View Full Version : Survivor Mykyr: Rancor Campsite

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 3rd, 2003, 03:59:06 PM
[Rancor Tribe stumbles out of thick undergrowth onto a pebbly beach. The water looks a bit murky, but perhaps fish are lurking beneath the ripples. There is hardly any driftwood, and hardly any waves in their little cove. The palm trees have small hard coconuts on them, which provide little nourishment, even if you can get one open.

No vornskyrs on this side of the island...but really, nothing at all. A half hour walk from the beach there are some natural hotsprings, but there is also dangerous quicksand near to the springs. There is little to no natural fruit, and only some disgusting looking rodents which will come out at night to crawl over the contestants. The 'rats' seem to eat the roots of a certain kind of plant.

No matches, no Force, and hardly any wood. Looks like a long cold night for Rancor tribe.]

Apr 3rd, 2003, 04:44:02 PM
Satine looks around, and merely shakes his head. What had he signed up for?

"This might be a long night..." he says, and then looks around, taking the machete from the crate, and hefting it up. "Anyone up for firewood?"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 3rd, 2003, 05:23:16 PM
Sorr has been doing a bit of hunting, she brings several of the rats, not that most of the tribe members want to eat them and a few very small fish she caught, it had taken her most of the remaining daylight hours but the rats she had caught by fishing them out of their grimy holes. She drips water from the effort but doesn't seem to care as she sets the food down and sits, waiting to see if the tribe wants any since she had already had her fill. She's a quiet animal so she doesn't announce the food, simply watch and waiting, her tail swishing from side to side.

OOC: editting for rules....

Apr 3rd, 2003, 05:27:20 PM
He notices Sorr come back, and smiles at her.

"Sorr, could you save me some? I'll be back with wood to cook them with in a few minutes." With that, the Jedi Master walks into the forest, looking for good wood to chop down.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 3rd, 2003, 05:30:34 PM
Sorr nods, grabbing one of the rats and cutting it in thirds with her claws and slicing off the tail end of one of the fish. Being a mother herself, she looks after the tribe as such. She sets them aside and waits some more, she really isn't used to large groups so her ears flit backwards and forwards.

Epona Rhi
Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:10:55 PM
Sitting on one of the rocks, she pulled her "luxory" item...her little buckle knife and begins whittling the end of the walking stick she had picked up along the way.

Silence seems to be the thing around here. So she keeps to herself for now. She looked up at the sky to see the sunlight gradually fading. She looks over at Satine who asks for help finding firewood. She raises her hand to get his attention.

"I'll go along."

And she gets up off her rock, slips the knife back into the buckle, hefting the semi-sharpened stick in her hands, she trots over to where he had walked catching up with him.

James Prent
Apr 4th, 2003, 12:53:33 AM
James put her hands on her hips and then placed her backpack on the ground beside a tree. "Its sort of pretty here, but I think its going to get dark fast. Anyone know how to start a fire?"

She looked around as Satine and the woman Epona walked into the woods. "I think that we should build our shelter up off the beach, under the trees."

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Apr 4th, 2003, 01:48:18 AM
Kar'h'tzen Shaed walked around - leaning slightly on his slender staff, his personal luxury item - with the careful steps of the man who knows he's drunk - or the Force-user who knows he doesn't have the Force. His ears felt like they were ringing - it started up before they even hit Myrkr's atmosphere, and it hasn't abated any. It doesn't seem likely that there will be any escape from the blindness his mind feels. Maybe the implant that host talked about did something else. Was it really just the lack of the Force causing these feelings? Did he really rely on it THAT much?

The rest of Tribe Rancor is strangely quiet, milling about slowly - but gradually gaining leadership and action. Shaed isn't one for the crowds, so he sets out alone. He - what the? A holocam operator is following him. They're as thick as hydrogen atoms on this island, it seems.

"Shove off."

The fool - couldn't he even tell Shaed was talking to him? It was like talking to a wall. The Dark Jedi sighed.

"Fine, then. Well, this is for posterity, so I'll try to make it good."

Shaed stopped walking, and brought his walking stick up theatrically against his shoulder. The operator kept going, zooming in on his face since he was obviously about to say something good.

"Here, hold my boot for me."

Shaed kicked the holocam man in the stomach. The guy began to keel over, the camera instinctively falling from his face yet still held securely in his hands. The walking staff whistled slightly in the still air and landed squarely on the back of the operator's head, just above the top of his neck. The human fell - maybe dead, maybe stunned at best. Hm, not having the Force certainly turned a lot of things into guesswork. Shaed took some of the guess out by whacking the man's head again. It sounded a little more ripe. Yes, he'd take this one. They had a rather short shelf life, so he'd better get started on it, too. He stumbled forward a half-step - woah - he wasn't used to using his physical energy like this. Hadn't for a while. Well, time to get back into shape. At least he knew how to. He bent over and looked into the blank, all-seeing eye of the portable holocam.

"I hate this place."

With difficulty, Shaed picked the man up and slung him over a shoulder. He'd find a good tree to stay in for the night, not too far away from the Rancor camp location. Might want to keep an eye out for his fellow Black Hand fingers.

"And everyone else in Tribe Rancor as well... frell."

He'd forgotten about the voting thing. Should he try to pretend to be friendly? That was too much work. He should be okay for this first week. Right?

"I hate this game."

He grabbed the holocam as well, just in case he ever needed to say anything again.

Apr 4th, 2003, 09:43:03 AM
Satine smiled at Epona, and then looked to James. "Good idea. Should I find some wood for shelters too?"

Noticing Epona had the walking stick, Satine looked around, and grabebd a relatively straight, long stick. "Thought I'd copy your idea." he explains to Epona wih a shrug and a smile.

Zasz Grimm
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:13:16 AM
Zasz seperated from the majority of the group for a second. He had to see where Shaed was. Zasz had been thinking about unity with the Hand members that were together for a long time. He set his large duffle bag in the middle of the sand, so that he could see it if anyone went to get it.

As he did so, a man with a holocamera followed him. He scoffed and then paid more attention to Shaed. To see him like this was an offense, he didn't have the force. He walked up to him and spoke..

"You alright? I know it must be hard, I just thought I would see you, if you wanted to talk or anything. Also to hear your input on anything. You are a wealth of knowledge.."

He looked to the man who was on the ground, probably dead. Zasz pushed his red hair from his face, where sweat had already started to make it stick to him...

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:10:18 AM
With the majority of the group assuming roles of authority and gathering various items that would be needed for the night, Vega took it upon himself to do … nothing what so ever. He sat down where most of the group he claimed would be a good spot to ‘live’ – if it could even be called that – beneath a thick mass of trees that would provide moderate shelter and stability of structure.

The sand here was warm and made a comfortable seat as Vega sat down upon it, leaning back against on of the trees.

“Starting a fire? Isn’t that just… knocking two sticks together?” Vega attempted to input.

There was silence for a while as people tended to keep themselves busy in situations like this.

“… So I take it there won’t be any hunting then,” he added as he looked towards what the felinoid was slicing up, “What a waste of my skills,” he scoffed as he folded his arms over his chest, closing his eyes.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:57:35 AM
"Nothjing to hunt at least that jI could fjind, we got the bad sjide of the jisland...."

She fluttered her ears a bit, she hadn't been able to find all that much and the Lupine was making her slightly nervous.

James Prent
Apr 4th, 2003, 03:36:41 PM
James looked at...Vega? and shrugged. "I think you have to rub them together."

Satine and Epona disappeared into the woods, and the felinoid looked nervous around the blond man sitting at the base of the trees. No one else seemed to be doing much, other than explore and look at the vegetation. James walked to the crate, and looked inside. "Not much rice here." She looked at Sorr, "Do you even eat rice?"

Before she got an answer, her fingers brushed against something. Paper. James pulled it out and saw it was a map to the freshwater well on their side of the island. "Ooh, water." She looked at Vega. "You want to help me find the well, or you want to start a fire? Or, you could just sit there some more, y'know." The five foot nothing girl smiled, and then slapped away a mosquito.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 4th, 2003, 03:46:14 PM
Sorr fluttered her ears, fire meant being left with the Lupine and she didn't like that idea, Cizerack didn't like Lupine any better than Garou.

"Fjindjing frrresh waterrr would be good and jI would eat rrrice, we don't just eat meat all the tjime."

Luke's Amputated Hand
Apr 4th, 2003, 05:29:32 PM
The insect population didn't seem to much care for the Hand, and it hopped off of his ride, having been James' shoulder, before she swatted away at her own pests.

The Hand "looked" about, and then hopped into the crate. As James was talking, it found the paper and had just taken a hold of one edge when James pulled it out of the crate. The Hand just dangled there, letting the pinky go to indicate it would help in finding the water as well.

Epona Rhi
Apr 5th, 2003, 12:22:43 AM
Walking around in search of fire wood and also keeping an eye out for some kind of game to hunt, She walked along side Satine.

"You know, there was some bigger peices of wood along the way we came in. Where I found this peice. Not too far off over there."

She pointed in the direction.

"I'd say ohhhhhh, maybe 15 minutes walk. What'ya say we go fetch some?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 5th, 2003, 01:23:50 AM
Vega paused for a moment, before coming to his conclusion:

“I’ll come find the water,” he dusted himself down as he got to his feet and flashed a toothy grin at the Cizerack before pacing off towards comparatively minute woman.

“Where’s this well then, shorty?” the Lupine asked as he looked – with very little difficulty – down over James’ shoulder at the map.

James Prent
Apr 5th, 2003, 01:39:12 AM
James felt the man tower over her, and then busied herself with the map. The Hand dangled off one side, but as she turned the map it fell off, still trying to indicate it wanted to go with them. "Um, I think...." The map turned round again, until the edge of the island on the map corresponded with the waters edge in front of her.

"..I think it's over there." She pointed into the jungle, away from the slight path they'd blazed when walking to their campsite.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 5th, 2003, 01:56:03 AM
Rubbing his palms together as he looked off into the jungle – reminiscent of the forests around his home – Vega nodded.

“Off we go then,” he commented to no one in particular as the two (and a half, counting in the still trailing dismembered hand) made off at a brisk pace for the opening into the dense forestland.

“So what, we’re just going to find it, look at it appreciatively – admiring the craftsmanship of it, then return and impart our wonderful visit to the Water Well to everyone else?”

Remy LeBeau
Apr 5th, 2003, 06:56:15 PM
"I think it's a start, we have people gathering firewoods, waters..etc. But we also needed to start building our camp before dawn. Ooh let me try to start de fire:p "

On the double Remy started to rubbing two sticks together.

"^_^; Anyday now..."

Still continued rubbing them together an hour later...

":x ..any...day..now......"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 6th, 2003, 12:30:58 AM
Sorr watched the forrda's attempt at making a fire, her ears flitting backwards and forwards. Her tail twitched at the tip as she canted her head, there had to be another way but Sorr didn't know it, Cizeracks and Tanos didn't require fire since they didn't cook their food or need it for warmth. She yawned a bit before getting up, might as well find another thing to do. She looked about and noticed something else the camp didn't have...Shelter! Her gaze looked to the trees, some of those big leaves up there would make a good roof. She climbed up and in about 15 mins had sliced down what she needed.

After gathering some large sticks for support, she stripped the bark off of some more and began making the structure that would keep some of the rain out that she could smell was coming in the air. Finally she plopped down at where Remy was trying to make a fire, tired from her efforts but they had good shelter now.

Epona Rhi
Apr 6th, 2003, 03:11:09 AM
Walking around the area she had pointed out, They found some nice size wood for a fire. She also found one that was thicker than her walking stick and shorter too. She grabbed that as well. And then went to help Satine with carrying some wood back to the campsite.

Apr 6th, 2003, 08:43:27 AM
Satine smiles at Epona as he gets a very large bundle of wood for a fire.

"Good thinking on these. I'm glad someone remembered where there was a lot of wood."

Satine motions with his head that they should proceed back to camp.

Epona Rhi
Apr 6th, 2003, 05:45:26 PM
Returning with some wood, She places the small pile next to the guy named Remy, who's trying to light the small ones he got.

"Here try these, they're much more dry.'

She took her walking stick and the shorter one and walked over to her rock and sat down. pulling out her buckle knife again, she began to finish whittling her point to her stick.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 6th, 2003, 07:56:19 PM
Sorr yawned, tired from her efforts of the day so she decided to unpack her things for something quiet to do. But instead of just finding three outfits and a picture of her family, she found her husband's outer shirt instead of one set of clothing. She fluttered her ears for a moment, Inu must have gotten in her bag and put it there to surprise her. She purred softly, at least she had something that smelled like him for this time here and a good sized blanket as well of it.

Luke's Amputated Hand
Apr 6th, 2003, 10:11:12 PM
For a disembodied Hand, it kept pace with the two beings rather easily. One could say it's pace was a hyperactive one, as one finger moved in front of the other to propel it forward.

The trek they made was a rather long haukl, not so much in time, as in terrain. They had to cross a small river, go over a few rocks, and trudge through a thicket of tall grass.

Finally they came to the spot where the water well, if one could call a pipe that, should be. The trio spent a good portion of time, perhaps 45 minutes, searching in the area for the pipe. It was by sheer dumb luck that the Hand, being close to the ground, smacked into an overgrown stump.

Or was it?

The sun was beginning to dip beyond the noon point as the Hand began to tear away at the vines and leaves covering the "stump", hitting metal with one of it's finger nails.

It became excited and began snapping it's fingers and waving it's hand to get the attention of the other two, and then began pointing in the direction of where it had found the metal pipe.

James Prent
Apr 6th, 2003, 11:12:18 PM
James was hot and tried, the humidity of the island seemed to be really taking it out of her. And the holocam operators were getting annoying already. She was afraid she might accidentally do something embarrassing, like pick her nose or something on galactic holovision.

The Hand was snapping its fingers, and she looked over and down, trying to locate it in the pile of leaves. "Oh! I think you've found it." She knelt down and cleared the area, popping the protective cover off the well. "Do we have anything to put water in? Canteen maybe?"

Epona Rhi
Apr 7th, 2003, 03:49:32 AM
After making the end of her walking stick into a point, she laid it down and gathered palm leaves. She placed them in a good spot that was out of the way of the windy cove, gathering some of the larger palms, she made a good enough lean-to over the laid out leaves. Nodding her approval she walked over to the waters edge and stared into it.
Murky, not good. She walked along the edge looking for an area that was clear enough to see. They needed food and unless they were goona go cannibal, they'd better find some.

"Well, could always sneak to the other side and nail one of thier game."

she thought out loud.

Remy LeBeau
Apr 7th, 2003, 03:54:08 AM
"Ah Merci chere..dat will do."

A much dryer and larger woods they were. Remy thanked Epona for the woods. He fixed up the files as neatly and eventually the fire sparked from the effort. A huge campfire for that matter, giving the place a much cozy homie feeling.

Apr 7th, 2003, 07:58:41 AM
Satine smiles as he feels the warmth of the fire, and then sits on a large rock next to it, his walking staff laid across his lap.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 8th, 2003, 11:39:50 AM
Sorr snoozes under Inu's shirt, tired from her efforts of the day, it never mattered to her where she slept, she wasn't picky in the slightest when it came to sleeping. By all accounts, she was dead tired anyway and her clan had been nomadic hunters so she was used to being outdoors.

James Prent
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:38:17 AM
Vega seemed to be in a world of his own. She tossed a small rock at the back of his leg, and it pinged off and away from him. "Hello?"

Luke's Amputated Hand
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:00:33 PM
Had it had a head to scratch or shoulders to shrug, the Hand would have probably done one or both gestures. Instead, it chose to make the only "waiting" gesture it could... drum it's fingers.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:04:41 PM
As the rock hit his leg, Vega snapped his head to look at the hand.

“Do you have to do that?!”

An angered sigh and he looked to James, who was looking right back at him, expectantly.

“What? … Oh I don’t know! Wasn’t there one in the crate?”

Luke's Amputated Hand
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:20:31 PM
The Hand stopped in mid-drum, refraining from favoring the impatient man with an obscene gesture... well, the ONLY ubscene gesture it could do.

Instead, it ignored the man and looked about the area, finally spotting something that could be of use: A hollowed out coconut shell left behind by some critter.

Scurrying to the shell, it grabbed it, and then hopped back to the water pipe on it's stump. It stopped there, looked at the pipe, and then at James, and then proceeded to hop the rest of the way to her, presenting her with the good sized shell.

He placed it at her feet, and then pointed backwards with it's thumb in the direction it had come from, indicating there were a few more shells like it back there.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 11th, 2003, 11:23:57 AM
Sorr's ears twitched, she could hear distant yelling What's going on up there? she wondered as she stretched and opened her eyes a bit to survey her tribe members. A few were still out it seemed, but judging from the tone of the yelling, seemed to be all right for now....

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Apr 11th, 2003, 01:41:01 PM
Zasz Grimm had walked up to him, inquiring about his health among other things. Well, it was a nice gesture.

"I'm... not fine. But I'll live. It may have been a mistake to go from relying solely on myself to relying completely on the Force growing up, though. It makes this place a lot worse than it really is."

Shaed was breathing heavily still. Got to stop that. The air was no different here than in a thousand other worlds. Slowly, he calmed himself and begin to inhale normally, exhale quietly. Shaed nodded at the carcass by his feet.

"The local wildlife seems to be a little easy to bring down. I suppose I should be grateful. A fire to cook it would be nice, but I'm not sure the others would let me use theirs if they knew what I was going to do with it. Think we should disguise this guy as regular meat - I suppose if I skinned and dressed him, the meat would look fairly normal - and sneak it in that way? I'd never eat human raw, but I'm not sure I could start a fire in my condition."

James Prent
Apr 11th, 2003, 10:50:06 PM
James picked up the empty coconut shell and peered inside. "Looks clean enough, I guess." She shook it, and it rattled, and so she turned it upside down, knocking a few pebbles and/or crawly things out of the hole in the top of the 'nut.

The padawan grimaced, and then shrugged. "What the other's don't know won't hurt them, right?" James started pulling water out of the well, and carefully pouring it into the coconut.

Luke's Amputated Hand
Apr 11th, 2003, 11:23:01 PM
The Hand gave a thumbs up to James' last statement, and scittered back to where there were a few more coconuts, picking another up and doing the same as James had done... shaking it and displacing a few pebbles and critters. It then hopped over to the "well" and waited for the coconut James was filling to be full before passing her the next.

Epona Rhi
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:49:24 AM
Making a little lean to with weaving some palm leaves together, and a makeshift bedding with the rest she gathered, Epona sets her backpack down and picks up her sharpened walking stick and goes off to find something to eat.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:21:35 PM
Sorr watched silently, taking note of the tribe members, what they were like and such and wondering when the fun started, it seemed far too quiet right now. Her tail swished lightly back and forth as she hummed softly, thinking about her family that she had left behind back home.