View Full Version : A new seed to plant(Damon)

Apr 1st, 2003, 02:28:27 AM
Malice stood, being covered in flowing white robes he waited. Today he would take on a new deciple. One with much determination, and potential. Malice had given him a set timelimit to arrive by.

And the clock was ticking. 1hr 30min had gone by already. Half of what time Malice had given Damon to arrive.

Damon the Shade
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:28:13 PM
2 hours 35 minutes into the time limit Damon arrived at the training grounds. He noticed his master there and for a minute he wondered how he could be late. He swore he had timed it so he would be about half hour early.

Damon quickly ran up to his master and stopped about 5 feet away from him. Damon's blue eyes looked down at the ground and he said nothing just awaiting his new master’s command.

Apr 4th, 2003, 06:34:53 AM
Malice turned to Damon as he entered. For a while nothing was said between the two. After a time the silence was broken.

*You were almost late apprentice. Better watch yourself next time*

With that said, Malice walked up to him, staring him in the face.

*Now tell me, what do you know of the force and it's user's, the jedi and sith*

Always Malice had started off with questions. Knowledge was a big key to power. As well as training. With knowledge of Damon and his understanding of the force, Malice would better know how to train him.

Damon the Shade
Apr 4th, 2003, 05:41:18 PM
Damon nodded in respect to his master wishes of watching himself. Damon was ready to learn came a question one he had to think about for only a second.

"I know that the Jedi believe in diplomacy to get what they want and that the sith use Fear to there advantage. Jedi Claim to be healers and saviors of the universe but they can't hardly seem to save themselves.

Sith are believed to be the Jedi's enemy. Some believe the sith are evil and that the Jedi are good but that’s not how I see it. The Jedi and the sith have the same goals in mind it’s just the sith have found the quicker path to achieving this goal.

As for the force it has two parts the light and the dark. Both sides are able to be manipulated and both sides are strong, they also both have there weakness’. The force as a whole is what binds this universe together."

Damon hoped that was the answer his master wanted but he wasn't sure if it was. He prepared himself mental for his first reprimand.

Apr 5th, 2003, 01:48:34 PM
Contrary to what Damon thought, Malice was pleased with the answer.

*That will do. Everyone has their own beliefs and feelings when asked about the force, the jedi, and the sith*

Stopping their he decided to move on.

*Tell me, do you know any moves in the force. Have you been taught anything? wether it be self taught or by some other force user*

Damon the Shade
Apr 5th, 2003, 02:39:10 PM
Damon looks at Malice and nods yes.

"You see that rock over there."

Damon points to a rock about coconut size a meter away from him. He only focuses on it for a second and then uses force push to force the rock 10 meters away from where it originally was.

"I didn't really learn this technique it was kind of forced out of me; I used it to save my life from the fires that burned most of my body. That is about the extent of my force use that I know of."

Apr 6th, 2003, 04:01:55 AM
Watching the display. Malice also nodded.

*Good, now i know where to start*

Malice walked towards the rock. Stopping just infront of it, facing Damon. Looking at his deciple, Malice pointed at the rock.

*Make come towards you. It is the same concept as pushing it away. But instead you are gonnd invision in your mind the rock rolling towards you. Then with the force, make it happen*

Damon the Shade
Apr 7th, 2003, 05:09:28 PM
Damon wasn't sure if he could do it but he switched his focus to the rock with out any further discussion. His mind rattled with the pain that so many had caused him. Rage swelled up through his body as he focused all his thought and energy on the rock coming to him.

Sweat rolled began to poor out of his gaws as the rock slowly began to move. At first it just rolled across the ground slowly and then it speed up faster and faster. Then it shot through the air and as it came to his open outstretched hand.

Damon looked at the rock for a moment as it laid in his hand. He couldn't believe it; it wasn't because the rock had come to his hand. It was because it had come his hand on his first try.

Apr 13th, 2003, 08:04:56 PM
Malice showed no emotion, nor praise at Damon completeing this task. He simply moved on to another task.

*Good, now here's what i want you to do next. I want you to levitate the rock above your head and hold it there until i say to drop it. It must be floating above your head, to do this simply will it with the force. In your minds eye, picture the rock rising up into the air and staying there. Remember, failure is not an option. Should you fail you shall be punished*

Damon the Shade
Apr 15th, 2003, 11:55:09 AM
Damon held the rock in the palm of his hand as he focused on it he could feel the warm energy of the force flowing to his hand and then into the rock. The rock began to float a couple of inches away from his he hand then Damon got distracted by slight noise and the rock landed back in his hand.

Before Malice could reply to the failure Damon reset his focus on the rock. This time the energy was stronger as Damon exerted himself. The rock began to levitate and slowly it rose above Damon’s head.

Damon said nothing since his full concentration was on the rock. He did not want to drop the thing due to the fear of what Malice might do to him. Even though he was sure he would get punished for his first attempt.

Apr 17th, 2003, 08:12:46 PM
*Hehe, slick move Damon. But not fast enough. I shall say this once more and only once more. Failure is not an option here*

As he said this, bolts of force lightning shot from his hand, and right into Damon. The bolts electrocuted the deciple for a good 10 seconds, which to a beginner might feel like eternity. Malice only stopped when he started to see smoke rise from the body.

*Now get up and do it again. Though now you should do it much easier. As the pain i have just given you will help. Draw on that pain, turn it into anger, which then you turn it into power. Raise the rock above your head and keep it there*

Lifting a hand, a spark of lightning jumped from fingertip to fingertip. Signaling another attack is ready should he fail once more.

Damon the Shade
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:05:57 AM
Damon slowly got up his body feeling the fried affects of the lightening blast. He finally made it to his feet and coughed up some smoke. He looked at Malice with rage in his eyes but said nothing, one more blast like that and Damon could possibly burst into flames.

Damon brought the rock back to his hand and focused all his rage and pain on it. Force energy flowed straight to his hand and into the rock. It levitated higher and higher with out fail and soon it was above The Shades Head.

"Is that good enough?"

Apr 25th, 2003, 05:32:31 PM
Malice simply nodded.

*Yes that will do. Your training shall be cut short for now. I have a mission for us to go on. Now go back to your room and get ready. I shall be there within the hour*

With that Malice quickly left.

OOC: Go here and post. Think of it as your first rp at SWfans.
