View Full Version : Computer trouble..(Vid. Card)

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 07:54:53 AM
Ok, I recently got a new video card. A Radeon 9000. Ok, it works great, I play AvP2 again, SC, AvP and a few other games. I install D2 and I get online and start to play...it locks up after about 15 minutes of gameplay. No biggie. I restart and I go to play, locks up right when I enter the game. I repeat process, locks up again. I play again, and duel for about 30-40 minutes and it locks up....

Anyone know what's going on? I know it can't be compatibility from my PC to the card, otherwise I wouldn't be able to play my other games or do anything else.

Can anyone help?

Figrin D'an
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:48:05 PM
Make sure you have the most recent patch for D2, and make sure you have the most recent drivers from ATI.

Apr 1st, 2003, 12:50:31 PM
If the most recent drivers don't work, try different versions (3.0, 3.1). Also, try disabling the hardware acceleration in Diablo 2.

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 01:54:40 PM
How do I go about disabling the Hardware Acceleration?


Apr 1st, 2003, 01:59:26 PM
In the options menu, under "Video".

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 02:01:15 PM
I'm assuming in game?