View Full Version : Time to be checking your e-mails... SWG Beta 3... is NOW!

Apr 2nd, 2003, 03:00:27 PM

We officially started Beta 3 today!

Here are important notes:We will be inviting 5000 new people by Friday (go easy on those F5 keys)
The NDA is still in place. We’ll let you know when it has been lifted.
We will be adding more people next week and the week after. We would like to ramp up to 50,000 by early May.
The process is mostly random, but we will still hand pick people who we think would make good testers from these forums.
We do not have an official release date yet, but will inform you as soon as we do. (We would like to get little bit into Beta 3 first so we can be confident of any date we give you).

Since we just switched to Beta 3, I’m a little swamped today so I’ll leave you with a quick glimpse of the most recent patch notes.

quote:Added a /find command, type it, choose what you what to find, and an active waypoint is made to the nearest type of that structure.
Hooked up all the shadow options in the options screen - now you can do no shadows, simple shadows, or volumetric shadows. On volumetric, you can choose how far out around you things shadow.
Further significant improvements to client frame rate, especially on Naboo.
Added popup help to the planetary map, skill window, stat migration
Fixed arrival point for the Theed Hangar so it's now in front of a door instead of behind a wall.
Fixed some bugs with guilds: sponsoring someone when there is no guild leader, made guild wars require consent from both sides before attacking is allowed, better messages for accepting and declining sponsored guild members.
Added some new animations for healing
If you live long enough to hear a creature breathe, breathing noises should be set up on creatures.
Fixed some typos in the newbie tutorial conversations.
Wookiees now have 25 fur patterns instead of 8
Wookiee roar should work now (/innate command)
/afk - fix ping-pong effect when 2 people are AFK and one messages the other to tell them they're back, and then that gets the other guy saying that they are still afk, then you say you're afk back to him, and then he says . . .you get the picture.

Happy Beta 3 Day!

-Kevin O'Hara
Community Relations Manager

5,000 invites out by Friday, 50k total in Beta by early May.

And I'd tell about the game, but the NDA is still in place. :)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 2nd, 2003, 08:55:37 PM
:( nothing in the E-Mail yet... And I went to double check my E-mail address in my profile, and even reactivated an older E-Mail account to double/triple make sure.

Sure, I bet Tal-N is one of those had picked Beta3 Testers, but is me? Nope, gotta just count on my luck. Which isn't that good...
Didn't even get selected to Beta Test WarCraft3

Darth Viscera
Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:55:23 PM
nothing in my email yet.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:31:45 PM
Checked again... Nothing :(

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:57:21 AM
every 2-3 hours... *sigh* nope...

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 4th, 2003, 08:00:47 PM
Still Nothing, but hey! I thought up a solution to the PvP problem. (The Lack of PVP that is.)

Yes, I know millions of these have poped up, but... here we go.
Why not give Player City Mayors Control over PvP?
The Town Itself, and maybe 50 ft from walls, make it all PvP if the Mayor, or the citizens of the Player City, decide on it.

Ok, here is an Example of how it would work.

Bob walks up to the player city. The map shows the entire place with a faint Red Glow, Indicating it is a PvP Player City. Now, Bob can either decide to take his chances, or avoid the place.
Normally, Bob would of avoided the place, but he was looking for his friend's shop. Which just so happened to be located in the depths of the sprawling city. So, Bob proceeds forward. Upon entering the PvP City, a message pops across the screen, informing him what city he has entered, that is a PvP Area. Half-Way across town, a Gun carrying maniac by the name of Jack, opens fire. He attacks Bob.

From there, a couple things could happen.

If Bob Fights Back, but still dies, it would label Jack a Villian. And Xanatos will be able to place a Bounty on his Head.
(Bounty Hunters then would not have to challange Jack to a fight to kill him. They would just have to start shooting.)

If Bob Fights Back, and Wins, his Faction Standing for either Imp or Reb (depending on which way he is leaning) Goes Up.

If Bob tries to Run,(never fighting back) and he dies. Jack will be labeled a Murderer, and become open game to anyone, anywhere for a RL Day, or other extended time.
NPC's won't sell to him, City Guard will be looking for him. Etc. Etc.
His Faction will also drop.
(The Emprie and Rebels both want Law abiding Citiziens.)

PvP area Hopping
What if someone starts a Fight in a PvP area but then runs to safty? Wouldn't Work, if both sides start to fight, then it becomes a duel to the death.
But If one runs to safty without fighting back, then he would be safe.

Corpse Camping
If you where killed in a in a PvP area zone, you can not be attacked by anyone in a PvP zone until you exit the zone and re-enter. Basically "Refreshing" your PvP self.

(also posted here because no one responding at SWG. Guess the title isn't exiting enough or something.)

Lady Vader
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:29:29 PM
Nothing on my end either.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 5th, 2003, 10:59:39 PM
Hotmail... Is Down! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I can't check for more E-mails!!! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!!

Darth Viscera
Apr 6th, 2003, 03:35:49 AM
God save the queen? She's nearly 77 years old, which is over the life expectancy for females born in 1926. She has 2 palaces and 2 castles. She has pet corgis. How much more saved can she be? It would be one thing if she were living in a dumpster in Birmingham with a hat made out of a trash can top like Oscar the Grouch and licking ashes out of dirty ashtrays, but she's living it up with a near-Snoop Dog degree of wealth and decadence.

God save Emperor Akihito! At least he's got prostate cancer!

And has anyone ever noticed that Northern Ireland looks like a really really small Australia on the map? Yes, I'm thinking of that too. Time portal!

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 6th, 2003, 04:54:15 AM
God Save the World? How bout that?

Lol, I added that God Save the Queen was remembering the many books feature Sparhawk, and he says it often.
I thinking about reading that entire series again.

Darth Viscera
Apr 6th, 2003, 06:59:42 AM
God Save the World? Well now, aren't you a wee bit of a slavedriver! God save this, God save that! Why don't you just let God take a breather, veg out on the couch and have a taco?

Apr 6th, 2003, 07:36:59 AM
Darth Viscera, wouldn't the Queen of Microsoft be Melinda Gates? I can't believe Billl G. would marry and have kids with someone in her seventies. ;)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 6th, 2003, 01:37:23 PM
Ok, then at least let God Save me from the idiots which rule the world!
I'll buy him the taco personally.

Supreme Space Galactic TACO!!!

Lady Vader
Apr 6th, 2003, 07:18:01 PM

Dear Lord, you guys are nutty!!

*Huggles them all for being nuts*