View Full Version : Blues and Jazz
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:27:42 PM
Usually, people walk into the Recruitment Center alone, or in large clusters. The Recruitment Center is like GJO's front door; groups of Jedi are constantly in and out, and new recruits and messengers come alone on their own business. Today, a young couple steps through the open doors into the cool air of the Jedi headquarters. Both wear robes and have long black hair. Blues squeezes his wife's hand gently as they stop inside the door.
"They can help us, honey. I'm sure of it.
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:34:26 PM
Jazz nodded but remained silent as they walked, her thoughts elsewhere as they mostly were, after all given what had happened to them it was only natural that her thoughts would be haunted.
Xazor Elessar
Apr 2nd, 2003, 06:16:13 PM
Quietly from the shadows a figure clad in black robes crept. The hood of her garments were drawn up over her head and her identity was masked by the darkness.
"Greetings -- you seek the Jedi this day. Please, speak your mind -- what is it you desire?"
The voice was gentle yet powerful and the aura surrounding the figure was one of power and dignity. Slowly she stepped into the light and allowed it to bathe her as one hand slinked up and tugged away at the hood, revealing her face to the couple for the first time. The waist length Garou Warrior Braids in her hair fell to her back and the silver coins clanged together softly as she offered a friendly smile to them.
"I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Elessar."
She stated with a respectful bow before rising to full height once again. Her smile remained and one could clearly see her pearly white canine teeth peaking out from below her upper lip and above her lower. A Jedi was she, but not human -- a humanoid -- a Garou -- a werewolf.
"I sense you have a purpose here this day -- I shall do my best to aid you in whatever you seek."
Apr 2nd, 2003, 06:26:13 PM
"Yes. My name is Blues, and this is my wife, Jazz. We've come to be Jedi, Miss Elessar."
He squeezes his wife's hand again with a sigh and a sorrowful smile.
"We...want to prevent our misfortunes from befalling others..."
Apr 2nd, 2003, 06:29:56 PM
Jazz learned on her husband a bit, her eyes held a mournful look most of the time.
"No one deserves what befell us..."
Xazor Elessar
Apr 13th, 2003, 01:39:19 PM
She questioned softly, knowing that many who travelled to the Greater Jedi Order had suffered massive events in their lives.
"I mean not to pry, but what happened to you?"
Apr 13th, 2003, 08:11:33 PM
"It's fine...we would probably have told you anyway, in the end..."
Blues sighs, looking to the floor and composing himself before continuing.
"My wife and I were simple peasant folk. I was a fisherman, going out to sea while my wife stayed home with our baby. The outlying forests were filled with barbarians. Usually the walls and soldiers were enough to keep them out, but one day they broke the defenses. They killed our baby slowly before our very eyes, then pinned me to the wall with daggers while they cut Jazz open."
Blue's shifts his arm, and Xazor can see a thin scar near his wrist.
Apr 13th, 2003, 08:17:37 PM
"We'll never have another child...never have a chance to protect our own baby. So we decided that we would finally take advantage of our Force sensitivity and come out of our peaceful lives to protect the families of others, and prevent them from having to deal with such pain."
Jazz said quietly with obvious pain in her voice as her eyes looked to the floor.
Xazor Elessar
Apr 14th, 2003, 04:05:10 PM
Xazor sighed and when her eyes came to rest upon the man's wounds, it was evident to her that they had suffered a great hardship. Her heart truly ached for them and the thought of such an aweful thing happening made the anger in the Knight's heart swell -- though she surpressed it and pushed the thoughts from her mind. At that moment she wanted to reached out and take the couple in her arms and hold them closely, promising that this would never happen again -- but she knew it inevitably would, and their future was in question at the moment.
"I think it is wonderful that you wish to do this -- but honestly, I do have one worry about the motives for your coming here."
The woman paused a moment to allow herself time to gather her thoughts. After coming to what she wished to say, Xazor continued with a gentle smile.
"Many come here with ambition in their hearts -- an ambition to stop all pain and suffering in the galaxy, and if not all of it -- at least that caused by a situation that they had seen right before there eyes. Soon this becomes their whole focus and then they become angry -- this anger drives them into a very dangerous state, something close to that of a darksider. They begin to walk a fine line and soon, they fall into the shoes of the ones they were wishing to destroy. They are not better than those who kill for they do it themselves."
Again Xazor paused, hoping this was making sense to Blues and Jazz. She did not wish to hurt them by her words, but make a point clear to them.
"As a Jedi we must be loving and compassionate, but that does not mean, but any standards, that we must sit around and be passive about such things like this. It does mean, however, that you cannot openly attack anyone for something like this -- you must be a defender and you must never touch anger and use it. You must uphold the Jedi Code and never break it. Though the Council is very gracious, there are some things that are inexcusable. Several of these things -- even I am guilty of."
She hoped that by telling them this they would understand that there were people who lived the life she had just told them to stay away from -- but she also hoped that they would be a compassionate people and not judge her as many had.
"These are just a few things for you to think about -- this is a very important decision on your part and I want you to understand that the Jedi Code is a committment not to break."
Apr 14th, 2003, 04:37:55 PM
"Anger is not suited to protecting anyone," Blues says with a slight smile. "We know that much...anger in others has brought us suffering. We don't want to cause anyone such trouble."
Apr 14th, 2003, 04:43:40 PM
"We only wish to keep misfortunes like ours from happening to others."
She shut her eyes, trying not to remember again.
Xazor Elessar
Apr 22nd, 2003, 05:48:10 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently, though she remained saddened by their dillemma.
"You have given me your word and I know your heart is pure. Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order. A Master shall be chosen for you as soon as one comes available. In the mean time, find yourselves a room in the Living Quarters or watch others train in the Academy. Maybe you might ask for open training until you find a teacher. Also, enjoy a nice meal at Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill -- tell 'em it's on Xazor tonight and you can eat for free if you wish."
She said softly and drew forth from her robes a small holo-map with information and directions to everything within the Jedi Order and the surrounding area.
"Here, take this so you can answer any further questions and also so that you can find your way around. May the Force be with you and if you ever need someone to lean on or talk to, I'm here to listen and be a friend."
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:36:21 PM
"Thank you," Blues says, accepting the map with a bow. "If we need anything, you will be among the first we seek."
The husband activates the map, studies it, then leads his wife towards the living quarters.
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:39:50 PM
"Thank you."
Jazz says quietly as they start to walk off, her tone quiet as she tries still to not think of the past, besides her dreams would that later on.
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