View Full Version : To the B&G!!!

Mar 27th, 2003, 12:18:15 AM

Firekat's nostrils flared at the familiar smells up ahead, and her rough pink tongue ran over her lips.

We'rrre not farrr now. Hurrrrrrjy up! Don't make me carrrrrrjy jyou on mjy back!

The Amazing Firekat, and her temporary sidekick, Saccharine Jones, were leaping from rooftop to rooftop. (Well, Firekat leapt. Saccharine sort of flew) Though still some blocks away, Firekat knew the way, and picked up her pace, strong strides propelling her lithe body forward in spectacular leaps. Eventually, the pair arrived, some stories above the B&G. Finding a gutter, Firekat deftly climbed down, until she could safely leap to the ground, which she did. Saccharine floated down...the cheater. Firekat looked at her, gave an indignant huff, and crossed her arms in a matter-of-fact manner.

Herrre'sss the place. Bessst food thjisss sssjide of Corrrussscant that jyou don't have to catch jyourrrssself. Now HURRRjY UP, Fjirekat'sss ssstarrrvjing.

Tugging the sidekick along by the hand, Firekat barreled through pedestrians, entering the establishment.

Saccharine Jones
Mar 27th, 2003, 12:28:58 AM
Casting a sideways glance at the "don't have to catch it yourself" comment, SJ floated carefully down to the ground and followed FireKat into the building.

She had learned quickly that speaking to this one hero was not always a good idea, so she followed silently and shyly, feeling out of place in her pink cape and tights, surrounded by Jedi and other interesting people. SJ played with the end of one of her pigtails nervously, unsure of what to do next.

Mar 27th, 2003, 12:35:19 AM

Firekat clamped down on Saccharine's hand as she jumped up and down slightly.

Thejy have a buffet! How economjical! Now Fjirrrekat can eat morrre, forrr one flat rrrate. Verrrjy thrrrjiftjy.

Walking up to the hostess, Firekat stepped up to speak for the pair.

Ahem. The Amazjing Fjirrrekat and herrr humble sssjidekjick wjill have the buffet, thank jyou.

If the hostess gave the overbearing superheroine a look, Firekat let it slide, revelling in the moment. Instead, she passed a plate and a cup to each of them, and gestured toward the buffet line.

Saccharine Jones
Mar 27th, 2003, 12:51:42 AM
Uhh, thanks!

The girl grinned at the hostess, taking the plate and cup and heading towards FireKat, who was already elbow-deep into the lettuce and seemed to be quality-controlling every leaf. SJ Sighed, and went around to the other side of the buffet and began to dish up what looked like a stew of some sort onto her plate. It smelled good, whatever it was.

Hey, Miss FireKat, do you want a roll?

Sj held out the basket towards her mentor for the day, heaped up with warm rolls.

They look quite tasty!

Mar 27th, 2003, 01:20:46 AM
Firekat nonchalantly took the entire basket, shoving a handful of rolls in her mouth, and dumping the remainder onto her plate. Her tail swished back and forth lazily as she went down the line, stuffing rolls into her mouth and puffing her cheeks out comically. Once a bit of roll was swallowed, it was time to cram another in. She continued this methodical consumption, and with her free hand, began to heap other items on her plate. Four pork chops, six slices of pizza, four bowls of meat stew, a whole rotisserie chicken...

...she paused at the pigs in blankets, and with greedy zeal, poked the link sausages out of each one of them, and into her mouth, discarding the empty bread part back into the serving tray. Licking at her lips, she snatched half a dozen snow crab legs onto her plate, cracked them open, slurped them dry, and tossed the spent shells over her shoulder. Next...hamburgers! Firekat put one of them on her plate, took the top bun off, and proceeded to steal the patties from a half dozen other hamburgers, stacking them on her hamburger to create a 'superburger'. Up ahead, she saw another buffet table, with a sign that said "Cizerack dishes"


She took her precariously-stacked tray, and proceeded to the "ethnic foods". There were no red lamps, but there were lots of cages. With a toothy grin, Firekat reached into one cage, and snatched a handful of chirping sajoi mice. Stuffing half of them into her cleavage, she took one, split open a roll, and shoved it in head-first, muffling its squeaks. With its tail sticking out, Firekat shoved the whole thing in her mouth, chewed it up, and slurped down the long tail. With a hearty belch, she moved on. Two whole tunafish, a trio of Dagobah bullfrogs, and a Naboo rabbit to top it all off. Keeping all of her food on her tray, especially the still-alive frogs and rabbit, was a chore, but somehow, she managed it....and furthermore managed to link up with Saccharine, to steal the roll on her tray.

Saccharine Jones
Mar 27th, 2003, 08:59:08 PM
That's ok... I'll just get this...

SJ timidly mumbled, setting her plate on the counter to pick up a roll that had been dropped onto the floor. When she stood back up to grab her plate, SJ was greeted with the lovely picture of KireKat devouring a live rodent of some kind. Supressing a shudder, SJ turned and headed towards an empty booth off towards the side of the building.

How about this table, Miss FireKat?

Mar 27th, 2003, 09:07:40 PM

A twitching tail disappeared between Firekat's lips, as she sidled over to the booth that SJ had picked out. Daintily taking a seat, she contrasted herself by burping audibly. She folded a slice of pizza in half, and stuffed nearly all of it into her mouth, cheese dripping out both sides of the crust.

Saccharine Jones
Mar 27th, 2003, 09:13:55 PM
Dodging flying bits of food from kat's general direction, SJ delicately began to eat her stew. It was hot, but quite good. She looked back up and her feline companion with interest.

Soo.... What brings you to the superhero business, Miss FireKat?

Mar 27th, 2003, 09:27:06 PM
Shoving the rest of the pizza in her mouth, Firekat swallowed with effort, and reached for a bowl of stew.

Well, Fjirrrekat wasss dessstjined forrr grrreatnessssss. And therrre wasss no prrroperrr wajy to ssshow how amazjing the Amazjing Fjirrrekat rrrealljy jisss, ssso ssshe had to be crrreatjive. Ssshe even made thjisss outfjit all bjy herrrssself.

Tilting the bowl to her lips, Firekat began to 'chug' the stew down, giving the act of actually swallowing lip service. Gradually, the bowl tilted higher, and higher, and higher, as the stew drained down Firekat's gullet. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she tossed the empty bowl aside, and caught a frog mid-air as it attempted to flee toward SJ's side of the table. The green wriggler croaked, and then croaked no more, as Firekat chomped him down.

Fjirrrekat'sss a bjit new to thjisss sssuperrrherrro bjit, but jit doesssn't ssseem that harrrd. Ssshe could do jit wjith one hand tjied behjind herrr back. No...two handsss!

With a quick licking of her lips, she began to dissect the rotisserie chicken, tossing cleaned bones to the side as she went.

Saccharine Jones
Mar 27th, 2003, 10:56:19 PM
Yes, it's a very nice outfit there. Goes well with your fur.

SJ took another spoonful of her stew, after carefully blowing on it to cool it down.

I'm new to this too, as a matter of fact. It's so very neat to be around such talented people! I only hope I won't let them down, y'know?

Continuing to nibble at her stew, SJ glanced around at the bar, intimidated by the Jedi that swarmed the building. Not that she didn't know it was a Jedi place going in, she just felt nervous around people with weapons...

Mar 30th, 2003, 01:00:30 AM

Firekat paused gorging herself...and reached up to the tufts of her short hair, that hung out of her mask.

Oh...well thank jyou. jI guessssss jit doesss.

Smiling, she hefted up the "superburger". With a wide yawn, she sank her fangs into the stacked beef, and attempted to make conversation with a full mouth.

mmmSss...wht d'jy mmmdo? mmmFljy 'n drrrnk cffeemmm? mmmjY' d'nt ssseemmm vrrrjy 'mjightjy'mmm?

Saccharine Jones
Mar 30th, 2003, 12:35:48 PM
Uh... I'm sorry, I didn't understand you...

SJ continued to daintilly pick at her stew, pausing to pick at a loose thread in the neckline of her tight costume.

You know, I'm still not used to wearing tights and a cape. They seem practical, but really get annoying after a while. I wonder if Captain Coruscant would let me wear sweats to work.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:31:40 PM
Swallowing with effort, Firekat licked her lips, and calmly repeated herself.

jI sssajid...jisss all jyou do fljy and drrrjink coffee? That doesssn't sssound verrrjy mjightjy.

With a swift movement, she caught a scurrying sajoi as it tried to run away, and wolfed it down.

And sssweatsss? Onljy fat and ugljy people wearrr sssweatsss. jYou arrre nejitherrr of thossse. Majybe lessssss attrrractjive asss Fjirrrekat, but...well...letsss be rrrealjissstjic herrre...who jisssn't?

With that, she buried her fangs into a pork chop, gnawing away at it rapaciously.

Saccharine Jones
Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:24:20 AM
SJ blushed profusely at the compliment, and turned back to pushing her stew around the plate with her spoon.

Well, a while ago I figured out that I can change temperature of things by just... touching them. I can make things very hot or very cold, if I want. Hence the coffee thing... It was an easy way to hide it at work.

She paused to take a drink of lemonade, still looking nervously around at the various bar patrons.

But I'd like to get better with my skills, learn to develop them, ya know? I read that there are some really powerful people who can do what I do, and... if they would, like, train me, or give me some advice, it would just be so neat! I could even... wow, I'm rambling, aren't I?

Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:29:53 AM
Firekat blinked.

...well that'sss njice. jI'm sssurrre jyou'rrre handjy jin bad weatherrr.

As she spoke, she began to pet the rabbit, which fidgeted nervously on her tray.

Saccharine Jones
Apr 3rd, 2003, 01:32:25 AM
Sj laughed and shook her head.

No, that's where the training part comes in... See, I can only make it work if I'm really... really angry or scared or something. Most of the time I just end up with singed shirt sleeves or something.

Apr 7th, 2003, 07:28:56 PM
jYou jussst need to appljy jyourrrssself, that'sss all. Fjind a wajy to make jyourrrssself angrrrjy...that alwajysss worrrksss forrr Fjirrrekat...norrrmalljy, jI'm ssso easssjygojing!

Picking the rabbit up by the scruff of its neck, Firekat hefted it up, looking for the best way to chow down.