View Full Version : A Mortal In Our Midst..... (Soen, Kolarik)
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 10:13:54 AM
Alana had met the mortal boy well she wandered a quiet park. Her thoughts had been on her lover Kolarik, and when they were to meet up. Having just fed her senses were heightened, the soft breeze that had washed over her skin, enflamed her mind with remembrances. She had heard soft crying, and in those cries the sound of a soul lost.
He had spoken to her, showing no fear at her power. He had in fact given himself to her. Willing to do her bidding. Alana had decided to bring him to the Shrine of the Damned, to let him wander there as a mortal under her protection. She would have him see just how dark life could be, that loneliness was sometimes preferable to an ill fated friend.
The Sith Lordess sent a call out to Kolarik. Wanting him to see the boy, to help her introduce him to the dark side. Though she had no intention of turning him. He was a man in the eyes of mortals, but to Alana he was a boy who had many lessons to learn. She could feel Kolarik's answer, and smiled.
"Welcome to the Shrine of the Damned Soen, welcome to my home...." Her eyes shifted hues rapidly, matching her emotions. Her soft chuckle echoed through the cavernous halls....
Apr 1st, 2003, 10:52:52 AM
He had been out for the evening on his own. Alana had needed some time to herself and he had understood this completely. There were times that he too, actually liked to be alone. His evening had been rather uneventful – and of that he had been perfectly content. Generally, his hunting expeditions without Alana were brief, and then he returned to the Shrine, seeking the company of others, or relaxing by himself.
But tonight was a little different. Alana had asked him to meet her later that evening in a park where they often walked beneath the light of the moon. So he had first fed, and then spent the evening out, acting as a mortal would as he settled down at a table at a local pub and played a few rounds of cards. He had been teased about his departure as he explained at the end of a hand that a woman was waiting for him, and he wasn’t foolish enough to think another round of cards was worth making her wait. He was making his way across town to meet her when he felt her request.
She was at the Shrine…and she wanted him to meet her there. Sooner rather than later.
His reply to this had been teasing, accusing her of being unable to wait a few single hours for the taste of his blood.
He had been somewhat surprised to find her there with what was quite obviously a mortal. And from beneath shaggy locks, Kolarik had merely grinned lazily and stepped forward to give her a kiss, his lips lingering for a moment on her neck before he drew away to look at the one who was clearly to join them.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 1st, 2003, 11:11:17 AM
Soen's shoulders hunch as he shrinks back, watching him kiss her lovingly. Soen frowns at this, but looks away in an attempt to ignore it. She's...taken, it seems. The Grand Parlor is darker than he'd like, and it gets difficult to see at times. But he's ok, at the moment. Alana's with him. He'll be ok.
Apr 1st, 2003, 11:40:48 AM
To some degree he could sense...disappointment? So..this one sought the attentions of Alana. Briefly, there might have been a flicker of jealously that had managed to spark.
He had watched Alana plenty of time with mortals as she seduced them. But they had never meant anything to her other than a simple meal. This one.....she had brought home.
But this feeling was gone as quickly as it had come. The visitor had shrunk back into the shadows, as if this would hide him from what might come. As if Kolarik couldnt see him there as plain as day.
And then he looked back to Alana, an eyebrow raised in question, his relaxed grin still easily in place.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:14:41 PM
Alana tipped her head at Kolarik's kiss, a soft smile of pleasure filling her face and heating her eyes. When he stepped away she trained her glace on Soen.
"Come young one, do not hide in the shadows, you said you did not want to be alone, and now you are not." She bid him to step forward her grin almost unbearable to the boy. Seductive and fearsome all at the same time.
At Kolarik’s questioning glance she began to explain. "He seemed so lost, and I could not resist his piteous cries. Besides a lightsider would have found him and corrupted his poor mind. I could not let that happen my sweet now could I." Alana ran her fingers lightly over her lovers cheek, soft vampiric words of endearment wafted to his ears.
"Besides are you not as curious as I what the boy will do as a mortal among the damned?"
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:24:57 PM
Soen steps forward, lured from hiding by the sexy smile she gave him. His heart beats faster at seeing it, and his face heats up...but no sooner has she summoned him from hiding than she's back to Kolarik. Soen gets as close as he dares, making certain Kolarik is as far from him as possible, and squats down on the floor. Idly the magician makes patterns on the floor with his staff, waiting quietly on Alana.
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:33:51 PM
He seemed so lost, and I could not resist his piteous cries. Besides a lightsider would have found him and corrupted his poor mind. I could not let that happen my sweet now could I.
At this, Kolarik chuckled.
“It seems that you couldn’t….” He replied as Alana ran her fingers lightly over his cheek. Alana did not have to explain to him, and she knew this. He would have accepted simply the fact that she’d done it because she wanted to.
His eyes closed for a moment at her touch, the touch he had been waiting the entire night to feel.
Besides are you not as curious as I what the boy will do as a mortal among the damned?
He opened his eyes at this, his fangs barely restrained. The presence of a mortal in their lair was tempting – particularly as he had fed only once some hours ago, expecting to meet Alana to hunt other mortals…or perhaps her for the rest of what he needed.
“I’m always curious….” He replied, his voice husky as his dark eyes glanced over again at the visitor once again.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:44:32 PM
“I’m always curious….”
Alana felt his hunger, and it enhanced her own. She to glanced over at Soen her eyes glimmering with a want. But she restrained what was in her nature. She had promised the boy safety, and her word she would keep. Though soon she would have to put a blood call on him or others would be by far too tempted.
"You will have what you crave later my sweet." She whispered softly to him before walking over to Soen. She bent to him, her smile just as seductive as it always was. She grasped his arm tenderly lest she hurt him.
"Come let me show you around the Shrine, Kolarik and I want to see what you think of your new home young one."
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:56:55 PM
You will have what you crave later my sweet.
Her whispered promise was enough for now and he stood aside and watched as she left him to approach the Soen.
Come let me show you around the Shrine, Kolarik and I want to see what you think of your new home young one.
The fact that this would be the new home for the mortal was news to him, but it didn’t seem to faze him in the least. He fell in behind the two of them, his thoughts wandering as they began the tour of the shrine.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 1st, 2003, 01:03:36 PM
Soen stands, smiling weakly at her.
The two set off down the hall with Kolarik in tow. He can't resist watching Alana. Even when she's doing something as simple as walking, she's is alluring. Soen, on the other hand, is gripping his staff so tightly his knuckles are white, tripping over his robes and feeling nervous and daring all at once in a rush. Maybe...maybe he could stand a chance...just maybe...
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 01:17:02 PM
The vast hall where they walked was dimly lit by flickering candles, the many doors that lined the walls stood open in invitation to cast your eyes into the opulent rooms. Massive paintings hung high above drew your eyes as well, leaving a cold stain on your soul with there gruesome depictions of the damned.
Alana watched Soen avidly, wanting to see what he thought of the Shrine. Her fascination with the thoughts of mortals knew no bounds. The Sith Lordess slowed her quick stride so he could take in all that there was. Walls shifted at the whispers in a vampiric tongue. Many who did not know the secrets of the Shrine could easily become lost in the labyrinth.
Glancing back at Kolarik she beckoned him forward. "Where does your mind wander this night my sweet?" She asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the mortal in his new discoveries....
Apr 1st, 2003, 01:34:07 PM
He stepped forward as she had beckoned, falling easily into stride with her. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his jacket as he walked, and smiled as she linked her arm into his.
Where does your mind wander this night my sweet?
He turned his head to gaze at her, not the least bit surprised at the way the mortal seemed to every now and then turn to watch Alana. Mortals and vampires alike were subject to her charms and her whims. And Kolarik, like the mortal, was no different.
“I was thinking about how I came to be here….” He replied.
“And whether it is worth it or not to terrorize my captors the way they once terrorized me…” He replied, referring to the bookies and their dog fighting ring. His fangs seemed to gleam in the dim light as he spoke these last words.
Painfully, his gaze moved to the mortal once again, the constant reminder of mortal blood so close yet so unattainable making him hunger all the more.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 1st, 2003, 05:55:43 PM
Soen shudders at the paintings on the wall, diverting his attention from them. He feels cold and small under the glare of the damned that watch from their frames. He stops in the hall and shivers, looking up to find Kolarik eyeing him.
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:12:47 PM
His tongue traveled over his lips just looking at the mortal before him. It was like smelling Thanksgiving dinner for hours and hours before it was actually ready. It made him hungry. Particularly the more and more he watched him, for his movements were so easy, so innocent…so…mortal.
Kolarik grinned a fanged grin. It wasn’t intended to intimidate, but rather he simply couldn’t help himself.
“Just thinking of what it was like to be a mortal….” He half-lied rather easily.
“What do you think of the Shrine?” He asked.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:22:35 PM
Soen doesn't answer. He'd rather not admit out loud that he's nervous, frightened of the shifting shadows. The vampyres got ahead of him when he stopped, and now he quickly closes with them, interposing Alana between himself and Kolarik, standing close to her. He feels a little better here. he can answer now, with a wavering bluff.
"It's not that great."
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:29:41 PM
Alana chuckled at the conversation that passed between Kolarik and Soen. She could feel her lovers hunger, it was an intense want that nagged at her own. Alana ran her hand over Soen's hair when he clambered up next to her. His nervous look softening the heat in her eyes.
"Do not worry so..." She said with a gentle smile. "I have promised to watch over you and so I shall." Alana slipped her hand into Kolarik’s her hand squeezing his.
"He must have a blood call on him my sweet. So the others know that he is not to be harmed in any way. Perhaps I can show you how one is performed?" Alana knew just what it did to him when she fed, how much he burned with need for her when she took a mortal into her embrace. The playful game they played was always first and foremost with the Sith Lordess.
She glanced back at Soen and dropped a wink at him. Her eyes dancing with pleasure....
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:42:19 PM
Kolarik chuckled at the response. He supposed to a mortal who wasnt caught in a dreamscape, the shrine was nothing but darkness - figuratively and literally.
As Alana's hand caught his, squeezing it to perhaps offer some sort of consolation for the fact that he would have to go without blood for some time tonight, he managed somewhat of a smile.
He wasnt at all put out by tonight's change in events, but it did test his resolve.
He raised his eyebrow at the suggestion of a blood call.
"Perhaps you could show me...." He replied, having a feeling that it would only make things quite worse. Watching her with her victims had always been a thrill, and he did not doubt this would be any different.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:46:54 PM
Blood call? On him?
"Um...what's a blood call?"
He's only a little put off by this. It doesn't sound...good, whatever it is.
"Is it gonna be ok, Alana?"
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 2nd, 2003, 03:05:08 PM
"Perhaps you could show me...."
Alana grinned at her lover and nodded. "Of course..."
"Um...what's a blood call?" Turning back to the mortal who had come into the midst of the damned. One who would soon learn just how dark the dark side could be. Alana gave him a less teasing smile than the one she had flashed at Kolarik.
"A blood call will protect you Soen, it will keep others from killing you out right, and proclaim you my property for as long as I wish it." Alana did not mince words with him, nor did she lie. Either he would accept her gift or he would find himself on the bench he had come from.
"Is it gonna be ok, Alana?"
Alana's cold eyes softened to with this remark. She had not forgotten what it had been like to be a mortal among the immortal.
"Yes Soen it will be alright. You will experience a lot here, and some may be slightly unpleasant.... But it will be all right." She answered as gently as she could....
Apr 2nd, 2003, 03:59:37 PM
And if he ended up back on that bench he was dinner.
Kolarik's eyes closed momentarily as he willed back the lust for blood. There were few, so very few times that he had denied this lust - putting it off for a bit longer to play with the victim a bit more, or to find the perfect victim....
But never because it was being denied to him. And the fact that he wasnt permitted this one, the fact that he would have to wait was pure and outright torture. And if he hadnt been so enamored of Alana, he likely would have stalked outside and grabbed the nearest mortal.
This was something Alana, through their mingling of blood had given him. The hint of darkness and agressiveness that had not been his before.
Fanged teeth clenched as he looked away from the woman who had turned him and the mortal who clung to her, studying a nearby painting with perhaps a bit too much interest.
It wasnt that her attention was divided between them. This, while something he would not like on a consistent basis, was something he could quite capably handle from time to time. No, what had him so on edge was simply hunger.
This was easily conveyed to Alana, for the link between them only seemed to grow with each passing night.
"Perhaps after he's seen the Shrine we could show him the Inn..." He suggested. He said this while still facing the painting, for he knew that his fangs were not hidden, and the hunger in his eyes would have conveyed perhaps a bit more darkness than Alana wanted to show to Soen just yet. For in Kolarik's eyes, Soen would have certainly seen his own death.
It wasnt that the fledgling wished Soen dead. It was simply that Soen was a mortal and he was a bit too close for Kolarik, who was too hungry at the moment to think of anything but the taste of mortal blood.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 2nd, 2003, 05:54:56 PM
Soen didn't hear Kolarik. Alana said it would be alright. He smiled at her words, feeling more confident with each passing moment.
"Ok...let's do this then."
A blood call can't be that bad...not if it will protect him, and keep Alana with him..
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:43:42 AM
"Perhaps after he's seen the Shrine we could show him the Inn..."
Alana turned back to Kolarik, his hunger making his voice deeper. The blood lust he felt was shifting through her body as well, there link having grown deeper as of late.
"We can go now my sweet, he has a long time to enjoy the Shrine. Soen’s time grows short the longer we stay here." Alana chuckled lightly, knowing that a Mortal this close to one with blood lust on them would send them into frenzy.
"Ok...let's do this then."
"Yes lets...." Alana turned back to Soen, her eyes having grown blood red with want, her smile feral. She had learned how to control her hunger long ago but Kolarik's need had almost become her own.
"Come Soen, let me show you how sweet the kiss of an Immortal is at the Inn of the Damned..."
Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:21:02 AM
He sighed softly in relief. Within the Inn he would easily find what he needed and perhaps then be able to direct his attention to the mortal as Alana wished it.
A moment later he turned back to Alana and Soen, the primal need for blood somewhat subdued by the fact that soon, so soon he would be able to feed.
“You can show him here, if you prefer.” He offered.
“I can wait that long.” Though as he added this, the tone of his voice and the slight shift in his eye color seemed to indicate otherwise.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 3rd, 2003, 11:41:13 AM
Soen gulps hard, shifting his shoulders uneasily under their stares.
What're they looking at him like that for? Fear rises in his heart, and he can feel a rush throughout his body, like a tingling cold emptiness. He raises his staff in a posture that could be considered defensive, but anyone versed in physical combat could easily find holes in it.
"What's wrong, Alana?"
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2003, 11:50:00 AM
“I can wait that long.”
Alana caressed his cheek, watching his hue shifting eyes. They had become so like hers, and she knew they signaled his emotions. "No my sweet you can't." She answered softly, her husky tone stating she to could wait only a bit more.
"What's wrong, Alana?"
Her hand remained on Kolarik’s cheek as she answered Soen.
"We are hungry little mortal, but other than that there is nothing to concern yourself with. You are safe with me." She wove her sirens voice around him, sending him waves of comfort. He would not know fear until she was at his throat and even then he would accept.
"Come let’s go before there is no night left."
Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:23:42 PM
He did not question her judgment. Her spell was as easily woven around him as it was with the mortal. Beneath her gaze, her touch, he allowed a small smile, his gaze flickering to the ground and then back to her.
She knew him and she knew him well. And at the moment, she knew exactly what was best.
And then his gaze shifted to Soen, who seemed rather on the defensive. He couldn’t blame him, really. If it hadn’t been for Alana, it was unlikely the mortal would still be alive in this lair of vampires.
He turned at Alana’s suggestion and began the walk to the Inn. He had many questions about what Alana intended to do with this one, but for the moment he was content to watch the night play out and see what came of it.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:44:23 PM
"We...we're going somewhere?"
His staff lowers as Alana works her magic, though his eyes narrow at her behavior with Kolarik. His heart keeps see-sawing between dejection and hope, fear and comfort. He doesn't like it.
"An Inn?"
The vampyres keep on walking, and Soen trips along after them. Why are they going to an Inn? He wants to know, but doesn't dare ask for some reason. He quells his worried curiosity and follows after them.
Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:11:33 PM
(ooc: just so I know and can have Kolarik's actions work with this, how old is Soen?)
He could almost feel the questions. The concern that hovered around the mortal. Kolarik was not one who sought to put fear into any mortal he encountered. It wasnt a sense of pity, or a lack of darkness. Rather it just wasnt something that interested him. He found little amusement in it, for it was so easy really as a vampire to scare mortals.
On the other hand, he didnt often try all that hard to assuage their fears either. Unless of course, they were a victim, for he preferred not to hear their piercing screams. His hearing was more accute now, and noises such as those somewhat bothered him.
As a gesture to Alana, a show of good faith towards her mortal toy, he slowed the pace of their footsteps. He forgot sometimes that mortals could not see as he could in the darkness, and so it was no surprise that Soen was stumbling in what he couldnt see.
He turned back to Soen, at the last minute reaching out and catching the mortal as one of his stumbles threatened to put him face first into the floor.
Gleaming fangs shone in the darkness as he grinned.
"Perhaps you should take Alana's arm for guidance." He suggested. His words were kind enough, but the hunger was still there in his eyes, and this might have made him appear a bit scarier than he would ever have intended.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:29:03 PM
(ooc: He is 18.5 yrs old :p lol)
Alana turned back to Soen, her soft sigh whispered through the dark halls. She to had forgotten how black the Shrine could be to mortal eyes. There were very few candles lit in the hall. Vampiric words fell gracefully from her crimson lips. The hall brightened suddenly when the many candles flared to life. Her eyes narrowing momentarily at the irritation.
"Yes Soen do take my arm. I will be happy to guide you through the darkness. "Her cryptic words were shadowed by a gentle smile she cast at Soen, and then Kolarik.
A Vampyre’s charms were almost genteel in nature, something that came with the passing of time but also with the taking of there blood. There mind became refined, as did there actions. As the Mortal coil all are born into begins to fall away what is left is utter perfection. They were like no other when it came to beauty, and actions. They moved with grace, and even when there intentions were deadly they enticed....
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:55:59 PM
Soen stands, drawing away from Kolarik and slowly, nervously taking Alana's hand in his own. Her skin is soft and smooth. He squeezes it gently, as if making sure she's real, then looks away.
Apr 7th, 2003, 10:43:56 AM
It was clear to Kolarik that the mortal did not like him. Whether it was fear, general wariness, or perhaps resentment, he couldn’t be sure, but the mortal had drawn rather hastily away from him.
He watched as Soen took the hand offered by Alana. He had watched her with mortals time and time again, and this time was no different. As always, the mortal seemed to be in awe of her, perhaps amazed by the smoothness of her skin, mesmerized by the changing hues of her eyes, entranced by her voice. And all of this with so little effort by Alana.
Kolarik turned away, smiling at this and chuckling quietly.
As they approached the back entrance to the Inn, Kolarik held the door for Alana and Soen and followed only a moment later.
He leaned to Alana, speaking with her in lowered tones. He would return to sit with them in a few moments, he promised, but first he needed to feed. And this, he knew Alana could feel. His lips brushed her neck briefly before he pulled away from her. With hunger in his eyes, softened only by his feelings for the woman he would return to, he slipped off across the bar to woo the evening’s victim.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:27:27 AM
Alana kept Soen’s hand in hers as they entered the bar. Her eyes scanning the room automatically for others of her kind, and also for potential targets. Her eyes narrowed with hunger as they always did when in the presence of so many mortals.
Alana nodded to Kolarik as he went off to feed, his hunger had been almost as unbearable, making hers more intense. He had waited to feed and now he could wait no longer.
"Hurry back my sweet." She whispered through the dark side of the Force.
She walked further into the candle lit bar with Soen in tow. Finding a seat in the deepest of shadows. She settled into the chair, ordering a blood wine from a passing droid. "Not long now little Mortal, have a drink first." She smiled gently at the boy across from her....
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 7th, 2003, 12:42:58 PM
Soen sits across from her, fishing in his robes for money. He can't afford a drink, so he passes on her offer.
"I can't afford anything..." he says quietly. "I'll be ok."
He feels better now that they're at the feels less like he's being stalked now. And with this fear dissipating from his heart comes the curiosity of the blood call. He doesn't want to be impatient with her, but he cant' help but wonder what it is, how she does it , and when she's going to do it to him.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 7th, 2003, 12:56:49 PM
Alana laughed softly at his innocent comment. She had no intention of making him want or pay for anything. He was under her care, and as such he would want for nothing.
"Order what you will Soen, this place is owned by the Shrine, and you may have all that your heart desires free of all monetary charge." She did not say that there would be other charges, ones that would be paid in his blood. She ran her finger over the rim of her glass watching him.
"Please order a big meal Soen, and a drink. I would see a mortal take pleasure in such things. It warms my cold heart..."'
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 7th, 2003, 01:01:03 PM
Soen has never felt more on the spot than now, but takes a menu, setting it up to stand on the table so she won't see his shaking, nervous hands.
"Um...I want...a soda. And...a bowl of soup and a sandwich."
The order returns momentarily and Soen pokes at it a bit, trying to reign in his usual bad table manners. He eats so rarely that when he does, he has a tendency to eat quickly. He doesn't want Alana to think poorly of him.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 7th, 2003, 01:06:20 PM
Alana could see his hesitation, his unsureity on how to act. It was painfully obvious it was a rare treat to be able to eat so well. Soon she would show him the bounty in which he had fallen. There would be nothing he could not have, for the small price of keeping Alana's interest piqued.
"Do not hesitate Soen, enjoy it. Do not be afraid of doing what is in your nature to do, I will think no differently about you. I want to see you enjoy everything to its fullest extent. “She smiled putting the boy at ease.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 7th, 2003, 01:09:14 PM
Soen's pace steadily increases, until at last he simply gives in and picks up the bowl, eating as quickly as he can stand. He puts the bowl down and takes half the sandwich at one go, draining his glass and ordering a refill.
"It's good," he says before taking to his soup again.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 7th, 2003, 01:14:00 PM
Alana nodded watching him intently, enjoying his mortality. She had always been overly fascinate with there inner workings when she had been turned, there raw emotions drew her.
She smiled in pleasure as he took his fill, his innocent ways were endearing to say the least. She wanted him to enjoy the night, to loose all fear and insecurity he had. She would feed from him when that time occurred. She did not want to weave a mind game for him but instead wanted him to accept her embrace willingly....
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 7th, 2003, 01:16:54 PM
Soen finishes his bowl and pops what's left of the sandwich into his mouth. The serving droid has refilled his glass of its own accord, so he drains it again, thunking it down to the gurgle of his stomach.
"More please!"
The little droid gives an exasperated hoot and trundles off for more. This disappears just as quickly as the first meal, and Soen slumps in his chair with a big smile.
"Yeah, that was great. I haven't eaten that well in ages!"
Apr 7th, 2003, 03:34:58 PM
Across the Inn, over by the bar, Kolarik gave a glance back in the direction of Alana. She seemed fascinated by the mortal. He would have been jealous of her attentions had he not been secure with the very strong bond that they shared. But as this seemed to be a night of amusement for her, a night so very different from the eternity that had come before and that lain ahead, he simply smiled at the joy that it brought her.
And it was with no sort of game or malice on his mind that he turned to the mortal before him. She was simply the one who would make his basic hunger satiated – but she was not the one who was capable of satiating the hunger that Alana satisfied – and recreated over and over again.
It took only a few minutes, really, of speaking with the woman before she rose from her seat at the bar and took the arm that he offered. Together they fell into stride and he left the Inn, allowing Alana time to play with her mortal and him a moment to give in to the undeniable lust for blood.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 17th, 2003, 08:13:34 AM
After a bit of silence Soen looks up to Alana.
"Um...what's the blood call again? And how do you do it?"
If she had explained, Soen had forgotten.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:53:21 PM
Alana shifted her eyes momentarily over to her lover. A small smile of satisfaction on her lips. He had found his prey easily, and was now leading her off to give her his immortal kiss. She longed to be there, to watch, and to take pleasure but for now the bond they had would have to suffice.
"Um...what's the blood call again? And how do you do it?"
At Soen's question Alana turned her attention back to the young mortal. Her smile growing wider. He was very curious by nature, and though she could feel his fear he did not bolt as some would have. This small amount of bravery pleased the Sith Lordess.
"A blood call is what will keep you safe well you live at the shrine. I will take a small amount of your life force, and in doing so leave my mark on you. You will want for nothing young one and I will be your protection." Alana stood up then, and moved next to Soen. Her body pressing close, her cool hand brushed gently across the nape of his neck.
"Do not be afraid...." Her soft whisper brushed across his open mind....
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 22nd, 2003, 04:36:14 PM
Soen shudders at her gentle touch, face turning warm as she presses her body to his.
Do not be afraid...
For some reason, this simple sentence brings an edge of doubt to his mind, but he swallows hard and returns silently...
Apr 23rd, 2003, 12:23:14 PM
He watched from the doorway as he re-entered the Inn. Normally he was kind enough to take his victims to their apartments where they would pass peacefully in their own place of safety. But tonight he hadn’t had the patience. Tonight he’d wanted mortal blood with a lust more powerful than his conscience. The young mortal Alana was fawning over had made this hunger only too apparent.
He looked away as her body pressed to Soen’s, her touch on his neck. He could hear her soft whisper, soothing to the mortal, enticing to the immortal. A small smile crossed over his lips, bordering on a smirk, perhaps.
He wouldn’t have been a man if he didn’t feel some twinge of jealousy at seeing Alana be intimate with another. But he knew it was different, so very different from what the two of them shared that it was easy to brush off.
He would give the kid his moment with her. He could feel the awe Soen felt in Alana’s presence. Could feel the mortal’s attraction to her. And it only made him chuckle softly at the power of Alana. So easily could she seduce.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 24th, 2003, 09:05:01 PM
Alana leaned into Soen, her hand that hand trailed gently across the nape of his neck now gently clutched his jaw. The Sith Lordess tilted his head to the side, her breath warm on his skin. She would cause him little pain, her actions would be kind with this one. Perhaps it was his willingness in the face of his fear that made her do so.
"Just a little pain...." She whispered, her teeth extending. She slid them slowly into the pulsing vein, Soen’s blood washed across her lips. She could feel his mind opening to her with the link she was creating. He would have her protection now. He needed only to call.
She took very little from him but it was enough to make him light headed. She pushed him back on the bench letting him rest. Her eyes found Kolarik’s, and the invitation in them was as always, for him alone.....
Apr 25th, 2003, 08:47:06 AM
He had watched from the doorway, still. And with the strength of the link between them, had experienced the feeling of the blood call Alana had created.
And when she had finished, her gaze had lifted to meet his. He invitation in them he knew to be for him and for him only, and a satisfied grin spread over his lips. It was this game that they played, both of them, for fun – the game of teasing and seducing one another over and over again. And this day, the invitation from her had no less of an effect on him.
He released a content sigh, leaning back against the door for a moment, his arms crossing over his chest. His head cocked slightly to the side as his eyes sparkled with something deep within them.
And then he crossed the room to the table where Alana and the mortal sat. He slid in across from them, though not before he bent to brush a kiss over her lips, both of them tasting of mortal blood.
“Sorry for my absence….” He began, his gaze moving from
Alana to the mortal. He eyed him for a moment, his tongue passing over a fanged tooth.
“I trust you’ve been…..enjoying yourselves….?” He added, a grin and an expression of amusement giving him a youthful, deviant look about him as he asked.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 25th, 2003, 10:41:02 AM
Soen gasps sharply as her fangs puncture his skin, shutting his eyes against the pain. She backs away from him, and he slumps in his seat, putting one hand to his head. He feels dizzy. His only answer to Kolarik's question is a half-groan as he recovers.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 28th, 2003, 08:30:21 AM
Alana tilted her head back meeting his kiss. Her body automatically pressing closer to him, her arms entwining around his neck. She glanced to Soen watching him slowly recover from the nip she had given him. The small lose of blood, dimming his mortal eyes momentarily.
“I trust you’ve been…..enjoying yourselves….?”
Her soft chuckle filled his ear, as she leaned ever closer to him. She caught the lobe of his delicate skin in her teeth and bit playfully.
"Well I know I have my sweet. One Soen recovers hopefully he will say the same." She pulled her eyes reluctantly away from Kolarik and fastened them on the young mortal.
"Would you like more to eat Soen?" She asked gently knowing he might want to replenish what she had so casually taken...
Apr 28th, 2003, 09:02:41 AM
He grinned a fanged grin. His cheeks were flushed a healthy hue from the blood he had just taken, and his eyes seemed to come alive against the faint color in his skin. He did not notice their shifting hues, did not control them, though they were at the moment a brilliant blue that matched Alana’s.
“If you’d like to step outside….” He began, offering to Alana the chance to satiate her hunger with a mortal, “I can stay here with our mortal friend and feed…..”
His gaze cast momentarily to Soen and then back to Alana.
“Him. Whatever he needs, I suppose….” He finished with a playful grin on his face. The mortal was safe with him, so long as he fell within Alana’s good graces. And besides, having Alana this close to him at the moment was a bit too enticing. She was teasing him, he knew, nipping his ear and reminding him of what was to come later when they returned – without the mortal.
Soen Spellflinger
Apr 28th, 2003, 11:53:27 AM
Soen sits back with his face still in his hands, stretching his legs out under the table and trying not to think of Alana teasing Kolarik.
"Nuh-uh..." he says in response to Alana's question. He's comfortably full, despite the slight headache that is establishing itself behind his eyes.
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