View Full Version : The Universe was not created in a day

Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:44:47 PM
(OOC: I'm hoping that the hyperspace time noted for how long it took for Sable to reach Coruscant is close to 'accurate'.)

Despite 25,000 years of hyperspace travel, much of the galaxy remains unexplored and uncharted. The Empire had imposed limits on new scouting missions, although under the New Republic further exploration had been proposed.

Considering the fact that Arastonia isn't located along any of the usual routes for travel, it isn't all that surprising that it hasn't been discovered by the rest of the galaxy.

Arastonia's galactic coordinates still need to be determined; for now, it's enough to know that it spins along the outer edge of the Unknown Regions Koornacht Cluster. Dependant only upon its own inhabitants and natural resources, the Monarchy of Arastonia has developed its own technology, ships for deep space travel, medicines, and more.

It is only now that Arastonia has decided to do a bit of exploration of it's own; therefore, the ship known as Sonhali I departs its atmosphere and sets a course towards what is commonly known as the Galactic Hub, marking the galactic coordinates of the various planets and stars within their own database.

With technology what it is today, the trip to Coruscant takes roughly two to three weeks using hyperspace travel. Sable, along with a small entourage of those trusted members of her staff, are finally allowed to land after a long and tiring wait within Coruscant airspace. Due to the ship not being on any known registry, the fact that Arastonia isn't in the galactic database, and her peoples unheard of; they were escorted by Coruscant Spaceport Security.

Sonhali I is given a very thorough search while Sable is detained by the Spaceport Authorities, her staff held in a seperate room and questioned to no end as well. After the authorities determine that they are not here for any harmful intent, they are all released and free to go. Sonhali I is towed to an awaiting hangar bay and Sable, along with her staff members, make their way to the heart of Coruscant -- once known as Imperial Center.

It is here that the staff members part her company, exploring the main city on their own, and to end up securing lodging for their stay within the Diplomat Hotel.

Marveling at the architecture, the way the sun makes the towering buildings appear to glow with a golden hue, Sable nearly ends up walking right past the Library.

"Careful, Miss."

A baratone voice pipes in as Sable accidentally bumps into someone passing by. Turning to apologize, she's silenced. Never before has her eyes lain upon such a creature which was distinguished by his pale gray skin, as well as a full-scalp cyborg unit on top of his head.

Without moving her eyes from him, she dips her chin subtlely, speaking slowly.

"Forgive me."

Hurriedly, the alien creature moves on, mumbling under its breath while Sable stands there for a moment, watching it scuttle along its way.

Turning back to the Library, she once again admires the grandiose architecture. A series of marbled stairs leads up to a small plateau, set in the same material as the stairs. Huge colums support the eave jutting from the roof; each column intricately carved to represent an era of Coruscant's extensive history.

Slender fingertips lightly climb against her thigh, easing the skirt of her gown a few centimeters from the ground. Ascending the stairs slowly, Sable's eyes wander across the impressive facade.

(Hours later)

After speaking with one of the historians at the library, the best advice he had to give her was to record all of the information she knows of Arastonia and to submit it for inclusion to the Galactic Database. He also suggested that she speak with one of the Professor's at the University. He'd be able to organize a team to travel with Sable to Arastonia so that more information could be gathered. What the historian failed to mention was that numerous scientists would wish to tag along as well. They'd probably end up capturing numerous species to be brought back for examinations, studies and much worse.

Sitting alone in the skydeck restaurant of the Diplomat Hotel's main restaurant, Sable speaks quietly and concisely into the mini voice recorder the historian had allowed her to use; contingent upon its return along when the information is submitted.

"I am unsure of where to begin. I know the history of Arastonia's creation, the Deities, the peoples and so much more like I know the back of my hand; yet having to record the information is not quite as easy as one may believe."

A warm smile accompanies the shaking of her head, dimissing the waiter politely, taking a moment's pause in her words and gathering her thoughts.

"There are seven known continents, six oceans, and nine great seas covering the approximate one-third of Arastonia that is not blanketed by the Mists. The oceans, despite their immensity, are akin to rivers in many ways. Though they span the globe, they flow about the lands and the Mists. The continents and the Mists separate the oceans, and the seas connect them. But the majority of the surface of Arastonia remains cloaked by the Mists. Easily twice the land mass of the known continents could yet be hidden in the grey expanse of the Mists."

"Nadamis the Legender is quoted as saying: '... and the Goddess of Chaos, thus bound by the Creator, did cause the great waters of the world to boil and rise into the sky. And when these clouds had spanned the face of the globe, the world was cloaked in darkness. And when the world was dark, and lit only by the lightning of the storms above, the clouds descended as the Mists...

and once the storm clouds had fallen, the Goddess of Chaos drew deep her breath, and with her exhalation caused the winds to roar. And the winds did drive the Mists as a shroud across all the lands and seas, and before it came the darkness...'".

"The peoples, human, humanoid and non human, are all deeply spiritual. Our Deities, our Creators are revered and feared. All exist as a single pantheon of Deities, or powers. The Deities have priests and followers amongst all the races of humans. However, not all of the humanoid and non-human races worship all the deities.

Aside from the truly divine entities, a vast number of lesser powers, most commonly known as spirits, also exist. The different spirit powers are worshipped by humans, humanoids and non-humans alike. These spirits are represent animals, the elements, and natural environments."

Sable continues to record her world's history, beautiful eyes sweep the restaurant steadily, though she isn't really focused on anything nor anyone. Pausing, she turns off the voice recorder and sets it aside on the table. Her first real taste of foods not from her home prove to be rather delectable. For now, the recording waits, as she enjoys her first experience in intergalactic cuisine.

Unbeknownst to Sable, someone seated in the booth behind her has been listening to her words, scoffing every so often. Perhaps if she had known, she would have either enlightened this person or simply moved to a more private booth.

Sol Invictus
Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:00:21 PM
The old scholar has sat smirking at her tirade for the past half hour. Creators...deities...

"What wonderful fiction you're dictating."

Arastonia, Gods, Deities...she's a fool. No such things exist.

Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:09:46 PM
Her meal interrupted. A thin, dark, well manicured brow lofts as her fork is set down and she turns her head slightly; just enough so that her angular chin is level with her shoulder, unable to see whom it is that dares to claim her information as folly.

"It most certainly is not ficticious, thank you. What makes you say those things do not exist?"

Sol Invictus
Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:32:30 PM
"Gods cannot exist. No being is capable of creating worlds. Such a creature would be corrupted by its own power and bring ruination to the universe."

Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:36:10 PM
"Oh? And I suppose you know the history of my nation?"

Since her 'opponent' wasn't going to show his face, Sable slides smoothly from the booth seat and steps around, coming to face the one who seemed to be hiding behind her.

"Do you have proof that Gods do not, did not, nor did they ever exist? How do you know that our Deities have not become corrupted by their own powers?"

Again, that well manicured, thin and dark brow rises gently.

Sol Invictus
Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:02:41 PM
His hat obscures his face, but as he looks up, she sees that he is quite old, well into his sixties, with long black hair and semi-reflective glasses that hide his eyes and reflect the bright colors of her dress. If she shifts her body to the side, she will see their true color is silver. His lips form a wry smile at her questioning.

"I don't know which nation you come from, but if it be Thyferra, Naboo, Tattooine, Hoth, Ryloth, Chandrilla, or Nar Shadda, then you can rest assured that I know more of your culture than most. My proof that Gods do not exist is on the planet Roon. No benign God would allow such a place to exist."

Apr 4th, 2003, 12:12:17 AM
"I assure you that I do not hail from any of those aforementioned places. I do not know of this Roon you mention, but if you perhaps told me a bit about it, I could tell you which Deity most certainly would all it to exist."

He hasn't invited her to be seated, so she takes the initiative and seats herself, directly across from him. It's when she does this that she notices his eyes from a side of his glasses, but she didn't get a good enough look to denote their color.

Idly she wonders if this man is trying to get a rise from her, speaking as such about her spiritual beliefs. Spirituality is pertinent to her peoples, for them, the Gods and daily life go hand in hand.

Sol Invictus
Apr 4th, 2003, 12:40:23 PM
'"Roon is the lair where evil's heart resides. The Vampyres of the Shrine grow stronger there with every passing night."

It seems she is much like him; seeking knowledge.

Apr 4th, 2003, 02:18:30 PM
"Vampyres? I'm sorry, I am not familiar with that species. Are these -vampyres- like small bugs? Or are they human?"

Lacing her fingers together, resting them in her lap, her poise speaks silently of being something of a noble from her homeworld. She's seeking information, she has much to learn about life away from Arastonia.

"The lair of evil resides in the Pantheon of Arastonia; Sethanit, the Lord of Evil is our most dispicable God and how it is that he even has a following is beyond me."

Sol Invictus
Apr 4th, 2003, 09:19:36 PM
"We vampyres are humanoid and revere no "god" of your Arastonia. If you ask a vampyre about religion and Gods, each will tell you that he is himself a God. Also, that you should probably worship him."

Apr 4th, 2003, 10:17:36 PM
"I see. Isn't that rather pretentious and self centered? I certainly would not be worshipping any such creature as that nor would I ever worship any man who proclaims himself to be a God. Its no laughing matter and posing as a Deity is utterly disgraceful."

Sol Invictus
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:58:57 PM
"Pretentious and self-centered? I suppose so. But to say that of any being is quite the arrogant act."

Apr 4th, 2003, 11:27:48 PM
Sable smirks, folding her arms lightly against the edge of his table.

"Perhaps that is why I asked and didn't state it."

Touche`, she has him there.

Sol Invictus
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:37:35 PM
Well...someone who can debate with him logically, rather than by way of egocentric opinion.

"You are quite admirable. May I have your name?"

Apr 5th, 2003, 12:07:51 AM
Sable's smirk eases into an affable smile as she dips her chin gently, bestowing a subtle nod to the man across from her.

"I am known as Sable. Sable Sonhali of Caladia, Arastonia. Perhaps you would do me the honor of giving me your name?"

Silvery-pale blue eyes wander over his facial features then return to those mirrored glasses of his, where she sees her own reflection looking back at her.

Sol Invictus
Apr 5th, 2003, 10:50:19 AM
"I am Sol Invictus. Vampyre of the Shrine, and the greatest scholar this universe knows. While yes, that does sound self-absorbed, I assure you there is a solid base to the claims I make."

Apr 5th, 2003, 11:33:24 AM
"Charmed to meet you Mr. Invictus."

A pause, as she lofts a brow slightly at his boastful claim. Lightly moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue, she figures she should atleast give him a chance to further the discussion on his claim of being the greatest scholar the universe knows.

"All right, I'll bite. Educate me and speak of this solid base to which you claim superior knowledge above all."

Sol Invictus
Apr 6th, 2003, 05:31:17 PM
"Hm. I suppose I should have been more clear with my wording. By saying I am the greatest scholar, I do not mean that I have superior knowledge over all beings. Student would be more fitting...as a Vampyre, I have an eternity to gain all the knowledge my mind can hold."

Apr 6th, 2003, 11:31:49 PM
"Eternity? Are you claiming to have an eternal life?"

Her tone denotes deep curiousity, the way she cants her head gently to the right and holds those silvery-blue orbs steadfast to his mirrored glasses gives notice that he has her full attention.

"I am not familiar with this vampyre you speak of."

Each word that contains an r, rolls smoothly off the tip of her tongue with her accent.

"Please? Teach me what this is?"

Sol Invictus
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:57:25 AM
"Unfortunately vampirism is not something that can be easily explained...it is one of the things best learned if you see for yourself. If you be a true scholar, go to the Roonstone Inn and observe the goings-on there. You will learn things you had never dreamed of...things you may think yourself better off not knowing."

Apr 7th, 2003, 12:51:42 PM
Curious by nature, his words pique that nature ten fold. Eager to learn new things, learn more of what the universe holds outside of Arastonian space, of course she's going to inquirer further.

"Roonstone Inn? Where might I find this place?"

The expression of wonder changes on her face, however, when he mentions that she may end up learning things that may be better off unknown.

"Why do you say this? I think it fair for you to elaborate a little more, after all, you piqued my curiousity and thirst for knowledge yet offer nothing really in the way of information; other than to dance around direct questions."

Sol Invictus
Apr 7th, 2003, 10:03:15 PM
"The Roonstone Inn is on the planet Roon, as close to the Shrine as it can be without being counted as part of the palace itself. Mortals frequent it as much as vampyres. What shall I elaborate upon?"

Apr 8th, 2003, 09:56:54 AM
"What is a vampyre?" She asks simply. He still has not enlightened her as to just what this creature is.

Sol Invictus
Apr 8th, 2003, 10:52:48 AM
"An inherently evil creature, once mortal, that feeds upon the blood of other beings."

Apr 8th, 2003, 12:12:04 PM
Well. She asked, he answered. Sable's face appears to turn ashen as she hears this, a bit ill to her stomach which churns once or twice before settling again.

The expression on her face remains, amazingly. Deep down she wanted to wretch with the idea of feeding off of blood.

Trying to maintain her dignity and poise, she moistens her lips gently then proceeds.

"Are all such creatures evil, as you say?"

Sol Invictus
Apr 8th, 2003, 04:41:29 PM
Sol smiles, the two fangs in his upper row of teeth making the expression maniacal. He chuckles deep in his throat, a malicious sound that would set anyone on edge.


Apr 8th, 2003, 06:41:15 PM
Her eyes drift down his face slowly, settling upon the sharp canine teeth distended from the man's mouth.

Alrighty. Admittedly, that is something she hasn't seen on a daily basis, so yes, its quite unsettling.

Perhaps even more unnerving is the accompanying chuckle. Sable casts her glance down to the table's surface for a mere few seconds before taking a breath and lifting her head once again.

"Why? Why is there a need to be evil? So far, you've not shown any such behavior towards I. Why is that?"

Sol Invictus
Apr 8th, 2003, 06:57:05 PM
Sol gives another sinister chuckle.

"You are lucky one. I have already fed."

Apr 8th, 2003, 10:13:33 PM
"I see."

A few moments of silence passes betwixt the two, Sable thinking over what he's said to her.

"For that I am grateful. I do not think I would taste all that good to you, anyways."

Sol Invictus
Apr 9th, 2003, 10:13:14 AM
"That is for me to judge," Sol says, eyeing the vein in her neck where her blood pulses.

The red wine of life is burning in Sol's thoughts. The endless bloodlust set upon him by Valirion is maddening, though Sol hardly requires another bloodmeal tonight. His fingers drum idly against one another as he suppresses it.

Apr 9th, 2003, 10:33:12 AM
"So you think. How do you know that my blood would not be a poison to you? Certainly the DNA of every human, humanoid, and creature in the universe is not the same. Are you so sure that my blood would not eat you alive from the inside out?"

Sol Invictus
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:11:30 PM
"The only beings with blood that could be remotely poisonous to vampyres are animals...sentint humanoids tend to be a sweet meal indeed..."

Apr 9th, 2003, 03:31:20 PM
"You sound so confident. Yet, you know nothing of my people. I appear human, how do you know I am truly human?"

Sol Invictus
Apr 9th, 2003, 09:27:09 PM
"I did not say you were a human, rather, I referred to you as a humanoid. Humans are not our only prey...Twi'leks, Rodians...all kinds of races are perfect meals."

Apr 9th, 2003, 09:55:21 PM
"Perhaps mine is not."

She just states simply.

"Is blood the only means you have to sustain you?"

Sol Invictus
Apr 10th, 2003, 04:12:44 PM
Sol opts to ignore her question.

"Your determination to make yourself appear as an unworthy meal is admirable, but foolish. There is nothing to stop me from taking your life to sustain my own."

Apr 11th, 2003, 01:27:44 PM
"Is that so?"

She has to smile a little, just enough to curl the left corner of her mouth. Sitting up against the back of the booth's seat, her hands lace together while remaining atop of the table.

"Then why haven't you tried to do as such just yet?"

Sol Invictus
Apr 11th, 2003, 01:56:14 PM
"If you would think back, you would know the answer. I have told you already why I haven't fed on you yet."

Apr 11th, 2003, 04:19:51 PM
"Yet? I don't think you'll have the chance to feed on me."

Sable rises fluidly from the table and dips her head in an appropriate nod.

"I bid you a good evening."

Thus, she only has a few steps to go before she is back at her own table, where she begins to gather her things to prepare to leave for her nightly walk.

Sol Invictus
Apr 12th, 2003, 12:19:48 PM
Sol sits still, seemingly unmoved at her sudden departure. He waits until she gets out the door, then stands and follows. Whether she knows it or not, she is setting herself up perfectly as his next meal.

Apr 12th, 2003, 07:32:34 PM
Night has fallen. The stars are numerous against the midnight backdrop, a few whispy clouds drift past a silver sliver of moon, and there's a warm, gentle breeze in the air this evening.

Perfect. Well away from the restaurant now, Sable's ventured off into a beautiful park area. New buds are blooming everywhere, exotic florals and brush filling in with spring's vibrant colors.

Sensitive ears have picked up the other sounds as well. A few that just don't fit with the perfect evening. Senses heightened, of course when one lives in the lush jungles of Arastonia, they learn what to listen for when things seem far too perfect.

The sound of rushing water is heard in the near distance. This is the direction she heads to. Approximately twelve minutes later, she's standing on a small bridge, watching the water racing by underneath.

The winter snows have been melting steadily since the season has started to change, creating the return of the flowing stream. Soon, other animals would return to the area to graze, mate and feed. Some endangered, others not. Must be a beautiful sight to behold when everything is fully awakened.

"Either the scent of my perfume has tempted your senses enough to follow me, or you think I will be your next victim."

She speaks quietly in the darkness. If his ears are as sensitive as hers, then he'd hear her clear as a bell.

For now . . .

She waits.

Sol Invictus
Apr 13th, 2003, 09:30:44 AM
Her answer? Sol draws his silver slugthrower from his trenchcoat and fires at Sable from where he stands hidden, splintering the railing she's leaning on. His next victim? Perhaps. It actually hadn't occurred to Sol to make a meal of her, but now that she mentions it, it doesn't sound like a bad idea. Sol simply seeks to kill her for her disrespect of the Shrine.

Apr 13th, 2003, 10:19:35 AM
Hearing the weapon release and cut through the air, Sable stands from leaning against the railing; but her reaction isn't faster than a speeding slug. As the railing splinters, sending bits and pieces of jagged, sharp wood into the air, her hands come up to cross in front of her face; protecting her eyes from being hit.

This happens all so quickly that Sable loses her footing. With a cry of surprise, she slips off the edge of the bridge, where the railing was split, her hands suddenly come over her head, catching the edge just in the nick of time.

The racing waters below are freezing, run off from the mountain's peaks usually are and the nighttime temperatures are still a bit chilly. Plus, it's about a fifty foot drop.

"Help! Someone, please! Help!"

Her voice calls out into the night, her hands shifting to maintain her grip for as long as possible.

Sol Invictus
Apr 13th, 2003, 10:41:13 AM
A strong grip takes her hand. Sol pulls hard, swiftly changing his grip to take her by the throat and hold her over the bridge's edge.

"Another helpless victim. You're not as different from others as you made yourself out to be."

Apr 13th, 2003, 11:24:53 AM
Head tilted back, she only sees the hand reaching down, grasping hers. The hard pull upwards pulls her muscle a bit; the other hand is used to aid in trying to pull herself the rest of the way up. Just as a knee is about to make contact with the bridge's planks, she gasps!

Both of her hands suddenly curl tense fingers around the wrist of Sol, holding tight as he holds her up over the waters by her throat.

Sure, there's some fear in her eyes, who in the heck expects to be saved just to be dangled over the edge again?

However, as he finishes calling her a weak victim, her right knee is drawn up close to the front of her hip; then suddenly the heel of her foot is thrust out and up, hoping to connect with his chin.

Sol Invictus
Apr 13th, 2003, 11:35:42 AM
At such close quarters Sol is hard pressed to dodge, but the vampyre excels more in the mental aspects of the Force than anything else. She kicks him, forcing him to let her go and fall back. She plummets and Sol catches her, holding her with telekinesis.

"If you'd like to continue breaking my grip on you, please do. There's naught but the chill water below to catch you. From this height, it will be something like hitting durracrete I expect. I don't believe you shall live through such a thing."

Apr 13th, 2003, 11:44:59 AM
Free falling, arms flailing in circles backwards as if trying to backstroke in mid air, silvery-pale blue eyes go wide as her heart feels as if its lept up into her throat.

But there is no pain of hitting the rushing, cold waters below; there's no shock of the cold penetrating her skin. There's only the sound of the water rushing up to meet her ears and the feeling of being held up by unseen hands.

Snapping her head from side to side once, looking to see what the heck has just happened, chest rising and falling deeply with panted breaths. Looking back up to him, she must concede -- therefore, she utters not a word.

The ball is in his court now and she'll just have to keep her wits about her pretty lil' head and think quickly; move when the time is right.

Sol Invictus
Apr 13th, 2003, 12:04:26 PM
She rises to his height to find Sol standing with his arms folded, glasses glowing pale silver in the moon's light, his trenchcoat whipping lightly in the breeze. Her arms and legs spasm and her arms are drawn out to her sides while her legs are brought together, hanging in midair on Sol's telekinetic cross. The slugthrower is drawn and a single bullet is fired. It comes to a halt milimeters before her face, still raging against Sol's Force to make it's killing blow.

"Do you still think yourself immune to the whims of vampyres?"

Apr 13th, 2003, 12:10:38 PM
As he makes her rise, she looks to the right and left again. Just a natural reaction an unnatural situation.

"Ahh!" She hisses as her arms are forced out at her sides and legs brought together, resembling that of a crucifix. When Sol removes his weapon, her eyes close slowly; she's about to die and she knows it.

Deciding to face her fate head on, she opens her eyes again and they widen when the bullet stops before impacting, hovering in the air just before her face. Of course her eyes remain focused on that as she swallows slowly; a hard and dry swallow.

"I never said I was immune. I just said I wouldn't taste too good."

She whispers, her eyes following the sleek bullet's length until they settle to Sol's reflective glasses.

Sol Invictus
Apr 13th, 2003, 12:17:18 PM
A sinsiter chuckle precedes Sol's actions. The bullet's momentum runs its course and the Vampyre drops it into he water below. With a gesture of his hand Sable finds herself in his grasp once more, held fast by his telekinesis. He lowers her arms and smiles, showing the fangs that are the mark of all vampyres.

"Shall we test that theory?"

Apr 13th, 2003, 02:37:38 PM
"No." She whispers, gazing into those reflective glasses upon his face; those used to hide his eyes. Unable to move against the power being used to keep her from moving, there isn't much else she can do.

Still, she bides her time.

Sol Invictus
Apr 15th, 2003, 10:49:33 AM
"Very well. But learn from this experience, that defiance of any sort against a vampyre could mean your life. This, know also; Many vampyres are less merciful than I."

He throws her across the bridge, letting her skid to a stop on her face. When she turns to find him he's gone.

Apr 15th, 2003, 06:35:18 PM

Thrown through the air like a rag doll, Sable hits the planks of the bridge, smacking her right cheek hard against it. Instant pain radiates out, making her close her eyes as she winces. Slivers embed themselves in the palms of her hands and she lays there a moment, catching her breath.


A quiet groan is released as she pushes herself up, twisting to sit against her left hip while raising a hand to her bruising and swelling cheek.

As her fingertips dab against the sore spot, gently of course, she winces again.

"Ow . . . "

Silvery-pale blue eyes scan the area, but find no trace of the vampyre she only knows as Sol Invictus.


An hour later, Sable is strolling along at a snail's pace, heading towards her ship.