View Full Version : Shroud Mark III

Khendon Sevon
Mar 25th, 2003, 02:38:57 PM
Name: Shroud-class Attack Cruiser Mark III
Classification: Attack/Patrol Cruiser
Mission Profile: Sensor Evasion and Capital Engagement
Length: 125m
Crew: 55 / Skeleton: 25
Troopers: 25 (Retro-reset Module: 100)
Sublight Speed: 42 MGLT (Mustang engines)
Consumables: 1 year
Hull Rating: EMC Armor (Double Hull)
Shielding: Cling-class QuadIon Shield
Hyperdrive: Aero-Class
Backup: Alpha-class
Reactors: Quantum/Gravitic Reactor
Fighter Complement: none
Weapons: 2 Slayer Torpedo Tubes (4 a piece), 4 Guardian Balistic Missile Launchers, 2 Dual Enmity Cannons, 6 Defensive Bank v3’s
Special: Power-compensator, Flag-class Bridge, Stealth Package, EMC Armor, OCU, S/RSCI, Plasma Lace Module (Shields/Weapons), Crystal Cooling, VB Force Detector, YB Force Inhibitor, Metabolizing Self Destruct, CTS Relays, Quantum Physics Processors, Techyon Detection Grid, Keyhole Transmission Receiver, MIIC Receiver/Transmitter, Veneration Architecture, Advanced Cloaked Craft Detection Package, Mustang Assault Engines, All Weapons Occult v2+, Cling-class QuadIon Shield

Stealth Package Explained
1) To remove audio tracking, white noise generators are located between the double hull, as well as sound foam.
2) The Dreamweaver engines, which are already fairly stealth, have an additional cooling/dispersal fitting attached to them to remove all traces of the craft’s engines from the heat spectrum and anything that can detect exhaust.
3) The hull in energized with a static-electricity and a new sensor dampening field (which uses complex electrical signals) is projected in front of the armor. The armor has nano-grooves, which scatter and absorb any sensors that manage to penetrate.
4) Cloak Skin (that makes it so it doesn’t appear visually)
5) Active-scanner nodes are placed all over the hull, they use an electro-magnetic stabilizer to lace the signal’s area that touches the cloaking protection, enabling the sensors to penetrate. The nodes are covered in all forms of active-scanners.
6) Passive scanners are placed at the fore and mid of the ship, using sound sweepers (sonar), heat sensors, alternate spectrum analyzers, emission detectors, etc to detect opponents. (Particle bounce back is also included)
7) To hide the ship’s gravity from sensors, the armor is lined with negative matter deposits, evening it out with the surrounding space.
8) To avoid being detected with particle bounce back technology, the craft is designed to automatically avoid charged particles.
9) An emergency ionic, static energy wash dispersal unit is placed in the craft to fry all nearby craft’s sensors.

Weapons Explained

The Slayer torpedo uses simple cloaking systems to make its size appear smaller. The torpedo is designed like an arrow, punching through armor after having slips through the shields, then exploding once the proximity sensors detect its in the middle of its current position within the ship. The explosion is a mixture of ionic waves (charged particles that wreak havoc on ship systems) and plasma released from the fission engine (generated a literal wall of superheated gas)

The Guardian is a massive weapon designed to deter enemies. The Guardian is a fission warhead enhanced by reverse gravity compression. The explosion generated by one of the four warheads within each ballistic missile has enough energy to consume all matter around it for a significant distance.

Enmity cannons are large weapons. Eight rotating tubes fire gatling style, with one being fired every second. The energy released is an usual accelerated particle and ionic particle mix, compressed into a fine ball of matter, then launched with accelerator strips and focused into an ellipse with advanced focusing and galvanizing crystals located in each barrel.