View Full Version : Drug Runners: Picking Up (Completed)

Simian Kane
Mar 30th, 2003, 02:51:34 PM
'TradeCom Inc, Coruscant Warehouse, Coruscant. 1:28am'

The rain poured heavily from the night sky down upon the warehouse district of Coruscant. The carpet of clouds gave the city a even more darker feeling than useral and left many of the population in a gloomy feeling all except Simian Kane the owner of TradeCom Inc. He had have a very pleasant communication from his seller who had just sold 790 tons of the known drug: Ryill. The 790 tons was mealy a taister of the drug before the seller would send more on at a more costly price.

'Gentleman!...' He called out to all his new employees and workers. Most of them were hired hands and mercenaries some where just unskilled workers desperately needing a job and so would keep the secret. ' I wish to congratulate you on helping "TradeCom Inc" make its first purchase!...soon you, my fellow employees will be unpacking 790 tons of Ryill which will be spread across Coruscant and fed to our dealers buyers...our influence will be rocketing and our profits strong!'

The crowed below him on the warehouse floor cheered as he smiled from the upper tier catwalk. Champaign bottles popped open and the drink spilled into dirty mugs all over the establishment...TradeCom was underway. Kane strode back into his plush office where his right hand man "Taro" sat with his feet up on the couch. ' They are as happy as we are Taro...our awsome venture is underway...'

Taro was a very big man, almost like a Coruscant State wrestler and carried a huge rail gun wherever he walked, the big man smiled and gave Kane 2 or 3 claps. ' I knew we could d'it boss, it has been our dream for years now and with a great team such as ours we could be millionaires by the time we are finished...'

' IF we finish Taro...'....' IF then sir ' taro corrected himself with a smile. The two sat in silence for a while listing to the party downstairs. The Kane stood and picked up the Com. ' Im going to get you two hands Taro...if the trucks come under attack you cant handle them alone, i will pay for two mercenaries to help you out... Taro sank back in the couch upset.

' Garmollo?...yes hello my friend is all well?. Good. Now i know your the guy i can turn to when i need some help and i know your the man on the street. I was wondering if you would be able to contact one of your Hunter friend to bring yourself and him along to the TradeCom warehouse and do a job for me?. Yes we can discuss that when you get here....yes. yes. Okay..in 1 hour?....okay. Bring the best you can get will you, i shall pay you both handsomely...okay thanks Garmollo...' the Com went down and Kane smiled to taro.

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 30th, 2003, 03:01:30 PM
Garmollo was riding down the streets of Coruscant after recieving a call from one of his clients. The informant was never without connections, and was proud when he could help two of his clients in one fell swoop.

Simian would like the bounty hunter Garmollo was getting for him. Sean Troy was one of the best around, no doubt about it, and Garmollo was sure that Troy wouldn't pass up the opportunity to make a good deal of money.

Garmollo punched up Troy's frequency. "Troy, Garmollo here. I got a job for you that you can't pass up. It's a pretty basic sort of thing, but the client is offering up quite a bit of money. Where are you at?"

"Imbecile, where would he be at?" one of his personalities piped up.

Garmollo shook his head. "Quiet in there. Never mind Troy. I'm on my way to get you."

Garmollo turned his bike down an alley and stopped in front of an old looking door.

"Open up, you! We're on the job!"

Mar 30th, 2003, 03:17:38 PM
Bleep Bleep

Troy always feared this. Every time he got into his apartment, took of his cloths and got into the turbo-shower the bleeps from the Comm would always disturb him. Every single bloody time. Troy stepped out from the shower reluctantly, wrapped a towel around his waist and jogged up to the phone in his plush looking living room. From the outside the apartment looked dank and horrible, inside however was a different story. Inside he could flaunt his money. ' Yo?...Garmollo...yeah course im interested. Alright i'll be ready gimme a while...' Troy said putting down the com. Garmollo was the only informant that knew Troys Coruscant address and so he knew in 20 minutes the green glad man would be around.

Troy put on a dark pair of baggy pants and white ti-shirt and a black tight jumper before walking back downstairs into his living room. Sean opened his beer cabinet, pulled out 2 cans of Best Bitter and placed them on his coffee table. Soon after two loud bangs came to the coded durasteel door and a voice shouted behind it. Damn it Garmollo keep ya voice down!. troy opened the door looked both ways and pulled the green man into the hall way. ' Frelling hell garmollo you trying to tell the whole hood what we are up to, tell you what go get Coruscant Watch on our butts as well while your at it!...' Troy turned and walked into the white carpeted living room.

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 30th, 2003, 03:25:02 PM
Garmollo stepped inside, and took off his helmet for a second.

It was good to let his face get some air everyonce in a while.

"If the whole neighborhood knew what we were about to be up to, they'd all fight for a chance to join in."

Garmollo picked up one of the beers and drank it down quickly.

"Good stuff."

Garmollo crushed the can in his hands, then started talking. "Ok, a friend of mine, Simian Kane, has begun is drug racket here on Coruscant."

Naturally, Kane never told Garmollo anything about what he was doing until they were face to face, but Garmollo liked to keep tabs on people through rumor on the street. It was no surprise he would get a call on the night most thugs speculated Kane would move.

"He wants us to do a job for him. He says he'll go over that when we get there. If my guess is right, all we have to do is make sure the shipment gets to where it needs to go on time."

Garmollo grinned. "We get payed loads to just babysit. You couldn't ask for an easier job. What do you say?"

Mar 30th, 2003, 03:38:49 PM
' Just to babysit?' Troy pulled the ring on his beer and took a good mouthful. Troy had done a few babysiting escorts in his earlier days as a Hunter. He had once escorted a Crime Lords daughter from Coruscant to Kuat, took a package to Coruscant from Naboo that was packed with a message in the form of the ear of a Twi'lek. Troy had done it all before and had little interest in doing the newbie frell ever again. ' Garmollo i know your my best informant anall' and i thank you for the opertunity but i have done that all before and i only do work for the big fish these days okay?...This Kane guy sounds like a newbie done and dusted.'

Troy downed his beer and took a seat in his big black leather armchair before motioning Garmollo to take a seat. ' get yourself another beer...'

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 30th, 2003, 03:43:55 PM
Garmollo waved his hand in a dismissive gesture at the thought of another beer. Garmollo seldom drank, and he didn't need to be drunk when he took Sean to meet Kane.

"Kane? A newbie? Pfft." Garmollo sat in a seat across from Troy.

"The man's far from it. I will admit that babysitting isn't any fun, but the simple jobs are never fun. This Kane fellow has been planning this for quite some time. He's already very successful on several other planets. The man already has his foot in the door. He just needs our help to get into the house, if you know what I mean. If we do this job right, he'll be sure to hire us first thing in the future, and if you make a good impression, I'm sure he'll be more than willing to up your pay on future jobs. You got to plan for the future, man."

Mar 30th, 2003, 04:10:59 PM
' He better be paying me for this Garmollo. I mean i just got in and now you want me to go out for the rest of the night on a sit down and grow fatter job?...jeez man?' Troy looked over to Mollo' for a few moments and saw the look in his eyes. The guy was green. He had hardly done any jobs and wanted to break into the bounty trade and it was hard to do so unless you knew someone that already was in it. Contacts were hard to establish in this game. ' Alright, alright but if this Kane gives me any Dren im outta there okay?' He got up from the chair and went upstairs. ' The things i do for you Garmollo!'

15 minutes later Troy came back down from upstairs fiddle with the famous black flak jacket. Who knows how many gadgets were hiding away in it?. A heavy blaster was across his back and a single KK-5 blaster on his waist. over the top of his skin tight black suit went a dark green trench coat. ' Dont you ever wear anything different Garmollo?...man you need a social life...' Turning the lights off Troy exited the apartment and turned up his coat collar to shield his kneck in the rain. Troys black speeder was outside and with a click of a switch the door opened and in got the Hunter. he waited for Garmollo to get in or jump on his bike.

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 30th, 2003, 04:18:06 PM
Garmollo shook his head at Troy's remark about a lack of social life. "If you only knew."

Garmollo got on his bike and started up the engine. Garmollo motioned for Troy to follow him, and started back out into the streets, headed for the warehouses that Kane would be keeping his stuff at.

Garmollo keyed his commlink and got a hold of Kane. "We're on our way."

Simian Kane
Mar 30th, 2003, 04:41:14 PM
' They are on their way Taro...' Kane said putting the Com back down with another happy smile. Downstairs the party still waged on but upstairs the two men still did business. Taro stood up and poured himself a drink from the cabinet, a nice shot of bourbon would do the trick. Taro stood at 6'6 and was built like a durasteel pilon, if anyone was wise enough they did not mess with him at all, perticuly with the heavy rail gun he carried with him. ' I don't like Hunters Simian. They are all money hungry bastards and you know it...i can do it Simian.' Growled Taro in a gruff voice.

' And we are not money hungry "bastards" Taro?...do we do this for charity?. No we don't. Money is what makes the galaxy go around Taro, people like it, people spend it, people kill for it and if 790 tons of Kryill is out there im sure they will hence why you need help in protecting it...' Kane said sensibly. ' Your my right hand man Taro, i need your help and i am not assiamed of admitting it and nor should you be, your an expert and so are these two Hunters, work with them and get this mission over and done with i want the cargo here no later than 5:30 am Kane said with a smile. Kane placed a arm on Taros shoulder. ' Like you said, we could be rich as princes...'

Mar 30th, 2003, 04:48:32 PM
"Yes sir."

Taro folds his arms and leans back on the wall, still fuming inwardly over the prospect of having to cooperate with hunters. Ever since the big man had become one of Simian's employees, he had usually been given free reign to do what he would, and usually worked alone. That's how it had always been, even before Simian hired him. Taro had been a wastrel of a man, putting his muscles to use in prize fights, with cash or drugs as the prize. He fought alone, no matter the odds, and always had it his way. But there was the night when a heavy bet had been lost on one of his fights. Simian was so determined to get his money back from that, he had hired Taro on the spot, putting him to work as a bodyguard. It has been years since, and Taro has been promoted from a blaster to the rail gun.

"So long as they don't get in the way of the goal..."

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 30th, 2003, 05:05:20 PM
Garmollo and Troy reached the warehouse, and went inside through one of the small doors. A large party was going on, but Garmollo was not here to party. He elbowed his way through the crowd towards the rear of the warehouse and up the stairs to the small office where Kane would be waiting.

Garmollo got to the office, and one of his more arrogant personalities took over, bursting in and swaggering over to one of the steel chairs in the office, flopping down into the seat.

"So, talk to us," Garmollo said, taking off his helmet and tossing it onto a coat rack that stood in one of the corners.

Of course when Garmollo said "us," he really meant himself. But Troy was there too, and so the sudden ambiguity of the word "us" made Garmollo smile. Not many people knew of the other faces Garmollo had. Not even Kane. And if Troy knew, he didn't show it.

"What sort of job is this?"

Simian Kane
Mar 30th, 2003, 05:31:38 PM
' Garmollo, Troy welcome to my establishment. Unieh get these two men a bourbon.' The robot unit swung from the bar area and over to the two seated hunters before delivering there drinks and zooming back off to the party. ' The job i iwsh for you two to do is simple. Taro here along with you two will travel to the Coruscant City docks with 5 Heavy Hova-Vans. There you with the aid of a few bulk workmen you will pick up the 790 tons of Kyrill and simply bring it back here. Its easy work and you will get money and reputation for it.' Kane said as he sippied his bourbon. ' Heres the deal, you will both receive 150.000 credits for the pick up, escort and delivery..the SAFE deliverery of all 790 tons. Heres the catch however i want it back here before dawn and thats 3 hours away.' Kane stood and smiled.

' Taro here is team leader, no arguments and no excuses. I trust this guy before any of you and so he runs the show out there, you piss him off he has the right to blow you apart. Work hard and get paid thats all i ask.' Kane walked up to the office window and looked down towards the party. ' Easy money gentlemen...'

Mar 30th, 2003, 05:46:18 PM
Easy money. Right. It won't take even an hour to go to the docks and back, but he's a bit doubtful about loading 790 tons in under two. He'll succeed anyway though. He always, always does...

"First things first. Each van carries rougly 200 tons of stuff. We'll distribute the Ryill evenly between them, along with a few other commodities to throw off the watch should they decide to investigate. There's only one entrance to the docks we need access to, and once we arrive it's your job to guard it. Plain and simple. No one is allowed access. If a vehicle tries to enter, stop it. The workmen there are our people; they'll load up with their usual efficiency. When they're done, we'll load up and head back. Understood?"

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 30th, 2003, 05:53:28 PM
Garmollo was now leaning back in the steel chair, the back of his head against the wall. "Yeah, yeah."

Garmollo turned his face from Taro and waved his hand at him, as though telling him to go away. When Garmollo stood, his posture was regal, like royalty. His personalities had changed again. Not one of Garmollo's personalities liked the big man, and the prince stepped forward to express it.

"Do you need us to also drive these large vans? And where exactly is the place that we're going?"

It wasn't enough to just tell Garmollo that some large vans were going to be taken to a dock and get loaded up. Garmollo was an informant first, bounty hunter second. He wanted details.

"And this big guy?" Garmollo asked, jerking his thumb over at Taro. "When did you get him?" Garmollo didn't seem to remember when Kane had hired the extra muscle, and Garmollo had never heard of Taro on the streets. "I hope you know what you're doing, hiring a guy like him. No names like him are usually ex-prize fighters that are too quick to get into fights. Not the sort of guy you would want heading such a delicate mission like this one. He doesn't seem like much of a team player to me."

Mar 30th, 2003, 06:30:08 PM
' 150.000 nikker eatch for a simple escort from here to the docks and then back again?. Kane, i have been in this game for almost 7 years and i aint seen noone hire me for a botch job for that amount. Now your ether lieing to us about the content of that storage or your head is screwed on backwards.' Troy said forcefuly. He had remained silent till now but when he needed to know a detail of the job he would ask out right. Sean was a rookie compaired to those like Boba Fett and Sting but he still knew the game just as well...a fast learner.

' I wish to know the truth and the whole truth not some cover up crap or im outta' here and you can go hire some rookie that will take any frell offa your hands.' Troy continued.

Simian Kane
Mar 30th, 2003, 06:40:51 PM
Kane staired at Troy for a moment or two before turning to Taro with a smile. Troy was good and he knew the game well but not well enough it seemed. Kane had hired Hunters in the past an always gave the truth about the job, he was not like those Lords who did what he wanted, lied and cheated to get what he wanted. Kane was at the very least, honest. ' Firstly Troy, i dont lie. The cargo is simply Kyrill if you dont trust me open and box of it yourself and sniff it. You know how to detect Kryill right?...of course you do your a hunter right? so if you want proof go smell it its that simple. You dont like the vast amount of money im willing to pay then go and walk away and ditch the job i can hire another Hunter. Im not the one who would be losing out my friend.' Kane sat back down behind his desk and took a swig of his amber drink.

' The propositions between me and my employee is strait and honest. If i lie i could not only get myself in trouble but the very reason i hired you for could be damaged, you think i want that?' Another swig from his glass and the bourbon had be drunk. ' As for you Garmollo, i would require you to drive the trucks yes, and its the East City docks you will be taking it to, a Coruscant Freighter is the ship with it all aboad and the pilots and ship crew are all payed off, all you need tpo do it get it back here. And Taro here is incharge if you dont like THAT Garmollo then tough luck..the moneys up for grabs ehter i hire you two or somebody else...'

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 30th, 2003, 06:50:49 PM
Garmollo shrugged and rolled his neck a few times, illiciting a few pops as he got up and retrieved his helmet.

"Ok then. If my bike is in any worse condition than I left it here in, I'll be asking for a little more than 150.00 credits from you, Kane."

Garmollo put his helmet on and headed toward the door. "And the name of the ship?" Garmollo asked, stopping with his hand on the keypad that opened the door.

Mar 30th, 2003, 07:01:08 PM
"The ship is called the Stalwart Monument. Now let's go. You're wasting time."

Taro leads the way out the door, down to the lowest levels where the vans are parked. He climbs into one, checking to see that Garmollo and Troy had done the same. The last two are taken by grunts loyal to Taro. They will ride in the rear, to keep tabs on the two hunters. Taro will drive point. He's got the means to get them in, after all. The vans pull out and make for the docks.

Mar 30th, 2003, 08:20:59 PM
Sean once again turned up his collar at the feel of the heavy rain splashing down his neck and jumped into the passenger side of the van while a workman took the weel. Troy had a really bad feeling about this run, for a start Taro was about as arogant as hutt with his head up his butt. Then this Kane guy, turns of up nowhere with a drug running team and then starts to hire people for amounts of money never seen before on the street.Something was seriously strange and Troy did not like it one bit.

However his friend Garmollo seemed to have worked with Kane a few times and seemed happy enough with the deal and because Troy trusted Garmollo he would follow the guy and hoped the night would work out well so he could get back to his hot shower and a beer. The trucks took off from the warehouse and rounded into a main flight-way. Taro took the first van, Troy was in the 2nd and Garmollo took the 3rd while Taros boys hitched the 4th and 5th. The trucks sped up to a good speed and shot off towards the East Docks to meet there contract on time.

' Kanes not a bad guy you know?...he keeps by his word and he pays well...' Said the driver as he kept his eye on the flight-way. ' He can be a bit brutal to people that betray him, but stay friends with this guy because he can pay you back well for your work'

Troy stayed sharp on his object, get there, get back and get home. Thats it. No crap. No Bull-Dren and certainly no games. he cared little for the money Kane promised Troy simply waited to get over and done with. ' Yeah i noticed your boss paid alot for peoples services. He ether has alot of creds or the guys a little nuts...' Troy said honestly. ' Just get me there man, lets do the job and go home...' The driver nodded and the 2nd van speeded up a slight more.

Garmollo Apostate
Mar 30th, 2003, 09:29:17 PM
Garmollo had hopped into the last van, and let Kane's man drive.

"Off to the docks," Garmollo said.

The man nodded and they were off. Garmollo's helmet made it so he could pretend he was sleeping, while he and his "partners" conferred.

"Three hours? The man's a looney," Garmollo mouthed.

"The Taro guy is the one who is really nuts," a personality mouthed back.

"Him alone, get all this stuff packed up and back in 3 hours? Not likely," a third agreed.

Garmollo chattered with himself on the way to the docks, checking his equipment while the rain began to splash down.

Mar 31st, 2003, 12:43:33 PM
They arrive at the docks faster than expected. Taro presents his "ID" and security documents, then the caravan pulls in, coming around to present their backs to the Stalwart Monument. Several forklifts are nearby; the workmen take to them and begin loading almost before the back doors are open.

"Take your positions," Taro says to the hunters. "And be sure you live up to Mr. Kane's expectations."

Apr 1st, 2003, 06:46:02 AM
Troy was far from impressed at the way this was all being handled and simply sighed as he exited the cab of the hova-van. Troy had done all this crap before and it had to be one of the most uninteresting jobs he had done in a very long while. The fact he was getting paid a incredible amount of money for doing the job was the only reason he was even standing in the rain at the East Docking Station.

' Alright Garmollo, take the crates ill take the vans, keep sharp and dont use your rail to much unless its totaly needed, you dont wanna' go blowing the hell out of the docking area okay?...use your sub.' It really was not a question but an order. Troy swung his heavy blaster from around his back into his hands cocked the pin and walked back towards the vans where he would be gaurding the loading. Garmollo would gaurd the Ryrill itself while they were being loaded.

A crack of thunder stormed the docking station just then. It had been raining for 11 hours strait and looked as if it would be getting worse. The docing station was a platform for light cruisers and freighters to land. The main bulk of ships here were Coruscant Cruisers which lined off into the distance. Troy saw something as he followed the line of ships into the morning mist, a large Limo-Speeder was parked up against the wall of a warehouse. ' Garmollo...' Troy cought the big guys attention and then nodded in the direction of the Limo, as he did so to his own suprise a large Hova-Van sped up and skidded into position.

Before troy could get a better look at the Limo again no less than 10 guys jumped out the back of the truck holding anything from light blasters to heavy blasters or rail guns. One of the rail holders fire towards Troy who quickly quickly dived out the way naorrowly missing the bolt which struck a freighter and exploded in a hail of metal. Troy came out of the roll into a perfect position and let rip 4 or 5 bolts at the men. The men scattered into defencive positions as the bolts flew past them. ' Garmollo, Taro!...Rail them! The bastards were waiting for us!' Another explosion from one of there rail guys hit near Garmollo as Taros team also scattered into positions.

Troy knew something was going to go bad. Now it was time to get professional.

Garmollo Apostate
Apr 1st, 2003, 12:33:52 PM
Garmollo jumped out of the way, took up his railgun in his hands, aimed and fired a shot in one smooth motion. The blast barely knicked the back of the car.

"Maybe next time try aiming," one of his personalities snarled.

"Why don't you try it?"

"Maybe I will!" Garmollo's personalities switched, and now a new Garmollo was peering through the aiming scope.

This second shot was a good one, hitting the rear of the limo full on.

Apr 1st, 2003, 12:56:49 PM
Oh for the love of...

"Load it faster!"

Taro takes his heavy gun, points, and fires. He can't see a damn thing in all this rain, but he knows still where the enemies are. Hit or miss, he doesn't care. The backdrop for his fire is a bunch of unimportant buildings, tankers, and those damn hunters.

Garmollo Apostate
Apr 1st, 2003, 06:07:46 PM
Garmollo rolled out of the way. "Idiot can't see a damn thing."

Little did Garmollo realize it, but he was in tune with the Force through his feelings of frustration at the limo. He was able to see better than he was because of that. But he didn't realize that.

"Let's shoot back. And try not to kill him. Even though it would really make me feel good," he growled.

Garmollo aimed at the limo and fired another shot. The vehicle rocked, and Garmollo fired again.

"Rail gun doesn't load fast enough!" Garmollo wanted to tip the limo over.

"Troy! Do you see where I'm hitting the limo? After I fire a shot, fire at the same place right after me. I'm going to tip the frelling thing!" he said through the commlink.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 03:39:29 PM
Before Troy could responde a ZEEEOOWWW-BUFFFF! sound flew through the air and then smashed heaverly into the side of Sean' position. It had been a heavy rail bolt which cracked the side of the warehouse and sent rumble craching down upon the Hunter. Lucky enough Troy had very fast reactions for if the blocks had hit him to the ground he would have coughed up his own guts. Sean quickly dived out into the middle of the enemy fire which was the only way to avoid the falling rubble. ZIP A blaster bolt connected with Troys chest before he could react and it sent him sprawling back onto the ground.

Troys chest plate had saved him this time but with a heavy bruising that could take quite a number of weeks to heal. Troy waisted little time and attepting to hide behind a new position and quickly took up residence with Garmollo who was still fireing on the soldiers. Sean shoved his back up against the wall and looked at his chest, he was certainly a very lucky man. ' Dame that was frelling lucky.'

Troy peeked to view the Limo, it had vanished. The man or woman who intended to murder the two hunters and Taro had driven away. He probably had seen what he needed to see. Without further complaint the hunter quickly side steped from the defended position and took aim, he fired with such skill that his bolt was never even seen and ripped through the soldiers chest and out the other side. the soldier hit the floor and had died almost instantly. ' ONE DOWN! ' He shouted before hiding back again.

Garmollo Apostate
Apr 2nd, 2003, 03:48:35 PM
Garmollo switched his rail gun for his sub and looked out at all the soldiers. There were a few, minus the one that Troy had cored.

"Nice shot," Garmollo said, and took aim at a few of the soldiers.

"Squeeze the trigger," one of his personalities muttered, and a spray of laser bolts lit up the night as they hit a few targets. A few soldiers fell injured, but none were killed.

Garmollo looked around for the next good target, took aim and fired again. The luckless victim took a blasterbolt to the face.

"Finally. Now where did that limo get to?"

Apr 2nd, 2003, 04:01:13 PM
Taro can see it now, a big black box maneuvering to evade...something. He fires on it, then speaks in his comm.

"WTF is that limo? You're not doing your jobs!"

Apr 7th, 2003, 01:58:05 AM
' We all loaded up yet?!' Shouted Troy to the workmen who were drivng the 3 forklifts double time to get the crated into the vans. The last few crates took a few moments to load up as the 2 hunters and Taro gaurded the workmen. Before long the vans were the ready to go and between blaster fires the two hunter started to fall make towards the trucks. The workmen scattered and jumped into the hova-vans, two vans sped out of the yard and 3 vans were left.

' Taro, Garmollo lets get the hell outta here!...' The 3 drug runners were out umbered the only escape was to leave with what they came for and quick. Sean jumped into the first van narrowly missing a few blaster bolts. Garmollo jumped into the 2nd and Taro in the 3rd, the 3 vans sped off into the darkness quickly followed by blaster bolts leaving the strike team standing in the docks seeiming failing there attempt to rob Kane.

' Garmollo, lets get this crap back to Kane and keep a low profile..im done with this stuff for tonight...' He said over the comm before zooming off into the night towards Kanes warehouse.

Apr 7th, 2003, 02:24:10 AM
The limo door opened and reveal a cloaked figure, his hood covering his face almost completely while his arms and legs were completely hidden from the long dark brown cloak. He stroad through the dockyards and confronted the failed battalion of troopers who had failed his request to kill the group. ' You ffffailed you ffffools!' He walked steadily around to meet there faces with his all that could be seen of him was a long purple snout and green lips under a dark hood. ' It wasss a sssimple tasssk! And onssse again you ruin my plansss' Merrick hissed.

' But sir, it was two Hunters we fought against. They seemed very exp-' Before the man could say another word the ZIp-Humm of a saber struck with a red glow and came to life and was sliced easily down his body to part eatch half in two. The saber was quickly re-holstered. ' I trussst you will not fail me again gentleman?...FIND THEM!' Not a word was spoken before the dark claded figure walked back to his armoured hova-limo and sped off into the night.

Apr 7th, 2003, 04:36:38 PM
:: I smiled as the lizard got back inside the limo. I brushed pale white strands of hair out of my face as it took a seat. My eyes crackled red for a moment.::

You mean "my" plans don't you Merrick? You talk too much with too little force. The force being the key word. You have failed me it seems. You should've been able to take care of them yourself and now I am left to dealing with it myself? Killing them and taking the cargo would've been so much easier wouldn't it? But no, you hire incompetents and don't bother to possibly try killing them yourself? Pathetic.

:: My black gloved hand tightened in a fist as the reptilian's jaws seemed to clamp so hard against each other that his sharp teeth were digging into his gums now.

I sighed and looked out the window before looking to the driver.::

Cut them off... now. I must have a word with them it seems and if my mind isn't wrong, the five in one package I could sense from here was my faithful friend Garmollo Apostate...

:: The limo lurched and sped on. But not in moments I could sense us getting closer to Garmollo. I kept close track to all those who swore fealty and allegiance to the Horde, Garmollo had been freelancing but he had his loyalties to sort out it seemed.

Not but a few moments of a silent ride, the reptilians mouth sealed shut with the force and me mulling over how to do this myself thanks to the idiotic deeds of those below me. The limo decided to take its oppurtunity as we moved forward. It slammed into one of the vans. This resulted in another running off the road and to the side but that wasn't what really bothered me. They were armored cars it seemed and the merchandise should still be very well protected. The van stopped and I got out casually, my black armor and cloak glistening in the city lights. My arms encased in my metal gauntlets, the blades at my knuckles protruding menacingly as I moved forward to the van. My eyes flared red as I spoke, my vioce amplified with the force.::
