View Full Version : Post Mortem

Gurney Devries
Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:15:51 PM
You know those days when you think, "I should have just stayed in bed today"? Well, I did. And I was dragged out of bed at some ungodly hour by authorities, a warrant shoved in my face as if that explained everything. Two hours later, I find myself sitting in prison cell about half as cold as Hoth with a pair of cuffs around my wrists. And I still haven't had breakfast.

The uniformed goons which pass for the Pol around here only gave me a cursory explanation as to why I'm sitting in this cell. Gotta love the judiciary system on Coruscant sometimes. The hounds get one sniff of blood and they're all over it like white on stormtroopers. Then again, they may have a little more than a whiff of blood in this case; From what I gather, they're holding me for questioning in regards to murder. Somebody apparently forgot to tell these whackjobs that Jedi ain't exactly killers.

My head was bowed and I was rattling away at the cuffs with mild discomfort when I heard the forcefield snap off, followed by footsteps entering the room. I didn't look up because I didn't have to. There were three men - One guy and two bodyguards, by the sound of it.

"Hello Mr. Devries. I trust we haven't put you through too much discomfort, hmm? I apologize for putting you through this but procedure is procedure after all. Would you like a cup of coffee or something to eat, Mr. Devries?"

Great. So the jerks have enough common courtesy to give me a reacharound while they're screwing me. How thoughtful of them.

"Yeah, sure," I grunted. "How about telling me what this is about while you're at it?"

I lifted my head. Seems my hearing wasn't doing too bad after all: The suit-and-tie was flanked by two uniformed guards just a few steps behind him. A puzzled look stretched his face in a way that looked almost comical.

"You mean, no one's explained that to you yet?"

Captain Obvious. I gave him a hard look that saved me the trouble of voicing something even more sarcastic.

"Aherm, right. Ok then. Follow me and I'll try to inform you of the situation as best I can."

Everything about this guy smelled like a blood-sucking bastard to me. The kind that are only friendly to you so long as you're feeding them a steady line of credits. A lawyer, then.

He kept on gabbing away as we walked down the clinical looking hallways. We turned, entering a hallway with gray doors lining it on either side. Each door had a square window set in it, but they were all too dark to actually see in.

"As I'm sure you're aware, Mr. Devries, your wife passed away nearly 3 years ago under... mysterious circumstances."

I stopped. Nearly stumbled, in fact. He said a couple of more words then, but I couldn't hear him over the swimming in my head.

"Jaellyn?", I whispered.

"... suspect. Now, I know this may be hard for you, Mr. Devries, but I just want to ask you a few questions."

I nodded my head numbly. Frell staying in bed, I should have moved to the Outer Rim. Become a Jedi out amongst all the criminal scum out there. Would have kept me busy, at least.

We went through the motions. He led me into a large, pretty much empty room with a table, two chairs and nothing else. There was a single window about 15 feet up on the right wall, which was the only source of light in the room. I kept that in mind.

The lawyer offered me a seat and I took it, plopping myself down with hardly more than a grunt.

"You wanted to ask me questions, so ask."

He looked a little non-plussed, shuffling his papers like a hustler shuffles a deck of cards.

"Ah, yes. Hmm. Perhaps you can start for me by describing where you were and what you were doing at the time of your wife's death."

I know he was trying to be as gentle about this as possible, but the words still stung like needles jammed straight through my breastplate. I don't think I'd ever manage to completely forget about Jaellyn. But through meditation and copious amounts of time, I've managed to keep her from occupying my every waking thought. Way to go pouring salt in a barely closed wound.

"That... will take a bit of an explanation," I said.

"Go ahead, start at the beginning, then. And please don't leave anything out. I have plenty of time."

Gurney Devries
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:16:50 AM
I brought my hands up to my face, pressing the palm of one hand against my mouth as I tried to gather my toughts. Behind me, a door opened. Heavy footsteps bounced and echoed off the towering walls of the room, stopping right behind me. A hand reached forward and set a cup of coffee on the table. Without waiting to see if I'd say anything, the man turned around and left the way he came.

I picked up the coffee, wrapping both my hands around it like a child holding a cup of hot cocoa. Partly because I enjoyed the warmth of it, but mostly because my hands were still cuffed together. I took one long sip, trying not to actually taste it as it went down.

"Right. So three standard years ago, I was still working for a private shipping agency."

There was an eyebrow raised about this, but the suit didn't say a word. 'Private Shipping agency' pretty much translated to 'smuggling' in any language.


"Gurney. Hey, Gurney! YO DRENHEAD!"

I shook my head briefly. If you didn't keep a reign on it, the spice could often take you to a whole other planet. A planet where Rancors did the pole dance for 15 credits a pop and my timepiece took up singing in its free time. Not a bad place to visit, but I have a nasty tendency of missing the flight out sometimes.

"Huh? Oh yeah, here ya go," I said as I slapped the datapad into my boss's hand. It was a copy of my last shipping manifest. He'd glance it over, nod his head once or twice and toss it in the appropriate drawer. We kept them in case of any dispute arose after delivery, which happened quite often. Or rather, it did... until we started charging a 5% surcharge for having to go break out the lists and go over them again.

"Got anything else for me?", I asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes I do. The risk is a little higher on this one than usual, but so is the pay."

I grunted. Typical.

"Just tell me where to go and I'll be there."

"You're scheduled to meet with some thugs over at ShadowFaene Fortress tomorrow at oh-six-hundred, standard time. Think you can do that?"

I rolled my eyes in the direction of my cargo ship. "I can and you know it. I just hope I'm getting overtime for this crap." We both laughed.

"Yeah, yeah... there'll be a bonus in it for you if you don't screw it up."

I flashed him my best winning grin. "Hey, boss, you know me." Totally confident.

"Yeah, I do. That's why I'm going to repeat myself: Don't screw this up. Okay Gurney? And stay off the spice while you're over there. Don't want our new clients thinking I hire addicts to ship their goods."

"You mean you don't?"

He glared at me. Obviously, he didn't find that quite as funny as I did. I picked my utility belt up off the crate I had tossed it on and threw it back around my waist, fastening its strap as I walked up the ramp of my freighter. 10 hours later, I was stepping foot onto the docking bay in Shadowfaene. And it looked like my greeters were right on time as well.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 03:02:09 PM
As if it wasn't bad enough that I'd been apprehended yet again ( on this crapshoot city and taken into the custody of the NR forces, but the imbiciles kept insisting I had something to do with some vanished Jedi.

I'd already been through the back and forth, play on words, twisting truths routine with the Coruscant Brass flunkies and I honestly couldn't tell them a single thing about one Peirce Tondry.... What kind of a name was "Peirce" anyway?

But you think these self-righteous morons would believe me? Not a chance. Who could resist a face like mine, I ask you? But noooo. They gotta be thorough. They gotta be sure. All I can do is shake my head, and hope Lady Vader is banging her head against the same brick walls. Least that would be some consolation. I feel better at that thought.

Even better than that, I'm relieved when I think I had the foresight 6 months ago to pay a crooked Coruscant Watch Baton-twirler to steel back my lightsaber from the CCW evidence room from my arrest prior this one. Beating the rap for murdering <a href =""> Senator Acaana </a>was one of my more trickier dances. But beat it I did, and lucky for me, I did so quite some time before staying here at the "NR Motel 6" once again.

Stepping into the spartan interrogation room, I resist the urge to punch somebody - course that would be kinda hard being as my hands are cuffed together and on a link chain running from around my neck to my handcuffs and on down to the leg-irons. I can stand and sit and walk, thats it. Oh..and talk. Yep, I can talk and answer questions like I been answering all frelling week.

The guy licking donut jam off his chin pulls out a chair for me to sit down on, and his buddy adjusts the retarded little hololamp to shine on my face. Good grief..

"Get that out of my eyes, you idiot."

Donut boy reaches over adjusting it slightly then sits on the corner of the metal frame desk.

I dont even wait for them to ask, before I answer. Im beginning to sound like a broken sound chip.

"Look, fella's. I told you. I DONT know what happened to Tondry. I dont even know who he is!"

The two guys exchange glances - its clear they dont know what Im talking about.

"Actually, Ms. DrenKast..this is about another member of the Greater Jedi Order."

Oh this is rich..I start to laugh for the first time since LV shot Sage Hazzard out of her ships airlock.

"What? Dont tell me you guys have lost another Jedi."

Still laughing, it takes me a second to register what the man is saying.

"No, no - we know where he is actually. We want to talk to you about the murder you witnessed...er...(he checks his info sheet)....approximately 3 years ago. This is about a Mr. Gurney Devries."

Ok, that shuts me up.

"Devries.....well there's a name I havent heard in a while. Killed his wife. Pretty brutal, then went to hide among the Jedi. You know..you guys really should do a major Investigation into that GJO joint. I mean..ALL the "reformed" psychos go there. You could probably wrap up so many unfinished cases, just by knockin on the front door. In fact, I bet -- "

I didnt get to finish..which was too bad, cause I was just getting warmed up, and I really do have some good ideas.

"Ms. DrenKast, we would like to know what your assossiation was with Mr. Devries and how you came to be at the scene of the crime that night."

I rubbed my chin thoughtfully (having to bend my head down awkwardly and lift my hands up to so) . I recalled to mind the first time I met Gurney Devries. I remember the day he showed up at my Base for a job. It was my birthday and we were gonna make some big creds on a simple run. Bonus.

"You know..how bout some rum? I remember better with rum"

I smiled hopefully, and "Donut-Joe" looked, nodding, to his partner, who pressed the intercom and instructed the liquor to be brought.