View Full Version : Release.... (Alexander)
Xazor Elessar
Mar 29th, 2003, 02:34:28 PM
A quiet figure clad in black robes crept along the outer perimeter of the Jedi Academy. Slowly she made her way into a secluded room and shut the door behind her before turning on the lights. With a light clap of her hands, the large flourescent lights above her flickered on as she moved to sit down upon a cushion in the center of the room. Upon her knees, the woman slowly removed the hood of her black garb, revealing the Jedi Knight, Xazor Elessar. A toothy smile crept across her lips as she thought of the lessons she would teach her Brother this day. Silently she waited for a moment before closing her eyes and releasing a message to touch his mind.
"Find me, dear Brother -- I shall be waiting."
She spoke softly into the Force, allowing it to travel until finally the message reached the one she sought.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 29th, 2003, 02:56:21 PM
::Alexander was dressed in black Jedi Robes. The Force called him, so he came. He nade his way down the hall ways and rooms. He felt his sister and teh Force guided him. She was not in their normal sot, nor in the other spots she took padawans. She was in a far corner of the Temple. One few peopel went to. He wondered why she was so far away this time. After a bit he came to the room.::
"I have come Master."
::He kept it formal. He was scolded last time when he didn't. That was when Eve came to the Jedi. He kneeled on a knee next to Xazor.::
"I am ready to start when you are Mistriss."
Xazor Elessar
Mar 29th, 2003, 03:17:25 PM
Xazor looked up and smiled as her Padawan -- her Brother -- entered the training room. Her eyes set upon him with a warm look unlike other times when she had been filled with anger toward him. Anger was leaving her, piece by piece, though -- and now she hardly had to remind herself to watch it.
"Greetings my student -- my Brother."
She said softly, touching his shoulder so that he would look at her. Indeed, she recalled why he was being so formal -- for the last time he addressed her out of formality she had scolded him. It was for good reason, though -- he showed her disrespect before others -- be they of lower or higher rank it mattered not. It made her look as bad as it made him. This time, though, she would keep things simple for they were together again -- alone.
"You can call me whatever you want in here, but in a formal setting it is wise of you to address everyone with a respectful title, hence why I would address you as 'Master Dawnstrider' or 'Padawan' -- despite the fact that you are not a Master, nor a Knight -- it is how we ladies address you men. The title of 'Lord' is also appropriate."
The Garou knew that he understood this, though, and figured he would easily become frustrated if she continued.
"I did not bring you here to work on etiquette, though. Today you shall work on a great many things -- one of which is your temper."
Chaos Alexander
Mar 29th, 2003, 10:08:41 PM
::Alexander snorted. The Jedi were so different from the Sith. YOu only gave fancy title to those who proved to be your equal or were afraid of you. He almost caved another Sith Disiple's head in to force respect out. It only got worse when Alexander became a Knight and was about to be promoted to Lord. He would have to work on his etiquette here though.::
"I don't follow. I don't see where I have a temper. I only do what I need to do and say what must be said. A Temper would mean I don't think before I do, and I promise I think hard before I act. I just think faster than most people."
::It was an excuse. Int he arrogant youths eyes he had no real temper. He just didn't know how to justify it. That was if he could find a way to do so.::
Xazor Elessar
Mar 29th, 2003, 10:14:18 PM
Xazor eyed her Brother and shook her head with obvious disgust at his words.
"Denial -- that is something that will not get you far here, Padawan. If you think faster than most, you would know that I do not accept excuses."
She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him, around him, and through him. Her cyan eyes bore holes through his very soul until he got her silent point.
"We do not use anger here, my brother. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control are what we practice. Emotions that even touch upon anger or aggression will only lead you down the dark path once again."
The Knight paused in her words, wondering to herself how bad it would look if he went right back to the Sith as he was before.
"I will not let you fall."
She said with deep meaning and confidence, her voice raised slightly as she eyed the student before her. He had promise and great potential -- but it would be difficult to turn him into the Jedi he needed to be.
Chaos Alexander
Mar 30th, 2003, 12:41:43 AM
::Alexander returned her look. His eyes were not filled with love. They were not filled with hate ether. His eyes were empty. He was born blind. He had robotic implant that allowed him to see. They showed no feeling. His eyes changed color depending to his mood. They shifted to a dull blue at the moment.:;
"What am I suppost to feel for those......those Mosters!!!!!!"
::His voice rose at the thought of them. He was wronged badly by the Sith and it was the start of his path back to the Light. His hands trembled and he forced a calm apone his self and breathed deep.::
"You have no idea what they did to me.....and I will not rest till I have rid the worlds of them one way or another. I will not let them take the life of another little....."
::Alexander bit his lip. His sister had no idea what happened to him. He still had tear-ducts. Only his eyes were robic. Even they were a form of bio-tech. Tears slowly ran down his face as he remebered that day. Blood slowly appeared where he was bitting his lip.::
Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2003, 12:50:07 AM
Xazor canted her head to the side as she narrowed her eyes in confusion. After a moment of watching the tears fall from her brother's eyes, she slowly moved toward him and wiped them away with gentle hands.
"W -- what happened to you to cause such pain and hatred toward them? You said one day you would tell me -- please, you can trust me. I am of your blood, for the sake of Gaia!"
She stressed and moved even closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck momentarily before pulling out of the somewhat awkward situation. They had not embraced in such a long time that it felt -- unnatural.
"Maybe I can help you if you tell me."
Chaos Alexander
Mar 30th, 2003, 01:20:29 AM
::Alexander breathed deep.::
"Okay. It was a normal day for me at my Bio-Tech labs. I was on my way to the lab and I saw a little girl. She said she had no mom and lived alone. She was only around 8 years old. I took her with me. I don't know why. She reminded me alot of of myself. My office was at the top of my building. About 5 stories up. Most of my stuff was underground. I fed her and got her cloths. She was really happy. I felt a connection to her. She was like me. Alone in the world. No one else. A surviver. We were looking out my window when they came.
Gunners from TSE. They had found out that I was keeping some of the profits for myself. My lab was a front mostly. A way to fund the Empire. I was getting my some cash on the side.....well alot of cash. They fired before I could get my saber......."
::Alexander felt the tears run down his side but he kept talking.::
"I saw the blasts come at me in slow motion. I had all my robotic taken out already. No robotic eyes, not arm. I saw death. Normaly I can slwo down the way I see things, but after I had the bio-tech taken out I was unable to. It confused me. Then I saw her jump. The girl jumped infront of me. She took all the shots. The Force threw us out the window. i could here them laughing about the girl. How they would have killed her any way. Then we fell, and all went black."
::Alexander punched the wall with his robotic arm. He screamed at the wall and himself, and all who would here him. Mostly he screamed at the heavens.::
"Why?!?! Why did she have to die? I was the one they wanted, not her! she threw her life away so I could live. She was so innocent and pure. I was the bad guy, the evil one. Al I did was give her some food and cloths. She did not owe me anything. She didn't even know me, but they killed her.....they killed her. And she died to save me........"
::The last few senteces came out in sobs. The normally hrad Garou wept like a beaten child. He buried his head in his hands as he cried. Mourning the life of a little girl he barely knew.::
Xazor Elessar
Apr 2nd, 2003, 07:57:48 PM
The story was utterly tragic and Xazor's heart ached for her Brother and the lost child. Normally she would have cried but the woman was working on controlling her emotions as of late and so she shed no tear, but simply wrapped her arms around Chaos's neck.
"Please don't cry -- there was a deeper reason for why she died in your place. Don't you see, because of this child you have come to the Jedi to prevent such things like this. You turned your life around and if she knew who you were and who you have become, I am sure she would think it all worth it in the long run."
The woman gently stroked her Brother's hair and held him close to her like a mother does to her saddened child. She closed her eyes and rested her head atop his and hushed him ever so gently.
"Many things the Force hides from us, but our future is always in motion. You may not see the meaning behind everything now, but someday -- you will be a wise and strong Jedi and it will serve a great meaning to you then. For now, do not let feelings of vengence and hate for the Sith take over you, or you shall be no better than they. Love your enemies and spite them with that love."
Chaos Alexander
Apr 2nd, 2003, 08:20:13 PM
::Alexander breathed deep controling his emotions.::
"I will spite them with love alright. I will spite them with the love I have from ripping their throats out. They are a canser that needs to be removed from the universe as we know it. I can not rest untill i find the ones that killed that little girl. I have taken out two out of the seven. I can not stop untill I placed the other five Sith six feet under. Only then I can stop. I made a vow, and by Gaia I will complete it.........."
::Alexanders body shoke as he spoke. He knew these feelings were wrong, but they were some of the only feelings that kept him going those couple of years. ::
"I woke up later sister. I woke up in one of there tanks. They had been sliced up and examined. they wanted to know how I went on. How I lived. The pain......of Gaia the pain......I passed in and out of a come-like state for around a month. Even asleep I felt the pain. Then I woke on time to see her head floating in a jar. They cut her up too.......oh god......."
::Alexander burst into tears again.::
"The look on her face.......I don't even know if she was fully dead when they started on her!!!!!"
::He just sat there and sobbed. The feelings he kept bottled up for so long finaly came out. It was liek to much pressure ina bottle....and the bottle exploded.::
Xazor Elessar
Apr 3rd, 2003, 05:53:02 PM
Xazor shook her head and held him closer as he spoke of the tortourous things he would do to the Sith he found. She rocked back and forth as his tears spilled forth onto her like a flood.
"I know your pain -- it's okay to let it out but please do not break the Jedi Code -- I do that enough as it is. I want you to be better than me, please!"
She spoke softly, allowing the Force to flow through her and enter his body in calm, soothing waves.
"By killing them you are lowering yourself to their level! You're better than they are, I know it! What they did is aweful and no doubt, I too would enjoy going after them just to rip their vocal chords out as they scream in pain -- but you know what? That isn't going to make me a better person. Enough blood has been shed for a while, Alex -- enough has. No more needs to be, okay?"
The Knight had never encountered a situation where she had to speak out against her own ways -- but she knew that no matter what, it was the right thing. Her aggressive behavior was slowly being clipped, though she still did not fully agree with the Council and the Code. It was something he would need to work on, though -- and she would be there every step of the way.
"Just close your eyes for a minute and breath deeply, release all of this negative energy and focus it into something positive. I want you to think of one good thing and tell it to me."
Chaos Alexander
Apr 3rd, 2003, 07:45:55 PM
::Alexander breathed deep.::
"She is no longer in pain."
::He hated dwelling on that thought, but he felt like he needed to. He had let all of this bottle up for to long.::
"What would you do sister?"
Xazor Elessar
Apr 4th, 2003, 05:43:37 PM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded. Indeed, she was no longer in pain and she would never have to face the hardships of life. The woman squeezed her brother's shoulder and nodded approvingly, though his question puzzled her.
"What would I do?"
She repeated the question and looked to the floor for a moment, thinking of how she would feel if she was in her brother's shoes. "I'd kill those mother<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>ers." She thought to herself but pushed the negativity from her mind. Slowly her eyes rose to meet Alex's and she sighed as she canted her head to the right.
"I would think of her, but I would not allow myself to dwell on the sadness. Above all else, though, I would meditate and pray for the souls of those who did wrong to you -- for someday justice shall look them in the eyes. I would feel motivated to find out ways to protect others so that this never happened again."
The Knight was learning a lesson or two from herself, it seemed. Smiling at this thought, she nodded in resolve.
"I would focus my negative energies -- fear, anger, aggression -- into something positive. Sparring with a fellow Jedi or going on a peace mission -- even going back to your roots can all help heal the heart. First, though, I would seek comfort in the Force."
Chaos Alexander
Apr 7th, 2003, 08:23:59 PM
::Alexander nodded.::
"Trust me......I am taking measures to keep this from happening again."
::The Garou blinked and looked up.::
"What else is on the list to do?"
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