View Full Version : It's been a while (Chii)

Oishii Sakana
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:19:29 PM
"Where is she?"

Oishii had lost track of Chii in his travels with his brother. He had begun to miss her. So, he had arranged for Chii to meet him in a small town. It was his kind of place.

"Where is she?" he asked himself again as he looked about.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:26:57 AM
It had been quiet some time since she and Oishii had been together. The battles he, and his brother held took him to far away places, and away from her. She had missed him. His comforting presence had kept the demons at bay, and her past in the darkness where it belonged.

Chii stopped just outside the small town where she was to meet him. Her face a mask of concern, Alex had once again been after her to come back. His tactics were deadly, not to her but to the ones she loved.

She felt him there, his familiar presence, she could almost feel his arms around her. She knew he could wash away the bad. Opening her eyes Chii walked forward, catching sight of him. Tears stung her eyes.

"Oishii, I have missed you." She spoke under her breath, hoping the soft breeze would carry her words to him.

Oishii Sakana
Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:42:54 AM
Oishii's awareness had been raised to an acute level through a life time of training in swordsmanship. He could hear everything, and see everything in his view with detail.

A small sound, like a bird's notes came to his ear. Oishii turned his head to look around. He had found her at last.

"Chii!" He said, running to her and scooping her up into his arms. "How have you been?" He held her tightly and looked into her soft brown eyes.

Apr 4th, 2003, 05:21:06 PM
Chii locked her arms around Oishii's neck, unable to speak for a moment. She was overcome by her feelings of seeing him again after such a long time.

With her arms still around his neck she leaned back slightly, her feet dangling above the ground. "I have missed you to Oishii, more than you know." She wanted to say more, to tell him of the things that had went on well he was gone but she could not bring herself to pull the smile from his face.

Instead she kissed him, her eyes closing at the touch of his mouth. Basking in his gentle touch, his tender ways. He never hurt her the way Alex did, and she would offer him no less than he gave her.

Oishii Sakana
Apr 4th, 2003, 10:14:30 PM
Oishii grinned. "You're so sweet. Dangling from my neck like this."

Oishii tickled his lover's sides, then tossed her up, caught her in his arms, and began to carry her just like he had done so many times in the past.

"What do you say we go lay out in the middle of a large meadow and I can tickle you until your breath is gone."