View Full Version : Old shadows appear(Cherice St Hilare)

Mar 24th, 2003, 03:44:40 AM
Tattoine, a devil of a hot planet. Many wouldn't be able to stand such weather for long. But one could. Infact, he stood out on a single dune, surrounded by a flat stretch of sand. Clad in flowing white robes, one would think he mad for wearing such heavy clothing under this heat.

It bothered him not. His body showed no sign of it. Not a single bead of sweat appeared in the long hours he stood there. It was Malice, loyal member of The Sith Order. He had come here today not to slaughter lives like he usualy did when he arrived here. Instead he had issued a meeting with an old aquaintance.

Cherice. His once former deciple turned traitor. She was one of a handful that had deserted the order. When Malice had returned to the order and heard of this, anger filled his mind. He wanted revenge. Revenge against all who, betrayed the order. And he would start with her.

The men he had sent to give her the message had been gone for days. In the letter he had told her to meet him on the 18th on the planet of Tattoine. Out in the desert. Well, today was the 18th. Since the suns first shot their light across the sands Malice had been waiting.

In this meeting he expected to things. 1, was a little bit of time to catch up with one nother. and of course the second was a fight. The sith master would punish her for the choice she had made. He would see to that.

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 24th, 2003, 04:19:57 PM
The men were not able to find her until the 17th, for the location of her whereabouts was impossible to find, They only managed to track her down when she came to Coruscant for an opera she had been planning to see for months - and that was just by chance.

She had just exited the theater when about three men surrounded her. Instead of attacking, she calmly awaited for their purpose until one pulled out a letter. It was handed to her and Cherice could immediately smell the scent of the one who wrote it - Malice. Quirking an eyebrow, she ripped it open and pulled out a piece of paper. It said - no, wait - demanded she meet Malice on the 18th on Tattoine.

The men watched on eagerly as she folded it back up and put it in the envelope. Slipping it into one of the folds on her dress, Cherice was hit with the realization that she was hungry.

... The men were never seen again.

Now it was the 18th and Cherice was in her ship, grumbling. She could have been in the warmth of her bed, sleeping with a full stomach, but no. She had to come out and meet Malice, who would obviously try with puny attempts to kill her. Why do I even bother ? she thought, glad for the autopilot.

After entering the atmosphere, she quickly switched it off, though, and glided over the surface. She was searching for Malice who would probably be standing out in the middle of nowhere. And boy, get this - she was right ! Landing the spacecraft gently, she turned off the engines and then pushed a button, causing the ramp to come out. After she walked down it, the ramp closed immediately, sealing the ship tight.

"Don't you even have a change of clothes ?" she sneered after walking up, seeing him in his white robes.

Every time she saw him that was all he wore, and now she wondered if he even washed the robes.

Mar 24th, 2003, 06:27:43 PM
Malice laughed at her remark about his clothing.

*Of course i change robes. I have to. Everytime iget intoa fight they end up getting dirty. So i throw them away and have priests back at the temple make me a new one*

Now that he was done answering her. He would ask her a question of his own.

*And what about you, what have you been up to. Since you and the others had left, i seemed you all disappeared into the darkness of the universe. Doesn't make sense to me if your leaving to make a name for yourself, and yet no one ever hears of you again*

And so begin part 1 of what he expected to happen. Before fighting her, he would try and convince her to return to the order. True she did leave on bad terms. Then again, Malice did feel partly responsible. Being her former master, he was hardly around. Which would make sense to him for her leaving. Still, should she refuse to return to the order that made her, then hell.......he wouldn't hesitate a bit in finishing her off.

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 24th, 2003, 06:59:18 PM
"Hahaha - no."

Crossing her arms, she cocked her head to the side.

"Actually, things have been going quite pleasant. A pity I seem to have a sense of direction with my life and you don't."

Cherice had grown stronger and wiser since their last encounter, and now she didn't have a shred of respect left for him. If he was going to try to convince her to join the Order, Malice had better think again.

"Why do you care so much, anyways ?"

Mar 25th, 2003, 12:10:38 AM
Malice snickered at her.

*Why not. After all you was a former deciple of mines. And seeing as how we have both grown stronger since the last time we have met it seems only fair to give you one chance at redemption and return to the order*

The last time he and Cherice had seen one another, she was but a deicple, and he a knight. But as the time went by they both grew stronger. part of him wanted to test just how much stronger she had gotten.

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 25th, 2003, 05:33:41 AM
"Cut the crap, Malice," she sneered.

"We both know I'm never returning to that poor excuse of a Sith Order. I've chosen my path a long time ago."

She wanted to kill him right there and then, draining him of his life and leaving the carcass to rot. However, she dismissed these primal instincts for now. Her blue eyes glittered dangerously as she ran her tongue over the front of her upper teeth.

"Just like I know you're going to try to destroy me."

Mar 25th, 2003, 07:26:42 PM
Malice couldn't help but laugh at her last statement.

*Try? my dear what makes you think you have the power to stop me if i did?*

He too was getting fed up with her attitude. Ever since she left the order, he could tell that her respect had dwindled. Had she forgotten that he too was once her teacher. Stronger then her then he was, and even now he still is.

(Hmmm she seems to have grown quite an ego since she left the order. No matter, she will get what's coming to her)

His thoughts guarder from her, he waited a response. His senses on high alert, so he would not be surprised by an attack from her.

Cherice St_Hilare
Mar 26th, 2003, 01:29:45 PM
"Power ?" she repeated, her eyebrows raising.

"Power ?"

She began to chuckle despite the rage that built up in her chest. It grew into roaring laughter until tears formed in her eyes, and then she stopped, almost wheezing for breath.

"You speak of power as if it's nothing more but a plaything ! Very well, then, Malice, is that what you want ? You wish for me to share the toy ?"

All the humor had disappeared from her voice now as she took a step forward.

"Well, if you insist ..."

The slight breeze picked up as the Succubus's blue eyes glittered menancingly. He didn't know what he was getting himself into, and now he couldn't get out of the web he spun. The attack was mental and swift, but suddenly Malice felt a stabbing pain in his head. Slowly it began to increase and Cherice watched on silently, amused.

Mar 26th, 2003, 11:53:17 PM
OOC: Sorry wrong Name

Mar 27th, 2003, 12:23:51 AM
Malice merely sighed as she first laughed at what he said, then replied back to him. If she thought this would be easy, then she was sorrrily mistaken. Malice eyed her as she spoke. Then it came. A small, throbbing pain in his head. At first a mere annoyance. Until it started to get worse.

Putting up both hands to the sides of his head, Malice fell to one knee. The stabbing sensation in his head was driving him crazy. It would seem Cherice had learned a few new tricks of her own. But she would have to do better then mere mental attacks to beat him. His power lay in mental abilites. Mainly the force, sith sorcery, and elemental manipulation. And to do these deadly arts one had to be strong in the mind. Which Malice was.

As the pain continued to worsen, Malice took all that he would stand of this. His anger boiled up and over it's limit, with a mighty scream, a force blast was shot forth from all around him. It hit Cherice knocking her back and causing her to loose concentration, breaking her assult on Malice. Standing, the sith master stumbled a bit as his mind was getting back to normal. Or as normal as a sith's mind was anyways.

*So, you don't want to play games. What a pity. I love games. But if you insist then i must comply*

Lifting his hands, he began to channel the darkside into his body. Letting the raw, dark power that is the force flow through him, he started to chant. Words from ancient times rolled off his tounge. Around them the wind immediatly picked up. Gusts at first, but quickly turned into gale force winds.

As the winds continued to increase, the sand around them was picked up. A whirlwind made of sand was created, and still Malice was chanting. The winds reached speeds of 85-90 mph before the demon sith stopped. His mind focused on the pain she would feel, Malice formed the whirlwind into a sandy tornado. Then, pushing his hands forward, He sent it after Cherice.

The succubus was instantly swept up into the fierce winds. The little beads of sand flying at fast speeds pelted against her skin. Malice would show her no mercy. He had given her a chance to return to the order, and she refused. Not only that but she cursed the order and him with words of disrespect. For that he would not let her go unpunished.

Cherice St_Hilare
Apr 1st, 2003, 07:15:23 PM
The grains of sand dug themselves furiously into her skin and into her eyes. Letting out a roar, Cherice tried to move her limbs but couldn't because of the force of the whirlwind. Minutes dragged on, seeming like hours of simple agony as the sand continued to torture her. But it seemed as if Malice had forgotten something. When she was his studying under him, even he had remarked about how strong of an apprentice Cherice was. About how she became more powerful and effective with the Force when in pain or humility. Unfortunately for Malice, she was enduring both.

Gritting her teeth, the Succubus opened her eyes enough to see his smirking face. Oh, how I would love to rip it off, she thought. She seethed with anger and allowed it to continue, adding it onto the mortifying experience. If she was caught like this - well, that was the unspeakable.

Finally, when she thought she was going to burst, the Sith clenched her hands into fists and sent out a Force blast, equal to Malice's. Immediately the whirlwind died and she fell to the ground in a heap before slowly standing up. Her head hanging, she raised it and glared at him. Immediately he could sense that something was awry.

A slow grin crept on her plump lips as she canted her head to the side, eying him. The hairs on the back of his neck rose when he felt something move on his leg. When Malice looked down, he saw scorpions. Black, swift and deadly, these small hunters of the desert were infuriated by the one who invaded their nest. As he looked about, he realized that more and more were crawling out of the sand and onto him. And they began to sting.

They were injecting deadly fluid into his body, that would slow down his nervous system and eventually shut down his brain. Hence, Malice's death.

Whilst he was momentarily distracted by the suffering each stung brought, Cherice reached out with the Force and, suddenly, Malice felt something strong - yet invisible - wrap itself around his neck and tighten. He was being strangled.

Apr 4th, 2003, 06:47:18 AM
Malice watched Cherice's display of power as she had stopped the whirlwind. Upon landing, Malice stared at her as she eyed him. Then something caught his eye. Looking down he notcied a scorpion crawl up his leg. Another soon joined it. Within minutes, scorpions were coming out of nowhere. Immediatly Malice began to feel the stings.

He himself knew of how deadly their poisons are, and would have to act fast. But it would seem as though Cherice was not done with him yet. As the air he was breathing was suddenly cut off by her force choke. Holding his breathe he ignored the fact that he couldn't breathe even if he wanted to. First things first, he would have to deal with the scorpions.

The stings were painful.....pain which if Cherice remembers adds to a sith's strength. As well as anger, which Malice was getting alot of. As the force built within, malice could feel his body start to slow. The combination of the poison and not being able to breathe was starting to take affect. Quickly he acted. Concentrating on the force he began to heat up his body. His temperature rose fast. 99......100.....105.....108. It kept rising. Within moments the scorpions started to leave Malice's body as the heat waves coming off of his body was literally starting to cook them. Being enhanced by the darkside, it made the heat he was standing in seem like nothing.

Though this also had a domino affect. As his body heated up, he began to sweat. A natural body reaction to keep you cooled. This served in one special way. The sweat that was now soaking his body was not normal sweat. It was infact the poisons that had entered his body. Malice had forced it out of his body through his pores.

Though as he completed one thing, he could still feel his body want to give out. The lack of oxygen was hurting him. He had to act fast. And so he did. Throwing a hand up into the air, many sand particles flew up into her eyes, breaking her concentration causing her force choke to hault.

Malice let out a massive cough as the air started to flow back in him. His clothes were moist with poison, so he had to take them off. His shirt mainly was fully soaked, while his pants werent so bad. The sith master now glared at the knight, his grin still apparent.

*Is that all you've got Cherice. Cause if that is.....then they have taught you nothing. Only made you weak*

Malice stalled, while his body recovered from the deadly combo attack.