View Full Version : Black cat awaits you (Alpha, open)

Mar 29th, 2003, 01:12:54 PM
Ebony, a black cat-like person, walks into the B&G on silently feet. She hands over her lightsaber that she had make years ago before even coming to the Jedi. She walks over to the bar and orders herself a nice tall glass of ale which she pays for and takes off to a back table away from everybody else. She had been gone from the order for a good while, but is back for the first time. She had sent a message to her Master here asking for his presence. She sits and waits.

Mar 30th, 2003, 11:39:03 AM
Satine had gotten the message, and, as he walked in, he looks for his Padawan. Seeing her in one of the back tables he smiles, and walks over to her.

"Welcome back Ebony. You wanted to see me?"

Mar 30th, 2003, 11:52:57 AM
Ebony motions for Satine to take a seat. Remaining silent for a good few moments as she takes a sip of her ale. She then starts to speak.

"Yes, I do wish to see and speak with you. First, I must apologize for my unannounced departure awhile back. Something came up which I had to tend to."

Ebony falls silent again and is so for quite some time. She moves her right hand to her left arm which has a bandage on it and she just holds her arm.

"I am curious about something, is a person ever able to leave there past behind them so that it won't interfere with there present?"

Mar 30th, 2003, 08:55:17 PM
Satine considers this question for a second, and then responds.

"I really doubt that...I mean, I was a Sith, and when I came here from the Empire I made enemies that are still coming up and biting at me. I just don't think it's possible. Why? If it's not too personal, anyways..."

Mar 31st, 2003, 08:27:26 AM
Ebony nods her head very slighlty.

"I ask because it seems like my past is trying to worm its way back to being my present. The temptation to go back is so strong at times, it almost seems unbearable at times and it also feels like the only way to bring any sense into my life is to just go back to it."

Mar 31st, 2003, 01:41:26 PM
"I knopw how that works...The trick is...don't. I know that may seem obvious, but you know how hard it really is. Keep to your friends that you've made here, they'll help you."

Apr 1st, 2003, 09:13:32 AM
"That's another thing, I don't really have any friends here. The closest I have to a friend here is you. All my other friends, if I go to them for support, well, I would probably end up back on the Darkside fully again."

Ebony falls silent for a good few moments before starting to speak again, more to herself then to Satine.

"I don't know when I started to care about not using the Darkside. Perhaps since I've been gone from my home for so long, my eyes have opened up to see what I actually was doing. But it's so strong, the temptation to go back to what I know. Sometimes I can hardly resist it."

Ebony looks up at Satine, this time not hiding the struggle that can be seen in her eyes.

"Every moment of every day right now, I'm having to do my best not to go back. I'm getting to a point where I don't know if I can keep this up. I don't know how much longer I can resist the temptation."

Ebony is obviously trying to say something, but is having a hard time actually saying it.

Apr 1st, 2003, 09:31:38 AM
Satine had a feeling Ebony wasn't exactly saying what she meant to. Not completely anyways.

"Ebony, how can I help?"

Apr 1st, 2003, 09:49:59 AM
"I don't think I can resist the temptation on my own. I've never had to resist anything in the past. And now to have to resist my whole past more or less. To resist everything you have been taught, everything that you have been raised with. I don't think I can do this on my own."

Ebony glances around the B&G to see if anybody may be listening to this conversation, and to her satisfaction, there is at least no one obviously listening.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think I need some help."

Apr 1st, 2003, 10:08:20 AM
"I'm here. That's one of the things a Master does. We help our apprentices. Ands, since I've gone through the same thing, I sorta have somne first hand knowledge on this."

Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:15:28 AM
Ebony smiles slightly.


Since I left my last Master, Lord Gareth, I've come to realize that what I was doing wasn't necessarily right. I've lived in a different way now, and I actually think that I like this way instead of always having to watch my back to see if anyone is going to stab me so they can become Lord Gareth's number one apprentice."

Apr 2nd, 2003, 10:26:17 PM
"Yeah, that's normally a major plus in the Jedi. That's also a reason the Sith will eventually fall. Chaos can never work together, they must always compete, and that, in turn, leads to their downfall. You made the right choice Ebony." Satine smiles.

Apr 3rd, 2003, 09:02:34 AM
"But this still doesn't mean that I really like Jedi. I shall never be able to forgive them for what they did to my parents. Chaos can work together for a short period of time, but will eventually fall. But without Chaos, there is no Order, and without Order, there is no Chaos.

I'm kinda wishing that I had made this choice while my daughter was still alive. That way she could be here with me enjoying this."

Apr 3rd, 2003, 04:49:27 PM
"Ebony, as I mentoined before, the JEdi that killed your parents were not the kind of Jedi we are here. This Order is one of peace. The only ones I know of--and as a MAster, I hear quite a bit--that attack first are us Warrior Jedi. and even then, itr is never civilians."

Hearing her comment on her daughter, Satine sorta loses his momentum. "I'm sorry...You came here for her, didn't you?"

Apr 4th, 2003, 08:57:03 AM
"I know. But my parents never were really civilians. They always had military type ppl coming over to talk about things I never was allowed to listen to. They were nice ppl who deserved to continue to live."

Ebony pauses her for a moment before continuing to speak.

"Yes, I came here originally because of my promise to her. Lord Gareth killed her as a punishment to me for failing on an assignment he sent me on. I have lost every person I have ever loved. And all of them have been killed by one person or another."

Apr 4th, 2003, 09:46:24 AM
"All the more reason to go on. I know this sounds harsh, but it's true. Find more people. Make friends, enjoy yourself around here."

Apr 4th, 2003, 02:38:54 PM
"A person can only do there best and give it there best shot."

Ebony's thoughts drift to the man she loved and how he died.

"They only thing I'm going to do is to make friends and just leave it at that. I gave my heart to someone once before, and he betrayed me. But that is the way of the Sith."

Apr 4th, 2003, 06:49:01 PM
"Yeah..." Satine says, and, at her comment about Ebony's heart, Satine thinks back to Shay Kaylon, before shaking off the nastalgia. "Well, as I've mentioned, we're different. You know, the greatest gain also comes with the greatest risk..."

Apr 5th, 2003, 11:36:07 AM
"That is true, though at times, one has to wonder if the risk is worth the gain. Perhaps someday I shall allow myself the luxury to love again, but if that day comes, it will be a long way off from now."

Ebony falls silent for a moment before asking something.

"I've got a question for you. If you don't want to answer it you don't have to. But have you ever loved someone before?"

Apr 6th, 2003, 08:48:27 AM
Satine is silent for a moment, his eyes glazing over as he remembers back to two individuals. Shay Kaylon, And Iyza Myst. Finally he answers.

"Yes. Two people. One was named Shay Kaylon, and she just...disappeared. Then there was Iyza Myst. I loved her, and was even thinking about asking for her hand in marriage. But she died, and my protection and defending of her was useless in the end."

Apr 6th, 2003, 09:51:30 AM
Ebony nods her head slightly after Satine finishes talking. She remains silent for several moments before finally talking again herself.

"It's always hard to lose someone you love."

Ebony just falls silent as her thoughts go back to all the time she had with the man that she loved, how happy they were together. Then a very odd occurances happens. She gets a couple tears in her eyes which she quickly wipes away, hoping nobody saw them.

Apr 6th, 2003, 02:43:54 PM
Satine sees the tears, though.

"You really miss him, huh?"

Apr 7th, 2003, 08:03:57 AM
Ebony takes a deep breath before answering Satines question.

"Yes, I do really miss him. He and I were together for years before our daughter was born and years afterwards. If he hadn't have tried to kill her because he deemed her weak, I never would have been forced to kill him to protect my daughter. That was the single most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my entire life. But I knew, it was either kill him, or let him kill my daughter."

Ebony quickly wipes away a couple more tears as they come to her eyes.

"But Lord Gareth never understood that it was difficult for me to do that. He never understood the fact that I needed to grieve his loss. What he did instead was send me off on a mission where I needed my full focus to complete. I never got a chance to grieve the loss of the man I loved."

Apr 7th, 2003, 09:56:43 AM
Satine looks down at the table, not sure what to say. He never was any good at conversations like this...

Apr 8th, 2003, 08:24:07 AM
Ebony closes her eyes for a moment and then reopens them. When she does so, the sad look that had creeped into her eyes is gone, replaced with one of determination.

"Since I'm back now, when will we be able to continue my training?"

Apr 8th, 2003, 12:04:59 PM
Satine snaps back to alertness.

"As soon as you wish it."

Apr 9th, 2003, 08:12:31 AM
"I'm ready to start at any time now. Just say the time and location and I'll be there. I've made a promise to my daughter that I will do this. That is what got me started on this path. Now I'm going to complete it so that I can make up for all the things that I have done in my past."

Apr 9th, 2003, 06:55:27 PM
"How about now?" Satine says, raising an eyebrow. "We can train in the small grove outside the living areas."

Satine gets up, and puts a hand out, for Ebony.

Apr 10th, 2003, 08:16:28 AM
Ebony nods her head.

"Now sounds like a good time to me."

Ebony stands up, ignoring the hand that Satine has put out.

"Lead the way."

Apr 10th, 2003, 10:36:36 AM