View Full Version : I guess I'm an actor... (might not be around)

Sage Hazzard
Mar 30th, 2003, 02:17:29 AM
Well, it all started when I went to watch my brother rehearse for his part in a play, the 12th Night, by Shakspeare(sp?). He plays the part of Feste, the clown, btw. He has to sing three times in the play, one of those times at the end to finish the play. The most nerve racking role I'm sure, which is why he's got it. He's got nerves of steel and doesn't really worry about performing.

Anyway, I'm watching it and it comes to the part where the Duke is talking with Viola. He wants Feste to sing again, because he's love lorn and it cheered him up the last time. Anyway, he has an attendant named Curio. Curio is in every scene with him, he just usually stays silent. Anyway, he's supposed to tell him that Feste isn't there. Then the duke asks him who he is and Curio tells him about him being a jester and that he's around the place somewhere. So the Duke tells him to fetch him and then later Curio returns with Feste.

Okay, well, they don't have enough people for all the roles, and they're looking for others. I came just to watch, as the director said she wanted someone to bounce the lines off of. Seeing as she's kind of rewriting it to be more common folk, so people don't walk out. I'm supposed to inform them when the speech becomes to old timey and not understandable. Apparently last year the audience left during intermission... But she asked me if I wanted to be Curio. I agreed because, well, I kind of just thought it was for that one time, in rehersal...

Well, seems she liked me and wants me to be in the play. Said I reminded her of a young Tom Hanks and I was going to be a star... well geez, I can't really turn her down now, can I? So I'm in the play.

I'm only in the play for about... 3-4 scenes and only in one of those scenes do I speak. Well, she cut out the other speaking part, before I even tried the part, because she was cutting it down for time. So I just stand around a lot, listening to everyone talk and sticking by the Duke. Not hard by any means but... well, I'm a homeschooled kid. I've never acted in front of people and never even had to perform anything in front of them. So I'm totally freaked. Eeeps!

Well, just wanted to share this, as I'm ripping my hair out... Oh, and as a side note, I might not be posting as much. Today was a two hour rehersal and I didn't do anything, but it was draining. Tomorrow's a four hour rehersal, and I am doing my entire role. So I might not feel much like posting. Play goes on in 11 days, and plays three nights in a row, then it's over. So if I do end up not posting much, in 11 days I'll be back to full speed. :)

Agden Ithrin
Mar 30th, 2003, 02:42:54 AM
:) Good luck with the play. I'm sure you'll have fun with it. Can't beat a bit of Shakespeare :D

Destiny Stormrider
Mar 30th, 2003, 11:26:44 AM
Don't fall while performing :p Have fun!

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 30th, 2003, 03:42:25 PM
...and be nice to the stagehands. Trust me. :D

Mar 30th, 2003, 03:45:30 PM
and DONT picture people in their underwear - a fit of the giggles on stage is agony of the worst kind..

You're gonna have lots of fun :)

Mar 30th, 2003, 04:18:08 PM
Being in a few school plays myself I know how nerve wracking it can be :lol Im sure you'll have fun with it and may find a new interest in it. Good luck !!

Sage Hazzard
Apr 1st, 2003, 01:07:35 AM
I quit. :lol

Seriously. It was torture. Imagine you're a mid teenager who's around grown adults, you know none of them yet they're all friends with each other. You're playing a role where you have to stand rigid for 15 minutes at a time. You are faced with going to 4 hour rehersals for the next 10 days... Ugh. I woke up this morning sore. The position I took, while I stood still, was with my arms clasped behind my back and my posture perfectly erect. It was like yoga or something.

I actually, believe it or not, got over the stage fright immediantly. The teacher is fantastic, though a bit harsh. She worked the class through some loosening up stuff and it worked wonders. So that wasn't a problem anymore. I was completely cool with it.

It also had to do with me wanting to watch my brother and the play. I wanted to be in the audience enjoying it, not in it. I never intended to be in it. I, in fact, love this play. I've studied it again and again in order to help my brother out and studied it some more when I got that part. I really like it. But I was beginning to hate it soooo bad when I was rehearsing it. This teacher, though she's good, is a repetitions gal. Also, the drama department might be cut by the college. It's a community college. So she's kind of making this her last hurrah. So the actors will do a scene and do it five more times after that. I've probably seen the play about ten times now... I have a lot of respect for actors now. Doing take after take is exhausting.

So I quit. :lol I'm probably going to get into acting though, once I get to college. I enjoy it a lot, and enjoy the theatre. It's just it was so boring to sit there for 4 hours and do nothing but watch people do it. It was agonising. There's some people in that play who, even though they had the benifit of choaching, are worse than me. In fact, even though I was previously scared, I'd probably still be in it if I had those roles. It's also because I kind of felt like an outcast, despite my brother's efforts. Some of these people are about 6-8 years older than me. It was really sucky.

On a good note though, my brother's really good. And the guy who plays Malvolio is fantastic. He could seriously make a profession out of this.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 1st, 2003, 03:45:12 AM
You quit!? :cry

I was just about to wish you luck...oh well. Good luck for your brother then!

Azhure Darkstone
Apr 1st, 2003, 08:34:13 PM
At least you didnt break your leg :)
(Ive always disliked that term - doesnt really sound like 'good luck' does it?)

Sage Hazzard
Apr 2nd, 2003, 01:34:46 AM
Well I'm going to take drama in college... in about a year, maybe two. So you can wish me luck then. :D

No it doesn't. Have no idea where that expression came from...

Oh and if no one knows, this is the brother who's RPed here. He didn't do it for long but if anyone remembers the character D'Mourning Orb or Cypress Oracle, that's him. :)

There's a guy in the play who's a dancer. There's a scene where he gets punched and he actually throws himself down. Then he gets kicked and he does an exageratted blow reaction. It's really great, because it's supposed to be goofy. He plays a wimpy knight. There's also a scene where that guy is pushed. He took it apon himself to flop down and do a tumble and roll to a stop. It's fantastic! :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:20:35 AM
I liked D'Mourning Orb. He should come back. Really.