View Full Version : The Dope Show (open)

Taro Idol
Mar 28th, 2003, 05:28:17 PM
Life hasn't been the same these past three weeks. Ever since my appearance at GNN's announcement that the Jedi were returning to Coruscant, I haven't been able to go out in public without being pointed at or chased or swamped by people asking questions and trying to touch me. I've had to invest in several new modes of transport, though it's anybody's guess how soon I'll have to replace those since they'll be familiar to the general public within days. I've had to increase security at my residence as more and more people hang around the entrances every day. But they don't leave at night - they stay. They don't sleep. And who can blame them? After all - if they closed their eyes they'd miss me too much! Some of the other few remaining news tabloids - in other words, those that haven't been bought by GNN yet - have christened it a "publicity stunt". Now, whilst I am somewhat insulted by such a shallow remark - I'd be lying if I said it was a totally false statement.

In fact, thanks to the reactions of last months so-called stunt, I've come up with a modest little plan of mine. It's not very good. I don't even think it'll work. But it's worth a try. Can't blame a guy for trying right? Right?

Wrong. I'm not trying to do anything. If there's one thing I've learned from the Jedi , it's this. 'Do or do not - there is no try'. You know who said that - I don't need to remind you. All I can say is thank heavens he's dead now! One less Master to worry about. But I'm getting side-tracked now. Where was I? Ah, yes, publcity. As far as I'm concerned, there's no such thing as bad publicity. And people always prefer something they're familiar with. Songs on the radio, products advertised. People. They tend not to like the things that they're unsure of. But things that are familiar are more predictable to a certain degree - and at least to some extent you know what you're getting. These days everything's commercialised and cosmopolitan. We do, after all, live in a capitalist society. Everything comes gift-wrapped with a guarantee. But there are somethings that the manufacturers aren't telling you. The products are the result of sentient hands with their own attitudes and beliefs. It is those inner workings that we don't find out - only what we see on the covers of magazines and across the holonet. And they love you when you're on all the covers. When you're not - they love another. So all you have to do is make sure there isn't room for another.

Coruscant. (Surprise, surprise!) MNB Headquarters. MNB being one of the few newsgroups still independent to GNN. Mercury News Broadcasting was a holonet-based news distributer which influenced eighteen sectors of Coruscant, each with about three billion people living in them. As well as this, several systems in as far as the colonies tuned in to their broadcasts. But that's where a little studio engineering comes in handy, my Force-hating amigo's! The plan's quite simple. I'm going to 'lease' the MNB headquarters for the day. It's a little bit illegal, but the services I provide will more than make up for being slightly naughty today. With the equipment I've borrowed from GNN (they don't know I've borrowed it yet, but they will when they get reports of Tatooine tuning into MNB) I'll be able to boost the output signal and spread the good word farther and wider. More people will be enlightened and saved. How lovely is that!? I know what you're thinking. It's alright, you can say it. I'm better than you, I know.

Janus, Diego, Rath, his band, my men, a few fanatics and myself pull up a short distance down the road in four heavy-duty transport speeders. Their black hulls absorbing every ray of light that happens to fall into their death-coloured traps. The guards are few and anything but intimidating. I tell everybody to get ready as the first guard moves to open the gate for the Director General's car to enter the lot.