View Full Version : The last thing you see before you die...

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 28th, 2003, 09:09:35 PM
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/a10.jpg>

A-10 Thunderbolt II (Warthog) - x3
-1 30 mm depleted uranium chaingun
-4 Maverick air-to-surface missiles

So if you're counting, thats 3 chainguns, spinning out 1000 rounds of 30 mm dup shells a minute, and 12 Maverick missiles in one pass.

Say it with me...owch!

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 28th, 2003, 09:28:24 PM
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/terrbefore.jpg>
Terrorists really shouldn't start crap with countries that can put things in orbit that can kill them. Take this particle cannon, for instance...
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/terrafter.jpg>

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 28th, 2003, 09:44:36 PM
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/daisy1.jpg>

You're damn right...hahahahaha! Rumsfeld is a pansy. Only I have the balls to drop a daisy cutter fuel air bomb, from a B-52 Stratofortress, onto those evil terrorists, their homes, and their fancy mosque. HAHAHAHA!!! They obviously didn't want to keep any of that crap, since they put all their guns right by it. O well...

<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/daisy2.jpg>


<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/daisy3.jpg>

Hope nobody's in those minnaretts! :angel ...well, it would be cool if there were more terrorists in them. Hehe.

Mar 28th, 2003, 10:41:48 PM
That is disturbingly funny! :lol

What game is it? (Excuse my stupidity, not into PC games until Galaxies)

Mar 28th, 2003, 11:18:27 PM
This game looks awsome! Which is it?:)

Darth Viscera
Mar 28th, 2003, 11:26:08 PM
Command and Conquer: Generals

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 28th, 2003, 11:31:52 PM
:lol damn funny....

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 29th, 2003, 12:10:35 AM
Its Command & Conquer: Generals

Don your stetson, and put on the Wagner, its time for the Valkyries to RIDE!
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/apocalypse.jpg>
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/apocalypse2.jpg>

Here's a F-117, dropping bunker buster GRU-47 munitions on a defensive bunker.
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/f117.jpg>
And an F-22, posing for the camera as it delivers ordinance onto a guerrilla pickup truck machinegun mount.
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/f22.jpg>

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 29th, 2003, 01:37:10 AM
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/tomahawks.jpg>
Tomahawk cruise missiles, sailing through the air and in transit to another decapitation strike.

<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/paladins.jpg>
Paladin self-propelled artillery, dishing out punishment. Note the shells in mid-transit :)

<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/a10a.jpg>
Another shot of an A-10 strike run. Note the charred hunk of scrap metal beneath the far left plane's wing. That is what's left of the Chinese overlord supertank, after a single pass. A-10's will eat anything alive.

<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/airborne.jpg>
Nice little airborne deployment...

<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/rangers.jpg>
Or if that doesn't suit you, here's a rapell-line combat insertion from a Chinook helicopter, to capture a building.

<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/crusaders.jpg>
Crusader tanks (Basically the M1 A2 Abrams main battle tank) firing a salvo.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Mar 29th, 2003, 02:39:19 AM

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 29th, 2003, 02:41:32 AM
Um. Yeah. What the hell does that have to do with anything O_o?

Darth Viscera
Mar 29th, 2003, 10:09:45 AM
Dyzm Is No Good At Making Sense.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Mar 29th, 2003, 12:52:11 PM
Crap, I didn't know the new C&C was THIS good.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Mar 29th, 2003, 03:09:43 PM
Makes Sense to me, Ganadorf looks and acts like a terrorist mastermind. So For me, it seemed like it would fit in.

Sanis Prent
Mar 31st, 2003, 03:26:46 PM
Lance, that good and much much more. Its simply the most beautiful RTS ever made.

<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/boom.jpg>

Sanis Prent
Mar 31st, 2003, 11:53:41 PM
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/a10b.jpg>
Can you tell that I like A-10's :D
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/nuke1.jpg>
This...is a Chinese nuclear missile.
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/nuke2.jpg>
This...is what a Chinese nuclear missile does. Any questions?
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/mig.jpg>
Chinese (under American joint command) MiG fighter
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/aurora.jpg>
American Aurora Hypersonic Bomber. Can't be targeted by enemy weapons on its initial pass, due to incredible speed. Delivers a single, high-yield bomb.
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/f22a.jpg>
Another pose from an F-22 Raptor superiority fighter.
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/f117a.jpg>
Another shot of an F-117 Nighthawk.
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/chinook.jpg>
Chinook cargo helicopter, awaiting deployment.

Sanis Prent
Mar 31st, 2003, 11:55:10 PM
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/b52.jpg>
B-52 Stratofortress, flying over my airbase on the way to a bombing run.
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/bombrun.jpg>
Same B-52 Stratofortress delivering a fuel air bomb over enemy armor, which you can see beneath the blossoming fireball.
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/hackers.jpg>
Chinese hackers, or Koreans at a LAN party...I can't tell!

Darth Viscera
Apr 1st, 2003, 04:36:42 AM
How did you construct the airfields so efficiently (side by side)? Can you rotate their imprints during the planting phase or something? I wanted to build a lot more airfields, but I couldn't because I was restricted by space, I could only fit in 2 american and 1 chinese.

Apr 1st, 2003, 07:42:22 AM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
How did you construct the airfields so efficiently (side by side)? Can you rotate their imprints during the planting phase or something? I wanted to build a lot more airfields, but I couldn't because I was restricted by space, I could only fit in 2 american and 1 chinese.

Yes you can rotate them to face whichever way you wish now. Peter has this game and it is excellent. I'm off to buy Delta Force: Black Hawk Down today though. :D

Sanis Prent
Apr 1st, 2003, 04:32:42 PM
Yes, you can rotate them at any angle you wish

Sanis Prent
Jan 21st, 2004, 01:45:25 AM
I snagged C&C Generals: Zero Hour today. Fantastic!

Darth Viscera
Jan 21st, 2004, 12:34:54 PM
naval units?

Sanis Prent
Jan 21st, 2004, 05:07:29 PM
Not exactly. Lets suffice to say that you can get "Naval support" as the USA.

Sanis Prent
Jan 21st, 2004, 06:29:25 PM
Here's a pants-wetting screenshot for you, Visc. Courtesy of Gamespy:


Figrin D'an
Jan 21st, 2004, 09:06:07 PM
I got Zero Hour just before Chistmas. The additions are nice... I really like some of the new units and the new air superiority weapons. The three campaigns themselves are kinda short, but it's always fun playing with the new stuff in skirmish mode or online.

The new generals are pretty cool. Generals Challenge is pretty tough on the hardest difficulty. My favorite is the US Air Force General. I love air power, and he's got it all... King Raptors, Stealth Comanches, Carpet Bombing, MOAB upgrade, Spectre Gunship, Combat Chinooks... oh yeah. :)

Sanis Prent
Jan 21st, 2004, 09:19:25 PM
Yes, General Granger is totally the man to be.

I'm playing as General Granger about 70% of the time. If I'm not, I'm playing as General Alexander (USA - Superweapon specialist) for 20%.

Pierce Tondry
Jan 22nd, 2004, 07:55:40 AM
Oh, yeah. I have this on my PC now. I played a little bit of it at the LAN party- it was okay. I need more experience with it before I can start enjoying it though. It's a bit tricky right off the bat.

Sanis Prent
Jan 22nd, 2004, 08:48:32 AM
It isn't really all that tricky. Gameplay is very intuitive.

Figrin D'an
Jan 22nd, 2004, 12:34:05 PM
If you are used to Warcraft, then yeah, it takes a bit of an adjustment. Such was the case with me when I first bought Generals. It becomes comfortable after a few rounds of skirmish play, though.

Sanis Prent
Jan 22nd, 2004, 12:46:25 PM
I find it infinitely more playable and enjoyable than WC 3. The pace of the game is excellent, and the amount of force customization is immense. The factions are probably the most dissimilar factions I've seen in an RTS. Oh, and the game is supremely gorgeous.