View Full Version : Citizen Kane

Mar 29th, 2003, 02:36:06 AM
Ok i have been curious about this movie for years as everyone always says its the greatest movie of all time

now i have to admit i am a little cynical about older movies, one of my favorite movies of all time is The Godfather which is from 1972 but i have liked and watched very few movies before the 70's era (of all the best picture winners before the Godfather i have only seen The Sound of Music from 1965 but there is quite a few movies i have been intriqued by and wanted to see like Casablanca and Gone With the Wind which i will get to eventually)

I think about the movies i have seen and loved most of those from the 70's were the big name movies like The Godfather, The Godfather part II, The Sting, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Rocky and Star Wars

while it seems like my favorite movies from the 80's are mostly B movies like Flash Gordon, Super Fuzz, Poltergiest, Howard the Duck, Willow, Labrynth with the sprinkling of a few big name movies in there like Indiana Jones Trilogy, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, Back to the Future and Batman

now most of my favorite movies from the 90's are big name movies (it seems like the B movie genre has died a little)

So it has been my desire to see older movies like Citizen Kane so i can see what all the hubbub was about

I have to say i liked Citizen Kane but i was not gaga over it like a lot of people who talk about it seem to be, no i wouldn't call it the greatest movie of all time (if i were to try and be one of those politically correct reviewers who seem to think they can't nominate a newer movie for best of all time and it has to fit a certain genre i would vote for The Godfather but in reality i think that The Godfather is the third best movie of all time behind Empire Strikes Back and Shawshank Redemption and just ahead of Star Wars)

i enjoyed the movie, but i don't see myself watching it again anytime soon (even though i taped it just in case i wanted to)

I guess being a child of the 80's has made me crave for color and a little action even in my dramas (much like shawshank redemption) but still the movie was good and i can finally understand why so many people seem so entranced by it

Mar 29th, 2003, 04:21:09 AM
UTFS. :p


Mar 29th, 2003, 10:55:46 AM
whats your point

Mar 29th, 2003, 10:58:24 AM
I think that a similar thread had been done not too long ago.

Mar 29th, 2003, 11:01:29 AM
yea but that was someone elses thread this one is mine ;)

and it said the weirdest thing below that persons name "banned" why is that

Mar 29th, 2003, 12:50:53 PM
Originally posted by sirdizzy
whats your point

It's right after the 'S'. :p

Anyway, yes, double topic. :)

Mar 29th, 2003, 12:52:49 PM
Originally posted by sirdizzy
and it said the weirdest thing below that persons name "banned" why is that

Yeah, is Jonathan banned from the forum?

Mar 29th, 2003, 04:01:35 PM
yea i couldn't figure out why that was, did he do something wrong

i thought he was a good contributor to the forum

Mar 29th, 2003, 04:12:23 PM
Never mind. I guess we handle this through PM. :)

Mar 29th, 2003, 07:32:03 PM
whom would i pm about it anyways oh well, back on topic

i saw the citizen kane DVD at game stop today used for 12.99 and i passed on it at the time but now i am twitching to go back and get it (Hi my name is sirdizzy and i am a dvd-aholic) i liked the movie and hey this seems like a movie that when ya pass up is like hard as hell to find again (damn i have had that problem with several dvds recently like who framed roger rabbit which they thankfully just released again on dvd and terminator 2 which i got the very last copy of at target and took me 40 minutes to get it because the damn thing was no longer in their computers and the electronics ladyhad to run back and forth between the registers like 10 times) and i know i wouldn't mind having it becuase i know i will wanna watch it again

Mar 31st, 2003, 12:44:04 PM
I'm a big time CK fan. It's one of my all time favorites. The DVD is excellent. There's a commentary by Ebert and Peter Bogdonavich(sp?). I prefer Ebert's. He breaks down a lot of the shots and gives a lot of info as to why the film was ahead of its time. Now that I have the DVD I watch it every few months. It's not my all time greatest, but it makes my top 10.