any way to get a date?" She taunted. "Why don't you let her go? It's obvious she isn't interested."

"What,...and you are?" He spat, loosening his grip on the woman.

"I might." Kariss smiled. The thug released her and when he was far enough away, Kariss winked at her and the woman took off as fast as she could. She turned her attention back to the thug and groaned in annoyance when she smelled the stench of alcohol on him.

"Let's see what ya got under that coat, Lil' Lady." The thug chuckled, reaching to open her trenchcoat. Kariss' eyes began to glow and she bared her teeth. The man screamed out in surprised and turned to run. Kariss laughed, appearing infront of him suddenly. He screeched, turning to run the other way. Kariss appeared infront of him again, stopping him dead in his tracks.

"What's the matter, don't like being the victim?" Kariss asked, looking down at her knife. "Tell you what, I'll give you a head start. Go on...run your litte heart out. Go on!"

The man took off, stumbling, to get away from her. Kariss turned back to wink at Ezra, her eyes twinkling with promises of later. She stretched, cracking her neck a few times and then counted to five. She aimed her knife, then quickly threw it with lightning speed. Kariss laughed when it hit it's mark, dead center in his back, dropping him to the ground.

Kariss took her time making her way to him, the heels of her boots echoing in the alley. Mortally wounded, he turned to look at her as she kneeled beside him.

"P-please don't kill me!" He begged, then screamed as Kariss reached to pull her knife out. She looked at him, grinning as she brought her knife up to her lips and licked the blade clean.

"Don't even try it. It won't work on me." She hissed, moving to straddle his back. She grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back. The man was whimpering and she laughed. She quickly sunk her teeth into him, drinking harshly. The man tried to fight, but it was no use. She withdrew from him, her knife clasped in one hand.

"People like you don't deserve to live." Kariss hissed into his ear, shoving her knife into his side. The man cried out, shuddering underneath her. She held the knife in place until he took his last breath. Sliding her knife out, she wiped it clean on his clothing and then stood, looking down at the body with a disgusted glare.

Apr 24th, 2003, 11:25:44 PM
Ezra watched her do her thing and he grinned. He loved watching her "play" with her prey as she puts it. When she finished him off, Ezra stood against the wall and clapped.

"Bravo! hahahaha, I always enjoy watching you do that."

He said as he walked slowly toward her, the wind playing with his coat. His ponytail whipped about as the wind picked up on the street they were on.

Apr 26th, 2003, 10:35:53 PM
Kariss couldn't help but grin as Ezra walked towards her. She was on a 'high' and wanted to enjoy it with him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and tilted her head back to look at him.

"So, ya liked that, did you?" She asked, giving him her patented smirk. "Let's see if you can do better!" Kariss taunted, nuzzling his neck.

Apr 27th, 2003, 10:45:00 PM
He looked at her and smiled. Bending to kiss her, he said.

"Want me to do better huh? ok, let's see if I can."

Ezra kissed her again, this time longer than the first. Then he winked and was a blur as he scaled the wall and began running on top of it. He found a new undesirable, a pimp. He watched the trash, send out his girls......watched him treat one with a backhand as she was complaining she wasn't feeling too good. Ezra bared his fangs as he sat on the wall in the shadows. He hissed and the male looked up.

As he moved out of the shadows, he let the man know who and "what" he faced now. The guy screamed like a school girl and took off for his speeder. Ezra leaped and soared through the air, he landed on the speeder before the vermin could get there. He reached down and tore out the controls, holding it up with a sadistic grin. The man turned and ran down the alley, and Ezra took up the chase. He ducked out of sight and the man he chased turned down an alley. As he looked back and didn't see Ezra behind him, he slowed to a stop.

The filth was bent over and taking deep and heavy breaths and then a voice sounded out and seemed to be all around him.

"How does it feel to know you're going to die?"

The guy started to look around frantically.

"Look man! I didn't do nuthin! I didn't do nuthin!!"

The silence was eerie. And he began to panic.

"Really? Then why do you feel you have to degrade yourself and those girls with this lifestyle? You doing so have volunteered to be my next meal."

"Screw that man!"

He turned to run and there was Ezra, behind him. As he screamed and turned, Ezra grabbed his jacket and threw him against the wall. The guy got up and brought out a blade. Ezra smiled and brought out one of the Cerseas. His blade dwarfing the pimps by a good foot. As the guy came forward, Ezra side-stepped him and cut his blade in half. The guy looked at his broken knife in shock and took off again. Ezra was a blur as he ran after the man, reaching out he grabbed his neck and tossed him to the other side into a bunch of trash bins. As the guy got up slowly, Ezra picked him up, and held him against the wall.

Baring his fangs he brought the man closer and tore into his neck unceremoniusly. He drank his fill and dropped the filth to the floor. Left him where he lay with the rest of the trash. He walked back to Kariss who followed, and he smiled, blood smeared along his bare chest.

"Was that satisfactory my love?"

Apr 28th, 2003, 08:28:43 AM
Kariss grinned wickedly as Ezra approached, her eyes glued to his chest. She brought up a finger and ran the tip of it over his skin, making a design through the blood. Looking up at him, she winked and put the tip of her finger into her mouth and licked it clean.

"Most satisfactory." She purred. Nuzzling his neck, she blew softly on his skin and then quickly nibbled on his earlobe. "I think we should get back to your place, Ez." She whispered.

Apr 28th, 2003, 08:36:01 AM
Smiling down at her he replied.

"Don't you mean our place? It belongs to you too."

He smoothed her hair, and looked deep into her eyes. He marveled at the way they held him. Then again, he'd never before looked into them the way he did right now.

"Yes, lets go back. The city bores me right now."

A mischievious smile broke on his face. And he took her hand and walked with her. Back the way they came.

Apr 29th, 2003, 08:57:24 AM
Kariss stretched lazily on the couch as Ezra got them some drinks. She smiled prettily at him, watching him move. She marvelled at his strength, his whole being.

'Pinch me, I must still be dreaming.' She thought to herself.

Her eyes slowly drifted from Ezra's back to look around the room in awe. Never had she seen a place like this before. She could see artifacts that Ezra had collected over the years. Kariss let out a soft laugh to herself. Vampyres seem to pick up that habit after awhile. She was guilty of it herself. She smiled again, letting her head rest on the arm of the couch as she wrapped her arms around herself.

Apr 29th, 2003, 09:22:52 AM
Slowly making his way back, he smiled as he handed her her drink.

"No, you aren't dreaming." he slid beside her. "Fact is, I think it is I who am dreaming."

he smiled at her as he once again took in her eyes. Bringing his hand up he softly brushed his fingers against he pale cheek.

Apr 30th, 2003, 12:00:58 AM
Kariss smiled up at him, moving to rest her head against his chest as she quietly sipped her drink, taking in her surroundings, letting herself be totally happy without any worries.

Letting out a contended sigh, she snuggled closer to him, letting her eyes drift shut for a few minutes, taking her back in time to when Ezra had first found her...the night of the vicious attack...

Apr 30th, 2003, 06:22:00 PM
Ezra was now intuned with Kariss. He picked up on her memory and remembered that night he found her. He was hunting with an aquaintance of his. And they had gotten seperated. When he found Kragen, he had Kariss in a corner of a stairway, and she was whimpering as he seemed to be feeding.

To Ezra's disapproval, he was not. He took her blood and did it in the fashion of turning her. But to his even more surprised horror, Kragen didn't have the intension of fully completing the cycle.
Kragen turned and laughed at what he'd done. Ezra remembered how he told him to finish her off or complete what he would never do. Kragen told him where to go more or less and said he'd have to kill him first. Well, Ezra did just that. By doing what he'd done, Kragen was no more barbaric than a vampyre hunter, he had made himself one of the "undersirables" he hunted, instead of the innocent.

Ezra attacked and they fought for several minutes. After rendering him incompacitated, Ezra took his blood. Moving to the now shallow breathing Kariss, he looked at her with a sorrowful expression. This beautriful woman, now had two options, live but sacrifice the sunlight, or die. And Ezra wasn't about to kill her for something she had no control over. He let a few tears go as he knew the only way to save her, was to do what he ever fought. That was to turn her. He brought her towards him, and whispered.

"Shhhhhhh, don't be afraid, it will be alright. I promise you."

And with that he picked her up and carried her to his hideout in the city. To wait for when she needed the blood of a vampyre, before going into a maddedning death spasm. And that would be soon.

(back at the retreat)

He blinked and looked around, how far they had come. And now she was his. As he was hers. He smoothed her hair and whispered her name. Then smiled at her and look upon her with love that she had been wanting for a while.

May 1st, 2003, 09:14:09 AM
Kariss' hand automatically went to the ugly scar on her neck left by her attacker. She involuntarily shuddered, snuggling closer to Ezra for protections. She had never wanted to learn the name of the vampyre who had attacked her, his face would haunt her forever.

Letting out a soft sigh, Kariss looked up at Ezra and smiled tenderly at him.

"I owe you so much, Ez." She whispered. "You saved me by doing the one thing you detested so much."

Tears fought their way up and she blinked, letting them fall down her pale cheeks. She let out a laugh, reaching up with her hand to caress his cheek.

"And I have been such a pain to you and the Master at times. How do you ever put up with me?"

Kariss laughed again at Ezra's smirk and moved to straddle his lap on the couch. Her hands camed up to run them through his hair and her eyes roamed over him lovingly.

"I'll never cause you grief again, Ez." She softly promised, moving her head down to kiss his neck, her hands sliding his jacket off.

May 1st, 2003, 09:22:21 AM
Allowing her to remove the leather trench, he relaxed against the back of the couch. He smiled up at her as she talked.

"Kariss, never have I been upset with you when you had gone into one of your fits or moods. Saurron or Gavin maybe, but never me. You have not yet, nor do I see you in future bringing me any grief. All I can see is happiness my love. And we have an eternity to enjoy that."

He said as he pulled her towards him to kiss her. Her hair fell around him and he sighed inwardly at the feel of it. Those silken strands, soft to the touch.

May 1st, 2003, 09:33:08 AM
Kariss grimaced at the mention of Gavin and Saurron. She never knew why they had put up with her. Maybe they found her entertaining or just because Ezra had saved her, she did not know. What she did know is that it took the two great one's an eternity to accept her. She had proven her loyalty over and over to them.

Nipping at the skin on Ezra's cheek with her fangs, she chuckled against his neck and softly kissed it, feeling him shudder.

"I wonder what those two are going to think of us now!" Kariss grinned as she licked his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue.

May 1st, 2003, 09:51:21 PM
A broad smile showed on his face as her attention was given to him. He caressed her back and laughed at her question.

"What they might think? Kariss, do you really care what anyone thinks of us? I don't."

May 2nd, 2003, 12:37:13 AM
Kariss snuggled her face into his neck, softly biting his skin and chuckling.

"No, I do not care what they think." She answered. "I'm just curious as to what they are going to say is all."

Kariss stretched her fingers, letting her nails rake over his chest, letting him know what kind of mood she was in. She grinned at him, getting off his lap slowly, keeping eye contact with him as she made her way to the door.

"So...you going to follow or....." She winked at him, trailing the sentence off as she descended the staircase that lead to his chamber.

May 2nd, 2003, 12:56:45 AM
He stood up and drank the rest of the bloodwine in his glass. He set it down on the small glass table and turned to look out the polarized window. He seen the top of the sun poking over the horizon and he turned back to the doorway to his chamber where Kariss had descended. A mischievous smile appeared and he left his trench on the couch as he walked to the entrance and looked down into the chamber. His smile broadened and he walked down the stairs to his love whom was waiting for him.

May 2nd, 2003, 09:57:34 PM
Awakening from the sleep of the dead, Kariss stretched as she sat up, ready for a new night. She ran her hands through her hair and turned to see Ezra still sleeping. She grinned as she noticed his head turned away from her, exposing his neck to her.

'Oh, what a wonderful way to wake up!' She thought wickedly to herself. Crawling over his body, but not touching him, she bent her head down and sank her teeth into his flesh, moaning softly as his coppery life force flooded her mouth.

May 2nd, 2003, 10:19:30 PM
Eyes quickly opened and his hand came up to her head and grasped her hair. Then he closed his eyes and groaned. Mumbling her name, he sighed. Their first night together in each others arms was all he had dreamed of, and now this way of being woken up...... by the gods!

He let her take her fill as he lay there. The pure ecstacy was intoxicating.

May 2nd, 2003, 10:25:32 PM
Kariss laughed softly against his skin as she pulled her fangs out. Licking the wound, she kissed his cheek and then his lips.

"Nice to see you finally awake, Ezra." She grinned, trying to look innocent, but probably failing miserably. Hands on either side of his head, she looked down, her hair making a curtain for them.

"So, tell me Ezra..." She murmured. "Are you allowed to go out and have some 'mortal' fun in the city? You know, like dancing?"

May 2nd, 2003, 10:36:01 PM
Looking into her eyes, he smiled.

"Yes, I can have some "mortal" fun. You want to go ? then lets get ready."

May 2nd, 2003, 10:57:17 PM
Kariss let out a whelp of joy as she jumped off the bed, racing towards the closet to find something to wear. She grabbed a dress out of the far back, looking at it. She had never seen it before and turned to look at Ezra. It must have been Jazmina's. Fingering the soft silk, she quickly slid it on, her eyebrow raising as it barely came to just about mid thigh. The neckline delved low in the front and there was no back to it until it reached her tail bone. Thin sphagetti straps criss crossed in back, giving the illusion of barely hanging on her.

She couldn't help but grin as she slid her feet into a pair of heeled sandals that wrapped up her leg and tied off at the top of her calf. Brushing her hair, she turned around and looked at Ezra saucily.

"So, does this meet your approval, My Love?"

May 2nd, 2003, 11:14:43 PM
When she turned around, he was dressed in a red leather pants, black boots, and a red tank top made out of mesh. his hair in a ponytail and a pair of gloves with a belt that wrapped around his waist three times.

He smiled and nodded his approval.

"You look stunning my love, absolutely beautiful.'

May 2nd, 2003, 11:17:50 PM
Kariss grinned, her eyes roaming over his attire appreciatively. She made her way to his side, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Shall we go 'knock 'em dead'?" she laughed, then groaned at the bad pun.

The two of them laughed together as they made their way up the stairs.

"Lead the way." Kariss said, anxious to finally get him on the dancefloor.

May 3rd, 2003, 09:13:37 AM
They walked through the door of the "The Pit". The lights of the club flashing and the music blarring. They found a both and settled in, orderd drinks, and basically checked the place out. He never ever got on the dancefloor with Kariss. And tonight he would change that. It wasn't that he didnt know how to dance, which was his excuse all the time, but that he just didnt think much of it.

"No bad spot huh?"

He said to her as they both tapped their hands on the table to the beat of the "Industrial" sounding song that was played. Their drinks arrived and they both enjoyed that. Then as that song ended, a slower paced "techno" type of song started. He stood up and grabbed her by the hand. Pulling her to the dance floor with a surprised look on her face.

When they got to the middle of it, He snaked an arm around her waist and they both danced that way. Gyrating and swaying to the song. Looking into each other's eyes,

May 3rd, 2003, 09:29:24 AM
Kariss grinned seductively at him as they moved as one on the dancefloor. She knew a lot of the club had stopped to watch the magic between the two of them, but she didn't care. Only one thing was on her mind and that was dancing with Ezra.

She leaned in, licked his cheek with her tongue, then turned around with her back to his chest and raised her arms up over her head to caress his hair as she moved her body against his to the music. Closing her eyes, she tipped her head back, bringing her arms down to wrap behind her around his waist, pulling him as close as he could get to her.

The thin strap of her dress on her right shoulder slid off as they danced. She moved to put it back, but felt Ezra's hand stop her, pulling it back around his waist.

May 3rd, 2003, 09:53:10 AM
As they moved together, he moved his hands along her arms, up to her shoulders. Placing the strap back in place in that little movement. Brushing his cheek against her's, his hands moving over the conyour of her lean form. People were already watching them with interest. And a few of them even took to the dance floor to do their own style of this erotic dancing. He tuned them out and concentrated on Kariss. Her touch, the feel of her, her eyes, the way she smiled.....everything about her.

Even the subtle perfume she wore. Everything she did and had was perfect. Perfect for him. And that was all that mattered. He started to feel lightheadded and he closed his eyes. As he opened them again, she was tilting her head back, and looking at him. He smiled and leaned in closer. Kissing her gently, he then whispered. "I love you" To her surprise. For he hadnt said it till now. He showed it in his eyes, but the words were never said. Till now.

May 3rd, 2003, 10:02:10 AM
Kariss closed her eyes slowly, letting the whisper of his words echo through her mind. She turned around in his arms, holding him close to her as she kissed his neck. She placed her head on his shoulder, smiling.

Her hands moved from his back to his arms and she marveled at the strength in them. Bringing her head back up, her eyes started to glow from a mixture of need and hunger. She guessed Ezra sensed this, for he couldn't keep the smile from his face as she ran her the tip of her tongue over her fangs.

May 4th, 2003, 10:28:12 AM
He nodded to her and leaned in closer.

"You go ahead love. I'm not hungry yet."

They walked off the dance floor and he strolled over to a booth..

"I'll wait here, you go and feed."

He slipped in the seat as she turned to seek out her intended meal. He watched her walk away, and was like a fly caught in a web. He was amazed at how she held him.

May 4th, 2003, 10:47:20 AM
Kariss turned back to look at him, winking as she did. She quickly scanned the crowd, looking for someone who was perfect. She was going to be picky tonight.

A woman in the corner caughter her eye. She was watching Kariss with interest and Kariss could tell she wasn't the 'innocent' type that she and Ezra protected.

'Hmmm...never fed off a female before.' Kariss thought to herself. She looked over at Ezra, letting him know her intended target and watched as his eyebrows raised in surprise.

She walked over to the redhead, her eyes holding her's, hypnotizing her. With a slender finger, Kariss motioned her into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. The redhead leaned against the wall, her eyes never leaving Kariss.

"See something you like?" Kariss purred, walking to her. The redhead moved away from the wall and Kariss walked behind her, her hands coming up to move her hair away from her neck.
She heard the female laugh throatily and Kariss grinned, thinking to herself this was going to be fun.

Kariss slipped one arm around her waist while the other snaked up to cover her mouth. The female's eyes widened in fear and Kariss quickly sunk her teeth into her perfumed skin. The taste of blood from a female was a little more 'heddy' and Kariss couldn't hold back the moan that escaped her mouth as she drank.

Feeling her weaken in her arms, Kariss suddenly got the image of a little girl playing in a backyard of a house and realized it was this woman's daughter she was feeding from. Kariss slowly pulled out, licking the pinpricks closed. Helping her to the floor, she looked over the woman closely. She delved into her mind, erasing the memory of what just happened. Kariss took enough to sustain her for awhile, so the woman would live...she would just be a little weak for a few hours. The little girl stayed with her and Kariss shook her head.

"You will wake up and go home to your daughter. Be the mother you were supposed to be." Kariss whispered in her ear. She stood, walking quickly to the door and unlocked it, leaving without looking back at her victim.

Making her way to Ezra, she grinned as he watched her approach him. She slid in next to him, leaning over to kiss him thoroughly.

"Miss me?" She whispered.

May 4th, 2003, 11:01:22 AM
Snaking his arm around her shoulder, he pulled her against him.

"Immensely my love. Even though it was a short few minutes. How am I going to handle being away from you?"

She looked up at him in both surprise and distress when he mentioned being away from her. He smiled and nodded.

"There is some buisiness I must take care of soon. And I'm not sure how long I will be away from you. But I will return to you, as soon as I can."

He looked into her eyes to let her know he would return, and as fast as he could.

May 4th, 2003, 11:06:11 AM
The woman forgotten, Kariss stared at him. She did not like the idea of Ezra being away from her, especially now that they were together. She pulled away from him, her elbows going to the table. She leaned her head on her hands and looked at him.

"What is this business you speak of?" She asked.

May 4th, 2003, 11:19:49 AM
He smoothed her hair from her face and played with the lengthy strands.

"I am going to help someone. And it could get me killed by either sides, I won't lie to you."

Her expression changed as he mentioned the possibility of death. He leaned in and rested his head against hers.

"Kariss, my sweet Kariss..... I will return to your side once it's over. But I cannot say how long."

May 4th, 2003, 11:22:36 AM
Kariss closed her eyes for a brief moment, the idea of Ezra getting killed a knife in her heart. She opened her eyes, looking at him.

"Do what you must to help out your friend, Ezra." She smiled sadly. "I would never keep you from what you must do. But if you need my help, I'll be there. Remember that."

Kariss tenderly kissed him, snuggling closer as they sat there together in the booth.

May 4th, 2003, 11:34:27 AM
He held her close, not wanting to let go.

"I will call if I need you. I promise."

He wrapped his arms around her tightly. Their heads against one anothers. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Taking in her scent of her hair, her perfume.... then he smiled as the strobe lights went off....he slowly sunk his fangs into her neck.

May 4th, 2003, 03:34:35 PM
Kariss gasped, shuddering against Ezra as he drank from her. She bit her lip to keep from moaning loudly. Her eyes drifted shut, but she kept them open to make sure no one saw what he was doing. Her hands went to his hair, grabbing handfuls. Bending her head down just a bit, she whispered in his ear,

"If we don't get back home, I'm not going to be held responsible for my actions, Ezra."

May 4th, 2003, 03:46:11 PM
He softly laughed against her neck as he drew back. He kissed her soft lips with more passion than before and nodded.

"Let's go. Im already tempted to use this booth....."

His voice trailed off and he had this mischievous grin on....funny thing was, she had one that matched it as well.

May 4th, 2003, 05:45:35 PM
Laughing heartily as she beat Ezra into his home, she squealed as she ran to hide behind the couch. Ezra flew into the room, throwing a smirk her way. She grinned at him, looking at the candles on the mantels and tables around the room, lighting them at once. She dimmed the lights and walked towards Ezra.

"Now, where were we, My Love?" She asked, nuzzling her face into his neck. She felt his arms go around her waist and she brought up one knee to rest against his leg as she leaned into him. Nipping at his chin with her teeth, she pulled back to look at him.

"So, is this the last night I get to have with you, Ezra?"

May 4th, 2003, 06:59:12 PM
Looking into her eyes, he showed a bit of sadness.

"Yes love, it is."

Picking her up in his arms, he carried her to the entry way to his chambers.

"Let's not talk of me leaving, tonight we will celebrate our choosing each other. I need to bathe in your beauty my love...... tonight will be perfect."

And he descended the stairs with her cradled in his arms. Neither taking their eyes from one another.

May 4th, 2003, 07:36:09 PM
Kariss sat cross legged on the bed with a pillow squeezed tight, watching the even breathing of Ezra's chest.

'This is not fair!' She thought to herself.

Reaching out, she caressed his hair, smiling at him as he rest. The idea of being gone herself when he woke crossed her mind briefly and she shook that idea away. She wanted every chance she had to spend with him before he left.

Curling up next to him, she closed her eyes, letting one blood tear fall from her eye.

May 4th, 2003, 08:31:28 PM
Turning his head as his eyes came open, he seen the tear fall. He brought his hand up and using his thumb, brushed it away.

"Shhhhh, don't cry. I wont leave till tommorow evening. I want to spend all the time I can with you Kariss. It's already hurting me to leave you. I wish I could take you with me. But I will call for you when I can. You can bet on that."

He kissed her forehead, her eyes, her tip of her nose...then he smiled and kissed her lips. Snaking his arm around her he held her tight, deepening the kiss. He knew they would have very little sleep this time of rest.

May 5th, 2003, 09:22:21 AM
Kariss let out a sigh as the cuddled together, their minds joined as one. She caressed his hand with her finger tips. She prayed the night would take its time getting here, but she knew she couldn't stop it.

She looked up into Ezra's eyes, smiling lovingly at him. Kissing his cheek, she whispered 'I love you' into his ear as she settled back down, closing her eyes as she listened to the sound of his breathing.

May 5th, 2003, 09:32:28 AM
Holding her against him, he let her whispered words echo in his mind. Caressing her arm, he smiled down at her. He didnt want to go, but the overwhelming feeling of duty called. They belonged to each other now, and nothing could take that from them. He bent his head and whispered 'I love you too' He felt her hold onhim tighten a bit and he closed his eyes.
He had same thoughts run through his head. How he wanted the time to creep by, giving him and his sweet beautiful Kariss more time.

May 5th, 2003, 09:37:02 AM
Before she knew it, night had fallen once again. She turned her tear filled eyes upon Ezra as he sat on the bed. Moving away from the wall where she leaned against it, she made her way to him, kneeling infront of him.

"Be safe on your journey." She whispered, then let her eyes glow in warning. "But tell your friend anything happens to you, they will have to answer to me."

She reached up with her hand to caress his cheek and smiled at him. Moving her hair, she tilted her head to the side to expose her neck to him.

"Drink your fill, My Love."

May 5th, 2003, 09:06:56 PM
Taking her in his arms, Ezra leaned in and nuzzled at her neck causing her to giggle. Then as she was in mid giggle, he sunk his fangs into her neck. Taking only enough to keep her on his mind for a long time. He looked at her and smiled.

"Now your turn beloved. Take more than I just did if it will satisfy your need for me."

He embraced her and leaned forward to give her access to his neck.

May 6th, 2003, 01:39:44 AM
She smiled sadly at him, reaching up to trace the vein in his neck with her fingers. Moving closer, she softly kissed the skin before sinking her teeth in, drinking only a little from him this time. Pulling back, she looked up into his eyes, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Go in peace, Ezra." She whispered hoarsely. "Know that I am always with you."

She bit her bottom lip to keep the sob from escaping. Looking quickly away, she closed her eyes, gaining strength. Letting out a deep breath, she turned back to him.

"You need me, I'll be there." She repeated. "Hurry back to me, My Love."

May 6th, 2003, 02:12:12 AM
He touched her cheek, caressed it with his thumb. He didn't want to leave her. He wanted to stay. But duty, and another calling was pulling him. So much changes, so little time.

"Kariss, if you need to leave for any reason, take that stairway there. It leads to my ship bay. There you will see my mini transport, the Shadowmoon. She's your's to use at your discretion. All this here, is your's now. The night we became one, you began to share with me these things. The people of Tranquil, are your family now. Protect them in my absence, please. Show them why you're my life mate."

her eyes widened in surprise at his last words.

"Yes you heard right Kariss."

He leaned in and kissed her, they lingered in that kiss for several minutes. He slowly backed away, then ascended the ramp to the Empress Marva. As ther ramp closed, he sent to her.'I love you'

May 6th, 2003, 09:20:49 AM
'Lifemate' echoed in her mind as she watched Ezra board her ship. She had heard talk from the born vampyres about this and she smiled to herself.

'I love you.' She sent to him.

"And I'll protect your people no matter what." Kariss whispered aloud. She stayed where she was until his ship was out of sight, then turned to head back into the library. There had been something there that caught her attention and she wanted to go check it out.

Opening the wide doors, she walked in, looking around the great library until she saw it. Up on the wall, it was mounted with two other swords. She walked to it, turning her head up to stare at the beauty of the sword, it's chrome handle and sharp as nails blade. Kariss reached for it, amamzed at its lightness as she handled it.

She had been trained in swords manship before she had ever met Ezra and never really thought about it until tonight. She had felt the sword call out to her. It fit into her hands like a glove. Doing a few twirls with it, she grinned, quickly sending to Ezra that she had found a new toy, knowing he was probably laughing right about now.

Kariss stopped, her mind on Ezra. How she missed him so and he wasn't even gone very long. Reaching out to him over the miles, she wrapped him in warmth and love, wishing him safety and a swift return.

'Forever, Lifemate.' She whispered in his mind.

May 6th, 2003, 09:27:39 AM
Piloting the Empress Marva, he was preparing the coordinates for his jump. Then he stopped at the message of a "new toy" and chuckled. She had found the family heirloom of the battle swords. He smiled with pride as she was the first in centuries to lay claim to one of them. He finished prepping and manuevered the craft, and started his count down.

'Forever, Lifemate.'

Came through and he closed his eyes as he felt her pressence with him. That gave him the strength he needed, and he sent the same words back to her. He hit the button and the stars swirled around the ship and within a second, he was gone.