View Full Version : Farscape...

Admiral Lebron
Mar 23rd, 2003, 08:47:19 PM
I just watched my previously recorded copy of the final episode of Farscape. Didn't like it. They aren't done telling the story... but will it live on, as hinted by the "to be continued"?

Mar 23rd, 2003, 09:07:02 PM
The people who made Farscape finished Season 4 on a cliffhanger, since they were expecting to go right into Season 5. Sci-Fi backed out of the deal, leaving them high and dry. They're currently trying to find another network willing to pick up the show, but it doesn't look very likely.

Admiral Lebron
Mar 23rd, 2003, 09:07:47 PM

Not even a mini-series event?

Mar 23rd, 2003, 09:25:22 PM
There's some of talk of making a Farscape movie and possibly even an anime. But that's it.

Taylor Millard
Mar 23rd, 2003, 09:46:45 PM
They're also looking into Syndication too. I know a few stations who'd pick it up.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 23rd, 2003, 10:06:39 PM
:cry I miss Farscape!!

But I've only seen four episodes. ^_^l

Dae Jinn
Mar 24th, 2003, 08:29:22 AM
It's on two or three channels here, but I don't watch it. And not just because I don't have cable ^_^; :lol

Mu Satach
Mar 28th, 2003, 04:28:22 PM
It's Friday and there's no new Farscape. :cry :cry :cry

Mar 28th, 2003, 04:54:01 PM
Remember Sci-Fi supported it for 4 series. People who moan on about them seem to miss this little nugget of information.

Mar 28th, 2003, 04:56:38 PM
... because they created it and it was making them money?

People are ticked because Sci-Fi backed out at the last second, leaving the series on a cliffhanger with no promise of resolving it.

Mar 28th, 2003, 04:57:38 PM
Best endings are Cliffhangers :)

Mar 28th, 2003, 05:00:11 PM
.... right.

If Sci-Fi had at least given them advance notice and went "Hey, this is going to be your last seasons, so try to give it some resolution and we wish you the best of luck finding another syndicate", people wouldn't be half as ticked as they are now. As it stands, they were more like "Oh, you know how you guys were supposed to go on air next week? Uh uh, ain't happening. Pack your bags, you're out of here".

Mar 28th, 2003, 05:03:20 PM
Yeah, but TV companies do that all the time. They finished four series didnt they? Thats better then many other popular series.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 28th, 2003, 05:32:34 PM
Um, maybe because they were told they would do 5 seasons, most of the 5 season is written, and they pulled the rug out from under them to introduce crap like "Tremors"? The only thing edging it out in the ratings was Stargate SG-1.

Sci Fi did this because... well no one is really sure.

Its not like most series get some kind of warning before getting canned. Normally, they don't do to well in the ratings. The only thing about Farscape is its a bit expensive to produce compared to something like Tremors.

Mu Satach
Mar 28th, 2003, 06:07:43 PM
I'm just whining because Farscape was the *LAST* series on television I actually looked forward to every week. For the first time in ages there is literally nothing I want to set my VCR to record for me.