View Full Version : Enters The Shade
Damon the Shade
Mar 27th, 2003, 04:50:19 PM
Name: Damon West
Alias: Damon the Shade
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 160
Eyes: Blue
Hair: None
Damon was born on a back water planet where he lived worked as a pyrotechnics expert. Damon was thought to be unintelligent and most people hoped he would be wiped off the face of there planet.
Damon to the contrary was actually very intelligent but never applied himself. Also was very depressed most of the time, do to the fact that people wanted him dead.
One night while work on some pyro technics an accident happen or so it was thought and Damon was severally burned. Damon Thought this act was done on purpose and came to the sith order to develop his hidden powers. Both for revenge and for the fact to find and serve a better family then his own.
OOC: Hello. I figured it’s about time I make a character for the TSO. If you don't know who I am well then I guess I better tell you all. I play several characters on SWfans; my top two credits include Blade Ice and Gerbo Lang. I also have several other characters such as Jackson Mcgraves of the GJO.
Now I would like to go with Option 2 of Dyzm's list but if there is currently no one to teach an apprentice such as myself I will go with option one. If I'm allowed to join.
Thanks hope to here from you soon.
Mar 27th, 2003, 07:27:16 PM
*What is your business here young one*
A figure hidden under flowing white robes approached Damon. The darkside dripping from his very being.
OOC: If you like....i am available to train.
Damon the Shade
Mar 28th, 2003, 12:56:57 PM
He had come for many reason but one stood out above all the fact that he wanted to show the world that told him he was going to fail that he was a survivor.
The Shade wore a long trench coat his face was cover by Gaws making him look like a mummy. There was only a slit for his mouth and openings for his piercing blue eyes to peer out of. On top of his head he wore a tattered old dusty brown cowboy hate.
"I am Damon the Shade. I come from a backwater planet which name isn't worth mentioning. I have come to join the order for many reasons.
Number one because I wish to show all that thought I would die away, that I am a survivor. Second I wish to have a new family that will accept me even though I am burned from head to toe underneath these gaws.
I will pledge my loyalty forever and Undying if I am allowed to walk with in your walls."
OOC: Yeah sure if your willing to train me, I will accept your offer. :)
Mar 28th, 2003, 04:05:41 PM
Malice listened to his reasons and snorted.
*Do you believe yourself to contain the abilities to survive here. The training is long and harsh. Many do not live through it*
Malice walked closer, till he was right up with Damon. His 6 ft 7 height staring at the stranger.
*Have you ever used the darkside of the force, or ever been connected to it in any way? for to be a sith, you must also be one with the darkside*
Damon the Shade
Mar 28th, 2003, 05:12:19 PM
"I have lived through hell already one more pass ain't gonna kill me and I look forward to the challenge."
Damon let out a cough which was pretty much muffled by the gaws and his hand.
"I have used the forced before to save my butt from the fires that burned me and that’s when I learned I was force sensitive. So have I ever tapped into the dark side of the force, not that I know of?
I am however connected to it; it’s the only thing that fits me and my life style. Doing the Jedi thing is impossible for me for when I look at people all I see is them laughing at me and I want to kill them.
I feel the dark side creeping through my veins calling for me to use it on those who cause me pain."
Mar 29th, 2003, 01:59:05 PM
Listenting to the story, Malice lifted both hands. Damon suddenly felt his body propelled upwards. He stopped 10 feet from the ground. Grinning, Malice sneered at him.
*And do you think you have what it takes to control, and use the power of the darkside. It is not for many. And for those who have tried to control it's power but failed, were consumed by that very power*
Damon the Shade
Mar 29th, 2003, 02:17:50 PM
Shade looked down at the ground 10 feet away no fear showed in his eyes. He showed no real emotion that could be seen for at this point all he cared about was proving himself.
"Of course I have what it takes, if I didn't I would never have shown up here. The Darkside may not before some but it is for and for those who failed to control it, well they where weak. Only the strong can survive and only the strong can wield and control the Darkside. I am strong enough."
Mar 31st, 2003, 11:56:51 AM
Malice liked this ones attitude. And he did have potential. Lowering the man, the sith master looked him in the eyes.
*Very well. We shall test those words of yours. A droid will take you to one of the lower level rooms. 3rd floor and up are reserved for knights and masters. When you are settled in, the droid shall then take you to the training grounds. Where i shall be waiting*
Turning Malice started to head back from where he had come. But stopped, and spoke over his shoulder.
*Ohh, and one thing you should learn about me now before we start your training. I do not tolerate failure, nor do i put up with those who come late when i summon them. As such, i want to see you in the training grounds in three hours. Any later, even a few seconds, and you will be punished*
Ending on that note, Malice left.
OOC: I shall start your training thread a little bit later today. Can't right now cause i'm reel busy.
Damon the Shade
Mar 31st, 2003, 12:35:24 PM
Damon nodded and followed the droid. He was ready for some tuff training to begin and he would not be late at least not on the first day. He had three hours to prepare for the beginning of his new life.
Damon left with the droid.
OOC: That’s fine I'm a bit busy as well today.
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