View Full Version : From Me to You, swords never clashed against better (Sol)

Valirion Thorn
Mar 29th, 2003, 07:10:36 PM
:: Sol and I stood within the middle of the blood encrusted pit. The ground sometimes lifting up in large dried sheets of wasted life water with every step. The obsidian columns, racing to the ceiling, stood testament to the power that had been used in the Pit. Dents and cracks ran alog the walls where bodies had been slammed back and forth, armor and weapons, rusted from age, adorned the ground here and there from fallen fools, testing their overconfident strength and failig in one way or another , resulting in their eventual doom.

I stood straight, observing my apprentice as he had just entered from the opposing gates to the Pit. Not late but not early, toime was of no importance to vampyre. And Sol took carelessness to another level, himself standing above other's stupidity, as he should. My armor waited fitfully beneath my skin, my sword waiting to be drawn eagerly. My blood red silks shifted slightly as I made a mock bow to Sol.::

Welcome Sir Invictus, and what might your ambitions be set on this eternal night?

Sol Invictus
Mar 30th, 2003, 12:18:43 AM
"My ambition, Sir Thorn?" Sol chuckles, returning the false bow. "I have for my humble goal in this duel...a draw. If I can manage that, I think I should walk away from this arena quite pleased with myself."

The sword Valirion bequeathed to him hangs from a reinforced loop in his trenchcoat. Sol has found after many trials that any attempts to sheathe the sword properly would result in the destruction of the sheathe in question. However, the blade hangs...contentedly?...at his side on the belt loop in his coat, free of imprisonment.

"Am I correct in thinking that we begin on your mark?"

Valirion Thorn
Mar 30th, 2003, 04:41:53 PM
:: My hand went to the base of my neck and I drew the blade from my spine. The twisted eight foot long blade slipped out fluidly before I snapped it about and it straightened. A massive two handed sword that I easily wielded with one hand. It screamed, the large eye blinking as it was introduced to a familiar enviroment.::


:: With that I lunged, the blade stabbing and the air around it being twisted as it used its own liquid like momentum to make a spiral type blade, like a large drill diving at Sol. My armor waited still restlessly beneath the surface. It was not time to use it yet and it knew it, no matter how frustrated it might be.::

Sol Invictus
Mar 30th, 2003, 05:09:00 PM
Sol draws quickly, steadying himself and squinting through his spectacles in concentration. The stab is simple to deflect, he snaps the blade in one direction and steps in the other, making his next attack low at Valirion's shin with the intent of cutting him down as his momentum carried him by.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 7th, 2003, 04:21:07 PM
:: My sword moves down to deflect and the blade snaps like a whip as it moves Sol's sword up in the air. My armored boot comes up and slams into Sol's side. My symbiote comes from the other side, a hydra head with one large blade.::

Sol Invictus
Apr 7th, 2003, 04:31:55 PM
Sol staggers back toward the incoming symbiote blade, spinning and halting it with his own and pushing back from it, orienting himself so that he can see Valirion properly. The symbiote...Sol had factored it into the battle, but had underestimated it as being only a defensive measure in the form of armor. He will see how else it can be used before he moves again.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 7th, 2003, 11:22:31 PM
:: Three more large hydra like blades formed, waving in the air like ready to strike serpents as I moved forward. I shifted my sword up and to my side and then brought it down in an arc to Sol. In unison, the hydras attacked, all at different points with my own sword screeching as it came in also.::

Sol Invictus
Apr 8th, 2003, 10:57:26 AM
To attempt a defense with his sword against all four blades at once would be a futile maneuver. Sol instead holds his sword out with the flat of the blade facing Valirion's incoming sword and summons the Force. The master's blade meets his own with a shriek of metal, and Sol surrounds himself with a barrier of Force to prevent the Hydra. A blast of Force pushes Valirion away, giving Sol time to regroup himself.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 9th, 2003, 11:38:06 AM
:: I laugh as I make a fist and give an uppercutting motion to sol, the force blasts from underneath him and slams him backwards into a black obelisk along the wall, cracks forming behind him.::

Try me.

Sol Invictus
Apr 9th, 2003, 11:52:07 AM
Sol's old body is backed with the immortal flow of vampyric power. He stands easily and pushes his glasses back up his nose.

"Very well then."

Sol shuffles quickly forward, feinting high before stabbing low at Valirion's leg, an attempt to hinder to the other's movement.

Valirion Thorn
Apr 9th, 2003, 01:05:10 PM
:: I let the blade slide easily through, the twinge of pain relieving and shocking all at once. I sigh almost as the armor splashes around the wound. I made the blade Sol used so I knew it's properties, I knew it's weaknesses and there weren't many in Lanfear. The armor wrapped along the blade and up to the hilt, making it impossible for Sol to withdraw the weapon.

I flipped my sword around and took the heavy hilt to Sol's shoulder as my other hand grabbed his face. Sol only felt the barest feeling of heat before a wave of fire knocked him back, his face now slightly melted at the edges. I hoped he was enjoying this as much as I was. I still stood, the black rapier sticking through my leg.::

Sol Invictus
Apr 9th, 2003, 02:14:57 PM
Sol checks his face, feeling the burning injuries on his face with a look that was more appraising than hurt. His regenerative abilities will heal them in due time. Now he must think of how to win against Valirion without a weapon.