View Full Version : The likes of which has never been seen before

Nequa Galos
Mar 27th, 2003, 12:53:42 PM
Nequa stepped out of the interdimensional darkness that was the realm he traveled in. Immediately upon reversion to real space time, Nequa consulted his ai.

"Razira, where are we?"

"According to the comms traffic and news reports, it seems as if we are on a planet named Courascant" came the reply in a slightly feminine and metallic voice.

"Courascant, Razira? Doesn't command have a scout team somewhere in this galaxy?"

"Yes sir, they do. But the team hasn't reported in for the last month."

"So the mission I wasn't supposed to know about was for me to find the team, and save them if necessary?"

"Well, since it seems you know of the mission already, yes. Command stipulated that any force deemed necessary for the completion of the primary objective is to be used. Your secondary objective is to observe all sentient societies in accordance with the First Contact protocols."

"It sounds as if I'm going to be here a while. Anywhere in particular they wanted me to start the info gathering, Razira?"

"No sir, they did not specify any set location."

"Then lets begin at the bar over there."

The ten foot tall, reptillian looking giant moved toward the designated bar. He drew eyes as he passed, guessing that they were awed by his size, looks, and the power armor he was wearing.

Nequa Galos
Mar 27th, 2003, 02:01:00 PM
As Nequa neared the bar, his sensors went haywire.

"Razira, what the hell is going on?!?!?"

"I've detected two Force users, one of which is a vampyre." Nequa's eyes lit with a silver radiance that could be seen through his face plate when he heard the word vampyre.

"I thought the last commando that came here was sent to destroy the vampyres."

"He was sir. But I think feelings were involved to the point that he felt he had to lie about completeing the mission. Hold on sir, incoming transmission from command."

"Colonial Galos, report."

"Admiral, I bear bad news. It seems as if Paylor Jian failed to complete his mission."

"How so Colonial?"

"I just ran across a sensor reading saying that there is a vampyre in the bar I am going to to begin my mission."

"A vampyre Colonial? How sure are you?"

"I have all but visual confirmation sir."

"Just a moment, Colonial. The President has said that all previous primary goals are secondary to the destruction of the vampyre's."

"Do I have any force restrictions, sir?"

"No, you are cleared to use any means necessary. You have your orders, be sure to succeed where Major Jian has failed."

"Yes, sir."

"Nequa, incoming package."

"How big?"

"Its your full battle gear, sir."


In front of several hundred pedestrians, what appears to be a battle droid of sorts appears. Following the appearance of the armor, Nequa steps into it and begins the power up sequence.

(exit to the thread sanctified darkness)