View Full Version : Pasadena Sci-Fi Summit

Mistress Tatiana
Mar 31st, 2003, 01:27:07 PM
Hey guys! :) I just wanted to share with you my experience at the Sci-Fi summit that I went to on saturday. I met up with my bf Sothie and his sister (Alana) and her husband. I also met up with Mockadane, Saurron, and Bowdin. Saurron and Bowdin were dressed up in their Tie Figher uniforms. It looks so authentic! Yu can even hear them when they have their masks on. It's got some kind of comunicator device inside. They're a part of the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers here in Southern Cali.

There were lots of SW peeps at the convention. I got to meet Peter Mayhew (Chewie), David Prowse (Darth Vader), Jeremy Bullock (original Boba Fett), Kenny Baker (R2-D2), Rena Owen (Taun We), Zachariah Jensen (Kit Fisto). Carrie Fisher was also there, but the line for autographs was waaayy to long. lol

I got to talk to Rena Owen for quite a while. She is so sweet. I told her how I loved the way she portrayed the character of Taun We and how I play her character here on the boards. She said she'd love to stop by and see the board, so I wrote the web addy on a napkin. She said she'd stop by in a few days. Don't know if she actually have time to stop by, but it would be great if she did. :)

I took lots of pics. As soon as I get them developed I'll post them up so everyone can see. Here's pics of the 501st. Saurron and Bowdin are the two tall troopers in black. :)



Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 31st, 2003, 01:41:09 PM
Saurron and Soth need to get their helmets back on or they're gonna be dusted :uhoh

:lol jk

:D great photos, sounds like the summit was fun :)

Mar 31st, 2003, 01:45:12 PM

Elvis is apparently alive and well, and digs snow troopers.

Mistress Tatiana
Mar 31st, 2003, 03:34:18 PM
Actually, Soth isn't in that picture with Saurron. He's not part of the 501st yet.

And yes, Elvis is alive and well. lol He asked to take a pic with me cause I had my hair like Leia. Unfortunatly, I couldn't find my costume so I didn't dress up, but I did wear one of my SW shirts. :)

Lord Soth
Mar 31st, 2003, 05:37:15 PM
Bowdin has tons of great pic's...I should know,...I had his cam the whole time...lol. Tatiana as well has some great shot's of all the SW celebrities...How do I know this you ask?...I took them too...:P

We'll try to get them up a.s.a.p. for everyone to enjoy...It was a blast and the peep there from the 501st were pleasant to talk with and they all went out of there way to make it fun and exciting for everybody there...

As Tatiana mentioned, Rena Owen (Taun We) was really kool and we spoke with her for quite some time...She did say that she was going to stop by here and post to all of us when she has the time...

As for joining the 501st...It’s a done deal...:)

Mar 31st, 2003, 10:27:24 PM
Great pics you guys - post more!

(Nup, that Elvis comment :lol)

Mar 31st, 2003, 11:38:43 PM
Wasn't me, truth be told. :) Morg's the witty one.

Azure Regalia
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:24:21 AM

I almost went to the convention with my sis, but decided 3 hours for $37 wasn't my thing. I'll catch the next one and be sure to dress up as LV :D (not that anyone would KNOW it's LV... I'd just be a generic Sith female to most :lol)

Mistress Tatiana
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:14:55 PM
Good, cause if you dressed up as Catwoman, I'd be very very embarassed. :lol

Jinn Fizz
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:36:59 PM
Hey, wait a minute...we saw Elvis at Comic Con in San Diego last summer...has he switched sides now? o_O


Lord Soth
Apr 1st, 2003, 11:38:47 PM
That's him alright...lol. I never forget a face...Especially one that looks like the King. :P Funny thing was Fizz, the dude was all mack'en on Tatiana the whole time I was standing there trying to hook up a picture with her. Can't blame the guy though...She's a lil hottie :)...And get this guy's...David Prowse (Darth Vader) was all gett'en his mack on with her too...It was so funny to see Darth Vader hitting on my woman lol.

Pimp Daddy Vader... :lol