View Full Version : Hands of Justice: Introductions

The Black Bha'lir
Mar 27th, 2003, 01:28:48 PM
“It’s a beautiful day on Coruscant folks, I’m Buddy Zipp, on 101.9999999, the Ziiiiiiiipp! Coming up in a few minutes, we’ll have ’10,000 Lightyears’ by The E Walk Five! But first, let’s hand it over to Jimmy-Jim Johnson for the weather….”

Adele Stuart, proud employee of the CPS (Coruscant Postal Service) turned up the air conditioning of the stuffy delivery speeder. Her baggy brown uniform was a great insulator—which was unfortunate for Adele. She’d been stuck with the long-haul assignments today, carting oversized parcels, improperly packaged, to the other side of the bustling upper level. It didn’t help that she’d caught the mid-day rush, which moved slightly slower than everyday Coruscant traffic.

The drab looking woman brushed damp strands of hair from her forehead, escapees from the nondescript ponytail at the back of her head. She drummed her fingers on the steering console impatiently, calculating how long it would take her to move a few meters. As one of the elite deliverers, Adele had made it a personal rule not to take any longer than an hour when in charge of local packages. Today though, it seemed that the fates were against her.

“…Uh, folks, we have just received breaking news, this literally just happened, it’s going on right now, uh, breaking news…”

Adele sat up straighter and twisted the volume knob on the radio up. She sighed at the DJ’s stuttering.

“For Pete’s sake Buddy, what just happened?”

As if he had heard her, Zipp went on.

“Uh, it looks like a woman is being held hostage in the Pack’n’Pay Mart by an unidentified assailant… Uh, we don’t have a lot of details folks, but it seems that the person, who’s been identified as male, was trying to rob the store when the owner got hold of a weapon from beneath the counter. Uh, the man has let everyone else out but the owner and the woman… Police are—”

Adele didn’t wait to hear the rest. She jumped into the back of the speeder and within a few seconds, the baggy postal uniform was in a carton, replaced by her…alternative uniform.

Adele Stuart was no more.

The black clad culprit-catcher burst forth from the back of the delivery vehicle and took off down the sidewalk, ducking into an alley so as to scale the tall buildings. It was too slow to take the normal way.

It took only a few minutes for her to arrive at the Pack’n’Pay—she knew Coruscant like the back of her hand, thanks to the postal job.

Creeping slowly now, Adele found the back storage door and descended from the rooftop. She doubted that the would-be robber had noticed it, if what the DJ had said was true; he’d have been in too much of a panic. Just in case, Adele steeled herself for trouble.

The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit room full of packaged food. The superhero cast a look around and then entered into the main shopping center, ducking behind a display of detergent. Adele looked towards the counter and saw him. He couldn’t have been over six feet, but he had a mighty fine looking blaster and indeed, a hostage. The woman was scared out of her mind and looked ready to faint but what worried Adele most was the robber—he was probably just as scared.

She adjusted her mask and crept slowly behind the crook, motioning at the storekeeper, who was facing her, to keep quiet. A thrill went up her spine. My how she loved this part of her life. The hunt was the best part.


Before he knew what had happened, the ski-masked thief was out cold, thanks to a booted kick to the back of the head. The hostage woman screamed and Adele caught her just in time, lowering her to the floor gently. When she stood up, the barrel of a blaster was pointed at her. The store owner was shaking as he pointed it at her. With liquid cool, Adele darted to the side and grabbed his arm with one hand, the blaster with the other.

“I don’t think you want to do that. He’s the bad guy…”

She nodded towards the unconscious criminal and released the owner, trusting him and headed back towards the storage room, not wanting to be present when the police burst in. He looked at her retreating back, shaking still.

“Wh-who are you?”

Adele turned momentarily and grinned smoothly.

“Just your everyday superhero.”

And flung a cardstock card his direction before disappearing.


Johan Tempest
Mar 30th, 2003, 11:50:49 AM
Johan Tempest is pissed. Despite all the speed he possesses, someone beat him to the punch. The college student squats atop a dumpster in the alleyway across from the scene. He can't see anything from here, other than the crook in question being stuffed into a squad car. He stands and bounces lightly on the balls of his feet, then runs across the alley and up the wall of the building. He lands and takes a running leap, clearing the gap and landing on the roof of the store. He walks to the back, just in time to spot a woman in black walking away.

"Hey, what the hell are you supposed to be?"

The Black Bha'lir
Apr 7th, 2003, 12:10:09 PM
Adele spun around and glanced up at the roof, coy smile on her face. It was amazing to her, the attitude that came with the outfit. During a normal day, Adele had to stand up twice to make a shadow, but as soon as she slipped into her crime-fighting ensemble, the pathetic postal peon dissapeared.

She put her hands on her hips and frowned.

"I might ask the same of you, boy,"

Adele's frown dissapeared.

"But I'm not interested. Do you make a habit of interogating hero's after they save the day, or am I an exception?"

Johan Tempest
Apr 7th, 2003, 12:48:37 PM
"You gotta be the exception to the rule, babe. It's not everyday I'm beat to the scene of a crime, and it's even more rare to find a person that fills out a leather outfit half as well as you do."

The Black Bha'lir
Apr 8th, 2003, 01:42:20 PM
Under normal circumstances, Adele would have turned as red as a Sith 'saber but her alter ego saved her from the shyness that usually accompanied the woman.

"It's unusual to find people who like to hand out at crime scenes. Other than myself, of course, and the police. Intriguing, but really, this isn't the best time to chat."

She nodded her head towards the door where sounds of investigation could be heard. It would take only a few minutes for the officers to pour out and secure the area. Adele scaled the dilapidated wall and nodded at Johan as she joined him on the top.

"I've got to fly and I suggest you do the same, unless you're looking for an interogation opportunity."