View Full Version : Survivor Mykyr: Tribal Council

The Host
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:53:03 PM
A large, bulky (and cheaply constructed) freighter settled down on its repulsorlifts, scattering the light early morning mist around it. On a planet called Myrkr.

Inside, the cargo was probably complaining about the lack of creature comforts inside the freighter, and about the long hours they had had to endure it. Probably very few of them realized it used to be a Trandoshan slave ship, or that it was still set up for transporting slaves like so many slabs of meat. Actually, it would be a Trandoshan slaver as soon as it took off again.

A tall, gaunt man with loose skin watched as the freighter came to a jerking stop and extended its boarding ramps. Roughly two dozen people came walking off the ship, those in the back being shoved by the Trandoshan pilot. An unsavory fellow, even for a Trandoshan. The rest of the crew were all Abyssins, who were even worse in terms of personal hygene. The man put a broad, shallow smile on his face and hailed the daring passengers. He was happy on the inside, too. It wasn't his fault that he looked like he was only pretending. His voice was rich and deep, yet similarly false-sounding.

"Hello, and welcome to Survivor Myrkr, fellow beings!"

Hm. That sounded like a good start. They milled closer, noting, no doubt, the dense forest all around the clearing they were in.

"No doubt you've noticed this dense forest all around the clearing we are in. This is what is termed the 'tribal meeting grounds'. You will all report back here in one week's time, in the evening. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Slightly. These forests all terminate to beaches and then to a large ocean after an average of two miles in each direction from the point at which I am standing - this being the middle of this island. You will be split into two teams, or 'tribes' as we will quaintly call them. Any powers you once wielded in the Force have been stripped away from you, thanks to some delightfully loathsome creatures the locals call 'ysalamiri'. Hopefully you will still be able to keep up with your tribemates. I can safely assure the rest of you that this will not be a 'cakewalk' for you, either. You will be challenged to your physical and mental limitations, and probably far past them at times. One-half of this island are the breeding grounds of the largest local wildlife around - the vornskyrs. They are kept to that side of the island by means of electronic electroshock collars and an intricate and invisible system of lasers. They'll stay to their side, never fear. To makes things slightly more 'fair', they've also been midly - and permanantly - sedated. They still are not very pleasant, so the tribe that has to live on that half of the island will have to work a little harder to survive. On the fortunate side of things, they will get to eat the vornskyrs they are able to kill. The other tribe will have to look harder for sustenance. The tribe that lives on the vornskyr half of this island is called Tribe Krayt. The other is Tribe Rancor. These are the listings of personnel for each Tribe:

<center><img src=http://www.ryla.net/images/rancor.jpg><center>

"Rancor Tribe is: Gibbon Meffoon, Remy LeBeau, Sorreessa Tarrineezi, Vega Van Derveld, James Prent, Jibrielle Abunai, Luke's Amputated Hand, Kar'h'tzen Shaed, Chaos Alexander, Epona Rhi, Zasz Grimm, and Alpha.

<center><img src=http://www.ryla.net/images/krayt.jpg><center>

"Krayt Tribe is: Evil Hobgoblin, Jackson Dewitt, Angelica Shin, Lady Daiquiri, Turcyn Rorke, Ryla Relvinian, Oddball, Dakota Gue, Silus Xilarian, YubYubEb, Kelt Simoson, and Lady Vader

"Please split up into your respective tribes at this time, get to know each other, and get embroiled in petty rivalries and schemes to off each other. Each week, you will all report back here for a... 'challenge'. These will be fun. For me. At the end, one member of each tribe will be voted off. If anyone dies in a tribe before voting time, then that tribe doesn't have to vote anyone off. Eventually, I will merge the tribes - but you don't have to worry about that for some time. Please make yourselves as comfortable as possible. You will all be here for a very long time. Well, some of you longer than others. The local weather authorities inform me that we'll have severe rainstorms in three days' time. You may want to take that under consideration."

The host looked around, eyeing each of the contestants in turn.

"Good luck, if such a thing exists. If you have questions, you will have to just live with them. You now have to leave this clearing in under five minutes. Once five minutes have passed, the electroshock devices each of you has had surreptuously implanted at the bases of your skulls - or, ahem, equivalents - while you were drugged to sleep onboard that freighter will begin discharging until you leave the area and are within the confines of your tribe's half of the island. See you in one standard week, contestants."

The Trandoshan slave ship takes off, leaving dust and debris swirling in its wake. The host stiffly walks into his durasteel-construct hut.

James Prent
Apr 1st, 2003, 07:38:00 PM
James looked around, a slightly dazed look in her eyes, and then shouldered her bag, looking around at her fellow teammates. She scratched the base of her neck, and blew out a breath of air.

It was muggy. It was a jungle. And there was no Force.

In the middle of the clearing, between the two tribes, were two crates. Inside the crates were some useful items: a five inch knife with a serrated edge, two watertight canisters of rice, a roll of heavy duty twine and three fishhooks. James didn't see anyone else taking charge, so she timidly asked, "Should we divide up the food among us so one person doesnt' have to carry it all?"

Apr 1st, 2003, 07:45:03 PM
Satine looks around, unncomfortable at the fact that his Force powers had been stripepd away. that was normally one of his best advantages in battles. He listened as the host rattled off the names for the tribes.

"We have an amputated hand on our tribe?" he asks himself, the noticing one of his fellow Rancor members asking a very good question a few minutes later.

"A good idea. And who should we have divide it, so the other team knows that we aren't cheating."

Satine extends his hand to James. "The name's Satine Capashen. And you are...?"

Silus Xilarian
Apr 1st, 2003, 08:01:31 PM
As the Host walked away, Silus looked around at his teammates for a moment. All of them were strangers, so strategizing who would be best for what job was completely out of the question. Upon hearing the woman from the Rancor tribe speak, Silus stepped up, eyeballing his tribe's crate for a moment.

"There isnt much in here, I can carry it" he said, as he lofted the crate onto his shoulder and turned back toward where the Krayt Tribe had assembled.

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 1st, 2003, 08:34:45 PM
Jibrielle watched as the Host left everyone before turning around. Her heart ached with despair when she heard Hobgoblin was on the opposing team, the Krayt Tribe, and now looking upon the faces of the others, the Apprentice noticed she knew ... nobody. Only one was familiar, Zasz, but they had only briefly met.

Biting the inside of her cheek, she looked over at the origin of voices and saw a man carry off one of the crates. Immediately she walked over to the remaining one and peered inside with a satisfied grin. At least they weren't left with nothing. She slipped away and went back to her original place before looking around.

"How about the Rancor Tribe comes together and we all introduce ourselves to each other ?" she said loudly for the others to hear.

This would clear up a lot of confusion and help each other become more comfortable. If that was possible.

Luke's Amputated Hand
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:45:33 PM
Armed (no pun intended) with its trusty chop stick, the Hand scitter across the deck of the ship, plopping onto the moist moss covering the ground. It "looked" to the left and "looked" to the right, recognizing the shoes/feet/legs of its team mates. It then scitter... well, more like bounced... across the moss to stand with the rest of Rancor Tribe.

Hmmm... avoiding sand traps was going to be fun.

The Hand scittered around to face the hiking boots worn by a woman who had just spoken about how they should carry the supplies. It then scittered around to face an equally pair of sturdy shoes worn by a young man who had just stated that they should introdcue themselves.

Answering to both calls, the Hand hopped onto a nearby rock and sat on it's stump, hand-signing who it was (like no one could tell it was an amputated hand). Then, remaining on it's stump, it stretched it's hand out wide in the woman's direction, offering to take his portion of the supplies.

Lady Vader
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:49:05 PM
*LV emerged into the jungle from the respective civilization that was the ship. Pretty soon that piece of civilization would be gone.*

*Shouldering her satchel, she made her way to where Krayt Tribe was gathering, looking at her surroundings and listening to the hushed jungle sounds. She knew far too well that those hushed sounds would become nearly deafening at night.*

*She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. This place reminded her of parts of Dathomir.*

Feels like home.

*She then turned to the blue haired woman, answering her question and introducing herself to the tribe.*

That's a good idea. My name is Lady Vader.

Jackson DeWitt
Apr 1st, 2003, 10:31:17 PM
"I dunno"

Jackson looked around the jungle, eyes wide at the sights to be seen.

"Sure don't look like home to me."

It was a massive change. Having lived all his life on Tattooine, Jackson was used to bleak and bleary landscapes of sand. Here, it was exactly the opposite, with thick jungle and humid air all around him. He smiled, in spite of himself.

"You could get lost in a place like this..."

Holding his first aid kit, Jackson wandered about, careful not to stray too far from Krayt team.

Epona Rhi
Apr 1st, 2003, 10:31:51 PM
Walking off the ramp of the transport, slinging her backpack on. Epona walked over to her tribe members and nodded to each. She smiled as she recognized Satine.

"Hey guys, Name's Epona."

She walked over to where James Prent was with the crates.

"I'll help carry some stuff. Hey Capashen, fancy seeing you here."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 1st, 2003, 11:40:10 PM
Carefully hefting the reinforced bag that carries both her clothing and the razor wire, Daiquiri glanced at her 'tribe-mates', memorizing their faces. There would be time enough later for more formal introductions.

She had grown used to the heavy underbrush and tree growth back at Fascinataru and what was in front of her now, while unknown, wasnt un-similar.

They had already lost almost one of the five minutes the Host had alloted them and she - for one - wasnt going to wait around for some trigger happy clown to zap her with an electric current.

Moving up beside the male who had shouldered their crate, she jerks her head toward the trees.

"The rest of you may not mind getting shocked but I do. Im going on to scout a good location for camp."

With a quick glance over at the Rancor tribe, Daiq smiles and blows a kiss to Vega before disappearing through the trees.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 2nd, 2003, 03:07:29 AM
Sorreesa fluttered her ears, looking out into a sea of unfamilar faces, the only force user she knew was her husband. The force draining animals didn't apply to her, she had no force ability to speak of but she wasn't easy prey either. An ex officer of the Cizerack KAR, she was well-versed in fighting styles and her race were good hunters. Still what could she expect from these people, they sure weren't going to act like Inu towards her, not that she wanted that being a married woman and all.

Kelt Simoson
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:21:14 AM
Taking a panning view of the forest Kelt breathed in a heavy bolt of fresh air and then after holding it for a few moments he let out a pleasured sigh. ' Forest, what a pretty place...'. As could be the Ranger loved being anywhere near forest and simply loved when he was on Yavin. However after mving to Coruscant with a great bulk of the Jedi the forest was nowhere near him. Finaly re-united with it, it made him feel at home.

As Kelt walked through the trees towards his tribes camp he touched everysingle tree that he passed and smiled warmly. ' Yes Miss Vadar it really does feel like hom.' Another smile was forged from his leps before ne turned and placed his pack down by the already roaring camp fire.

' Something hot to drink anyone?...'

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:30:23 AM
“It doesn’t matter who divides it all up,” a snide voice snapped as Vega barged past Alpha, peering down into the inventory crate eagerly. The knife caught his eye and his gaze lingered on it for a moment before turning back up to his fellow tribe members.

Seeing that no one else was going to do the job in the immediate future, the Lupine hefted the crate of supplies up into his arms and began walking off in the direction of the Rancor half of the island.

“We’re finding a spot to set up camp on. Now. We can say the formalities for later, when we’re all sitting in an awkward silences.”

James Prent
Apr 2nd, 2003, 01:23:47 PM
James shook Satine's hand and said, "I'm James Prent...." She stumbled backwards as a blond man pushed past both of them, picking up the crate and pushing past them again.

She moved to follow, making sure her backpack was on straight once more. Looking down, she saw the Hand on the ground, and stopped beside it. "Want a ride? I think its going to be a long way to the beach."

Apr 2nd, 2003, 01:48:49 PM
YubYub slowly comes to his senses as the buzz from the sleep drug slowly wears off. He pauses to wonder just where the sadistic electroshock device was implanted. The sick and all too familiar yearning for spice overcomes him and he clenches to make sure the vial is still within him. It's still there. It'll take some form of natural laxative or a good Mexican burrito to get it out, but out it will come. Again, he wonders just what the hell a Mexican burrito is and where in the galaxy he could even find one.

He looks around at his Kryat teammates; Evil Hobgoblin, Jackson Dewitt, Angelica Shin, Lady Daiquiri, Turcyn Rorke, Ryla Relvinian, Oddball, Dakota Gue, Silus Xilarian, Kelt Simoson, and Lady Vader. Even before he became addicted to mushrooms, spice, and death sticks he had a horrible memory. He'd forgotten the names of his own sisters and brothers. How he was going to keep track of everyone here was a complete mystery. His glazed over eyes quickly focused on Lady Vader. She'd just introduced herself to everyone. Finally, someone to cling to. He slowly ambled towards her.

"Please don't let them shock me. I don't think my internal organs could handle a 9-volt power pack much less the shock from these shock devices. Dios mio, ayuda me!"

Zasz Grimm
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:14:11 PM
He walked up past the others, holding his large duffle bag on his back. He had opted to already be wearing light pants and a white tank top before coming. He had shrugged off his trenchcoat before leaving the freighter, and had left it inside, not caring what happened to it, after all he did have many more. He looked around, seeing those he knew and those he didn't. He nooded to Jibrielle before passing James...

"You'll have to forgive my sibling...He's a bit more...primal...But a nice guy when you get to know him."

He laughed at that and then nodded to the jedi. Zasz had to put away his dislike for others for this, and he had done so. He didn't look at anyone else, but caught up with Vega, he looked to him..

"Good to see you again. If you need help carrying that.."

...He looked to the crate, then back to Vega...

"Just ask, dear brother..."

He had become accustomed to using such names with fellow members of The Hand, and would do so now, to express more of a bond with them.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:19:49 PM
Satine follows, and nods to Zasz. "Hiya old buddy."

Luke's Amputated Hand
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:37:34 PM
Grateful for the assist, the Hand gave James a thumbs up, and she picked it up and placed it on her shoulder before beginning to walk the distance to their camp.

The Hand made a note to give her a shoulder massage in thanks later when the hard work they would no doubt be doing set knots into her shoulders.

Lady Vader
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:43:19 PM
*LV fell into step behind Daiquiri, shouldering her pack and nodding in Kelt's direction as he made a similar comment to hers. The walk they made was substantially long, having to make their way to their side of the island.*

*Once they reached the site, LV dumped her things near a large tree's trunk, and looked about the clearing. The fire in the center was already roaring as some of the other members had started it. But they would need to build a shelter. Goodness only knew it rained often enough on Myrkr.*

*LV went over to the crate they had brought with them and began to empty it systimatically and neatly. Soon the contents were on the floor in groups: food, tools, etc.*

*She began rumaging through the tools pile, picking the only sharp thing that would help in cutting wood... a medium-sized knife. Then she made her way towards the jungle.*

I'm going to cut down some sturdy branches for our shelter. It will need to be raised off the ground or we'll get soaked when it rains.

I'll also see about getting some strong vines as ropes, and large palm leaves or pieces of bark for the roof of the shelter.

Anyone want to join me?

Jackson DeWitt
Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:44:49 PM

Jackson wandered around, wide-eyed, and absolutely absorbed with this place.

"They sure did pick a pretty spot."

He paused in the middle of walking, picking up a stick, about an inch thick, and four feet long. using it as a walking staff, he shuffled about some more, prodding the ground every few steps as he went. Eventually, he stopped, stooped down, and picked up a dirt-covered rock. Smiling, he rubbed some of the dirt off of it, and put it in his pocket, continuing on...

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:00:27 PM
"Well, you seem to like this place..."

I looked around at the lush forest, the damp scent of moss hangining in the air like a perfume... a moldy perfume.

"... I'm not terribly familiar with forests, since I grew up on a desert. But, I guess there's time enough to adjust, eh?"

Turning back to the noise that one of the other ladies was making with the tool pile, I gave her a friendly smile and walked over to help out.

"Sure, I'll help out. I don't think we've met. My name is Ryla"

Jackson DeWitt
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:05:57 PM
Jackson turned around to Ryla, smiling.

"You're a desert rat too, huh? What planet?"

Jackson continued walking about idly.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:06:54 PM
After following the others up a bit, Sorr climbed a tree and looked about. Her ears flitted back and forth around her, there was much game to be had here, but how good where the others at hunting? Her stomach growled a bit, she should have eaten earlier but it was too late now.

Lady Vader
Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:07:07 PM
*LV acknowledged Ryla with a nod and smile.*

Lady Vader. Though I think for practicality, you can just call me Vader.

*She began to walk a bit into the jungle, looking for some choice branches to use to support their shelter. She found one and began to hack away at it with her knife. She frowned, thinking her claws would do a better job. While she worked, she looked over at Ryla.*

Ever been on a jungle planet before?

Epona Rhi
Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:21:25 AM
Walking behind everyone, Epona finds a nice size branch two heads taller than herself and somewhat straight. Smiling, she uses it as a walking stick but with another use in mind.

Catching up, she sees Sorreessa climb a tree and she stops, waiting for her fellow tribe member to come back down. Also keeping an eye on the group to see where they are going to catch up once she returns from her perch.

Looking up to Sorreessa.

"Anything interesting?"

Kelt Simoson
Apr 3rd, 2003, 02:54:23 AM
' Fungorn Mushrooms?...' Kelt asked himself as the group went off and prepared to make the shelter. He bent down and brushed his hand over the small crop next to a tree. Kelt would be doing the cooking plain and simple and since the others would be quite hungry and thirsty as they erected the shelters, Kelt thought it best to bet dinner underway. The only thing was finding things to cook. Fungorn Mushrooms were a very good side incredient to place on a plate but it needed other vegetables and perhaps a slice or two of meat with it...but where?.

' Hey guys I'm gonna go and try to find something to rustle for dinner for you all. Might take a while because i need something meaty to cook. If one of you liked to come with me i'd appriciate the company.' He smiled as he spoke to the gang of people though he doubted anyone would want to join him on a scavenge.

Angelica Shin
Apr 3rd, 2003, 07:52:47 AM
She had followed the rest of her 'Tribe' not really saying anything as everyone talked to everyone else. She looked around, it sorta reminded her of one place back home when.... No time to think about that. She dropped her pack by a tree when she heard Kelt say something about finding food.

"I'll help, it's better than building, I stink at that."

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:01:05 PM
Sorr jumped down and looked at who had spoken to her, unlike the others, she knew none of her group.

"Depends on what the grrroup can take out, therrre's meat and jI saw some frrrujit a bjit off that way...."

Chaos Alexander
Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:24:36 PM
::Alexander walked with the rest of his tribe. He watched as the final members of the 'enemy' tribe left. Somethign caught his eye at that point. He quickly looked at his tribe.::

"Anyone notice the other team is mostly female, and we are mostly male?"

::Alexander let it hand right there. He also noticed Vega was on his team. A Lupine and a Garou on the same team. That made it a bit better. Alexander could live here hunting and such, and he felt Vega could as well. Let the good times roll.........::

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 3rd, 2003, 03:53:38 PM
<a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28506>Krayt Campsite</a>

<a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28507>Rancor Campsite</a>