View Full Version : So this is the famous SFF

Mar 29th, 2003, 11:11:59 PM
Walking around by himself after arriving with Daiquiri and Remkah, Ezra ended up near the entrance. Impressed by the set up he nodded in approval as he ventured further.

Hands in his trench pockets, He looked up at the ceiling and around.

"Yeah, a vamp could get comfy in a place like this."

Mar 29th, 2003, 11:28:38 PM
ooc: Continued from here:
Land of the Concrete Sky (
And here:
Cyphoning Information in Bookform (

************************************************** ********************************

"Not unless he's looking to get buried here"

Hera's voice was harsh as it came from the darkness of the corridor. Ezra had not seen her there, but as she stepped into the light, his eyes dropped to the blaster that was levelled at him.

"You better talk quick, cause you got about ten seconds to explain how you got in to my Base before I blast your head from off your shoulders"

Mar 29th, 2003, 11:33:27 PM
Ezra smiled at her which probably made her more infiuriated than anything. He kept his hands in his pockets as he answered.

"Hera, I'm not here as your enemy. I'm here as a friend. I came with Daiquiri and Remkah. With knowledge that you are seeking about the blood call you share."

He took a deep breath and tilted his head a bit.

"You should put that away before someone gets hurt."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 29th, 2003, 11:47:08 PM
Daiq and Rem heard the voices and hurried down the corridor before someone lost something valuable....like an arm or leg, namely being Ezra's.

"Wanna bet on which shes using? Blaster or blade?"

Remkah's chuckle echoed along the hall, reaching Hera and Ezra before they did. Pushing past a slow moving cleaning droid, Daiquiri turns the corner and comes up behind the Sith master, who still has the blaster leveled at the vampire.

"Nice aim.....right between the eyes, too."

Taking a deep breath, she glances at the Faene captain before continuing.

"The Days picked up a couple of tails and trackers on our way back. Rem and I didnt want to risk anyone picking up the message....thats why we waited to contact you."

Reaching out, Daiq slowly places a hand on the barrel of the gun, lowering it towards the floor and away from its target.

"This is Ezra. He willingly helped us when it wasnt in his best interests to do so........and he might be staying with us........."

She glanced sidelong at her friend to gauge Hera's response to that statement.

Mar 29th, 2003, 11:56:25 PM
"He might be staying with us??"

Hera's voice was incredulous.

"Have you both lost your minds some place out there in deep space? He's likely to slither into your room while you sleep and drain you of all your red phlebian goodness."

Daiq was grinning at her openly, Remkah not so much,thought he wanted to.

"What - you think its funny what Ive been going through..?"

Oh she was off and running now..

"These vamps come across all charming and helpful. But trust me, they are slaves to what they are... no matter what they say."

She spared a cutting glance at Ezra and then turned back with almost a desperate edge to her eyes.

"He serves Saurron..and you two bring him here?? what the frell are you thinking?"

Mar 30th, 2003, 12:07:35 AM
Ezra's eyes narrowed, he very well may have sacrificed all he had helping them, and this was the thanks he gets. He heard enough and interrupted Hera.

"Let's get one thing straight here. Yes! I'm a vampyre, but you got one thing wrong of me. I don't take what I need from an innocent. I take it from the undesirables which this frelling galaxy has abundant of. And I work for Saurron? When he finds out what I've done, my employment by him will be the least of my worries. I may have forsaken all that I have with helping you!!"

His hands were now out of their confinment of the pockets and going along with his mouth emphasizing almost evey word he spoke.

" I am here to help you.....all you have to do is accept it, or tell me to leave and I will kriffing do it."

He turned his head away and balled his fists. Frustration taking over.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 30th, 2003, 12:23:22 AM

Even though Hera was upset and frustrated with who they had brought back with them, Daiquiri had kept Hera semi-calm. But now with Ezra's outburst, the chance for peaceful negotiations were looking mighty slim.

Stepping between the two, she holds both arms up, palms facing outwards in an attempt to keep the situation from further escalating.

"Now......just wait. Ezra, she doesnt know you like we do so dont take it personally. Shes very upset right now and I understand why but its not against you."

Turning to look at Hera, Daiq notes with relief that Remkah has moved closer to the Faene boss, his hands at his side should he need to physically restrain her.

"Hera......I know you dont like this and I can see why you wouldnt but he risked his own life to help us. Dalamar wants to kill him now and Im sure he will tell Saurron what Ezra has done. He needs our help."

Her head shifts back and forth as she watches the two, waiting for the verbal explosion thats sure to follow.

Mar 30th, 2003, 12:43:45 AM
Hera pushed up against Daiquiri and jabbed a finger in Ezra's jest.

"That'd be a pretty damn good cover story to my way of thinking..Poor lost vampyre, ostracised for aiding and abetting the enemy."

She heard Daiq's frustrated sigh and knew her friend was convinced of Ezra's sincerity. But Hera couldn't help herself.
Her own search for information had brought her face to face with more of the Vamp-kind. The much too quiet Leon Laroque. The beautiful and extremely dangerous Alana. Not to mention the Shrine Bounty Hunter, Mockadane who had a few surprises of his own to share.

Hera's mind was in turmoil and this latest development was threatening to sending her over the edge.

She jabbed harder..egging Ezra on to make a fatal move in retalliation.

"I recall the last time I saw you, you were very much in the employ of your Master..AND his son. You dont fool me with that injured sense of justice routine."

Hera's eyes flashed wildly. An all out brawl was probably just what she needed. Saurron was behind her eyes..inside her mind and she could not strike him. Ezra would provide the perfect substitution for her agression to be unleashed.

Mar 30th, 2003, 12:55:19 AM
Oh how he wanted to just grab her with his vampyre speed and slam her against the wall face first. That would quell her attitude. But Daiquiri had requested restraint from them both and because he respected her as well as harbored some feelings, he did as she asked.

With his arms out to the side, he gave the battlefield to Hera.

" You don't beleive what I'm telling you?Fine. I risk my existence helping you. I stood up against a Shrine member to get your friend back safely." *sigh* "Maybe deciding to help you was a bad idea afterall."

With that he turned and stalked down the way he came. Talking as he left them where they stood. Heading back to the docking bay and his ship which had arrived outside the base perimeter.

"And I don't need your kriffing help. I can manage on my own...... I always have."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 30th, 2003, 11:51:28 PM
Daiq's frustrated blue gaze shot over Hera's head to Remkah, who had done nothing more than take a step forward when the boss had.

Hera's expression strongly suggested that she was going to continue her beligerent advance on the retreating Ezra if she wasnt restrained.

Walking backwards, Daiquiri found herself almost pleading with her friend to reconsider her course of action.

'I know how this looks to you and it must almost seem like a slap in the face for us to bring him here but Hera, youve got him all wrong. Ezra hasnt asked anything in return for helping us. I trust him, Remkah trusts him......well, as much as he trusts anybody, but doesnt that tell you something right there?
Ezra isnt here to hurt you, I promise!"

Rem's rough gravelly voice finally lends his two credits worth as Daiq pauses to take a breath.

"I gotta bottle of that fancy rum you like, back in my room. Lets go drain it then take another look at this mess, hm?"

Mar 31st, 2003, 12:34:47 AM
Remkah may as well not have spoken a word for all the acknowledgement Hera gave him.

Her eyes followed Ezra's retreating back while she struggled to get her breathing slowed down to normal.

The silence hung in the air and it was obvious Hera was making up her mind about things.

Remkah opened his mouth to repeat himself, but the Faene mistress stopped him with a glare.

Finally turning her ice-blue eyes on Daiquiri, her friend saw a hardness in them that she only reserved for others - never for Daiq. Until now.

Hera trusted Daiquiri completely and had never questioned her judgement or her council. And she was not going to start now. But her expression lent the weight she intended it to as she spoke.

"Very well. Ezra is welcome here - because of you. But believe me Daiquiri - I will kill him if he gives me the faintest reason to suspect him in anything, be he your friend or not."

Her face changed once more, softened a little. Daiquiri saw clearly the strain the last few weeks had put on her and encouraged Hera with her rougish grin.

Hera ran a hand through her hair - a sign of the completion of the former conversation.

"Now lets get Remkah's fancy rum and go over the information we all managed to get.... But better go get the new guy first before he tries to leave the docking bay and our scumbags shoot him."

Mar 31st, 2003, 01:37:12 AM
One thing you don't want to do is mess with a pissed off vampyre. And that's what the techs in the docking bay decided not to do as Ezra returned , in the mood he was in. They kept a good distance as he seemed to be on the verge of a total "freak-out" episode.

So upset was he that his eyes had gone from their soft brown to the icy-blue of his true self. Grabbing one of the barrels filled with lubricant for the ships, he leaned on it and breathed hard. His face set in a snarl, his fangs showing, also made the techs give him more room.

He started taking deep slow breaths to calm down before he ripped into someone.....literally.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 31st, 2003, 08:50:06 AM
It had been too close and for a split second, Daiquiri knew that Hera had almost turned the weeks of frustrated anger on her. She would have deserved it and taken the full brunt without any defense. It was only Hera's trust that kept the Sith master from flattening her.

With a gentle squeeze of thanks to her friends' arm, Daiq turns and heads after Ezra at a dogtrot. It wasnt difficult to find him. All she had to do was follow the trail of pointing tech fingers back to the hangar, albeit the long way around.

She found him leaning on a barrel, not moving....just leaning. His fingers were bone-white from the tight grip applied to the barrel's rim and his shoulders were squared, taut with ripened
frustrated anger. Seemed to be a lot of that going around this day.


Daiq approached, letting her presence be known, though she was sure he had sensed her when she first entered the area.

"Lets go join Hera and Remkah. Things are a bit more calm now and Im sure Rem has started filling her in on what happened."

She placed a hand on his back, a small gesture of her trust and one of - she hoped - comfort.

"Come on......everything will work out."

Mar 31st, 2003, 09:27:07 AM
He felt her enter the hanger and immediately started to calm.


He heard her call out to him, but he didn't answer. His eyes closed as he forced his frustration away.

"Lets go join Hera and Remkah. Things are a bit more calm now and Im sure Rem has started filling her in on what happened."

He still didn't answer her. Just kept his slow rythmic breathing as he calmed further still.

He felt her hand touch his back and his muscles gave way. She could feel them relax a great deal. He let out a loud long sigh.

"Come on......everything will work out."

He nodded and turned to face her. A small smile showing to help give him the strength so as not to hurt anyone.

" Alright. Lead the way."

Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:41:33 PM
Hera had made herself comfortable in the conference room, her heavy booted feet propped up on the sleek polished surface of the oval table at which she sat.

Remkah sat opposite her savoring the smooth rum and waiting for Daiq to return with Ezra.

The mood had shifted dramatically since Ezra had left the Faene Mistress's company. She was practically passive compared to how she had been when they parted.

As Daiquiri led Ezra into the conference room, Hera directed them to get themselves a drink and pull up a chair. She wanted a report of their recent investigations.

Hera's voice was level and casually business-like. It was apparent to Ezra that she had made her decision concerning him and was now moving on to other things. A sense of uneasiness remained between the two, which both had expected, but did not dwell on it.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:05:09 PM
She made sure that Ezra sat the farthest away from Hera and waited until he was comfortable before sitting down herself. Daiq waved off the bottle and slid it and a glass on to Ez. With a glance at Remkah, she began.

"Im going to give you the short version but with all the highlights. To start off, Rem found Gerbo Lang at the B&G and brought him back to the hotel room I had rented and at which point Ezra made his presence known. Basically, they both agree that there are two ways to end the 'blood call'. The first being that you - or someone - kills Saurron and the second choice is what Lang pushed for.....and that is to kill you. Im sorry it is isnt any better news."

Daiquiri gave Hera a few moments to let that bit of information digest then continued.

"Also, we had a bit of a run-in with Dalamar. Seems he thinks my meeting with Lang is tied in with an SFF plot to rob the Shrine of all its secrets and goodies. He established a mind-link with me in which he told me in no uncertain terms that he wants me and he'll stop at nothing to get me for his own. Interesting, huh?"

Hera's brows were on the rise but she refrained from commenting until Daiq had finished the story.

"Dalamar threatened to kill Ezra for helping me and hinted at causing trouble for us should SFF continue our 'spying'. I told him that it had nothing to do with the Shrine but he didnt believe me because I wouldnt tell him exactly what was going on. I dunno. Im beginning to think hes wacko."

Remkah was giving her the signal to keep going and it took her a few moments to rememner what she had left out.

"Oh, yeah. We found tracking devices on the Days but took care of them. Did I forget anything else? Do either of you want to add something?"

Apr 3rd, 2003, 10:27:59 PM
"Do either of you want to add something?"

With that Ezra spoke up.

" Hera, the Bloodcall you share with Saurron isn't like a common cold. You can't cure it with medication or devices. Only way is to either kill Saurron or you, And both choices are not ones to take."

He stood up and walked around a bit. Carrying the convo on with them.

" I know my master. He has a reason for this. Everything he does has a purpose. Even you know that. He needs you for something, which I'm guessing is why he's got you in a bloodcall. What that is, we need to find out. And I think once the task he wants is completed, he will let you go."

He leaned against the wall of the room and crossed his arms.

"Not the best of news I know, but at least now you know what you're dealing with. I will help in anything you need me for. All you have to so is tell me."

Apr 4th, 2003, 12:13:36 AM
Hera had taken her feet down off the table as Daiq and Ezra joined them.

Daiquiri's recounting of their journey drew a dark cloud over Hera's face and one or two glances exchanged between the two women.

This was not the news Hera had hoped for, and Daiq knew it.

Furthermore, this development with Dalamar put Daiq in the direct line of fire, so to speak, regarding the Vampyre. He had been attracted to her from the start..that whole dance routine at the Shrine had made Hera uncomfortable for a reason, and not just because a waltzing Vamp was disturbing enough on its own.

As for Lang - he was nothing she couldnt handle.

"Gerbo is quite enterprising isnt he. Seems he's just got a hankering to kill everybody. Well, so do I, so I dont see much conflict there. However, instead of being an ally as we thought, he chooses to set himself against us. We will keep a close eye on him."

She sat forward.

"As for Dalamar - Daiq, you will have to be very careful." Hera was speaking to Daiquiri, but took Ezra in her glance, including him in the warning. " He stikes me as the type who wont give up until he gets what he wants. Do you think we should strike first? Solve the problem before it becomes one."

Hera had yet to comment on Ezra's conduct during this whole trip. She had very mixed feelings regarding this Vampyre. Deep down she felt Daiqs and Remkahs trust in him was warrented. It just seemed so weird to have him sitting large as life in the Base, and for all intents and purposes, his new home.

Taking a deep drink from her rum, she would address Ezra after she heard Daiq's view on Dalamar.

Wacko, Dalamar she thought.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 4th, 2003, 11:04:53 PM
"Dalamar...I just dont know. Hes more than persistant. Had I know that one little dance would have brought this on.....I dont think he'll stop, not unless we really set him back on his heels."

She looked around the table at Remkah and Ezra, seeing if their take on the Warlord was the same as her own and aware the entire time that it would be.

"What set him off on me, Im not really sure. 'Obsessive' is the word that comes to mind. Even with that, I dont want to set the Fortress against the Shrine. There has to be an easier way to settle this."

Apr 4th, 2003, 11:13:23 PM
Leaning against the wall, he shifted his arms and something clattered on the floor. He looked down and it was one of the buttons from his coat. His eyebrows scunched and he knelt down and picked it up. It wasnt a button, but what looked like a tracking device. *How the Frell* Is what shot through his mind.

How did the person get his Coat? His eyes darted left and right trying to place when it was he took it off. Then he remembered, at the bar when he first saw Rem and Gerbo together. But who?? Right now WHO didn't matter, what mattered was someone was coming and he had a bad feeling who it was.

"Hera. We're having company!! This just fell off my coat!"

He tossed it to her and walked to the table they were at. He looked at her with an expression that said he was as confused about it as she was.

Apr 4th, 2003, 11:30:48 PM
Hera looked from Ezra over to Daiq and Remkah in one infuriated and outraged glare. Words were not necessary.

She slammed both fits down on the table top, quite literally making the whole thing shudder.


Apr 5th, 2003, 12:36:53 AM
Ezra reached out to her and touched her shoulder. She looked at him as if she'd attack him right there and then. But he showed her he trusted her. He walked closer to her and knelt beside her chair. He slowly shook his head and his voice was calm and collected. He couldve used his vampyre powers and made her calm down, but that would betray the thin line of trust between them. So he relied on his best skill, his charm.

" Hera, calm down. We need to be focused to repel the likes of the one who comes. I will need you to be clear up here."

He touched her temple with two of his fingers, and nodded.

" They wont get too far. I will face them. And if needs be, I will sacrifice myself for all three of you to get away safe. You have my word on that. Now lets calm ourselves and stand ready for them."

He knelt there taking in her hard glare at him.

Apr 5th, 2003, 05:01:39 PM
"If needs be, Ezra, I will happily sacrifice you myself" she snapped. Although, she could see the Vampyre was genuine in what he said, and she had to give him credit for that. She relented a little. "But those extremes wont be necessary."

She snatched up the tracking device and looked it over. It was was pretty standard, even a little on the outdated side. SFF had more modern devices collecting dust on its stock shelves.

"This is a very run of the mill tracker" she observed to everyone in general. "The Fortress here was built by its previous smuggling out fit - the former owners (she grinned a little) - and since our moving in we have improved on, and added to, the defence systems already in place. A device such as this would have been jammed by our standard "interference frequency" once the "Better Days" closed its arrival to approach distance at the Base."

She looked pointedly at Ezra, then over to Daiquiri.

"While the owner of this - we could safely assume is Dalamar by the way, but we will find out for sure - is most likely on the planet and even in the general area, he will not find the exact location of SFF itself."

She stood now, Ezra standing also, not quite sure what was about to transpire. He could still see the fire seething behind Hera's luminous blue eyes, but he didnt flinch or back away. He couldn't tell though, the thoughts the Faene Mistress hid behind her determined face. Ezra was a part of ShadowFaene now, wether he - or Hera - liked it, and despite her threats, SFF protected their own.

In typical fashion, Hera decided to tackle this new problem head on. She crushed the tracker under her boot heel.

"I think we will go see just who is so interested in following you all here, hmm?" She pause a moment and weighed a decision. She said in a low even voice. "Perhaps, Daiq, you should wait here."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 5th, 2003, 10:37:40 PM
Her first instinct was to snort - loudly.

Hera knew her better than that. Just sit back and let her friends, people whom she cared about, go out and face the danger by themselves? No frelling way!

Daiquiri knew that Hera knew as soon as she said it, what Daiq's reaction would be.

Standing up, she unclips her saber, hefting it's familiar weight comfortably in her hand.

"Lets go kick some intruder butt!"

Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 5th, 2003, 11:06:43 PM
They where closing in on the signal fast, Sting worked the controls of Talos like a musician.

Suddenly his breathe fogged in front of him and the room grew cold. The Vampyre had entered into the cockpit area. "Report Sting what is the situation."
The bounty hunter smiled "We are right on schedule, Sir. We could probably find them now even if I lost the signal." Just then the tracking beacon went dead. There was a short silence,.... Sting swallowed flicking his wrist and arming himself just in case.

The Warlord just looked at him and walked away.
"Good see that you do!" he said as he left the cockpit. Sting let out his breath thinking how close he had come to death.

"I really have to get out of this buisness or at least quit dealing with Vampyre's. Dalamar was part of my training but he still scare's the <smallfont color=#F0FFFF>-Censored-</smallfont> out of me." The bounty hunter returned to his controls. Looking over the nearby area he found a local drinking establishment. He thought to himself it was a good as place to start as anywhere else. Sting took the ship in for a landing.

Well he would say one thing about the Dark Lord, he knew how to make an entrance. Him and the Shrine Guardians got off and headed straight for the Bar. The Patrons inside the bar heard some commotion outside and next thing you knew the large man came in thru the doors. He was well built and strong his shoulders looked like he could barely fit if he seriously had wanted to enter. A small gleam of silver sparkled at his chest drawing all eye's in the smoky bar to it. It grew in brightness in size what was it.

The large man fell like thunder as the gleam of silver grew it was the Warlords Dragonhead Katana piercing the bouncers heart. The body slumped over as the Vampyre sheathed his blade. The bottom of his black armor was covered in the blood of the two bouncers. Entering slowly the whole room grew quite to a whisper.

The Vampyre spoke. His monotone voice rang hollow "I am Lord Dalamar of the Shrine, Keeper of the Dawn, and Warlord of the Eye of the Dragon." He paused as he entered further sheathing his blade fully.

" I seek Lady Daiquiri the first one to tell me live's as for the rest of you, you will surely die." A large burly man stood up and Sting shook his head

"Who do you think you are! I think I'll just kick your ackk...kk.

The Warlord put his bloodied boot blade back on the ground as the man clutched his groin. Blood splattered everywhere covering the ground in front of the impetuos man. He dropped to his knee's with a mournful whimper.

The rest of the patrons looked on in horror as the Shrine Guardians grabbed him and dragged him away, eating the man alive. His screams filled the Bar.

The Warlord turned his attention back to room "So who wants to live.......

Apr 6th, 2003, 01:30:32 AM
As the group was talking about attacking first, a beeping was heard on the wall from what was a commo system. Ezra walked over picked up the headset and answered.

"Yeah......what?.....WHAT!? WHEN!? What they look like!? ok...ok....On our way!"

Ezra slammed the headset down . Then looked at the group who was wondering about the call he had just answered.

" Trouble! Dalamar, is at one of the town's bars killing everyone in it! We better go now!"

Ezra was already heading to the door. He wanted to get there fast to save any one of those people trapped by that savage. Looking back he gestured wildly.

"The Ebon Dragon....Let's go!!"

Apr 6th, 2003, 11:03:09 PM
ooc: Dal, were gonna take it you are in a generic bar somewhere on the planet, as you probly wouldnt get too far doing that in SFFs front bar. Its full of SFF personell and they are all nasty son's of bitches and armed to the teeth. This should still flow ok though. :)

************************************************** **************

Hera blinked at Ezra as if he had grown three more heads.

"Doesn't take you long to get comfortable now does it" and she swiped the receiver conduit from his hand and glared at him.

"Now just slow down a minute and think. You do know how to think I trust?"

Her voice was thick with sarcasm and she could see she had pressed a few of his buttons by the extreme effort he displayed in keeping his cool.

"Remkah - contact "Poseidon's Gate" and give them a heads up on our wacko friend. Get all unnecessary personell out of there and get ready for Dalamar should he show up. Tell them to allow him entry, then seal off all exits. We will be there shortly, and hopefully beat his arrival."

The SSF Captain immediately left the room to do as instructed.

"Daiquiri, lets go chat with this Dancing Deadman shall we?"

The two Sith got up and headed for the door. They both paused and turned at the same time to look back at Ezra who was still standing at the table, unsure of what was expected of him.

The two opened their hands in an impatient gesture and Hera called back to him,

"..You coming, Sunshine, or planning on keeping the carpet company..?"

Apr 6th, 2003, 11:19:41 PM
Again fighting the urge to slam her against the wall, he bites his lip and looks at the floor. He shakes his head twice and looks up at the two. Then shoves off the table and walks at a fast pace past them barely squeezing by. Grumbling under his breath as he passes Hera.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 7th, 2003, 07:23:22 AM
Repressing a sigh, Daiq heads out behind Ezra thinking it's best if something is between the two hotheads.

"Didnt we just do this song and dance about 30 minutes ago?"

Pausing alongside a thick metal door, Daiquiri whistles at Ezra then crooks her finger at him. Punching in the proper security code on the pad beside the door, the closure slides open, revealing a nice tidy aresenal.

Railguns, hand blasters, plasma rifles and assorted detonators
among other weapons, lined three walls from top to bottom.


Ezra's voice came from over her right shoulder as Daiq busied herself with slipping a couple of concussion grenades in one pocket and a few thermal dets in another - not before readjusting the dets radius, though.

"What do you two think.......thirty foot radius sound good to you?"

Apr 7th, 2003, 09:10:59 AM
"Sounds good to me."

Reaching over Daiq's shoulder, he grabbed a railgun, its powerpack and ammo. Hooking the powerpack on his belt, and slamming the clip home, he smirked and hefted the weapon in one hand.

"I'm ready when you are."

Apr 11th, 2003, 02:37:00 PM
"According to the report, Dalamar is not alone, so stay wary."

She selected a blaster to augment the weapons already attached to her person and turned to lead the way out of the room.

"Lets see what Dalamar wants."

She smirked over to Daiquiri as they walked, "Maybe he wants to jive this time?"

ooc: Continued Here (