View Full Version : No Protectors. (Open - Knights and Lords or higher.)

Zasz Grimm
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:21:05 AM
Random Man: "Liar! The Jedi protect us, they protect the Galaxy! They always will!"

Zasz was dressed in a long cloak, the hood down, so that no one could see his face. He moved his head causing the hood to stare at the man, he then looked to the large group of people he had caused to assemble from his argument with an elderly man, apparently a man who had a lot of sway, but Zasz's arguments were getting to the people. They were starting to listen...

"Fool, all you have is hope. The Jedi only take care of their own, they don't care for innocents! Did you not read your history books old man?"

The man shut up for a second, and then started to protest, it was true that the Jedi let many die in wars, and in battles. And they did protect their own more than others. Zasz grinned...

"See, there are no protectors in this universe anymore. Only murderers...."

He stood up, causing the table to fall back. The man fell to the ground, looking up to Zasz. He immediately saw his blood red pupils and started to scream...

Elderly Man: "Run! Run! He'll kill us all! RucckkkkaaHHHHH!"

Zasz's hand was outstretched, the robe's arm was sagging, pointing at the old man. He was choking and no one was helping him, and now he was dead. Everyone in the audience was startled. Zasz looked up...

"He was right about one thing..."

Picking out a target that was close to him, he lunged for him and a scream was heard, and people tried to run away, but because of the large numbers that was there, people were falling down. There was a mass panic...

Mar 31st, 2003, 05:35:32 PM
Satine looks up from what he was doing, and pulls his hood down, revealing his shockingly silver hair and eyes. Getting up, the Jedi makes sure his sabres were with him, as he follows the source of the screams, seeing an old nemesis.

"Zasz! Back away right now!" he says, the force amplifying his voice so everyone coukld hear it.

Zasz Grimm
Mar 31st, 2003, 10:56:15 PM
"Ah...Always so fashionably late..."

Zasz let go of the girl he had grabbed a second before, immediately after he did so she ran off crying for her mother. The black hood slowly turned in the direction of the person who had called his name. A voice he had not heard in a long time...

"Satine...Always so...Bold..."

He laughed as he turned his whole body to face the Jedi Master. He outstretched his hands, seemingly to show that he was giving himself up.

"No protectors. Only murderers. Slay me Satine, prove me right! Prove in front of this audience that the Jedi are murderers. If you don't, you know I will show them a murderer. I will pick them off."

He looked to the Jedi's face...

"Decide quickly young one..."

Apr 1st, 2003, 09:37:46 AM
Satine brings out his sabre, and ignites it, the glowing black blade hissing like a serpent.

"Zasz, if I kill you now, it would be retribution for those you already have killed. You have brought this down upon yourself."

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:39:24 AM
"Then do it old friend. Kill me in cold blood. What will you tell your friends back at the order? You killed in cold blood."

He grinned as he laughed, stealing infamous lines...

"But if you strike me down, I will only become more powerful..."

Apr 1st, 2003, 10:00:36 AM
Satine couldn't help but laugh in Zasz's face. "Stealing lines from other people now?"

He takes a step towards his old friend. "I could kill you no, but I won't. I am a Jedi. That means I have to wait for you to move first..."

{OOC:Lol, I got the PM just as I was about to reply to this. :)}

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 10:06:39 AM
"I thought Jedi were supposed to protect the peace! Protect the innocent! There are no protectors, you won't even kill to eliminate a larger threat...."

He turned his head so that he could see the crowd, he picked out a small girl from everyone and raised his hand. It was obvious that she was now beginning to struggle to breath, and she would die..

"Act quickly Satine, else she dies."

Apr 1st, 2003, 10:11:18 AM
With a growl, Satine launches himself at Zasz, impacting the Sith's jaw with his fist, and breaking Zasz's concentration. Jumping back a pace, Satine then sends a wave of Force power at Zasz.

"What are you trying to prove, Sithling? The Jedi are here to protect. But our code also states that we do not act aggressively."

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 10:14:48 AM
Zasz launched himself into the air, avoiding the wave of power that Satine had launched at him. As he was coming down from the air, he twirled out of his clock and threw it to the side, and he reached for his lightsaber hilt, igniting the blood red blade. He looked to Satine, the cloak falling beside him on the left..

"You dare mock me....Call me Sith!!??!?"

Zasz stalked forward, dare not give the Master the advantage over anything. He was upon him immediately and started to lash out violently at Satine, aiming for his head, which was blocked, and then towards his torso...

Apr 1st, 2003, 10:21:47 AM
Instead of blocking, Satine twirls out of the way, his foot lashing out as he does, and catching Zasz in the gut, tossing him back a bit. Satine then attacks, slashing at Zasz's legs, which is blocked, and then backing up a step.

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 10:26:18 AM
Zasz blocked but grabbed his stomach, looking up, his crimson pupils seeming to glow from his anger. He looked up as he slashed upwards from the ground, trying to cleave him in half, and end this quickly. He was easily blocked by the master. He stood up and began to attack again.

He swung his lightsaber blade from left to right. But right before Satine went to block it with his own blade, Zasz deactivated his lightsaber. Meeting with no resistance threw Satine off balance, giving Zasz an opening. In a split second the saber was reactivated and Zasz came back with an attack straight for his open shoulder...

Apr 1st, 2003, 10:33:29 AM
Satine, sensing he was going to be impaled, quickly forms a Force shield, weak sicne it was hastily constructed. The blade hits the shield, and breaks it, but only having enough momentum to sear his shoulder before the Jedi MAster jumped away. Growling low in his throat, Satine stabs out, followed by a quick flash, and then another stab.

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 05:13:17 PM
Zasz blocked the stab with ease, and then moved his saber towards his slash, and then again to his second stab. This was childs play, why wasn't he trying?

"I know you can do better Satine!"

Zasz opened his palm and let a wave of energy pulse forward, causing Satine to fly back and into a crowd of people who were intent on watching the fight..

"Yes, protect them..."

Apr 1st, 2003, 05:32:48 PM
Flipping to his feet, Satine jumps at Zasz, igniting his sabre in mid-air, and ignitning his second blade, slashing with one, and keeping the other in defense.

"I'll protect them...And you'll be dead after this."

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:02:21 PM
Zasz moved to the right side with speed enhanced by the Dark Side, avoiding Satine, and thus making him be off target. He came up from behind just as he was landing, aiming to slice open his back..

Apr 1st, 2003, 07:38:36 PM
Satine, as he landed, rolled on a guess, and was awarded by the sound of a lightsabre going over his body. Satine grins, and then lashes out with his feet in a sweep designed to knock Zasz to the ground.

Zasz Grimm
Apr 1st, 2003, 08:54:41 PM
Zasz jumped up just as Satine's foot passed underneath him. He looked down and started to slash towards him. He quickly evaded, but Zasz had the high ground...

He ran forward and acted like he would swing. Ah, there it was. Satine rolled away once more, but Zasz didn't swing, he moved forward to let his boot find it's way to his kidney...

Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:11:54 PM
Satine hisses in pain. That would leave a mark. Getting to his feet, the Jedi Master slashes as he's getting up, forcing Zasz to block, and then jumping, landing a double kick to Zasz's chest, and throwing him back.

"Not very nice, 'old friend'..."