View Full Version : A Return to Familiarity

Morgan Evanar
Mar 25th, 2003, 07:34:30 PM
The room was simple, clean, and small. It was roughly five by five meters with a clothset and a bathroom set against the right wall. A bed that was longer than usual went from the left corner to under the lone, wide window that occupied most of the far wall. One desk with a pair of datapads was immediately next to the bed: one pad was in peices across the desk. A large, comfortable chair was nestled into the left corner closest to the door, and was flanked by a pair of bookshelves loaded with data disks that stretched to the ceiling.

It smelled awfully familiar.

"Go inside." Rie gave him a playful push. "It is your room."

Morgan took another look around and then walked in, and sat tenatively in front of the desk. Tenativley, he picked part of the datapad, looked at it, and set it back down.

"Motion recognition system is blown." he commented offhand before setting it down, and opened the top drawer. Loaded to the top with tools neatly organized in a tray, Morgan picked up a few, and set them next to the damaged pad, and continued to go through the desk. More data disks. Six magazines for a rail pistol. Four crystals. He stopped at the bottom left drawer, and looked at Rie blankly for a moment after opening it an inch.

Morgan had been working on and off on some project for some time, a gift for Rie. An hour before bed for the past month and a half. Very, very delicate work.

The Jedi closed it again, and began to look over the bathroom. Much of the same. Neat, clean, fairly empty.

Mar 26th, 2003, 01:38:31 PM
Neyasha, having spent most of her day walking around the LQ looking at all there was to be seen, sees that the door across the hall from her room is open. Dressed in her tight black leather outfit, and with her 2 three pronged daggers at her side, her 2 daggers on her arms and her 2 swords on her back, She walks over to the room and knocks on the door....

"Hello...I just moved in accross the hall, and thought I would say Hi...."

Mar 26th, 2003, 07:21:02 PM
:: AB watched Morgan sit at his desk, tinker with the datapad half-heartedly, and then rumage through more of the contents in his desk. She couldn't help but smile. He had always been one to tinker, especially with his speeder. Unfortunately, most of the speeder had been damaged the last time they had gone out. At the thought of that, the smile faded slightly. ::

:: She continued to watch Morgan, walking slightly behind him as he checked out the rest of his room. She finally made her way to the window, or rather it's edge, as the bed took up most of the space beneath the window. On the window cill was a potted flower with bright red pettles. It was a small plant, needing little care. She'd given it to Morgan as a gift before he had gone missing... before he had forgotten. ::

:: She stroked one of the plants leaves softly, thoughtfully. The voice at the door broke into her thoughts, making her look up as Morgan emerged from exploring his "new" bathroom. AB smiled at the newcomer. ::


Morgan Evanar
Mar 26th, 2003, 10:22:32 PM
"Hi." He said cautiously. Whoever she was, she was armed to the teeth. And the leather looked pretty uncomfortable, in his estimation.

"You've got quite a lot of uhh... hardware." Morgan remarked. Probably about 17 kilos of sharp, edged metal. After Rie explained where he was, walking about with that kind of weaponry made very little sense, unless she was going to pratice with it.

"This is Master Rie Mystt, and I'm Morgan Evanar. Sort of Jedi Master."

Mar 27th, 2003, 10:10:47 AM
"I'm Neyasha.....I'm pleased to meet both of you.."

Neyasha looks down at her blades....

"Don't worry about these. I only where them because I have a person out there that wants to kill me before I kill him...And I don't want to get caught unarmed..."

Mar 27th, 2003, 03:11:51 PM
Ah. Well, I don't think that'll happen what with all the weapons you are packing.

:: She stepped away from the window cill and flowering plant, the flowers on the plant seemingly brighter and "happier" after she'd touched them. ::

:: She made her way over to the chair at the desk in the room, seating herself in it and looking up at Neyasha. ::

Are you a Padawan here, Neyasha?

Mar 28th, 2003, 03:27:15 PM
Neyasha nods to AB's question...

"I was excepted into the order yesterday. I still have no master to train me, but I have been told that teachers are hard to find here."

Morgan Evanar
Mar 28th, 2003, 04:39:13 PM
Morgan, in his right state, probably would have offered to teach her. Right now, he wasn't qualified to tie his own shoes.

Mrrrrrhh. He watched Rie sit. Goodness women were distracting.

"Oh. I guess most everyone is stretched thin with learners." He looked Neyasha over.

"Y'know, I think you might be better off with something more subtle. Maybe loose the swords, maybe get a blaster, some different clothes?"

Mar 28th, 2003, 06:52:30 PM
:: AB smiled. Even if Morgan couldn't remember certain aspects of his life, he certainly hadn't lost his sense of humor, dry or otherwise. She looked at him, the smile turning somewhat lopsided. ::

You have something against leather?

Morgan Evanar
Mar 28th, 2003, 11:28:11 PM
"No, its just very noticable. And its too hot." Morgan tried to wear very breathable clothing, because his body temperature tended to run a degree or two warmer than a regular person's. "For me, anyway."

Although I wouldn't mind seeing you in leather. he thought, unwittingly, to Rie.

"Err. Anyway, please, have a seat." he waved a hand at the large recliner.

Mar 29th, 2003, 05:18:12 PM
Neyasha walks over to the large recliner, and sits down, takeing off her swords and placing them beside the chair....

"I prefer to fight in close combat, so a blaster is not an efective choice. I do have an assault rifle back at my room that I would use if I nead to attack from a distance...

As for my outfit....This is what I am familar with....I have been waring outfits like this since the age of 5 years old, after the military let me out of there science department, and put me on duty"

Mar 29th, 2003, 06:13:31 PM
:: AB raised an eyebrow at Morgan and deliberately crossed her legs where she herself was wearing a pair of green leather thigh-high boots. She then looked over at Neyasha as the Padwan sat down and explained her like for leather. ::

Well, I think it suits you just fine, Neyasha.

:: She took a breath. ::

So, what was it that brought you to the Order?

Mar 30th, 2003, 01:02:43 PM
"In the past I was told that I had potental for the force. I came here to learn how to use my powers so I may get my daughter back from a Sith who kidnaped her, and killed the rest of my family. He is the one that wants to kill me before I kill him."

Morgan Evanar
Mar 30th, 2003, 04:57:07 PM
He tried to add things up in his head.

Rie? experimentally.

"Thats terrible." Morgan said with the upmost sincerity. "I wish I knew how to help you, but I've got a lot of my own problems right now. I have, err... amnesia."

Mar 31st, 2003, 10:31:31 AM
"Your lucky....I only wish I could have a bad case of amnesia, so I could froget my past and start from scrach..."

Mar 31st, 2003, 11:35:09 PM
:: AB had to keep from chuckling at Morgan's experimental touch. She answered, leaving a clear tone of her voice in his head. ::

You rang?

:: She continued the conversation at hand with those in the room. ::

Sometimes it seems that forgetting everything would be easier, but then comes the question of whether being ignorant is helpful to you or not.

I think knowing of your past only strengthens your resolve to see to it that the same thing doesn't happen to someone else.

Apr 1st, 2003, 02:47:24 PM
"I have a good reason to want to forget my past....My father abused me till the age of two, when he sold me to my planets military. The military performed many painful enhancements that made me stronger, faster,and unable to forget things, . They also improved my sight, hearing, reflexes, my fighting skills and my need to follow orders. What they removed were my emotions, my ability to lie, and my ability to tell the difference between right and wrong.

They put me to work at the age of five, killing anybody they want, and being a their biological tape recorder. At the age of ten I had partly regained my ability to tell the difference between right and wrong, and I knew what they did to me was wrong. Around that time the military got funding to make more children like me, so I killed the scientists and destroyed their equipment, and ran from the planet.

Since then I have partly regained some of my emotions, with the help of my husband that was killed when the sith kidnapped my daughter. I have also regained more of my ability to tell the difference between right and wrong, and gained the ability to stretch the truth.

So as you can guess I have alot I would like to forget about my past, and why I wouldn't mind starting from scratch."

Morgan Evanar
Apr 1st, 2003, 09:52:38 PM
The tips of Morgan's ears got very red. Oh.

He listented to Neyasha's story. In some ways, it was much like his own mother's. Through a nasty headache, he figured they had found a way to engineer a retrovirus or something.

Morgan closed his eyes. They rolled back into his head as his eyelids flickered. His two meter frame lurched forward and hung against the death grip his hands had on the doorframe.

-The universe filled with light, for the first time. He blinked, his baby blue eyes. It was colder here.

His thoughts were interupted by a slap across the back. Involuntarily, he spat, but did not cry out. Morgan looked about, upsidedown, and confused.

The world re-oriented. He found himself wrapped in a blanket, and in someone's arms. She looked very tired, and was crying. Orange-red hair and sharp green eyes. She smelled... safe. He snuggled into her arms.

There were voices...

"Morgan!" Morgan! He winced, and groaned quietly. A monster headache tore through his head. The Jedi wiped the spittle off of his chin, and pulled his fingers from the now- crushed frame of his bathroom door.

Both women looked very concerned.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:09:09 AM
Neyesha tilts her head to one side, looking at Morgan...

"Are you alright Morgan? do we nead to call a doctor?"

Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:37:43 PM
:: During Morgan's vision, AB had stood and was a couple of feet from him when her voice finally broke into whatever thoughts were wracking his psychy. She'd felt the pain he had felt and while she couldn't make out what he was seeing in his head, she could feel it. ::

:: She finished walking the rest of the way, placing a hand on his shoulder, looking from the crushed door frame to him. ::

Morgan... you... what happened?

Morgan Evanar
Apr 3rd, 2003, 06:57:35 PM
"I was remembering." He panted, recovering his breath.

"The older the memory is, the more painful it is. I remembered being born. I think it takes most of my brain, so my body goes into shock, or something." Morgan shrugged. "I'm not sure."

He took a wobbly step forward, his body shocked from overstimulation. Rie steady him, and he smiledly slightly.

"I'm ok now. I think I just need something to eat."

Apr 3rd, 2003, 11:17:15 PM
:: She held him for a bit longer before slowly letting him go. The smile returned on seeing that he was ok. ::

Well, we can remedy that.

:: She made her way to the door of his room. ::

I'd offer you a home cooked meal in honor of your safe return, but I didn't reserve the kitchen. So, we'll make our way down to Yoghurt's Bar & Grill.

:: She stopped at the door to wait for him. ::

Apr 4th, 2003, 03:35:25 PM
Neyasha stands and looks at the other two in the room...

"I'll leave the two of you and go back to my room...It was nice meeting the two of you...I hope you get better soon Morgan."

Neyasha looks at AB...

"He is lucky to have a good friend like you....Take good care of him."

Neyasha goes to walk out the door and across the hall to her room. Before she enters her room she turns back to AB and Morgan, and gives them both a nod of respect...