View Full Version : To an Admin....

Apr 3rd, 2003, 02:30:06 PM
How would a non Jedi person get permisition to post in the LQ? I want to do a thread where the Thugs have been hired to go after one of the padawans well they are sleeping.... Can I do this thread?

Morgan Evanar
Apr 3rd, 2003, 02:51:33 PM
You ask, and you come up with something a little more plausible. Honestly, its not like getting into the LQ is easy. Its not incredibly difficult, and there aren't any guards to speak of, but some Jedi are light sleepers and others tend to keep odd hours. You can't just go after a specific Padawan. You have to deal with a lot of the Order.

Wei Wu Wei
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:22:04 AM
Yeah. In the LQ right now there is a thread in which two non Force users have broken into the LQ and are trying to get something to prove they have been there. Xazor, Alpha, and a few others have them more or less surrounded right now. So don't expect it to be a picnic.

I RP one of the brothers, and believe me, I expect to get out of there with too many bruises to count.

Apr 4th, 2003, 11:59:05 AM
just bruises? ;) :)

Yasashii Mikan
Apr 4th, 2003, 12:04:22 PM
You guys killed that thing faster than any thread I've ever seen. We were expecting to have a bit more fun with it than this, but nah, we get cornered in 6 posts. The whack thing is, you want us gone, but you're blocking all the exits.

Apr 4th, 2003, 04:08:12 PM
I expect that I will have to deal with anybody that wants to join.

The thugs have been hired by a sith to get one of the padawans. They have been provided with Cortoris armor that they have under their clothes, so lightsabers will only effect them if it hits their head.

I would be going after ether Shandri La or Garen Selore both are willing to do this thread. The both have reasons why sith would be comming after them, so it is not hard to see that a sith would send a small group of thugs to pick on them and see how safe they are.

As for getting pounded apon, That is what I made Thug for! Thug is just a replenishable group of thugs that are there when you want to be beaten apon, or want to beat of something else.

More than anything I want to see how people here fight so I can get better at my fighting with the other people I play here.

Destiny Stormrider
Apr 4th, 2003, 04:22:42 PM
:lol Rognan is so gonna kick your derrière if you even touch Garen :p

I guess what Morgan meant was that a whole group of Thugs just bursting into the LQ would get a lot of attention, making it hard for them to reach the victim.

Apr 4th, 2003, 04:52:27 PM
They most likely wouldn't just burst in. They would try to sneek in or just try to act like they were supose to be there, like if they were new padawans. If they were given Jedi robes by the sith that hired them they would be most likely able to get to there target, but not likely to get away...That is kinda what I want...

Out of the two, Garen would be the easer to get to because he has a roon over-looking the garden, if they could get to the garden, then getting to garen wouldn't be hard. And as I said, If they had Jedi Robes it would not look out of place seeing a group of 4 people walking to the garden.

Rognan Dar
Apr 4th, 2003, 07:47:40 PM
No, but having them climb through a window would.

And just like Destiny said......I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH ANY OF THEM!

Sorry. Couldn't contain myself.

Glad to see that someone knows me :D

But if you dont already know, Rognan spends most of his nights in the Garden. So if you go at the wrong time you wont be doing it unseen. Just a thought.

Apr 4th, 2003, 10:43:58 PM
I'd recommend you try this sort of thing in Storytelling...this kind of thing, once started in the LQ, usually go "Open" despite the starter's intentions, then everyone must get gung-ho territorial Sith mode and cap you.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:21:18 PM
I'd recommend you try this sort of thing in Storytelling...this kind of thing, once started in the LQ, usually go "Open" despite the starter's intentions, then everyone must get gung-ho territorial Sith mode and cap you.I'm sorry you just found out that Jedi aren't pro-home invasion.

Edit: furthermore, how would it work in Storytelling? You'd be RPing on GJO ground without actually being on GJO ground.

I warned you/Wei that it would be open and any Jedi was free to walk in and turn you inside out. Apparently you guys were ok with that until Xaz and Satine decided to actually make good on it. I imagine even Yoda would have kicked some theif butt if they decided to pull some breaking and entering.

Apr 5th, 2003, 12:00:39 AM
At the rate it was going, the whole thing was going to end before it hit half a page. Plus, the constant bashing isn't very becoming of a Jedi. Ah well. Guess we've learned our lessons, huh?

Rognan Dar
Apr 5th, 2003, 12:10:17 AM
Well....what if you make it (Closed) and only let people in that you want in? Would that work out better?

Sage Hazzard
Apr 5th, 2003, 01:11:23 AM
I feel I have to comment on that thread in the LQ, as I play Syrius.

We want you out, yes. However, you've commited a crime. Breaking and Entering. That's an arrestible offense. You need to be detained and brought before a court of law. I don't know what Xazor or Satine have in mind, and it really doesn't matter. Syrius is doing his part of the blocking so that you can be brought to justice once and for all. So Xazor and Satine might actually be doing you a favor. You could just jump out the window again climb down a drainage pipe or something. Because if you go out the front door, Syrius is going to demand you be taken down to the jail house. :)

Garen Selore
Apr 5th, 2003, 01:12:53 AM
As it was said in thug's last post...I have no problem with Garen having thugs come after him...It would actualy fit with his background story, and let him know that the sith have found him and are after the holocron that he had and may sometime after he starts his training get to protect again.

Apr 5th, 2003, 01:44:04 AM
I understand that we would be seen at the window but by the time somebody gets over to us, at least one of us would be in the room.

As for the fact it must be open, I understand that and except it... but really I would like it if I could do a title to the thread like....

A Late Night Job (Garen / Open[5 more people max])


Damsel In Distress (Shandri / Open[5 more people max])

I don't mind if my thugs get killed or deformed, because they are just nameless thugs for hire, and SW seems to have an endless supply of nameless thugs.

You also have to think that since the temple in the middle of the galaxy's largest city, there would be trouble from the outside on the temple grounds. It can't always be 100% safe for the people that live there.

Shandri La
Apr 5th, 2003, 11:49:57 AM
I'm fully agreeable to this idea. And like Garen, it would fit with the background of my character. The Sith that took over her homeworld want to have the Treasure that she is protecting. So it is quite reasonable that they would track her down and send some ppl after her since she's with the Jedi. And besides, a thread like this would help further my character development.

If Thug is having a hard time deciding which one to go for, maybe he could do both threads.

Rognan Dar
Apr 5th, 2003, 04:20:33 PM

No Im just kidding. IT would work well with there characters, at lest what I know. And if either were in trouble I would be there in a heart beat.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 5th, 2003, 04:51:13 PM
Plus, the constant bashing isn't very becoming of a Jedi

Oh for <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>'S SAKE, when are people goign to realise that Jedi are not always peaceful fun loving beings? Huh? Do I need to go back into canon and prove it all over agian? The Yodas ESB way is not the only way for a Jedi to be. Some Jedi are/were violent.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 5th, 2003, 06:13:10 PM
If you limit the number of people allowed in the thread, you're basically guaranteeing you can do this. That isn't logical. All the Jedi Masters/Knights and even some Padawans would have a good idea as to what was happening and the people that live around those people would be there in just a few seconds, weilding sabers, I'm sure.

Zeke, do you expect a Jedi to stand back and allow one of their comrades to be kidnapped for the sake of PEACE? <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> that, that's lunacy, honestly.

Even Yoda would have kicked some rear if that happened in his LQ! Wow, your guys's idea of a Jedi are quite skewed from the truth -- perhaps you should whip out the Canon stuff and prove 'em wrong Marcus. If you don't, I will.

Take Obi-Wan for instance! He wasn't going to let anyone get away with attempting to kidnap Padme! He and Anakin both dashed in with sabers ignited, swinging and slashing at the potential enemy. They didn't stand around with a thumb up their <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> just because if they were a little aggressive they would be classified as a Sith.

Man, that's a load of BS. :grumble

Invictus Tyr
Apr 5th, 2003, 07:05:40 PM
Whoa whoa whoa everyone take it down a notch. Count to ten... no good? Xazor count to a thousand...

Why I agree that Jedi would not just sit around and let people kidnap other Jedi or rob them blind, they would however limit the conversation about maiming and what not, though the first false move I'm sure they would take a hand or toe off or something.

But Thug's concept however isn't that far out there. At any given time a good deal of the Jedi would not be sitting around the LQ waiting for someone to attack, in fact good little Jedi would be out and about the galaxy looking for evil to take care of, so a quick surgical attack with only a few Jedi being able to respond would be somewhat feasible. You have to look at it this way. If all the Jedi are around to stop people from coming after the LQ then who's out in the galaxy protecting order. I'd say work out a few kinks ok it with everyone in question and go for it.

Oh and by the way, this is Hadrian lol

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 5th, 2003, 08:00:09 PM
Admin statement this is and I wont tolerate arguement to it.

If the Lq is invaded with permission, the invaders get whatever the Jedi turn up with, unless negotiated otherwise. Full stop. Unfair? Yes. This is however the Jedi's board and frankly in this place, I bias the Jedi 100%.

Now that said, if the idea is acceptible, I'll consider what you have and I'll be accomodating if you want something closed to certain peeps or whatever. It needs to be resonable and I wont allow anythign with wholesale destruction as the intention. A theft raid.... yeah I can go with that and allow. Put the idea in form to me or other admin and what you want.

I also tend to be accomdating to people with good reputations as well. someone like Hob, I'ld pretty much allow whatever. If it was an Itala / Gue type, the answer would be a flat no.

In that I think you will find ways in which I'm willing to bend rules. Think about it.

Apr 6th, 2003, 12:24:36 PM
Xazor...I understand that putting a limit on the number of people in the thread meens that not every member of the order can fight the thugs...but it's not like the thugs are force users, and if any of them were it would only be the leader, and he would suck with his powers. It would not be hard for one person to deal with 4 thugs... the thugs are what we call muscle brains.... They are stupid! If the limit I posted earlyer is approved that would still be 1.5 jedi to each brainless thug. I would still be toast and I have no intentions to have the thugs get out... They will be defeted.... And anyways How do you expect to get more than 10 people fighting in one of the rooms in the LQ.

Marcus I'll PM you the details I have come up with for the threads...