View Full Version : The night flies when you're having fun

Apr 1st, 2003, 03:36:18 PM
It was mid day when he awoke. He didn’t know this by a clock on the wall, or by the way the sun had risen high in the sky. He hadn’t seen the sun in quite some time, though it wasn’t so long that he couldn’t remember the exact day, or what it had looked like. How it had felt, the warmth of it. The warmth that he could now only feel when he held a mortal next to him, or he sat by a fire, basking in the warm glow of it.

No, he knew it to be mid day by the very beginning hint of hunger. He had fed early the night before, and it was hunger that now awakened him.

Alana lay beside him and for a moment he lay on his side, propped on his elbow looking at her. Tiredly, as he had done as a mortal, he rubbed his eyes and sunk with a sigh back into the softness of the bed beside his lover. He draped an arm over her, thankful for her presence despite her sleeping state.

He didn’t want to wake her. Yet, as long as he tried to go back to sleep, this day it seemed to elude him. This, he considered, was when most vampires realized that eternity lay before them, for it seemed like it would be hours yet before he was able to venture outside the walls of the Shrine to where his dinner would be found.

As he lie there, his hooded eyes closed, giving in to the exhaustion and then occasionally flickered open again, restless. His features had not changed since he had been turned. He looked not a day past the age he had been on that fateful day. And though his eyes were closed, his mind was turning. A smile slowly spread over his lips and sleep found him once again.

When he awoke some time later, the sun had set over the horizon. He knew this before he had opened his eyes simply by the stirrings he could feel around them. The others waking from their dreamless states to begin the hunt. He gave a content sigh, for he could still feel Alana in his arms. And he could tell that she was awake. Instead of opening his eyes, he just allowed a grin to spread over his lips.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 04:30:03 PM
Alana laid quietly in her lovers arms. The day had come and went without her stirring in the quiet comfort of sleep. Though it was always dark on the side of Roon where they lived there nocturnal clocks still felt its effects. There body craving the sweet embrace of rest. She had not felt the restlessness of Kolarik but had instead twined itself around him, seeking his touch to keep dreams at bay.

She lay there still when it was time to awaken. Her body wrapped in his, there bare skin glimmering with a pearly hue. Lifting up she looked down into his face, her arm resting lightly on his chest. Though his eyes were closed she could see the small grin tugging at his lips. This in turn made her smile.

Alana sat up her knees bent under her, her eyes growing mischievous with her errant thoughts. Grabbing a pillow from there rumpled bed she slammed it into him. Her peals of laughter soon followed....

Apr 1st, 2003, 04:36:48 PM
This, he had not expected. He rolled over for a moment, covering his head in mock horror and groaned.

There was a moment where only her laughter filled the room. He was grinning himself, though she could not see it from where she sat on her knees.

"You think its funny to wake a sleeping vampire, do you?" He asked, slowly turning over again so that his dark eyes could stare into her hue shifting ones.

"Theres a price to be paid for such acts..." He added.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 04:44:59 PM
Alana promptly hit him again moving slightly away from him just in case he made good his threat. Her floor length hair tumbled freely around them both as she leaned slightly forward, her eyebrow cocked in playful wonder.

"A price?? And what my sweet would be the price. I may be willing to pay it." She jumped forward suddenly her body pinning his to the bed. Nothing between there bodies but there skin.

"I think first you must pay the price for tempting me so early..."

Apr 1st, 2003, 05:26:52 PM
He growled playfully as she hit him again. She had moved away, clearly understanding that there was a chance he would possibly make good on his threat. He stared across the bed at her, reaching out and wrapping a lock of her long, silken hair around his finger.

A price?? And what my sweet would be the price. I may be willing to pay it.

With this, she had jumped forward and pinned him to the bed, nothing between them but skin. He didn’t mind this in the least, and didn’t bother to struggle. It didn’t matter what price he was to pay, it was worth it just to have her there with him as she was now.

I think first you must pay the price for tempting me so early...

With this, as she stared down at him, her hair spilling over them, he laughed.

“And what would that price be?” He asked, seemingly rather nonchalant in his response. Paying a price didn’t seem to be a concern of his at all….

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 05:31:50 PM
Alana raised her eyebrow again, her smile growing as she thought... She trailed her fingers idly over his bare chest, moving them up so she could twine his hair in them.

"Let me see......"Alana looked down at him her face just inches from his. A playful gleam in her eyes. Suddenly she pushed his head to the side her lips at his throat.

"Your blood my sweet." With that her teeth sank in. A moan from her was all he heard as she drank....

Apr 1st, 2003, 06:06:15 PM
Perhaps any price was going a bit too far. As Alana trailed her fingers idly over his bare chest, teasing him and twining his hair in them, he could feel his heart begin to pound. And he had no idea how long he would be able to endure this form of passionate torture.

Let me see......

He inhaled sharply as her lips came to his throat. She had taken blood from him plenty of times, but every moment that she did it made him feel like a mortal again – scared of the initial prick of her teeth, and longing for the sweet, erotic feeling it provided after. And always, always there was the risk that she would take it all from him as she did with her victims. The risk only adding to the rush.

Your blood my sweet.

As her teeth sank in he groaned in the pure ecstasy of the moment. She never failed to surprise him with something new, and this feeling, though he had felt it before, only seemed to get better and better with time.

He reached for her hands, and the moment she pulled away from him, she found herself beneath him. A drop or two of blood fell from his neck as he held himself above her, falling onto her ruby red lips.

“I warned you there was a price for waking a sleeping vampire…” He stated as his dark eyes gazed down at her. She seemed to satisfied with what she had done, he couldn’t help but allow a smirk of amusement to tug at the corners of his lips as well.

“You didn’t think I’d forget, did you?” He asked.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:17:52 PM
Alana licked at the droplets of blood that fell to her wanting mouth. She grinned up at him, wanting him just as much as he wanted her. The passions of Vampyre’s ran very deep. She writhed under him, settling into a more comfortable position.

"So now I must pay a price..... And what will it be my sweet? Will it be something to make me want more?" Her husky voice played havoc with his need. Her heart pounding in time with his. Her cool skin was already flushing a pink with the blood she had taken.

"Once I pay are you willing to let me have another immortal kiss Kolarik?" Her voice rolling his name like a sweet taste of wine, the fire in her eyes burning into his soul....

Apr 1st, 2003, 06:37:18 PM
She knew – she knew all too well that wiggling beneath him would only further entice him.

So now I must pay a price..... And what will it be my sweet?
Will it be something to make me want more?

Her husky voice did indeed wreak havoc with his need for her. She was toying with him. Playing with him as easily as she played with her victims.

Once I pay are you willing to let me have another immortal kiss Kolarik?

His head hung for a moment, his eyes unable to gaze into hers lest he give in immediately. His dark eyes looked to her neck and he lowered his lips to the skin.

And when his teeth extended, they did little other than prick the surface, much as the first time he had tried them out. It was tentative. Not because he was tentative at all – by now he had a fairly good idea of what he was doing - but because he knew this would make her pay the price she was bound to pay.

And yes, perhaps it would leave her wanting more.

“Your price to pay?” He whispered, his breath against her neck.

“You’ll know you’ve paid the price when you beg me to take it….” He teased, nipping her carefully at the base of her throat.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:51:05 PM
As she felt his breath teasing her neck a soft moan escaped her. She had tried to hold it in check but the passion he inspired in her was not something easily contained. She tipped her head back further, her chest rising and falling faster with her breathing.

“You’ll know you’ve paid the price when you beg me to take it….”

He nipped lightly at her neck teasing her unmercifully. Her want increased with each light nip he gave, she arched up to his mouth her throat pressing ever closer. Her moan had become a low growl with the need of him. He had turned the table on her. She struggled against his restraining arms, trying to make him give into the blood lust. She could stand no more...

"Kolarik please.....” She begged with a gasp, her mouth pulling back from her fangs that bit into her delicate lip.... Knowing her plea would only serve to enflame him..

Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:48:17 AM
Kolarik please.....

He chuckled then, his dark eyes staring into hers with a wicked, unmerciful gleam. Though all the while, it was evident to Alana that he found this to be a game, and the brief expression of triumph was only something that would make her want to get back at him later – to make him pay the price for thinking he could beat her at this game.

And then, as he had what he wanted – her plea for him to take her blood – he relented a bit. His lips lowered to hers to kiss away the blood from where her own fangs had broken the delicate skin. And then they trailed to her neck where his fangs no longer nipped lightly, but sank in.

There were vampires who looked down upon this – on the mingling of blood among them. Kolarik cared little about this, his view being that if he had to live for eternity, he ought to make the most of it. And this meant doing the things that brought pleasure –the things that would make him, and the one he chose to spend his time with, content with the idea of eternity.

He did not take much blood from her with this bite. And he could still feel her struggling a bit against him, trying to entice him into taking it more aggressively. And he would...just not…yet.

He lifted his lips to hers again, his eyes staring into hers for a moment before his closed and their lips met. His hands released hers, no longer pinning her down, but caressing her as he brought his fangs to her neck once again, taking, this time, the blood that she wanted him to take.

Eventually his fangs withdrew. He felt euphoric, as if her blood were a drug. And it was, really. He was unable to go without it, waking most nights with a thirst not for blood but for her blood. For her touch. The hint of fangs still showed beneath his lips as he leaned to kiss her again.

“That’s what you get for waking a sleeping vampire…” He stated, knowing that there had been little actual punishment beyond the torment of making her wait before he took the blood that she offered.

He grinned a semi-fanged grin, his eyes bright with mischief and the fact that he had just taken her blood. His cheeks began to take on a healthy flush.

“Are there any other rules about vampires that you dare to break tonight?”

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 2nd, 2003, 02:28:52 PM
In the time they had shared, there time, there caresses, and the blood that kept them immortal, it had not crossed Alana's mind that she was doing anything wrong. She was a creature unto herself, bowing to no ones whim, and finding joy in her subtle rebellion as she always had. Even as a mortal she had pulled against the chains that would have bonded her to her uncle. She had taken the life of the one she had worked for. Never in all her time had she regretted the choices she made.

What she did with Kolarik was frowned upon to a certain extent, not the fact that it was done but the fact of how often. They had shared there life's blood every night since she had turned him. She knew that the more they did this the more they would be bound. There souls forever tied to one another, there thoughts merging until even across a great distance they would see, and feel one another.

Alana moaned at his immortal kiss, wanting more, and utterly thoughtless in the consequences. There taste for one another surpassing there want for mortal blood. Soon he would feel himself changing gaining the power she wielded in her dream scape, he would have gained them anyway but now he would have her every nuance. His eyes would shift as hers did unable to settle on what they would be. Just as the Sith Lordess herself would find a piece of him and cling there.

“That’s what you get for waking a sleeping vampire…”

Alana chuckled softly as there lips met again and again. There embrace more passionate than before. "It was you my sweet who woke me." The words meaning by far more.

“Are there any other rules about vampires that you dare to break tonight?”

Alana ran her finger tips over his lips, wetting them with her tongue after her fingers left. "Is there a rule that I have not broken?" Her crooked smile told him that there were probably very few....

Apr 2nd, 2003, 03:43:59 PM
Kolarik knew nothing of what the sharing of blood brought. He knew nothing of their souls merging, or of the strength it would begin to give him. He knew only that he loved doing this with her and that his lust for that was stronger than anything he had ever experienced before.

He had noticed subtle differences here and there. His connection with Alana seemed only to open more each night.
This he attributed more to the fact that they spent so much time together and what inherently came with a…relationship.

It was you my sweet who woke me.

His eyes met hers with this comment. The faintest hint of a different color, of hue shifting, might have given them a lighter tint than before. It wasn’t anything obvious – it was something only that one who stared every night into his eyes might have noticed. Certainly, it wasn’t anything he had noticed himself.
Her fingers brushed over his lips, her tongue replacing them.
With this he grinned, his eyes closing and a content sigh being released.

Is there a rule that I have not broken?

He opened his eyes once again to her crooked smile and laughed. It was deep and husky and carried animatedly the amusement brought to him by her words.

“I have a feeling there isn’t…” He replied, shifting so that he now lay on his side next to her, propped on one elbow. His free hand caressed her body, marveling at the smoothness and the infallible beauty of her.

He leaned to kiss her, catching her lip in his and sinking a fang playfully into the tender flesh. As he pulled away, his hand came to brush her hair from her face and neck,

“And what if I told you a new rule was made today while you were sleeping….that you’re not allowed to remain here in bed with me the entire night?” He teased.

Though his lust was for her, eventually the call of mortal blood would reach them both and they would venture out into the cool evening air in search of a wiling...or not so willing victim.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:36:58 AM
“And what if I told you a new rule was made today while you were sleeping….that you’re not allowed to remain here in bed with me the entire night?”

Alana's eyes slipped closed at his touch, his words searing her very soul. He had some how found a way to capture her mind and heart. She who had always held tight to her freedom. Kolarik had woven a spell around the Sith Lordess, and she was unwilling to let it go. Never had she been so content.

"Then my sweet I would stay, and face the consequences. Thumbing my nose at all who would take this from me." Her eyes opened and looked into his, she could see the slightest hit of a hue shift in his eyes, and knew that it was already happening. Would he resent the powerful link they would soon share, did he even realize the depth, and the power of it?

Alana sighed softly her fingers playing over the soft locks of hair, brushing them back from his eyes. He had awoken her more than he knew, and at times banished the demons of her mind.

"Perhaps we can hunt a little later Kolarik, and for now enjoy one another?" Her crimson lips closed over his as she pressed her body ever closer....

Apr 3rd, 2003, 11:55:05 AM
Then my sweet I would stay, and face the consequences. Thumbing my nose at all who would take this from me.

He laughed, his eyes alight with amusement.

“Then Im going to have to make up rules like that more often….” He teased. As he looked to her, he caught a faint hint of apprehension. He had noticed it with the way she stared into his eyes, as if she were noticing something about him for the first time and she had cause for concern. He hadn’t seen this look from her before.

He would have asked of it, but her touch pushed all thoughts on hold for a moment, and he relaxed as she brushed his unruly locks from his forehead. He wasn’t sure if she liked them and the fact that she was able to play with them, or if they drove her crazy, the way they did to him as they fell constantly into his eyes. He would never be able to alter this, and so he was resigned to ignoring them the best he could. At the very least, he took solace in the fact that it gave her reason to touch him, and to her touch he easily succumbed.

Perhaps we can hunt a little later Kolarik, and for now enjoy one another?

His low growl was his only response as he held her yet closer, giving in to her attentions.

************************************************** ******************
Some time later that evening as they both reluctantly dressed to venture out, he moved to her, catching her in his arms.

“Earlier tonight….” He began, lowering his lips to kiss her forehead, “You gave me a look I’ve never seen before,”

A hand moved to caress her cheek, the other wrapped around her waist.

“I want to know what concerned you.”

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:15:58 PM
“I want to know what concerned you.”

Alana closed her eyes as his hand ran over her cheek, reluctant to break the spell, and tell him of her concerns. She did not want him to resent the small price to be paid for what they did.

"Your eyes my sweet." She would have left it at that given the chance. She would have brushed it off if not for the link they shared.

"What we do, the time we take together, and the blood we share. It will begin to change you Kolarik, already your eyes are shifting hues as mine do. Soon very soon, the link we have will be more powerful. Its hold permanent, and unbreakable. If one of us should die the other would slip into darkness, lost if not strong enough to survive the indescribable loss." She turned away from him, her brows knit with worry. The Sith Lordess knew in her heart she should have told him before hand.

"I did not want to stop what we share my sweet. I have taken many choices from you." Alana opened herself fully then, all of her pain, all of the emotions she had ever felt were sent to him. They were horribly intense, enough to drop him to his knees. She then wove a dream scape around him, one in which she died, to show him just how awful it would be.

"I am sorry....." She said turning back to him, her cheeks stained with blood tears as she let the link falter, bring him back from the spell she had woven.....

Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:48:56 PM
Your eyes my sweet.

His expression remained questioning, for he did not understand why his eyes would give her cause for concern.

What we do, the time we take together, and the blood we share. It will begin to change you Kolarik, already your eyes are shifting hues as mine do.

These very words seemed to surprise him and he almost gave her a doubtful look, as if she were toying with him. But the expression on her face, the concern he felt from her told him otherwise.

Soon very soon, the link we have will be more powerful. Its hold permanent, and unbreakable. If one of us should die the other would slip into darkness, lost if not strong enough to survive the indescribable loss.

As she turned away from him, he stood where he was, the words slowly sinking in. She hadn’t told him these things. He wondered if perhaps this was among the things he should have just known, as she had told him some time ago.

I did not want to stop what we share my sweet. I have taken many choices from you.

His eyes flickered away from her for a moment, the dark hues of them shifting a bit. This, he caught in the mirror and stared for a moment before he turned back to her.

And in this moment, he was assaulted by a pain so intense it dropped him to his knees. It was as if he were mortal again, the wind knocked out of him and the pain so strong he could do nothing but struggling to breath. He would never survive. He would not be strong enough to survive if Alana were to die. He had known nothing of vampire life but her. It was her blood that ran through his veins just as much as his own.

I am sorry.....

He heard these words, yet he could not look to her yet. He could feel the trembling of his body, aching with the memories of the dreamscape. And still, he did not rise from his knees.
It was there that he remained for some time before he finally found himself able to look to her. He took in the tear stained cheeks. Tears of blood that he remembered from the night she had taken his mortal life from him.

“I know what it is like to feel mortal again.” He stated softly.

“To feel fear and vulnerability.” His head ducked for a moment as he sought to brush away a tear that had formed at the corner of his eye. It was the reaction of a mortal man. One who did not want to be seen in a state so vulnerable before a woman such as Alana.

Slowly, he climbed back to his feet, a hand reaching out to steady himself. There was no anger within him as he spoke, nor was it found in his movements or even the hue of his eyes.

Rather there was an odd calmness about him.

A calmness that had throughout his time as a vampire, simply accepted his new life as it was. In stride.

He released a deep breath and extended a hand to her, willing her to place hers within his.

“Whats done is done.” He stated. Though, he wouldnt have changed a thing about it. Somehow,he had known there had to be a price for something such as that. And it was a price he would have agreed to pay had he been given the choice. From the moment he had set eyes upon her, he had been hers. For eternity.

A small smile tugged at his lips.

“So….perhaps you shouldn’t go dying on me.” With these words, he permitted his usual lazy grin.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2003, 02:20:45 PM
Alana slid her long fingers into his, not acknowledging the pain he felt with words but with saddened eyes. She had felt it rip through him as if it had been herself. He spoke of acceptance, and understanding but her heart was heavy with worry. What she had done to him was enough to make another hate her forever, and that would have been the breaking tie. Hate for her would have made him strong enough to survive her death....

But instead he had forgiven her... Alana bowed her head, she had told him what she had to, and perhaps in her thinking she had sought to free him of her bond. She had wanted him to go on loving her but not at such a steep price not without having an out.

With that thought she made a decision to tell him his way out from under the blood call that bound them soul to soul. "There is one way Kolarik, one way to survive, and you can choose to take it now, or wait for a reason. You can hate me... Hate me every fiber of your being. If you were to do this, then and only then could you break the tie." Alana looked away afraid for the first time in a long time of her consequences.

The Sith Lordess kept her hand in his, waiting ignoring what he had said about her dying on him. Before she had fallen under his boyish charms, his seductive ways, she would not have cared for his feelings. It would not have hurt her so.... Now she ached, waiting to hear his immortal words.....

Apr 3rd, 2003, 03:21:02 PM
I'm so afraid to love you
But more afraid to lose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
Once there was a darkness
Deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had
Oh you gave me light
“I will remember you” by Sarah McLachlan

************************************************** *********

There is one way Kolarik, one way to survive, and you can choose to take it now, or wait for a reason. You can hate me... Hate me every fiber of your being. If you were to do this, then and only then could you break the tie.

With these words he actually found humor. For a moment, he chuckled, shaking his head as if it were the most ridiculous idea he’d ever heard before he looked back to her.

"Alana….” He paused, tugging her to him as he did.

“You’ve given me eternity. And I don’t plan on spending it hating you.”

His eyes stared into hers. Even in this saddened state he found her beautiful. His head bent to reach her, his lips kissing the blood that stained her cheeks.

And then he pulled back to look at her again, his eyes questioning.

“Are you asking me to hate you?” He asked, the tone of his voice carrying a subtle sense of disbelief.

“Because I dont believe thats what you truly want. I think you're asking only because you presume to be able to save me."

He knew, even if she did not, that his existence without her would be meaningless. To live an eternity hating her would be more painful than her truly being gone.

“You cant save me, Alana.” He stated, slowly shaking his head.

He cupped her chin in his hand.

"I was past saving before you ever tasted my blood."

Yes, there was now a nearly irreversible tie between them. But that had begun the moment he had opened his eyes to stare upon her. He had been lost to her that very moment.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2003, 05:05:52 PM
Alana did not pull away from his familiar touch, she did not turn from his knowing eyes. She took in every word he said, wanting to believe that he would always feel the way he did and not grow to resent her for the bond she had created.

"I do not want you to hate me my sweet, I never want that. I only tell you this to give you a choice, be it a small one. I took the other without thought of you Kolarik, and now I give you one back." She lowered her eyes sighing softly. Not so long ago her choice had been taken, a choice to live in innocence. It was not when she was born into darkness but when she had faced her uncle’s bitter truths.

“You can’t save me, Alana.”

"I was past saving before you ever tasted my blood."

Alana looked back up her small smile at his words easing the tense moment but not taking the heavy weight of it.

"As I was to you my sweet. I who have never been lost to another looked down at a man at my feet, he was dying, and I was lost to him."

She knew her nature better than anyone, the nature of a Vampyre. Free in all things and bound by none. She had not wanted to admit this to him, to show him the power he had over her. But as always Alana took the moment without thought to even her own consequences.....

Apr 3rd, 2003, 05:36:07 PM
As I was to you my sweet. I who have never been lost to another looked down at a man at my feet, he was dying, and I was lost to him.

His lips brushed over hers with these words..

“Then let yourself be lost, Alana” He whispered, his kiss trailing to her neck.

“Eternity would feel like eternity if you asked me to try to hate you.” His kiss now lingered as the base of her throat, teasing her a she had always done, though in this moment, every move was calculated.

The tasting of one another’s blood after the words that had passed between them would only continue to seal the bond between them.

“Instead it feels as if it could never be long enough.” He added.

As he spoke these words, he lifted his gaze to stare into her eyes. They were dark now, as they had always been. And it was beneath long lashes and shaggy locks that he looked to her.

“Had I been given a choice earlier, I would have made the same decision.” His gaze sought to temp her, to seduce her as he always had – as he always planned to. He did not consider the bind between them to be a weight of any sort. Rather having it seemed to set him free. It made eternity as a vampire not a dreaded passage of time, but a new, colorful world where everything and anything was possible.

“Would you change your decision?” He asked. He could feel the pulse of his heart as it pounded in his chest.

“Or would you prefer to confirm it?” With this he offered to her everything. Everything that he had to give.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2003, 05:56:19 PM
“Then let yourself be lost, Alana”

The Sith Lordess thought back to the only time she had felt this deeply for someone, she thought back to the face enshrouded by the sun, and how lost she had been in her love for that person. Though it was an innocent child’s love for a mother it had been powerful never the less. She had kept her feelings locked tightly within herself after that fateful day, loving the memory until that to was taken. Now she stood before another who wanted her to become lost in it again.

Alana glanced away for a moment, her eyes locking on the portrait of a face so much like her own, in fact an exact duplicate of her. "Then lost I will be Kolarik." She whispered softly, letting go of her tightly woven chains. Chains she herself had placed.

He wooed her with his words and seductive eyes. The seducer had now become the seduced, and she went willingly.

“Or would you prefer to confirm it?”

Her eyes slipped closed as his breath warmed her neck, such want was almost unbearable. Her head tipped back, her moan calling to him like a sirens song.

She spoke no other words but instead looked into his eyes before leaning forward and running her soft mouth over his pulsing vein. Her teeth sank in, and she sealed what she had begun....